Read Can't Let Go Online

Authors: A. P. Jensen

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

Can't Let Go (10 page)

BOOK: Can't Let Go
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Whenever Grace was involved in business she became consumed by it. In that respect she and Mitchell were identical. It was another reason she thought she wouldn’t be a good mother. What child wanted a workaholic mother? Grace was oblivious to almost everything when she was working.

Maggie shrugged. “
Evie’s a good baby. Bright, restless and moody but I can see why when she’s going through so much. We’ll do well together.”

Grace smiled in relief. “That’s great. I’ll get dinner ready.”

Maggie raised her brows. “You can cook?”

“Not anything fancy,” Grace warned.

She thought she’d feel panicked at the thought of having a stranger move into her home but there was something trustworthy about Maggie. Grace felt as if she’d met the older woman somewhere in her past but that was impossible. Grace was so relieved to find someone who could handle Evie that she felt a weight lift from her shoulders. Of course she would be involved but she needed the time to run her business as well and that’s where Maggie came in. All would be well now.


For the first week Grace worked from home and rarely left the condo. A part of her was reluctant to leave Evie and she felt guilty for all the hours she spent on the computer and phone so she took a lot of breaks to help Maggie and assure herself that Evie was well. Each time she pried herself away from work to help, Maggie looked surprised but didn’t comment.

Grace did notice that sometimes
Evie became so agitated that nothing would calm her. When Evie saw Grace, she calmed slightly but Evie still fretted and looked around as if expecting Casey to come out of hiding. It was hard for Grace to see her hurting so she took to rocking Evie at these times and murmuring Casey’s favorite song. Maggie would tactfully leave during those times which Grace appreciated. Sometimes she couldn’t stop the tears that were always near the surface.

Maggie was a huge help. She kept the condo clean, cooked and tended to
Evie all without breaking a sweat. Grace had no idea how she did it but she learned a lot from the older woman who informed her she was holding Evie wrong and corrected Evie’s diet and Grace’s. Grace was too busy to notice.

That weekend Grace dressed to impress in a one shoulder violet dress that was comfortable yet stylish.
It was in the window of her boutique and she knew the designer would be at this function tonight. She really liked him and if she was going to be photographed it should benefit someone. Maggie’s brows nearly hit her hairline when Grace came out of her room while putting on tear drop diamond earrings.

“Hot date?”
Maggie asked.

Grace snorted.
“Dinner party at one of my client’s house. Can’t get out of it.”

Maggie cocked her head to the side. “You don’t have a man?”

“Had one. Don’t need him.”

Maggie saluted her with the bottle she was holding. “You knock ‘em dead.”

Grace went over to Evie and hugged her. “You be good, baby. I’ll be back soon.”             

She grabbed her clutch and closed the front door behind her and paused, surprised by the ache in her chest. How was it possible that she missed
Evie already? She pushed it away and went down to the cab waiting for her. She tapped her shoe restlessly as the car took her to her client’s house. This was her first public outing since she came back and she didn’t know what people were going to ask or how blunt they were going to be. She saw glimpses of the headlines on the magazines where people speculated on her and Mitchell’s relationship status. Really, did people have nothing better to do? It enraged her that Casey’s death was mentioned in a footnote. The press didn’t consider Casey worth mentioning or mourning. Grace stopped in the middle of an article that stated that the reason Mitchell hadn’t reconciled with her was because she was taking care of Evie. She felt sick to her stomach and hadn’t looked at another since. Reporters called and she considered changing her number but that wouldn’t stop them.

Mitchell hadn’t tried to contact her
even once since they returned to New York. That’s what she’d wanted, wasn’t it? She tried to shrug off how uncomfortable and angry it made her. There was a ninety percent chance he would be there tonight. It was just business between them. No more. Then why had she lain awake at night thinking about him? Because she was an idiot, that’s why. She had enough on her plate just trying to shuffle through her paperwork and dealing with Evie and the bouts of grief that attacked without warning.

She glanced at her phone and saw she had several messages but none were from her mother. Why hadn’t she called? If Vicky was in New York there was no way to avoid seeing her own daughter’s face on the cover of the gossip magazines. Vicky would see Grace with
Evie and know something happened to Casey. Didn’t she care? The last time she saw her mother was the day she left Mitchell. She left the penthouse and went straight to Casey’s apartment to find her mother there, railing at a sobbing Casey to have an abortion. Even now, the memory was enough to make Grace’s blood boil. Casey was on all fours as her mouth struck her. Grace, heart already in shreds went crazy and shoved Vicky away from Casey and screamed at her to leave.

“Look who’s here, Ms. High and Mighty herself,” Vicky sneered as Grace helped Casey to her feet. Vicky got a look at Grace’s chalky white face and red rimmed eyes. “What happened to you?”

“None of your business,” Grace hissed. “What are you doing here?”

“Checking on Casey like I always do and what do I find out? That she’s gotten herself knocked up by some nobody! You knew about this?” Vicky demanded.

Grace set Casey on the couch where she hunched over and cried pitifully. Grace faced her mother.

“You’re drunk,” she said in disgust. “Get out of here.”

“Just because you’re screwing Mitchell Price doesn’t mean you can order your own mother around,” Vicky shouted, swaying. “You think he’s going to give you a ring? You’re just as stupid as Casey. You’re still on the pill, aren’t you? I told you to get off of those and trap him before he loses interest. You’re too damn proud for your own good.”

Grace withstood the verbal blows and didn’t care that tears poured down her face. She knew firsthand what it felt like to try and trap a man like Mitchell Price. Even Vicky who despised her knew she wouldn’t trap Mitchell so why had he thought so?

Vicky was aggravated by Grace’s silence. “Think you’re better than us now that you make your own money? Think I’m trash because I’m making your daddy pay for not leaving his wife?” An evil smile curved her mouth. “I promised your daddy I would never reveal his name but the irony of you being in his inner circles must kill him. If you only knew!” Vicky cackled.

Grace stared at her mother, wondering if she was insane. She turned to Casey and murmured in her ear to pack a bag,
that they were leaving New York. Casey nodded and went to her room as Grace faced Vicky.

“I saw you
in a group picture,” Vicky said, shaking her head. “How he must hate you! And there you are, snuggled up with his best friend’s son.” Vicky came forward and studied Grace’s bloodless face with glassy eyes. “When he looks at you, he sees me. Good for him. It’s what he deserves.”

Even through the numb haze she was encased in, Grace’s mind went into overdrive.
“Ray’s my father?” Her voice was flat.

Vicky laughed uproariously, slapping her
bony legs. The beauty that had once attracted successful men to her was gone. Her hair was frizzy and dry, face wrinkled before her time due to alcohol and drugs and bitterness.

“You get your brains from me, girl
!” Vicky crowed.

“Get out,” Grace said.

“Tell him I said hi the next time you see him,” Vicky giggled and left, slamming the door behind her.

She hadn’t seen Vicky since then. A part of her was glad she didn’t have to deal with Vicky and the other part was outraged that she didn’t even care that Casey was gone. What kind of mother did that? If she had parents like Ray and Vicky, what type of guardian
did that make her? Grace rubbed her hands down suddenly chilled arms as the cab came to a stop. Her door was opened by a uniformed man who took her hand to help her out. She was instantly blinded by camera flashes and she pasted on a smile she knew would pass muster.

An arm slipped around her waist and she stiffened before looking up at
Landon who grinned broadly down at her.

“Look who’s here, Ms. Mysterious herself,” he said and leaned down to kiss her cheek.

There were excited yells from the paparazzi and then more camera flashes. She was actually relieved to see Landon. Going through the whole night without a companion would have been a drag. Landon escorted her up the stairs.

“Where’s Mitchell?”
he asked.

“No idea,” Grace said lightly.

Landon shook his head. “You two have a strange relationship.”

“We’re business partners.”

His snort told her what he thought of that. When they paused at the entrance of the house he squeezed her side. “I’m sorry about your sister.”

She nodded briskly. “So am I. I have my good and bad
days. I’m just coping right now.”

one strong lady,” he said and led her into battle.

Ricky, the designer of her dress came darting through the crowd and examined his creation critically before he beamed and kissed both her cheeks.

“You look beautiful,” Ricky said and then slid an admiring glance at Landon.

“Ricky, this is
Landon, Landon this is Ricky, the designer of the dress I’m wearing,” Grace said.

Landon said and shook Ricky’s hand.

“Are you with this hunk or the other one?” Ricky asked bluntly once he focused on Grace again. “I’m confused.”

Grace grinned, relaxing slightly when Landon laughed. “I’m not
either of them. We’re friends.”

“Well, Mr. Dark and Broody is on his way over here,” Ricky said with a glance over Grace’s shoulder.

She’d known where he was, had felt his eyes on her as soon as she stepped through the door. Ricky scampered away as Mitchell faced her and Landon. She had an odd feeling of déjà vu.

“Mitchell,” Grace said evenly.

“Landon,” Mitchell said with a threat in his voice and then focused on her. “Grace.”

Grace looked beyond him and saw Ray heading towards them. He had a smile on his face but she saw the menace in his eyes, the hatred he saved for her alone. When he joined their circle Grace sent him a tight smile.

“Oh Ray, you just made my night,” Grace said sweetly.

Mitchell glanced at Ray who took Grace’s hand and kissed it. Grace hid her flinch as Ray crushed her hand, hidden from the other two men by his bent head.
She swiftly retracted her hand and flexed it in the folds of her dress. She didn’t have the energy to take on Mitchell or Ray.

Excuse us,” she murmured without looking at either of them.

Mitchell stepped forward, invading her space. She was forced to look up into his face. He
ignored Landon’s presence.

Evie?” he asked.

If you called
you would know, she wanted to say but she didn’t. “Fine.” She tried to sidle away but he reached out and grabbed her arm.

Landon made a move to intervene Mitchell said in a low voice, “You know she’s mine.”

Grace’s mouth dropped even as Mitchell and
Landon sized each other up. Whatever was in Mitchell’s face convinced Landon to back off because he sighed.

“If you need me, I’ll be here,”
Landon said and his gaze slid from her to a voluptuous blonde who walked forward and pressed her breast against his arm.

“Mitchell,” Ray said in a warning hiss but Mitchell shook his head.

“Leave us,” he said to Ray.

Grace blinked in surprise. She’d never heard Mitchell talk to Ray that way before. She couldn’t stop
a spurt of satisfaction when she saw the shock on Ray’s face and then the hurt. He shot her one last fuming glance before he walked away.

“Wine?” a waitress asked, extending her tray towards them.

“Please,” Grace said, taking a glass.

She was very aware all the eyes
were on them and wished Mitchell would just leave it be. From the very beginning their relationship had been a battle of wills. He was the only one she’d ever lost to and she didn’t intend to now. The stakes were too high and she couldn’t afford to fall into a maelstrom of depression like the last time. She had Evie now and she had to be there for her every step of the way. She wouldn’t be like her parents.

She looked up at him with raised brows and refused to show how much he unsettled her.
She didn’t want the gossip, didn’t want Mitchell hovering around her and she definitely didn’t want the feelings he stirred in her: anger, need, frustration, love. How could she still love the bastard?

“You wanted to talk to me?” she said coolly.

He leaned down and pressed a kiss on her shocked lips. He’d never been one for public affection and the way he was staking his claim so publicly sent a chill of alarm through her. Yes, there were rumors but what he was doing now in front of their peers was cementing a relationship she didn’t want. She tried to pull back but he cupped the back of her head with one hand and kept her still until he was satisfied.

BOOK: Can't Let Go
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