Captain (The United Federation Marine Corps Book 4) (25 page)

BOOK: Captain (The United Federation Marine Corps Book 4)
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“Donte was irreverent, funny, and had a heart the size of the galaxy.  There was nothing he wouldn’t do for me, or for any Marine, for that matter.

“Donte died while commanding his company in battle against great odds. Abandoned by our task force, he took command of the battalion and with unwavering determination, he did his duty.  He fell as a Marine, a commander leading Marines.  I can think of no better way to leave this mortal plane.

“Classmates, I give you Donte Ward, my friend, and a great Marine.”

“Here, here!” several voices called out.

Jorge turned and reached into the box and took out the bottle of 298
Quinta do Vesúvio off the cradle that had been holding it for 14 years.

Mr. Stuart, the only person in the pub other than the class, came forward, and while Jorge held the bottle, pulled the cork.  Jorge, as the senior surviving classmate—Donte had been posthumously promoted to major, backdated to the day he was killed—poured a tiny amount of the port into 52 glasses, one for each Marine present, and one for Donte.

When he was done, each Marine filed past and took a glass.  Ryck retreated back to stand with Prince, glass in hand. 

When everyone had a glass, Jorge stood facing the rest of them and raised his glass.  “For Major Donte Ward, United Federation Marine Corps, in remembrance!”

“In remembrance!” the rest shouted, lifting their glasses and draining the small swallow of port.

Ryck felt the tears welling in his eyes again.  But he was content.  Donte was his friend, and he would miss him deeply.  But death was a part of a Marine’s life.  For some it came sooner, for some, many years later in the old Marine’s home.  Sooner or later, it came for them all.  But as long as they retained these traditions, as long as they remembered, the dead were still alive.  Donte was still among them, his glass filled with port.  He would be there, reunited with the rest, when that final bottle of sherry was drunk by the last two of them, two men waiting to join their brothers in the hereafter.

Individuals passed into dust, but the Marine Corps carried on.  And all of them
the Corps.  They helped create it, they were part of it.  Through the Corps, each of them was immortal. 

Frag:  Fragmentation Order, an ad hoc order adjusting the original operations order.

Federation Civil Development Corps:  The FCDC is the federation’s answer to a land Army.  Heavily armed and outfitted, it is not technically a military which gives the Federation more leeway in its deployment. 

Skins:  the nickname for the working uniform of a Marine.  When inserted with the “bones,” it became an effective fighting uniform.

UGFA:  Universal Game Fishing Association

O3:  A Marine captain or Navy lieutenant.  “O” designated officer, and “3” designates the third officer rank.

Reki:  open four to eight-man open sleds that can quickly transport suited Marines through space.

NOTC:  Naval Officer Training Course

Taco-Six, Taco-Three-Alpha:  call-signs designating the battalion commanding officer and assistant operations officer.  “Taco” is for battalion, “Six” is for Commander, “Three” is for Operations, and “Alpha” is for assistant.

PAO:  Public Affairs Officer

Jimmylegs:  slang for corporate security

AOR:  Area of Responsibility

S-2:  A designation given the Intell officer.  “S” is for a staff officer at the battalion level.  “2” is for intel.  1 is for admin, 3 is for operations, 4 is for logistics, 5 is for civil affairs.

Top:  slang for a master sergeant

Bat Boy:  a term of an all-around assistant to an officer or senior SNCO.

Three:  the S-3, the Operations Officer

PDP:  Personnel Data Points

OBE:  Overcome By Events

Carl von Clausewitz, a 19
Century Prussian military strategist.

Monitor:  an officer in charge of assigning billets for all officers or SNCOs within a specific grade.

PCDS:  Permanent Change of Duty Station

SOG:  Soldiers of God, a terrorist group that uses piracy to fund their operations

FCL:  Final Coordination Line

Frog:  the nickname for a small, hand-held incendiary device.  Thrown like a grenade or attached to a target, it could burn through most substances.

PME:  Point of Main Effort

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