Captiva Capitulation (27 page)

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Authors: Talyn Scott

BOOK: Captiva Capitulation
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Blythe dropped her head on his shoulder as Sixten circled his hips on his way in, widening her opening for his ease. “First time…for us, Six.” And he wasn’t hurting her at all, actually felt good. Of course, he accomplished most everything with perfection, so this shouldn’t be any different. When Sixten slid back again, she shivered, an edgier orgasm threatening her body.

“First. Second. Doesn’t matter how many times,” Six responded. “I love any physical connection I have with you, though, preferably daily.”

Kash stretched over Rock, his cock thumping her bottom lip. First for them, too, she salivated at the sight of his thick shaft, Kash’s veins running under his bronzed skin. Opening her mouth wide, she took his length to the back of her throat, mimicking Sixten’s rhythm, and twirled her tongue over his broad crown on the upstroke. He had removed his circlet, ensuring her ease in pleasuring him with her mouth. Kash combed his fingers through her hair, tightening the strands around his fingers.

“Perfect, sweetheart…the warmth of your mouth, oh, the suction,” Kash shuddered. “Thank you.”

“That’s my cue,” Rock said, glancing up, utterly enthralled by the sight of her sucking off Kash. Rock circled her nipples with his tongue, positioning his pelvis lower, rocking his hips under her.

“Breasts shaking in my face are too exciting.” Rock groaned when Sixten reached between them, his fingers circling where Rock was sliding in and out of her body. Then he reached up and rubbed her own arousal on her right nipple, molded his hand underneath the fleshly mound, and offered it up to Rock’s mouth. When her werewolf lapped every drop, he looked over Blythe’s shoulder. “I can’t take much more of your funky cock rolling on the other side of her membrane. I don’t have the control that I thought I did.”

“Same with me and your tribal shit,” Sixten muttered, nipping Blythe’s shoulder.

Rock laughed. “Same with you, hardly. Those blue cords and extra ridges of yours are doing a number on my will power. It’s gonna take some time to outlast this sort of sensation. But I can’t do it right now. I need to come. Where are you, Kash?”

Kash panted above them. His long length pushing in and out of her mouth, his balls gently smacking her chin, Blythe couldn’t get enough of his flavor, wanted to drink him all day long. Just the taste of his precome made her wetter. Kash groaned, “Ah, I can explode any second now. Just give me the word. It’ll fly.”

Appetites spiraled. Four mates feeding one another’s pleasure, feeding off one another’s pleasure. “Then you both need to know that when I release my hold on Blythe, she’s gonna clench
.” Rock wrapped his big palms around her waist, securing her. “One.” Thrust. “Two.” Thrust. “Three.”

They all pushed inside her at the same time, filling her with three magnificent cocks. She stared up at Kash, the strain showing on his face, right when she climaxed. Rippling. Gripping. Rippling. Gripping. Then she held firm, tightening around each of their thicknesses. Kash shot against the back of her throat, but she was ready for him, swallowing everything he gave her. A snarl rent the air, followed by an animalistic growl. Whose? She didn’t know, but Blythe found herself clawing Kash’s thighs mercilessly as she came and came. When Kash pulled away from her, she dropped on Rock’s chest. Where he proceeded to lock his canines on her shoulder, and then Sixten pierced the other side of her throat. Sixten’s mouth worked convulsively, but he didn’t swallow, was fighting her flavor.

Kash reached his head in between them, kissing her hair. “I love you, Bride.”

Rock released his oral hold, licking her shoulder while gently sliding from her feminine heat. “I love you, my mate.”

“Fuck, Blythe,” Sixten hissed in her ear after he slid his fangs from her body. His cock was still inside her, the blue cords throbbing in her ass. “It keeps getting better and better.”

“Honestly, I think you three killed me.”

“No, I'm quite familiar with what death looks like. And you, my sweet wife, look very much alive, glowing, and truly happy.”

“I am going to be a mom,” she whispered before she drifted into a much-needed sleep.

Chapter Eighteen
n opaque mist, in parts of three, roamed Sixten’s house, searching for the one scroll that could change everything about their world. “I know it was here.” His hands fisted. “I sensed it inside this very bedroom the night Blythe’s werewolf came to claim her.”

One Lovec formed from the swirling mist. “It’s your entire fault. If you hadn’t been knocking things about so carelessly, making a ruckus during your search, you wouldn’t have stirred Sixten’s sleeping mate.”

“Obviously,” the second Lovec said, reforming from his mist, “the king’s bastard has it with him, wherever he is. If he has it on his person, then he plans on

“And since his guards are gone and this place is locked up, he plans on not returning for a while. Circle the island.” Fists uncurled. “We’ll be ready this time. No more mistakes.”

“Speaking of mistakes, Poison is outside.”

“Of course,” he replied. "Sixten is no fool, has this house warded against Poison’s entrance. Go, I suggest you both grovel for your
mistake. And do it now. I have a bastard halfling to locate.”

An opaque mist, in parts of two, reformed inside the marsh next to Sixten’s house. Poison spun, his eyes glittering like a thousand sunsets. “Blunders the likes you both are making will bring us to our knees. I should kill you now and start over.”

“We cannot get her alone,” pleaded the first Lovec. “There was only one werewolf with her…or so we thought.”

“Desperation causes mistakes,” Poison snapped. “I want Sixten and that scroll. And the only way I’ll have that is by taking his wife.”

“His pregnant wife,” Lovec said.

“Pregnant, you say?” Poison stammered.

“I’ve scented your pregnant female experiments for a while now,” Lovec went on. “And she’s carrying a Habaline. She smells like our long lost Amy.”

“Could it be possible?” Poison gasped. “Finally, she came through.”

The second Lovec laughed evilly. “Possible? I’d say you have a
on the way, this one of royal blood. Power, we’re talking serious power to fuel our mission.”

“Get her!” Poison spun in a glittery mist but he stalled out, gasping.

“That hit you took by Sixten’s blade has weakened you considerably, Master.” Lovec observed. “Maybe we should hold off.”

“I am fine,” he threatened. “Whatever it takes, bring Blythe to me!”

Lovci shot into the sky. Hands above their heads, their wings blended with the night, a foreseeable conclusion in their sights.

you sure about dismissing your guards?” Bane asked.

Sixten glanced at his sleeping Blythe through the open doorway. “With all of us here, she’ll be fine.”

“I don’t get it."

Sixten explained. “Think about it. The hunters come after Blythe on your turf and they’re set free within hours. Give me a break. You never found Gianni’s body. Everything seems to stem from his Italian estate and Prince Volos is his cousin, a close relation. He’s working us from his mysterious grave. I’m thinking he was in with my brother from the beginning.”

“Probably right on target with Gianni,” Bane agreed. “And your guards are hired through your faction.”

“Exactly,” Kash answered, making himself comfortable in front of Bane’s coffee table. “So why flush Blythe’s presence out over
. We keep the guards away. Keep her inside until we figure out who is on the naughty list. Between us all, even in shifts, we can easily protect her and our unborn child.”

Rock crossed his arms, leaning against the wall. “I agree. My educated guess would be your Prince Volos. He set those flying bastards free the minute he soiled his royal boots inside the joint faction facility. And just why is he still hanging around on Captiva? It’s not the vampire vacation destination of choice.”

“No,” Kash agreed. “It’s not.”

“I’ve got it.” Dru misted in. “Straight from the hospital.” He slid a laptop across the coffee table.

“We only needed you to copy the info on a hard drive, Doc.” Bane said. “What’s the computer about?”

“It’s untraceable.” Dru shrugged. “I know you have untraceable ones owned by the Pack. And your Vojaks have theirs, as well.” He glanced between Sixten and Kash. “However, the scant vampire doctors and nurses at the hospital like to keep their vampire patients loaded on a database, so we can compare any underlying problems within the species.”

“So you have your own covert computer system?” Rock asked in surprise. “It scrambles the IP address and everything?”

Dru made a dismissive sound. “No one can trace this baby.” He looked behind him, snatching a cellophane bag with needles and slides. “I’ll draw her blood while she sleeps and get the slides ready for comparison.”

“Well,” Sixten said, “here’s hoping I find where Oycher sent the Habaline lab files.”

“You didn’t ask him?” Kash said.

Sixten shook his head. “How can I trust anyone right now, Kash?”

Bane dropped several ancient tomes on the table next to the computer. “I trust you, Sixten, as much as I can with these. I’ll do anything to help Blythe, as well as the rest of the females. And if you’re telling me our records might shed a light on…anything, I’ll relent.”

“You and Kash work through the tomes,” Rock said, spinning the laptop his way. “Tell me where to start looking for the Habaline files. I

“Oycher is predictable,” Sixten said. “I’d say the county library system.”

“You have to be joking,” whispered Dru. He pulled a needle and small rubber tube from his bag and headed toward Blythe.

“Are you sure you’re not going to wake Blythe up when drawing her blood?” Bane asked.

“Are you kidding me, Beta? Last time I checked, I was a vampire,” Dru laughed. “I can take
blood while they sleep. Think about all those times you woke up tired and hungry since Renee went on vacation.”

Bane raised a petulant brow, rubbing his palm over his throat. Turning to Sixten, he said, “Okay, Six. Tell me why you’re searching our books, and for iron talismans in particular.”

“Donors become anemic when blood bonded with a Dynasty Vampyr,” Sixten started, flipping through the first ancient book in vampiric speed. Putting it away, he reached for the second. “Rave and Poison kept donors bottom-side, feeding their experiments, keeping those mixed with Species blood addicted. But I’m hypothesizing there’s more to the story, more to the experiments.”

“In,” Rock interrupted. “And you were right, Six. Oycher stashed a wealth of information on the county library system.”

“Oycher’s an idiot,” Kash snapped, looking over Rock’s shoulder.

“Before you read through the files,” Sixten said, “search for Amy’s records first. I don’t know how they’re organized, though Oycher said they were recorded in English, but she would have been impregnated while there. See if they mentioned anything about her coming from the Dynasty.”

“Is that the rescue everyone’s talking about?” Bane asked, “The female who disappeared from our area?”

“The very same. She’s now pregnant with a little female.” Sixten murmured, slowing down on a section illustrating fairy folklore. On nearly every page, hand drawn sketches depicted glittery winged creatures. “Werewolves believe in fairy folk.”

Bane rolled his eyes. “I’ve never seen a fairy, nor do I believe in them.”

“Found her file,” Rock interrupted, his fingers tapping furiously across the keys. “Records are extensive. Yeah, she came from Italy’s Dynasty.”

“Big surprise.” Sixten tapped the next page, and then traced his finger to its edge. “A horseshoe.”

“What?” Bane asked, looking over his shoulder. “Where?”

“Look in the design bordering these pages,” Sixten instructed him. “Stare
, inside the silver.”

Bane picked up the tome, turning it this way and that. His eyes widened, his hands flipping through the book, scanning page after page in blurring speed. “Still,” he said when he stopped. “I’ve never seen a fairy,” he repeated with a shrug.

“You’ve never seen a glittery winged creature?” Sixten shifted himself. His eyes aglow with Habaline light, they glittered magically. Between his shoulder blades, he released resplendent wings, not the ones he used when fighting the Lovci. “Here I am,” he informed Bane. Rock and Kash had stopped, both looking at him with slackened jaws. Dru raised his head from a small microscope he had moved to when he finished drawing Blythe’s blood. Everyone was frozen, motionless. “Beautiful, right? A
fantasy.” Sixten gestured to himself. “This is what your werewolves were seeing all those centuries ago. This is what your werewolves found
. This image is what they longed to fuck, to mate, and to worship until they died from pleasure. And they died. Why did they die, you ask?” Sixten took in a steadying breath, shocked by how easily four immortal males were awestruck by his appearance. He shut it down, reformed into his ‘regular self’, though he wasn’t sure what that was anymore. “Because Habalines had grown crazed, my ancestors turned delusional from an element belonging of this world. An element they never had to deal with in their home realm: iron.” He lifted his hands in a helpless gesture. “But it was far too late then. The Habalines traveled to this realm on a one-way highway, a wormhole. After they discovered their ghastly
, they couldn’t turn back. And when ancient werewolves realized what they had accepted into their fold wasn’t something they couldn’t live with, they studied and discovered. Then they fought with what they knew: their be-spelled talismans. Decorating their doors to save their daughters…their mates, they must have found iron talismans were the only hope they had. I would find this amazing if they recognized the iron as the key, but I’m guessing they thought the spells were. It doesn’t matter. It’s still amazing, isn’t it?  All those centuries ago, with no technology to speak of, your clan had more success fighting them then, than we do now.”

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