Captiva Capitulation (7 page)

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Authors: Talyn Scott

BOOK: Captiva Capitulation
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“Not just any werewolf, your mate will guard you.”

“You’re my mate. I need time to adjust to Rock being more than a friend,” she argued hotly, pressing her palms against his leather-covered chest. Brutal weapons iced her skin. She pulled away, finding those blades infused with alien ore abhorrent. In a way, she still sensed that golden chain Gianni placed around her ankle. Without a doubt, she knew Sixten’s blades were of similar metal.

With a raised brow, he took her hands, circling his thumbs inside her palms. “And you’re mine, for always, stop thinking like a mortal. It’ll be easier on you to realize that you will
have a human life again.”

“How can you want this?” She backed away, pulling from his grasp and feeling for the bed behind her. Right as Blythe’s knees gave out, she ass-planted on the edge of their mattress. In her soul, she realized Rock was hers, but things were moving far too quickly. And as far as she was concerned, the worst thing that could ever happen would be her losing Sixten. His jealousy knew no bounds. “You’re so possessive of me, wanting to kill Ryan half the time or younglings you think I eye-nailed. Your list of threats is endless, so, in your mind, what’s different about Rock?”

“He’s the only one capable of turning you fully immortal – extending your life to match mine, and possibly taking away your Donor status, though we’re uncertain about your blood change until your transformation happens,” he said on a fervent whisper. “It didn’t take long to realize that I’m so grateful, Blythe. You have no idea how I welcome him to mate you.”

Customary society frowned on what he proposed. She was uncomfortable with the idea of it, that sort of lifestyle, and she really didn’t understand how it all worked. Her throat tightened when she said, “You’re forgetting that there’s another way of making me immortal without mating Rock.”

“Undead vampire?” Lowering himself to his knees, he pushed her skirt high on her thighs, settling between them. Sixten’s normal, cocky smile was far-gone, his face full of concern. “I want you to live, not as an Undead.” He shook his head until blonde strands slapped his forehead. “Never as an Undead, Blythe. Their lives are far-removed from a Species vampire. Ah, angel, you have no idea. You haven’t been around Undead enough to understand. A life like that would change everything for you.

Placing a kiss on her thigh, he pleaded, “And I know I’ve told you countless times, but I’ll say it again and again: The sound of your beating heart anchors my tormented soul. I’m half caged. You bring my two halves together into the semblance of a whole. Every minute I’m near you, the living you, I can drop certain defenses. I love you, but there’s so much more between us. We are destined for one another. Always have been.”

She cupped his rough check, dark blonde stubble grating her fingers. He turned, pressing a kiss against her palm. “Blythe, now, I take
step with you. The other half of my soul is you. And I’ve never hidden the fact that I’m a selfish bastard. So, yeah, I’m not giving up any part of you. I want you the way you are. And barring any impending emergencies, anything horrifically unavoidable, I’ll be damned if you’re not keeping your heart!”

“I can’t make that decision for myself, then? Kash wouldn’t do it if I were to ask him?”

Distinct pain crossed his face. The floor shook beneath her and a porcelain bowl skated off her nightstand, knocking her earrings under the bed. “Grave circumstances change decisions, making them drastic. For now, your circumstance isn’t the gravest, why jump ship?”

“I’m an idiot.” She ran her hands down her face, hiding from his alien intensity. “That was hurtful and childish. I’m edgy, certainly confused.” The rumbling eased, the house settling once again. “This has to be hard on you, too. Six, I’m sorry.”

“Apology accepted,” he groaned, placing his ear against her chest, listening to her heart flying out of her ribcage.

“So, you’re truly asking me to

“When left with no other choice, yes, I’m
you to mate Rock.” He stared up at her, his chin against her chest, fangs piercing his lower lip. “It’s a gift for the taking, Blythe, a logical path. We stayed up the entire night ironing things out. He wants the same thing I want: the best for you.”

“I’m in love with
. If I mate Rock – whatever that entails – I’m smart enough to know that binds us for an eternity. An eternity is a long time, Six.”

“Yes, it is.” He skimmed his hands up and down her thighs. “An eternity
is what I want from

“You’re still keeping something from me.”

“You have no idea what you would be up against if something were to happen to me. And although this isn’t our darkest hour, certain Habaline adversaries are still out there, fixated on what they think I can do for them,” he admitted, squeezing her hips. “Possibly, if I were to believe a certain freak, my biological father is calling for me. Remember, I killed Rave, his son. What do you think he’s going to do when he finds his reincarnation of Cain? You’ve seen some of my power.” He drew in a deep breath, releasing it slowly. “Imagine the
of that power bringing me to heel.” Sixten lifted his hands in a helpless gesture. “Not good.”

“I can’t bear the thought of anything happening to you, don’t even say it.”

“Think that times a thousand, the pain I felt when you were missing. If I went missing, too, if something happened to me,” he said, going back to his original thought, “without Rock’s claim our Coven Master might be forced to turn you over to the Dynasty. You can feed any Royal, Blythe.
Think about it.
You’re precious for so many reasons, even dangerous ones. What’s wrong with more than one male cherishing and protecting you? The alternative? Once again, you may become a glorified slave to another. Maybe the next Dynasty Vampyr is more dangerous, his tastes extremely… uncomfortable for you. I’m sure you wouldn’t be surprised to find that they’re all known for dark sex,
the dangerous kind

“I can’t think about your Dynasty right now. As far as you disappearing, that would shatter me. I cannot describe how I would feel over losing you. Even so, women survive loss all the time. Though the thought makes me sick, give me some credit.” She leaned away from him, her heart still thundering. With her funky blood, her physical draw, Blythe didn’t stand a chance in an immortal world without a powerful immortal male backing her up, and it sucked to admit that, even to herself. Her history spoke volumes. At Sixten’s clucking tongue, she snapped, “Okay, I’ll admit that in an immortal world, there are serious holes when true white knights aren’t around.” When he stopped clucking, he delivered a breathtaking half smile. And she still got the sense that he was hiding something majorly important.

“Blythe, there aren’t any white knights in our world, and that includes me. But you could pretend Rock is your knight errant,” he chuckled then, “I won’t mind.”

She shook her head at that thought. Rock had been her friend almost as long as Ryan had. “Use him? That’s sad and pathetic.”

“Oh, he wants to be used. He wants you. When a werewolf finds his celestially appointed mate, Blythe,” he explained, his laughter fading, “you haven’t a clue. Do you remember all those years we spent apart?”

“Yes, I’m sorry for those.”

Ice green eyes melted her, pleading for her to understand. “After a werewolf finds his mate, he will 
give her the option of staying away from him. Never. It’s where the term soul mate comes from. Brides and their vampires or werewolves and their mates are soul mates. All appointed by nature.”

Her body sure recognized Rock. “He came to me in a strange dream,” she admitted. “Something was chasing me in the marsh, growling, and zeroing in on me with feral, blue eyes.” Her bottom lip trembled, her nervousness coming back. “Is it too late, already?”

Sixten reached up, tracing the back of a claw over her mouth. “I’m afraid it is. Once a werewolf has his sights set on his mate, that particular female’s life changes instantly. And as reluctant as you are to hear this, as I’ve explained in every way I can think of, it’s for the better, Blythe.” She swallowed roughly and he continued in a husky tone, “Tell me about your dream. Was there anything else besides the chasing in the marsh that you remember?”

“Not up for discussion.”


Her skin heated. Rock had chased her, but Kash was the one who ended up sharing their bed. “I’m embarrassed and frustrated over it.”

“By your changing scent, I’d say it was definitely a dirty one,” he murmured in a playful tone. “Did your werewolf catch you?”

“Apart from being chased, no werewolf entered the…dirty parts.”

“Dirty parts? Umm,” he groaned against her thigh, licking the inside. “I want time for dirty parts
.” A different kind of hiss left him – one she was familiar with - as he trailed his tongue northward. “
want to hunt you. God, I want to hunt you, angel.” He pushed her down on the bed, hovering over her. “Chase you in the dark. Listen as your heels clip a deserted walkway.” He nipped the underside of her knee and she responded with a startled yelp. “Build your adrenalin high, until your blood sings for me. Fuck yeah, every time I think of feeding from anyone else, I want to die.” He bit into his finger, startling her. “I can smell your fear.”

“Sixten.” She pushed up on her elbows, crab crawling on the bed. “You’re acting crazy again.”

“Am I?” He smiled, his own blood dripping from his fangs. He brought his hand over her face, the thick droplets jelling, dangling above her. “Taste me the way I’ve tasted you.”

The first drop fell, hitting her cheek. “You’re trying to bond with me?”

“How can I forge something that’s already there?” He hung his index finger inside the corner of her mouth, pulling down. “We
bonded.” When he wiggled his hand, more drops fell onto her tongue. “Fuck, that’s hot, Blythe.” Beads of perspiration dotted his forehead. He tossed his hair from his face, though some strands stuck to his sweat-dampened skin. “Swallow me.”

A moan left her, he tasted nothing of Gianni, and she wanted this. “More.”


“Yes.” He dipped his finger all the way inside, watching in astonished interest as she enjoyed his flavor. The look on his incredible face rewarded her, but his blood was what turned her inside out. Something deep within clawed at her. The same something she experienced when wanting to fight Salk. “More blood,” Blythe demanded, gripping his wrist, holding his finger inside her mouth.

“Tell me,” he panted, releasing his third hiss – this one louder, “about your dream.” He unzipped his leathers with his free hand, dropping the weight of his cock right in front of her face, his body becoming inky for a few slow seconds. She squeezed his maleness, enjoying the velvety softness mixed with those alien cords. When she stayed quiet, he tore his bleeding finger away, placing his damp crown against her bloody lips. “A crimson kiss for my dick?”

She opened her mouth and he plunged until he hit the back of her throat. “You have no idea what it’s like to have someone who looks like you, staring up from sucking my cock. It’s fucking amazing.”

Drawing him deep, she tasted his saltiness, which encouraged her to crave his blood even more. He inhaled in that familiar way, scenting her need, as Blythe’s thighs grew slick with her arousal.

“Ah.” His smile was radiant, breathing her in, enjoying her mouth. “Be careful what you wish for.” Fangs draped his bottom lip. “I’ll hold you to it, moja láska.” Pumping those narrow hips her way, he rode out her mouth, and she couldn’t get enough of him. “I know what you need.” He smeared another drop of blood on her upper lip, stirring her escalating hunger. “Bite down and you’ll get what you
hungry vampiress.” Sliding his sex across her tongue, he groaned with the delicious friction. Pressing her hands flat against his lower stomach, she felt his muscles ripple and then bulge under his gear, ignoring the alien blades to enjoy the feel of him. “
Bite me
. I dare you.”

So she did, right on his wide head. Semen shot out right along with his blood, filling her deeply and she didn’t waste a drop.

“Ah!” Tendons strained in his neck, his chin rising to the ceiling. “Fire. Your flames burn, angel, all over me,” he said between pants, emptying the last of his release. “You’re the answer… to everything my body… yearns for.” For a moment, he stared down at her. For someone who had just climaxed, he appeared uncomfortable…torn. Vulnerable. “You’re my glue, Blythe.”

Abruptly, he pulled away, gliding to the bathroom. She heard the cabinet door open and then the water kick on. “Hey!” she snarled. Sixten was back with a dampened towel, cleaning her face before she took her next breath. “What gives? You’ve never left me hanging before, Six. It would take two seconds for me to lift off, so give up those seconds!” To her dismay, he adjusted her clothing impeccably, though his face appeared pained, and then brought her off the bed.

“You’re right,” he agreed softly. “I’ve never left you hanging, as you put it. However, this particular day, your orgasm doesn’t belong to me.” When she opened her mouth to ask what he was talking about, he added, “Or to you. There’s a creature that has waited centuries for it.”


Sixten inhaled sharply, his fangs popping audibly. “Today, you’ll have plenty of time to talk through all your concerns with Rock. I’ve pleaded my case, Blythe.” Briefly, he closed his eyes, and when they reopened, they were bleak, weary. “Please,
, come to the right decision while I’m working.”

“I don’t appreciate being manipulated.”

“And I don’t enjoy manipulating you, even if it’s for your own good, saving your life,” he retorted acidly.

When she reached to pat her freshly nervous stomach, she noticed Kash standing in the threshold. Blythe’s mouth dropped open. Had he stayed at their home for the night? How much had he just seen?

“Blythe,” Kash whispered a greeting, and then cleared his throat. Walking across the floor, he lifted her right hand and kissed the inside of her wrist. “Rock isn’t the only one who needs to talk to you. I’d like to discuss something with you. Privately.”

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