Captivated by the Viscount (The Captivating Debutantes Series Book 1) (7 page)

BOOK: Captivated by the Viscount (The Captivating Debutantes Series Book 1)
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Jasper and
Lucas were lounging in the study. Cravats and boots had been abandoned and both
were fairly deep cut. He had called in on Lucy and she had been sleeping
soundly. Elspeth had informed him that the fever was thankfully low. Anger
still pounded through his veins, not only at her brother but also at himself
for putting her through the nightmare of the past few days. However what it did
make clear was his plans for the future. He relished the bite of whisky as he
thought of Lucy in his arms, in his bed, underneath him….

“You’ve got
that look on your face again….most…most disgusting old man,” Lucas slurred.

 Jasper had
told Lucas everything and Lucas had said nary a word till the end when he’d
called Jasper a muttonhead. Jasper took no offence.

“What about
you Lucas? You need a wife.”

“Lucy is very
pretty, but I don’t feel my life is conducive to a wife at the moment. Although
I have seen Lucy without many clothes on,” Lucas smiled slyly.

“I am aware
of that, and I am trying to forget it. However if you mention it again I will
kill you,” Jasper said amiably.

“The same
goes for mentioning the word wife to me. I’m a mess Jasp, physically and
mentally. No woman in her right mind would have me.”

“Have to find
one not in their right mind then!” Jasper snorted.

They sat in
contemplative but companionable silence staring at the fire.

“I could have
kneed you in the ballocks you know earlier,” Jasper grunted

“Hah, I’ve
got iron balls, would have made no difference, I was kicked enough in ‘em in France.”

“Iron balls!
– superb,” Jasper laughed. “I am never going to let you forget that. It will be
your new sobriquet.”

“Do your
worst Jasp, do your worst…” both men slumped in their chairs, faintly aware
they would still be there in the morning.



Chapter Seven


“ ‘I had rather
hear my Blinky bark at a cat, than a man swear he loves me’…I may have
misquoted somewhat.” Aunt Augusta.


Jasper awoke
feeling revived the next day. He and Lucas had staggered up to bed at four
after Lucas had woken him up snoring. It was ten, quite late for Lucas to arise
but he felt well. Hopefully Lucy would recover today and he could set his plans
in motion.

breakfasted with Lucas quickly, then bade him farewell. He may have mentioned
‘iron balls’ which caused Lucas to leave in hoots of laughter. It felt good to
see him in high spirits for once, dourness did not suit him.

He hurried to
see Lucy. Lucas had looked in on her first thing and proclaimed her breathing
easier. However he had given her another sleeping draught for the morning.
Jasper came prepared with a book since she was sleeping and he sent the maid
away, propriety be dammed. It was far too late by now, and besides the maid
looked exhausted.

He sat by Lucy.
She looked better. The shadows no longer haunted her eyes and the high flush
had left her cheeks. Whether it was the chill he couldn’t tell but she liked to
sleep sprawled all over the bed. The maid had tied her hair back with a strip
of cloth but it had escaped the confines and large portions of it were splayed
out over the pillows. One arm was tossed over her head pulling her shift taunt
over her breasts; the other arm was flung out at her side. He bent over to
cover the delectable view.

“Jasper,” she

“I’m here
sweet, you just get better.” He stroked her hair away from her face and she
smiled sleepily, turning onto her side. She grimaced and turned back. Jasper
realised she must have lain on the bruised side. He felt fury well up again at
her mistreatment.

When she
turned again her shift strap fell off one shoulder and he was treated to a
rather lovely view of her white skin. He knew he shouldn’t, but he couldn’t
help but run a hand down her neck and then onto her shoulder, she felt silky
and delicate. He frowned though as he saw the edges of the bruising on her
arms. He pulled the sleeve down slightly and grimaced as he saw the livid
yellowing of the marks. He knew some men were just plain evil but what had
happened to Richard Lazenby to make him do this.

When Jasper
had been courting Lucy he’d considered her brother to be devious and sly but he
never imagined him violent. Jasper thought himself an astute judge of character,
he never would have involved Lucy if he had thought she could come to harm.
God, originally he’d been planning to send her back to Richard ruined – what
would the man have done to her? Jasper sighed and shook his head. He
regretfully replaced Lucy’s sleeve and picked up his book.


Lucy awoke
with a horrible thirst and an even more horrible taste in her mouth. She lay
motionless and wondered why she always woke up feeling awful lately. Has she
partaken of too much brandy again? No she didn’t think so, her head didn’t hurt
that much but her throat did. A chill. That’s what it felt like. She opened her
eyes and thankfully, although bright, the chamber felt normal.

 As normal as
could be when cherubs were smiling down inanely at you.

She moved her
head to the left and was thankful when the chamber stayed as it should. Jasper
was in a chair reading. Goodness. Lucy closed her eyes and opened them again. Yes
he was still there. He looked delicious, good enough to eat, all bronzed
like…cake. Her stomach rumbled rather loudly. Maybe he was a mirage and she was
just immensely hungry, but the mirage looked over and smiled.

awake, how do you feel?” He leaned over.

Lucy didn’t
particularly want to open her mouth. It felt horrible enough for her, let alone
breathing it over Jasper

she managed, mumbling the words.

He poured
some water, helped her sit up and then brought the water to her lips. She
gulped it in greedy mouthfuls.

slowly, or you’ll be sick.” He was right, and her stomach seemed to agree as it
made gurgling noises. Lucy blushed in embarrassment. “Hungry?” Jasper smiled at
her. Lucy nodded, the water hadn’t improved the taste in her mouth, just
diluted it.

“I’ll get the
maid to bring something up and help you to eat. It’s two in the afternoon and I
need something to eat as well. I’ll go and partake now. Perhaps if you are
feeling better you can join me for dinner?”

Lucy nodded
again. Jasper frowned. “Does your throat hurt Lucy?” She nodded again. “Don’t
come down to dinner unless you feel well enough, yes?”

Lucy nodded
some more. He leant over and pressed a gentle kiss on her forehead. It was
meant as a gentle soothing kiss but his lips lingered and Lucy felt heat flood
her limbs.

After a lunch
of broth, cheese and fruit Lucy felt much more the thing. Another nap, although
she wasn’t sure a rest of nearly three hours could be considered a ‘nap’ and
there was only the sore throat that lingered.

With the
maid’s help she readied herself for dinner. The maid grumbled about another
bath being drawn so soon but Lucy was grateful to Jasper. She used plenty of
tooth powder and dressed in another of the beautiful evening gowns. Lucy didn’t
normally like pink, but this was a deep rose colour with a white trim. The
colour made her skin gleam.

Lucy wanted
to look her best as she needed a little courage tonight. She knew what she
wanted to say to Jasper and she was sure he would understand.

He was
already in the drawing room when she went in. He was looking very debonair this
evening in a deep blue waistcoat and matching coat – her favourite colour. His
cravat was elegant in its simplicity, a snowy white against his tanned face.

“Sherry? Or we
have lemonade if you want something simpler.”

“A very small
sherry please,” answered Lucy. She probably shouldn’t considering the amount of
sleeping draughts that the maid had poured down her throat in the night and the
thought of brandy made her shudder, but she felt she needed a slight calming
influence and a dose of dutch courage to dine with Jasper alone.

There was no
time for more than a sip as Robinson announced dinner and they made their way
to the dining room. The last time she had been in this room had been the
disastrous dinner with Eloise. She hoped this one had a better outcome.

The food was
very good. Jasper had obviously ordered the cook to keep it light considering
her illness, and Lucy irrationally wondered why he had to be so thoughtful, then
she wouldn’t lov….no no no, Lucy shook her head to herself, like…LIKE the man
so much. No girl in their right mind would love a man who had kidnapped, lied
and then kissed them into submission in such a…primal way…surely…

watched Lucy shake her head to herself. She was frowning. This did not bode
well for the line of questioning he was about to take. He needed answers.

“Lucy, I have
a rather delicate question for you, I hope you do not take offense.” She looked
up, her face cocked sideways in an expectant manner. He paused. He had tried to
phrase it in his head so many times and yet all his questions felt intrusive.

“Well, I
won’t know till you ask me,” she said, raising an eyebrow. She looked so sweet,
Jasper thought. Maybe he shouldn’t bother and just pull her onto his lap and
kiss her senseless. But no, he had to know everything. He took a breath.

“Has your
brother hurt you in the past Lucy? In the physical sense.” He saw her mouth
open and close without anything coming out. She looked down, brought the
serviette to her mouth, dabbed and then placed it on the table, slowly and

“Why would
you think that?”

“The doctor
mentioned extensive bruising to your side. Something that had happened before
you came here.” She opened her mouth again to speak but he forestalled her in
case she blamed a fall. “He also mentioned the bruises on your arm. In the
shape of fingerprints.”

Jasper wasn’t
quite sure what to expect. He knew Lucy was strong, but surely she would
appreciate a confidant, a friend to speak to. “You can speak to me Lucy, if it
wasn’t your brother, who was it? I can protect you.”

“I had a
cold. What was the doctor doing examining my body, that is what I want to
know?” Jasper hadn’t been expecting that. An angry flush was growing on her cheeks.

“You were
found on the floor upstairs Lucy. I expect you do not remember as you were
feverish. He had to make sure you hadn’t injured yourself. Doctor Mainwaring is
a personal friend and is a man of the utmost discretion.”

“Except to
you it seems,” Lucy retorted angrily. “Did he give you my measurements as well?
Or did you stay in the room while he did his ‘examination?’ ”

Jasper wasn’t
sure how the conversation had got so out of control.

“I was never
in the chamber Lucy when you were examined. Only today did I sit with you
awhile, and that was because the maid was exhausted. The doctor was concerned
for you, he thought…he thought I might have caused the injuries and was if
anything defending you.”

He watched as
Lucy sat back in her chair and decided to carry on.

“Your brother
Lucy…I need to know-”

“Is none of
your business Jasper. I understand your need for revenge against him, I really
do. However you will no longer use me for it. Whenever I think…oh it doesn’t
matter.” Lucy stood, she was so incensed. “You will always look at me and think
of what my brother did Jasper. I don’t believe you will ever let go of that.” Lucy
breathed deeply and calmed herself.

“I have
relatives in Scotland and I would like to depart to stay with them as soon as
possible. The stagecoach is fine. If you could just take me to the nearest inn
I will make my own way there. I would also appreciate some funds, but my aunt
will repay you once I am in Scotland.”

Jasper was
speechless. Retribution against her brother hadn’t even been an issue. He just
wanted her safe.

“Lucy please,
Revenge is now the furthest thing on my mind...”

“Tomorrow if
possible,” she cut him off and rose from her seat.

Jasper stood
as well. He could think of nothing else to say except to comply with her. “Very
well Lucy, if that is what you truly want.”

“It is. I do
not wish to be in your company any longer.”

Hurt at her
words, Jasper lashed out. “You weren’t opposed to my company when I was
courting you, or in the forest when you were arching your body for my touch.
Were you Lucy?”

She still
believed the worst of him; that all he was interested in was revenge and it
made him harsh. “I could have had you-”

 “It was all
a lie Jasper,” she cried out. “The courtship, the seduction…everything.”

“No, Lucy
please, this hasn’t gone as I’d planned. Listen to me.”

“No. I’m done
listening. My throat is hurting more. I believe I shall retire.”

She swept
from the room and Jasper didn’t stop her.

Why shouldn’t
she hate him? He had done all the things she’d accused him of. Except he was
also guilty of falling in love with Lucy. He was going to tell her tonight once
he’d learnt the truth of her brother. Tell her that no-one would ever hurt her
again, that he’d cherish her until they were both grey and old.

He’d buggered
it all up.

Lucy made it
to her bedchamber calm and in control. She wanted to go to Scotland. She wanted to visit her aunt. Jasper didn’t care for her in that way; he still
had to go on and on about her brother. It was not concern for her welfare but
vengeance that drove him. She felt her eyes sting, and blinked rapidly. Scotland could bring new possibilities. A tear leaked out and she scrubbed it away. She
might meet new suitors, honest and decent. More tears fell and she gave up,
fell on the bed and cried.


Jasper made
his way to his chamber at around midnight. He had hoped the whisky would help
with the almost physical tightening that he felt in his chest every time he
thought about Lucy leaving.

After two
glasses he just felt worse, alcohol wasn’t going to work…not this time. Instead
he had just gazed into the fire with regrets and rehashed the past. He had
known Lucy was special as soon as he had met her, as different from her brother
as the moon and the sun. Yes, he should have run off with her to Gretna Green
but then married her and brought her to Danbury hall as his bride.

He paused at
her door. She was probably sleeping soundly, happy in the knowledge that she
was going to Scotland soon and forget all about this unfortunate episode in her

He suddenly
heard a muffled cry. He stilled. There was another, this time it sounded like a
“no.” Was someone in there? He suddenly had a dark vision of Bill and his anger
at Lucy for the scratches she had caused. Was he in there getting his
retribution? Surely not, he’d always trusted Bill.

“Lucy, are
you alright?” he demanded at the door, knocking loudly. There was no answer
except for another low cry. He tried the door and thankfully it wasn’t latched.
There was no candle lit but a bright moon shone through the window to show Lucy
on the bed. The covers had been thrown off restlessly and she was flung
diagonal on the bed, her body restlessly turning from side to side. Her hair
was a matted tangle over her face and her shift tangled up around her thighs showing
her smooth white legs. She was alone.

“Let me go,”
she garbled. Jasper went to sit on the side of the bed instantly and felt her
forehead for signs of fever. Thank god it was cool. He brushed back her hair so
she could breathe better.

me...” she cried out. Jasper clenched his teeth. So it had been him. And he had
probably brought forth the bad memories with his questions when they had dined.
He felt both vindicated and accountable for her nightmare.

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