Captive Curves (4 page)

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Authors: Christa Wick

BOOK: Captive Curves
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My mind bounced between his cock and the piece of hard steel on the nightstand behind him, a pistol with its magazine loaded.

“Do you always sleep with a gun next to you?” I was still trying to puzzle him out. Even with my brief exposure to Feo and Manny, I knew Dino was different than them, better. He wasn’t slack-jawed and slouching. He carried himself like a soldier, not some sort of street soldier but a man with real military training.

A big part of me wanted to trust him, if only to lessen the shame of my constant arousal. My brain told me I couldn’t.

“Usually it’s on the mattress next to me.” He kneaded my bare hip, his hand moving up to massage my shoulder as I grew tenser at the thought of a gun in bed. “Rough world, baby.”

“One you live in by choice.” I turned my face into the pillow, trying to focus on just breathing so I could blot my feelings out. He shifted his hips, the friction as his cock slid against me igniting a fire low in my gut.

“Lucky for you…” Dino reached along my stomach, finding the knot in the sash and tugging at it. He rolled me onto my back, his body covering mine. His knee pressed between my thighs, forcing them apart.

Heat mingled with a cold panic inside me. My nails dug into his arms. I wanted to both push him away and hug him close, my hips lifting in an invitation. “What are you doing?”

He didn’t answer at first, choosing instead to suck at the flesh of my neck as he molded his hands around my breasts. Only once he drew out the first ragged moan from my throat did he respond. “Time to graduate, baby.”

“No, please…” He couldn’t -- I couldn’t. Had I really thought I was going to get out of this, that, if I just resisted him long enough, some S.W.A.T. team would miraculously drop in and rescue me?

“I’m going to fuck you, right now, knowing you’ll hate me for it. I’m going to kiss and lick and suck and tease until you beg for my cock and hate me all the more.” His hands wrapped around my skull, his lips hovering half an inch above my mouth. “And believe me, little dove, I’m going to enjoy making you come.”

Grabbing my wrists, Dino pinned my arms against the mattress. Lifting his ass, he used the fat tip of his cock as a wedge between my labia. He dragged the head along my clit as he doubled over to suck my nipple and areola into his mouth.

“I saw you go into the building, saw how you block the whole world out.” As he confessed, he angled his dick down, bringing the head to rest against the ring of muscle securing my cunt. “I was close enough to see the color of your eyes and smell your perfume, but you stared right past me.”

“Where were you?” I couldn’t imagine missing him, couldn’t imagine any woman walking past him and not noticing him.

He took a moment to answer, his lips and tongue occupied with the very tip of my nipple. “I was the dumb
at the mailboxes, baby.”

“You’re not dumb.” I closed my eyes, chastising myself for complimenting him. He had no right to my good opinion. He was my captor, holding me down on the bed--

Feeling the tentative push of his cock at my gate, I arched, moaning and parting my thighs a little wider. A roll of his hips forced just a fraction of the tip into me.

“You walk around telling yourself that if you don’t notice anyone, they won’t notice you. You’re wrong, baby. It gives a man plenty of time to look, to wonder what it would be like to press you up against the wall, pull your panties down…” His cock slid up, the head of the shaft soaked with my juices as he ran it over my clit. “I wanted to tie you up and fuck you before you ever walked through that apartment door.”

I closed my eyes, the need to cry filling them with unshed tears. He was lying, conning me when he didn’t need to. I wanted him in me, wanted his powerful cock and strong body to possess me.

“You don’t believe me, beautiful, even when you’ve had my cock hard for the last hour?” His incredulity sounded real, adding to my hurt and confusion.

Letting go of my wrists, he grabbed my hips, pushing me up as he slid down.

“Tell me you want me.”

I shook my head, my response invisible in the shadows that filled the room.

His tongue parted my lower lips, licked up and down my slit. I was drenched, swollen, feeling the slightest brush of his evening beard against my thighs, his callused hands on my hips. His tongue entered me long and thick. The penetration was followed by a slurping kiss of my cunt.

“Deny it all you want, I can taste it on you.” His movements suddenly rough, he flipped me onto my stomach. He rubbed my juices all along my pussy, up over my perineum and across the tight quiver of my ass. The pad of his thumb pressed at it as a triangle of his fingers sank deep into my sheath.

The tip of his thumb pushed into me. I cried out, jerking, my cunt tightening around his fingers. “Such a tight pussy, how’s my cock going to fit into it?”

Fuck, I wanted to find out, wanted to feel him stretching me. My hips bucked, accompanied by a soft mewling moan that quickly turned into a keening cry for him to continue.

His fingers flexed inside me, twisted, flexed again. “Do you accept my cock?”

I bit my lip, refusing to answer.
Take me
, screamed inside my head.
Don’t ask, fucking take me.

Something hard slammed against the bedroom door, the wood caving in at its center. Before I could react, Dino had rolled away, the sound of metal scraping across wood audible as he scooped up the pistol.

“Behind the bed, now!” His feet hit the floor, his body crouched low.

Another slam against the door and the wood surrounding the locks shattered. The door bounced open an inch, the light from the hallway illuminating a thin slice of the bedroom floor. The handle of a cane pushed against the door, its knob silver and shaped like the head of some bird.

, you could have knocked.” Dino’s tone sounded relaxed but he didn’t leave the crouch he was in.

The cane retreated and was replaced by Manny’s head as he cautiously peered into the room. He darted back out of sight and whispered something. With the sound of metal dragging along a wall, Manny poked his head back into the room and jerked it in the direction of the hall.

“Boss wants both of you, just as you are.”


Just as we were meant stark naked with a gun in Dino’s hand. He led the way down the hall, cautioning me with his upraised gun to hold back.

He stopped, half exposed to whatever waited for us in the room at the end of the hall.

“What’s this about,

“It’s about you risking an entire crew and a kilo of my heroine.”

It was an old man’s voice, but nothing about it seemed weak or fatherly. It was Dino’s voice four decades from now if he stayed on his current path.


I stopped studying the other doors in the hall and looked at Dino’s face. He was standing with his right side to me and all I could see was the side of his face quirked upwards like a bored smartass who wasn’t standing naked in the middle of a drug house, his only cover a magazine full of bullets.

“So show me that I didn’t make a mistake letting you in,

Relaxing the pistol along his thigh, Dino walked the rest of the way into the room. His back against the wall as he faced the other men in the room, he placed the pistol on a table next to him and crooked his finger at me.

I took slow steps toward him, my mind still undecided on whether I should obey or pray that one of the doors in the hall was unlocked and had a window that opened onto the street. But if I ran, he’d have to face them on his own and I had a feeling both our lives were in danger. Whatever his motivation had been, he’d taken a big risk when he stopped Feo from cutting my throat. Whether or not I got away, he’d be dead before I reached the front yard.

Chewing at my bottom lip, I entered the room with my gaze focused only on Dino.

He offered a slow blink as if deliberately trying to center me. “Come closer, baby.”

I obeyed, feeling their gazes clawing at my back. When I was within arms’ reach, Dino gripped my hips and guided me until I stood directly in front of him. His hands circled behind me to grab my ass cheeks as his foot swept along between my feet to coax my legs further apart.

He kneaded the fleshy globes of my bottom, his breathing slow and hypnotic in my ear. “So beautiful,” he whispered. “Every last dick in the room is hard looking at you.”

He kissed me, my mouth, my neck, his big hands pulling me close to him and then relaxing before repeating the rhythm. His cheek nuzzled mine but I could tell he was only half with me. A thread of tension ran through his body, his posture seemingly relaxed but alert beneath my hands.

Knotting his fingers in my hair, he turned my head to one side. Starting with a slow lick of my top lip, he kissed me. His free hand moved between us to palm my mound as his tongue pushed past my teeth.

He moved us toward the table along the wall, half sitting on it with his pistol behind him. The new position had me straddling his upper thighs, his fingers sluicing up into my wet cunt.

Only the devil knew how many pairs of eyes watched us. Dino made me forget, if only for a few hard rocking minutes, that there was anyone else in the room. Leaning back, his hands gripping the edge of the small table, he looked down at his erect cock.

“Take it. Ride it.”

A soft command, but a command nonetheless. I lifted up on my tiptoes, my hand reaching down to hold his shaft steady. My pussy already clenching in anticipation of his thickness, I tried to force myself to relax but only made myself tighter. I waited for the next pulse of my cunt as it ebbed and then sank onto his cock. Moaning, I knotted around him.

Resting my forearms lightly across his shoulders, I tilted my hips forward. His lips were parted, his chest rapidly rising and falling as his gaze jumped from his cock penetrating me to the men behind me. I cupped the sides of his hips, my thumbs pressing flat against the protrusion of bone on each side to find my balance.

Swelling inside, my cunt gripped his cock, magnifying every little dip and roll as I moved against him. Lifting up, I felt the thick head drag inside me before hooking and tugging at my opening. He pumped his hips, thrusting and spearing me, battering at my cervix. My hands on his chest, I braced myself, my nails digging in to draw blood that ran in thin rivulets down to his nipples.

Panting and grunting, I sped toward my climax, slamming my cunt down the length of his cock, lifting, slamming, grinding as my nails dug deeper. Juices seeped from my pussy, wetting his lower stomach and smearing my thighs. Big and long, making me tighter and tighter, the moans leaving my lips no longer human but pure animal pleasure as I knotted around him one last time and came, freezing, screaming…

Dino’s hands wrapped around my waist, keeping me from falling as my body went limp. Behind us, a mocking clap sounded.

“You should make a video -- how to train your bitch in just a day.”

The sound of chairs scooting across the floor was followed by the heavy thud of a black duffel landing at our feet. A manila envelope was thrust at Dino’s chest, the hand holding it gnarled with age.

“You’ve got two days to get this to the D.F. or you and your little mule…” The old man brought his cane around front. I caught a glimpse of the carved silver rooster head at its tip before he lightly dragged the beak along my throat.


Two hours later, we were on the road. Each time I opened my mouth, I earned a stony side glance from Dino or a terse “not yet.”

We stopped once, pulling into an alley behind a burnt out liquor store. He left the van for less than two minutes, forbidding me to do anything but look out the front window. When he returned, we drove south. Eighty minutes later, somewhere between Eloy and Picacho on a dirt road off of I-10, Dino pulled up at a rundown industrial-looking building. Putting the van in park, he left the headlights on but turned the engine off. Reaching across the center console, he briefly took my hand. “Moment of truth, little dove. Wait here.”

That was it -- leaving the keys in the ignition, he got out, walked behind the building and didn’t reappear. Twenty minutes later, a woman approached the van from the opposite half of the building, her lithe frame illuminated by the van’s headlights. She looked about forty, with short-cropped dark hair. What really stood out was the dark blue nylon jacket she wore over her jeans -- it had a gold star in a circle on the left front, the word “Police” in small print just below the star.

Reaching into her jacket pocket, she pulled out a badge. “Miss Williams, I’m Marshal Hollman. Leave the keys and come with me -- please.”

She opened the door and I stepped out, letting her lead me into the building. The interior was hollowed out, filled with rusting machinery surrounded by a few ceiling high partitions. Ten feet in from the door we entered there was a folding table and a few chairs. A graying male sat in one of them. His jacket was a darker blue, the lettering on it boldly proclaiming DEA. Above him, a lamp was suspended from the ceiling, its small but intense circle of light like some parody of a cop show interrogation room.

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