Captive Heroes (22 page)

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Authors: Jan Springer

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Captive Heroes
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Reflected in the mirrored ceiling was the head restraint he’d placed over her forehead. A band that would keep her well in place. Her heart pounded as he moved to her right side. He grabbed her wrist, his scorching fingers like a handcuff, and guided her arm onto another metal extension. Placing her wrist into a rest, he secured it with binding. He moved the extension, bringing her arm out to her side, then strolled to her other side and did the same to her other arm.

She lay trapped, her arms and legs spread-eagle. She was totally at his mercy. She should be frightened, shouldn’t she? He was, after all, in the throes of Passion Poison. He stalked back to the foot of the machine and moved between her spread legs. He smiled dangerously and Kinley swallowed as a sudden bout of nervousness shifted through her.

“Another fantasy of mine is to hear a female beg me to fuck her. I haven’t heard you beg, warrior woman.”

Oh no

The son of a bitch. He hadn’t used that nickname since he’d captured her. He’d suggested she beg him shortly after he’d caught her. She’d sworn to herself she would never beg him for sex. Back then she had been serious. Now that she’d experienced his sexual skills, she wasn’t sure how long she would be able to hold out against him. She wanted to cry out for him to let her go. She wasn’t sure she wanted this. He could keep her like this forever, teasing her and driving her mad with need for wanting him.

A sudden bout of rebelliousness snapped through her. “Give it your best shot,” she whispered.

In the erotic way his eyes flared with lust and excitement, she immediately regretted giving him the challenge. Perhaps her big mouth had just gotten her into a heap of sensual trouble.

“Your voice is drenched with defiance. I will fuck that defiance out of you. Wait and see.”

Her breath caught at his words. Oh great. Was she absolutely nuts playing around with a guy who was drugged? Yep, she certainly did have some sort of sexual death wish because that’s exactly what she was doing.

“No ball gag for you this time. This time I want to hear you scream.”

“Make me scream, Blackie,” she taunted. Perhaps he wouldn’t be able to hold out long against the Passion Poison raging through his system. And all his boasting was just talk. But what if it wasn’t talk?

His hands moved to the strings on each of side of his breechclout. She followed his movements and her excitement pushed away all the fear. He wouldn’t hurt her. He couldn’t. It wasn’t in him. The poison was merely making him act out his darkest fantasies and she would be able to handle them.

Or at least she hoped she would.

She licked her dry lips as he untied the cloth that hid his bold erection. She gasped, her senses snapping to attention, her pussy creaming and clenching as his shaft was revealed.

Oh my!

He was huge! And so long. Thick. She couldn’t remember his cock so swollen before either. And such an intricate weave of blue, pulsing veins that laced his purple-flushed shaft.

“I can see the way your eyes widen. You appreciate a well-hung male.”

“I do,” she whispered.
Oh I do. I do. I do.

Damned if she wasn’t ready to start begging already just by looking at him.

That naughty, dangerous grin of his grew.

Oh crud.

He was so onto her.

She couldn’t stop an erotic moan from escaping her lips as he dropped to his knees between her spread thighs.

Oh man, he was going to go down on her. Fiery heat shifted through her as she remembered how good he’d been with his mouth when she awoke after he’d found her in that swamp. How eagerly she’d nodded when he’d asked her if she wanted him to make her come. Oh yeah, she wanted to come now.

His hot breath tickled her pussy. Anticipation roared through her. Electric sensations zapped into her as his tongue swiped between her folds and licked right up along her clit and off. He did it again, this time with a firmer pressure. Her hips jerked in response. She creamed.

He chuckled and drew his head away.

Damn him!

She trembled as he reached up and grabbed one of the several metal appendages. He brought one down toward her pussy. She tensed when she saw the clear cone on the end.

“This suction cup will be placed over here,” he whispered in a thick, lusty voice. He brought the arm closer and arrowed it between her legs. To her surprise, a sweet, anticipating heaviness erupted deep inside her. She tensed yet again as the edges of the cone firmly covered her entire pussy.

“This knob here locks the extension in place, and when the suction turns on the fit will be even tighter. This way, you will be able to move and gyrate your hips as you wish, enjoying the pleasure without loosening the cone.”

Oh sweet mercy.

And she’d thought this machine fantasy of his wasn’t going to be too intense. How wrong she’d been. She was already panting after a couple of licks from him. How would she be able to endure twenty-four hours of this?

Her trembling increased as the machine whirred. She gasped as the cone slipped even tighter against her skin and swirling warm air brushed seductively against her clit. It swiftly turned into some sort of electrical pulse that had her clenching her fists at the intoxicating reaction zipping through her pussy.

Oh no!

She pushed her feet against the stirrups as her thighs quickly tensed with arousal.

He studied her reaction and she couldn’t help but close her eyes and melt into the pleasure the suction cup caused. He chuckled in a raw and tormented way. She opened her eyes and he reached for another metal arm. He brought it down and she couldn’t help but moan again at the small dildo strapped to the end.

“This dildo will be inserted in your ass.”

Oh my goodness!

“It’s already lubed internally and all I have to do is…”

She stiffened as the warm head of the dildo nestled against her sphincter. He turned a switch and a whirring followed. A second later the dildo began moving slowly back and forth, about half an inch at a time. Wonderful heat and lube smeared against her hole, and a moment later it slipped inside about an inch. She writhed at the tender invasion.

“The machine will register when your ass is ready to accept a deeper penetration.”

She really should tell him he was crazy having her hooked up to these gadgets but, have mercy, she didn’t want to be released. She moaned softly as the dildo began a quicker, slightly deeper thrust. Her ass clenched eagerly around the sweet little intrusion.

Oh yes. Very nice!

He suddenly stood and stared down at her. His eyelids were dropping, compliments of what the dildo and suction cups were doing. He looked intense and possessed a very sensual smile as he finally lifted his gaze to study her.

Her insides shimmered as he spoke, his voice so lust-drenched, she swore it sifted right into her bloodstream and turned her on even more.

“How do you feel, warrior woman?” he asked.

The suction cup picked that particular moment to pulse more forcefully and she couldn’t help but shudder and arch her hips as her muscles tightened, making her cry out at the pleasure spasms that raced through her pussy and ass.

He grinned. “I will accept that as your answer.”

Her excitement increased as he strolled over to her left side. She licked her lips as her gaze dropped to where he stroked his heavy, swollen shaft. The thick veins weaving through his cock appeared even larger as his blood raged. Precum glistened on the slit of his cock head.

He twisted his sac with his other hand and a need for him to fuck her lashed her body. When he stopped touching himself and reached for yet another mechanical arm—this one with a smaller suction cone similar to the one pulsing over her pussy—her breath stopped in her throat.

He said nothing as he brought the cone over her left nipple and pressed the button. The machine whirred and she moaned at the powerful pressure as the grip tightened. Several tiny air fingers were suddenly wrapping around her tender nipple. She gasped as they pinched and twisted and lapped.


He moved yet another mechanical arm, this one with the same suction cup as the first, and within seconds had it attached to her right nipple. Fingers twisted and tweaked and brushed, the erotic sensations making her whimper and curse him at the same time sensual bolts shimmered through her entire body. The air fingers licked and sucked until her nipples became quite erect and red beneath the cones.

Tremors sizzled through her entire body like lightning, and she couldn’t help but writhe and buck as the toys between her thighs and attached to her breasts made pleasure rush through her.

“The machine is designed to keep you perched on the edge of climax. All you have to do is beg me, warrior woman, and I can take you and make you come. If I wish to, that is.”

Oh no!

Her entire body suddenly begged for a quick, fantastic release. But she couldn’t bring her mind to surrender to him. Not yet anyway. She was tougher than this. She could hold out against this pristine enjoyment. And even if she did beg him, he may not bring her release. She would have to hold out as long as possible. Her curiosity about what he would do next won out.

“Give it your best shot,” she whispered between clenched teeth, then bucked as the dildo dipped into her ass just a little more, stretching her taut muscles with an abundance of lube. The cone over her pussy began to simulate a man’s tongue descending into her vagina. It slid against her G-spot, making her gasp as it massaged her sensitive area in tight circles. Within seconds she was fighting to keep herself from panting.

Oh my!

She was nicely hot and needy.

He chuckled knowingly and stepped to her head. “I’m going to move you now, but don’t worry. The mechanisms will follow along with us so you will continue to be pleasured.

She swallowed and blew out an edgy breath as he moved the headrest along with her upper body down toward the floor. Her chest and shoulders were much lower than her hips and legs and he was able to step over her and position his pelvic area right above her neck.

His face was flushed and his eyes glittered black with lust as he gazed at her.

“Make love to me, warrior woman. Make love to my cock. Make

Shock showered her senses and brutal hunger raged within her. Make
beg? How? She was stuck here. Her body splayed out to him like some sensual offering, toys making love to her erogenous zones. She could barely keep her mind from shutting down, let alone make him beg.

He clamped one hand around the base of his engorged shaft and groaned as he pressed his cock against her mouth. She eagerly opened wide, accepting him. He slipped in a few inches.


Hot, steel-hard, swollen flesh.

“That’s right. Fuck my cock with your sweet, tight mouth,” he groaned and began a gentle thrust.

She tightened her lips around his cock and his face changed from one of torture to exquisite bliss. Using her tongue as her weapon of choice, she grinned inwardly as she caressed and stroked the under part of his shaft every time he withdrew and entered. Appreciation shone on his face.

Yes, she could make him beg this way. She would make him beg even though her entire body was now poised on the edge of climax. Only her plan seemed to be backfiring as she twirled her tongue along his shaft and scraped her sharp teeth against the elevated scars that were woven within the web of veins.

Every time he moaned, the animal growl was an aphrodisiac slipping into her bloodstream, raging through her system. It seemed as if that damned machine knew Blackie’s erotic moans were turning her on, because the cups on her nipples went crazy, licking and tweaking and stroking. The suction over her pussy increased and the air tongue caressing her G-spot increased its pressure. Not to mention the dildo in her ass was pulsing and lubing and diving deeper and deeper with every thrust.

Ripples of desire shifted low in her belly and zipped a line into her ass. Her nipples were an erotic mess as bristly air tongues lapped her tender flesh.

Sweet mercy!

Was she infected with Passion Poison too?

He groaned hoarsely and she tightened her mouth around his quickening thrusts. He moved faster, his thick and swollen cock plunging with fiery speed. She could barely see him through the sensual haze but, from the ecstasy raging across his face and the erratic way his cock jerked in her mouth, he was close to orgasm.

She moaned, indicating her need for release, but he was lost in his enjoyment. Her body was wrapped in his erotic groans. Captured by the pleasure of those toys. But there
one way to get his attention. And she wasn’t going to beg.

She stopped sucking.

He snarled and opened his dazed eyes. He looked down at her, his mouth twisted in a frown.

She grinned around his cock. Now they were equal.

He licked his lips…and then he smiled. Passion Poison or no Passion Poison, she’d won.

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