Captives of Cheyner Close (16 page)

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Authors: Adriana Arden

BOOK: Captives of Cheyner Close
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She was breathing faster now. ‘Y – yes, Master.’

‘Are you a masochist?’

Gail took a deep breath, chewing her lip again in an innocently childish display of uncertainty. ‘I … I don’t know, Master. I never thought so before now. I was terribly afraid at first. But I can’t help getting excited and – and coming, even when I’m being hurt. As long as it’s sexy as well.’

‘Is that what this is for you? A sex game?’

‘No – a bit, maybe … but I am really sorry for what I did, Master. I deserve to be punished.’

He slipped a finger into the mouth of her vagina, now gaping in anticipation. ‘You mean you want to be punished?’

‘Yes, Master!’ she gasped.

‘Then say it.’

‘Please punish me, Master! Do anything you like to me!’

Jim felt a glow of satisfaction grow within him in keeping with his mounting lust for Gail’s body. Here at last was his perfect reward; a beautiful willing victim begging him to take his just revenge upon her.

From his workbench he took up a pair of metal screw clamps. ‘Because of their shape these are called G clamps,’ he told her. ‘G for Gail. That’s appropriate, don’t you think? But where should I put them?’

There was a strange light in Gail’s eyes now. ‘On my nipples, Master. Put them on my nipples!’

Jim screwed the clamps tight about her plump nubs of flesh until Gail whimpered in pain, then he let them dangle. Such was the firmness of her breasts that they hung clear of her body, their weight stretching her nipples into tongues of pink and purple flesh. Gail’s eyes were misty with tears, but she looked at him without fear; patiently waiting for the next indignity to be laid upon her.

He placed a chair in front of Gail so that when he sat down his head was level with her blatantly displayed groin. On an impulse he cupped her taut buttocks in his hands and bent forward and kissed her vertical smile, savouring its warm wet promise and exciting perfume. Gail squirmed in delight.

‘That doesn’t mean I’ve gone soft on you,’ he warned her.

‘I know, Master,’ she replied, as though it was the most obvious thing in the world. ‘Do whatever you want with me.’

He unrolled a long plastic wallet on the bench beside him. It held a gleaming set of small spanners, each in its own pouch. He took the largest out, wiped it with a cloth already coated with vaseline, peeled back Gail’s thick outer labia and slid the spanner up into her hot dark depths. She shivered as the strangely shaped piece of cold metal lodged inside her. Jim selected the next largest spanner from the set and repeated the process.

By the time he reached the last few he was forcing them into gaps between the others, while Gail was groaning with their weight and the cruel way they stretched her vaginal passage and made her pudenda bulge unnaturally. The bright metal heads of the spanners projected from her cleft like the blooms of strange flowers, made shinier still by the exudation that flowed past them and dripped onto the workshop floor.

When Gail was stuffed full, Jim reversed his chair so that its back was directly underneath Gail’s dangling backside. To this he clamped a variable-speed power drill with its bit pointing upwards. Into the chuck he fitted a short length of soft rubber hose. The other end of the hose he greased with vaseline and then fed into Gail’s anus.

Turning on the drill at low speed set the greased hose twisting inside Gail’s rectum, bringing forth a little yip of surprise. Gradually she began to rotate in the same direction as some of the torque transmitted itself through the friction between rubber and flesh into her body. The clamps on her nipples lifted outwards as she spun faster, pulling her nipples out into tormented cones.

Cautiously Jim activated the hammer action. The drill head began to judder up and down, sending ripples up the hose and into Gail. She yelled in horrified delight, jerking wildly on her straps. Her body went into spasm and she came copiously, spanners dropping out of her and jingling to the floor. Then her head dropped onto her chest and she hung limply in her straps, motionless except for the steady rise and fall of her chest.

While Gail was still half insensible, Jim removed the hose from her anus, pulled the remaining spanners from her vagina and lowered her to the floor. Unclipping her wrist and ankle cuffs from the bar he picked up her unresisting body as though she was a rag doll and laid her across his workbench, so that her legs overhung the side and her heels trailed on the floor. Her head he placed in the jaws of a large bench vice which he had padded with strips of foam rubber. Carefully he screwed the vice closed until it held her head, slightly tilted so that she could look down the length of her body, firmly in its unyielding grasp.

Laying out her limp arms along the length of the bench, he fed lengths of wire through the rings of her wrist cuffs. The wires were coiled round hooks screwed into the ends of the bench. Now he pulled the free ends of the wire tight, stretching Gail’s arms straight out on either side of her, and wound them about the hooks until they were secure. He repeated the process with two more lengths of wire fastened to a second pair of hooks screwed into the lower corners of the bench ends, this time threading them through the rings of her ankle cuffs. He pulled her legs out into the widest splits he could force her supple young body to assume, until the big tendons of her inner thighs stood out starkly, then he made the wires secure.

Gail was now symmetrically arrayed before him; taut and immobile, her bottom just overhanging the scarred wooden edge of the bench, while her pouting pubic mount was open to his every whim. He unscrewed the G clamps and massaged the blood back into her abused purple nipples. The acute sensation of pins and needles as they filled out brought her back to full consciousness. She gasped in pain, then looked uncertainly up at him.

‘Did – did I please you, Master?’ she asked softly.

‘You did, girl,’ he assured her, bringing a smile to her face. ‘But I’m not done with you yet …’ He undid his flies, releasing his erection which sprang up for her to see.

Gail grinned like a naughty schoolgirl. ‘Oh, it’s so big, Master! It’s a good thing you’ve already stretched me.’

A brief pang of concern made him ask: ‘Do you feel sore?’

‘Yes, Master … but that mustn’t stop you.’

He stroked her lovemouth, feeling it pulse with life.

Resting his hands on the soft skin of her exposed inner thighs he slid into the bliss of her tight clinging haven, the force of his thrust setting her big breasts trembling. She gave a plaintive gasp and her face melted into a look of happy submission.


the next morning for breakfast in Number 2, Tara went out of her way to appear at ease. She didn’t want Cassie to think her scheming had made any difference to the treatment she had received at the hands of Hilary and Rachel.

She rehearsed what she would say when they were allowed to talk later. It could have been worse … it wasn’t what she would have chosen … but, once she had let herself go, bits of it had been quite fun … in a sick way, of course.

That last part was truer than she cared to admit, even to herself. Their perverted situation was doing things to her desires and emotions that she had yet to come to terms with. But she needed time to think it over. For the moment she had to continue following the logic she had used to convince the others this was preferable to facing official justice.

Defiant submission … Play at being slaves … Fool the residents into thinking you’ve had been broken … Let them take their revenge but live to fight another day … They’ll have nothing to show for it and we’ll still be the Elite …

Well, that last aspiration was certainly dead and buried. The Elite was no more. And the residents would have something tangible besides memories as
of their revenge: a library of high quality S&M images to enjoy during the long winter evenings. Would some of them be masturbating over a picture of her ten years from now? The idea made her stomach churn.

If that possibility had occurred to her on Friday night would it have made a difference? She was not sure. She was not sure of so many things now. Everything had changed.

There was Gail lapping up her food like a dog. She was holding herself stiffly but had a contented expression on her face. As she ate she was exchanging knowing smiles with Hazel and Daniela that clearly meant: ‘Tell you about it later,’ and was receiving similar glances in return. It was disturbing how readily the three of them had settled into slavery after the fear they had first shown. Even Sian looked relatively at ease. Or was she putting on an act? Only Cassie appeared morose, flashing accusing looks which Tara responded to with bland unconcern.

The Elite was finished and she no longer cared for what Cassie thought of her, except in so far as it affected her own circumstances. All that mattered was getting though the next four days.

After their morning exercise, Warwick announced that, as they were making so much use of the place, it only seemed right that they mow the back lawn of Number 2. But they would not be using a conventional mower. Louisa and Narinda had brought a curious selection of items out of the house while he had been speaking, and now they set about putting them to use.

The girls were arranged in a row shoulder to shoulder on their hands and knees. A long pole fitted with six regularly spaced snap hooks was then slung from their collar rings, ensuring they kept in line.
ankles were tied to those of the girls on either side and then spread with short lengths of bamboo. One end of a length of wire had been twisted round the middle of each of these bamboo spreader bars. The other end had been skewered through the middle of a rubber ball, folded back on itself and twisted tight. With the help of a little vaseline, these balls were pushed up the girls’ rear passages.

It was an indignity to which they were becoming accustomed, and there were only a few muted grunts as the balls were forced inside them. But beyond encouraging them to shuffle forward on their knees in small increments, and not to stretch their legs out behind them, Tara could not see what other purpose they served. However the residents had not been lacking in ingenuity so far …

A garden glove was placed on their left hands and a pair of spring-handled clippers were taped to their right. Six black plastic bin bags were then produced. These had rings of wire taped to their mouths to hold them open. A loop of wire threaded through a short plastic sleeve was fastened to each ring. The sleeves went into the girls’ mouths like horses’ bits, leaving the bags to trail under their bodies.

The girls were shuffled into line facing down one side of the rough lawn and commanded to start cutting. Once again Louisa had her camera out to record their shame for those residents away at work.

While resting on her left hand, each girl clipped the patch of grass immediately in front of her with her clippers. Then she rested on her right hand while scooping the loose cuttings into the bin bag with her gloved hand. When they were all done they shuffled on to the next patch.

Now the true purpose of the wires running from their ankle spreaders to their anuses became clear. As
bags filled with grass cuttings they dragged more heavily against their ankle rods and the bulging ends started to roll over them. The wires held them in place, though the bags pressed with increasing force on their anal balls. But then it was not intended to be comfortable.

Neither was it the fastest way to cut grass, Tara thought, as the sweat began to pool on her back and trickle down the cleft of her buttocks, but in a perverse way it was ecologically sound and energy efficient. And who would not rather have a bevy of sweaty slavegirls on their hands and knees with their backsides on show than a roaring smelly petrol mower?

The grass was so thick and rough that their bags were almost full by the time they reached the end of the lawn. They were briefly allowed to straighten up while Warwick emptied the bags into a bin. Narinda took a bottle of water along the line and they drank from it gratefully, spilled drops falling onto their already glistening breasts. Then the bag handles were put back between their teeth and they were turned around and set off up the lawn to cut a second swathe.

Tara tried to estimate the rate they were going and doubted if they would be finished by lunchtime. Still, although it was uncomfortable it not the most humiliating thing they had been made to do, she decided. It must be one of those tasks the residents had concocted to teach their ‘spoilt’ captives the value of honest hard toil. Did they really think it was that simple? For Hazel, Gail and Daniela perhaps, she conceded, but then that trio were already so lost in playing at slaves they’d do anything they were told and probably enjoy it. But Sian and Cassie were unlikely converts to the work ethic. As for herself – well, it was giving her ideas …

With the heat and mechanical repetition of her task, her thoughts began to wander. The six of them did make a pretty sight. After this was over maybe she could find a few girls willing to cut her lawn naked and bound like this, while she watched over them. Hazel, Gail and Daniela, perhaps? She felt her juices begin to drip onto the bag between her legs at the exciting thought, then started in alarm.

She was getting excited about having naked girl-slaves in her garden! Worse, she was leaving a sign of her arousal on the sack where it would be seen when it was next changed! God, what was happening to her?

Then she thought: so what if she was getting excited? They were trapped in a weird sex game so it was perfectly natural to have pervy daydreams. And the residents couldn’t know exactly what she was thinking. Besides, they’d already seen her do far more intimate things. Modesty was suspended for the duration. She was a slave and expected to act perversely. It was a sort of freedom, she supposed.

Tara slipped back into her happy fantasy …

What about the other games the residents had played with them? Could she do to those three what Hilary and Rachel had done to her the previous night?

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