Capturing Callie (15 page)

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Authors: Avery Gale

Tags: #Romance, #Mystery

BOOK: Capturing Callie
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Ian administered her spanking in a random pattern and changed the timing and intensity of the strokes so that she wasn’t able to anticipate where or when the next stroke would come. He knew she was floating in sub-space and was thrilled she was able to reach that level of endorphin-induced euphoria so easily. He didn’t doubt for a minute she was still going to be sporting some of the marks tomorrow night, but that would work in his favor when all the other Doms sprouted wood the minute they walked in to the party. There was nothing like a few remnants of a punishment to get a Dom’s blood pumping straight to his cock. What Callie didn’t know was that tomorrow night’s guests had been selected for very special reasons. Each of the five Doms was an expert in some type of play, and the two subs who were attending would do exactly as they were told without hesitation, so they would be great role models for her. And he planned to make her punishment a very large part of an evening she was not going to ever forget.

He had managed to lower his pants so that as soon as he landed the last swat he slid into her wet heat in one smooth stroke and commanded her to “Come, my pet. Let your Master hear you shout your pleasure as your beautiful cunt milks the cum from my cock and balls.”

Callie screamed, and he felt the immediate pulsing of her internal muscles as they clenched around him in a rapid fire sequence that had him straining to maintain control.
Jesus Christ, she is going to squeeze my dick completely off. I’ve never felt anything like this woman. Her pussy feels like hot, wet velvet.
He waited until she was beginning to come back down from her release, and then he started fucking her in long strokes, slamming all the way in so that the head of his cock was bumping against her cervix. And when he knew he was close to coming, he tilted his pelvis so that his cock slammed into her G-spot as he shouted to her, “Come again, Callie. Come again for your Master.”

She went right back over the edge, and this time she took him with her. He felt as though his balls were being turned inside out—his soul being pulled from his body with each pulsing jet of cum he sent into her body. He’d never had sex without a condom before Callie, and he felt a primal satisfaction knowing he had marked her with his seed.

He lay over her back as he tried to catch his breath, and felt the heat of her paddled ass against his groin. “Master Jace is going to see your red ass and know you’ve received part of your punishment. And we’re going to walk back up to the house now. My seed is going to run down the insides of your legs, and you’re going to leave it exactly where it is. I want to see my marks on you and that includes the seed. When we get to the bedroom, you’ll stand in the corner with your legs spread shoulder width apart while I take my shower. Now, let’s get moving. I’m anxious for the next part of our evening. I’ve been looking forward to this since the first moment I laid eyes on you.”

Chapter 17


Jace had entered the master suite not long after Ian had led Callie inside. He was sure she didn’t know he’d watched and heard their entire scene outside on the beach. There wasn’t a spot on the island that wasn’t covered by security cameras and most of those had audio capabilities as well as sensitive night-vision lenses. He sat in the lounge chair and just watched Callie for long seconds before speaking to her. “Your ass is a lovely shade of red, sweetness. I see your Master has discussed his displeasure with you for not answering his calls. And I see he let you stand here with his seed trailing down your legs so that you would have good reason to remember who you belong to. It’s difficult to forget that you belong to a man when he leaves his mark on you isn’t it?”

“Yes, Sir. I’m very sorry for not taking his calls. I just couldn’t…it well, it hurt too much after what he said before he left. I just had to, well, I had to step back a bit, you know?” Jace knew that she had shut Ian out before he left for the business trip, and he also knew that Ian wasn’t entirely sure why.

Jace saw Ian step out of the shower and signaled him to stay silent. Perhaps he could coax a little information from the tiny beauty who had captured his friend’s heart. “What did your Master say that put that pain in your heart, sweetness?” His tone was soft but wouldn’t leave any doubt but that he expected a truthful answer. When she seemed to hesitate, he cautioned, “Your ass looks awfully sore, Callie. I doubt you want me adding to your punishment tonight, so I suggest you answer me.”

He could practically hear her mind working to figure out how to answer without really answering. But he’d read enough of her background information to know that, in the end, she wouldn’t be able to lie to him.

“Well, I was sort of…well, getting kind of caught up in him, if you know what I mean. I know it was foolish to think that a smart, good-looking guy like him would be interested in someone plain like me. And well, when he reminded me that I’m only going to be here for a month, well, it brought me crashing back to earth.” Jace could see her small frame shaking from her silent sobs, and he’d have liked nothing more than to pull her in to his arms and comfort her, but he was sure he hadn’t gotten it all yet. But he did find it very interesting that she had mentioned Ian’s intelligence and good looks, but hadn’t mentioned the fact the man was a billionaire.
Yes, indeed. Amazing young woman, this Callie Reece. And I can hardly wait to bring her pissant sister to heel for all the pain she has caused this sweet soul.

“I’m curious, Callie—tell me why you don’t think Ian could be interested in you. Did he say that? Or has someone else convinced you that you aren’t worthy of everything your heart desires? Because if that’s the case, I know that Master Ian and I would both enjoy spending a little quality time alone with that person.”

This time she didn’t answer, she just wrapped her arms around herself and put her feet together as if she was trying to make herself smaller, as if smaller could be equated with invisible. Hell, it was probably exactly what she’d been trying to do ever since she’d been raped and her wicked mother had all but thrown her to the wolves. Jace knew that the woman would never get another shot at Callie if he or Ian had anything to say about it. Ian McGregor was not a man anyone wanted to fuck with, that was for sure. And even though Callie would always belong to Ian, she would hold a very special place in his heart as well.

Ian had moved in to the room and mouthed his thanks before wrapping his arms around his sobbing sub. “That’s enough of that for tonight. We’ll talk about his more later, but so that your mind can put this aside tonight, I want you to know that I referred to our time together as a month because I wasn’t sure you were ready to hear anything else yet. And truthfully I wasn’t sure I was ready either. But I have some options I want to discuss with you in a few days. I have a couple of ideas that I think might interest you very much—that is if you’d be interested in staying on the island and supervising a project I’m planning.” Jace watched as his friend’s touch and voice seemed to magically soothe her soul. Having known Ian for many years, Jace was thrilled to see the way these two wounded souls seemed to be healing each other. He’d help them and then hope like hell he found his own soul partner in the near future.

Jace spoke up then, “Come along, sweetness, you and I are going to take a quick shower while your Master sets up a few things in here. Let’s get cleaned up so we can play a bit more before we put you to bed.” Ian turned her into his arms, and Jace led her into the bath where he removed her shirt and lacy bra before removing his own sweatpants. They didn’t spend a lot of time in the shower, he made sure she was clean and relaxed before he finished his own shower and toweled them both dry. “Lean over the counter, Callie, I want to insert this in your anus now so it begins to work before we move into the other room.” He watched her eyes go wide before she slowly leaned over the counter. He spread her ass cheeks and pushed a small syringe full of a topical numbing lubricant just inside her pretty little rosette. It would help them stretch her without any unnecessary pain, they were both large men and he wanted her first experience with double penetration to be as pleasant as possible. He also rubbed some soothing aloe gel into her bruised ass and then led her in to the bedroom. Leaning close, he whispered, “Relax and enjoy, sweetness. Let us take you to a whole new level of pleasure.”

Chapter 18


When he had first approached her outside on the beach, Callie hadn’t meant to tell Ian so much detail about her thoughts, but his voice and touch seduced her easily. She’d had a lot of time to read while he had been gone, and his library had yielded several great books about the psychological implications of the various elements of BDSM. Several of the authors had explained the dynamics and the concept of
total power exchange
. She had been surprised at how wrong her first impression of the term had been. The explanation had made perfect sense once she’d given it consideration. What she didn’t understand was how she would ever be able to trust someone that much. Everything she’d read about a submissive placing him or herself into the Dominant’s care had sounded like some kind of fairy tale, and she’d let go of that fantasy a long time ago.

If she was to be honest with herself, it wasn’t the rape itself which was the most painful part of her past. The most damage to her trust had come from her mother’s reaction to the trauma Callie had experienced. Her mother’s callous treatment had caused her to feel like she was somehow to blame for not only what had happened to her, but that she was also responsible for the decline of her mother’s social position. In truth, it was her continued victimization at the hands of the one person who was supposed to love her unconditionally that had been the far greatest source of pain.

She and Catherine had discussed her mother’s actions briefly. Catherine had assured her that while her mother’s actions were completely unacceptable, they weren’t unprecedented. And that after working with victims for over twenty years, she was still seeing new ways people could revictimize those who were already suffering. Catherine also assured her that it was her mother’s problem and that allowing those old hurts to continue holding her back was self-defeating. Callie’s only problem was convincing her heart to listen to her head.

Feeling Ian’s hands moving over her skin and his warm breath against her ear had brought her back to the present. She wanted to trust him because there was something about him that called to her. It was as if his soul understood how hers felt. The deepest part of him seemed to know what it felt like to experience the pain that only a loved one can inflict. Was it possible that his spirit was as much in need of healing as her own? Could they actually help heal each other?

When Ian had started talking about the punishment she was going to get for not taking his calls, she’d felt the moisture rush through her pussy. She’d remembered the book she had read yesterday that had explained the connection between pain and pleasure. The words had seemed to jump off the page at her, and for the first time in her life she’d wished she had a way to ask the author for more information.

The first swats had hurt—
a lot
—but then need and arousal had swamped her, and even though she was crying there had been something cleansing about the whole experience. It felt like someone had uncoiled a spring, and all its tension had been released. And when he’d said he was going to finish her punishment tomorrow in front of their dinner party guests, her knees had grown so weak she’d barely been able to remain standing. He taunted her with possibilities, and she’d felt as if her heart was finally beginning to grasp the basics of BDSM’s appeal for so many people. Reading about it had helped, but it was the actual experience that was bringing it to life.

Callie hadn’t even realized Ian had lowered his trousers until he slammed his cock into her. She’d been completely lost in the sensations of pain turned to fire that raced up and then back down her spine like lightning until it settled directly in her aching clit. When his cock pushed into her, she felt each ridge pass over tissues engorged with blood. His flesh felt like it was on fire, and the added heat only heightened her desire.

All she remembered was that he’d demanded that she come and she had complied. She knew her wail would carry across the water, but it didn’t matter because her Master had ordered it. She knew the colors she’d flown through had been spectacular and that she had been left gasping in an attempt to replace the oxygen her brain had missed out on during her trip down the orgasmic super-highway. How she’d gotten back to the master suite was a mystery.

Ian had made her stand in the corner with her legs apart and forbidden her to clean his seed from her legs. It had been both humiliating and embarrassing until she’d just accepted that it was what pleased her Master so there was no reason for her to think about it any further. She’d heard Jace enter, and it had sounded as if he’d sat down behind her. When he’d started asking her questions she had silently cursed her truthfulness. At times like this she really wished she was able to lie. She didn’t remember exactly what he’d asked or how she had replied, she only remembered thinking that she’d said too much. And she had wondered if endorphins doubled as truth serum as well as what her A & P professor had called “the brain’s own morphine.”

After her shower with Jace, he’d put something into her anus that had caused a hot flash of warm sensation then it had seemed to go almost numb. Jace had also rubbed her stinging ass cheeks with a gel that had taken away almost all of the burning. When she had started to comb through her tangled hair, he’d taken the comb and meticulously worked from the ends to her scalp, taking great care to not pull or break her hair before separating it and braiding it so that it fell down her back. “I don’t think either Master Ian or I can wait until your hair dries to sink into you, sweetness,” was all he’d said before leading her back in to the bedroom.

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