Cara Colter

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Authors: A Bride Worth Waiting For

BOOK: Cara Colter
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“Go away.”
They weren’t exactly words that should make one feel cheerful, Adam thought. Especially given the fact that he had traveled over two thousand miles to hear them.
But he did. He felt cheerful.
It wasn’t, he told himself firmly, because he was seeing her again, after a space of nearly seven years.
“I told you to go away,” Tory said again, resolutely.
Adam regarded her thoughtfully. If he was not mistaken, that was fire he saw in her eyes.
“I’m not leaving.” The words came from his mouth, all right, but they really surprised him. Because he didn’t want to be here in the first place. He’d come only because of that letter. In fact, all the way here he had hoped for a reaction like this from her.
And yet he knew without a doubt that this time he couldn’t walk away….
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Cara Colter
Published by Silhouette Books
America’s Publisher of Contemporary Romance
To my sisters,
Anna and Avon,
with love.
Books by Cara Colter
Silhouette Romance
Dare To Dream #
Baby in Blue #
Husband in Red #
The Cowboy, the Baby and the Bride-to-Be
Truly Daddy #
A Bride Worth Waiting For
shares ten acres in the wild Kootenay region of British Columbia with the man of her dreams, three children, two horses, a cat with no tail, and a golden retriever who answers best to “bad dog.” She loves reading, writing and the woods in winter (no bears). She says life’s delights include an automatic garage door opener and the skylight over the bed that allows her to see the stars at night.
She also says, “I have not lived a neat and tidy life, and used to envy those who did. Now I see my struggles as having given me a deep appreciation of life, and of love, that I hope I succeed in passing on through the stories that I tell.”
Dear Adam,
I asked my lawyer to wait a year before sending this to you. Tory will need time. She needs to know she can make it on her own.
But she needs to laugh, too.
She was my angel. And now, if things work the way I think they will, I’m going to be hers.
This is my last request, Adam, and only you can fulfill it. I know how much you loved her. Go home. Make her laugh again.
She was always a little afraid of how you grabbed life with both hands. But she knows a little more about life now; she won’t be so afraid to take what it offers her.
You were my best friend besides her. I know why you stayed away. She was mad at you, and probably still is, but I wasn’t. I’m watching out for you. I promise.
Chapter One
o away.”
They weren’t exactly words that should make one feel cheerful, Adam thought. Especially given the fact he had traveled over two thousand miles to hear them.
But he did feel cheerful. Probably because this insane mission was over before it had even started.
It wasn’t, he told himself firmly, because he was seeing her again, after a space of nearly seven years.
“I told you to go away,” she said again, resolutely.
He regarded her thoughtfully. She was on the other side of her screen door, her arms folded over her chest, her foot tapping impatiently, and if he was not mistaken, with fire in her eyes.
She had not been beautiful all those years ago, and she had not matured into beauty.
In fact, she was remarkably unchanged. On the flight here he had picked out women of his age and hers, and studied them. And been reassured. That she would have changed. That she would be plump and frumpy. Or that a smooth veneer of sophistication would have chased away the elfin charm that had made him call her “cute,” a description she had always reacted to with chagrin, which only made her cuter.
But she was still cute. Not plump. Certainly not frumpy. No veneer of sophistication. Though he knew her to be his own age, thirty, she looked astoundingly like the first time he had seen her in sixth grade—her baseball cap on backward, that same riot of red-gold curls scattered around her face, those same freckles sprinkled across the bridge of her little snub nose, a pointed chin, little bow lips. Except now there was no baseball cap and that chin was lifted at him in defiance, the bows of her lips faintly downturned in disapproval.
That first time she’d had on a too-big Stampeders jersey, and rolled up jeans that showed a Band-Aid on her knee. She had been smiling, though. A smile so full of mischief and warmth it had melted his twelve-year-old heart in a way it had never been touched before. Or since.
Today she wore a too-large man’s shirt over a pair of black bicycle shorts. Silly, but he checked the knees, his eyes drifting over the rest of her on the way down. She’d mourned her boyish build all through adolescence, and as far as he could tell it was unchanged. She was willowy and slender as a young tree.
“I’ve got about as many curves as a ruler,” she used to lament.
By then she was already the ruler of his heart. It had made him blind for all time to the attractions of fullerfigured women.
He found her knees, finally, and peered through the screen.
She tucked one slim leg behind her, but not before he saw the smudge that struck him, foolishly, as being utterly lovely.
“I was out back in the garden,” she said defensively.
“I didn’t say anything.”
“Anyway, you’re leaving.” She reached out and snapped the lock on the screen, as if he was some sort of barbarian, who would enter her house without an invitation, barge by her, sit on her sofa and demand tea. No. Beer.
Did she really think of him like that? Of course she did. That was why he’d been overlooked for someone with a better pedigree.
Of course if she
thought of him like that, she would know the flimsy screen door, with its fancy heritage scrolling in the corners, wouldn’t keep him out. Probably couldn’t keep a determined kitten out.
“I’m not leaving.” The words came from his mouth, all right, but they really surprised him. Because he didn’t want to be here in the first place. All the way here he had hoped and maybe even prayed for a reaction like this from her. So he could turn on his heel and catch the next flight back to Toronto. That would be enough to soothe his conscience. He’d flown all the way here, hadn’t he? Who could say he had not tried his hardest? Not made his best effort?
“If you don’t go away, I’ll call the police.”
He wondered if he should tell her the truth. About the letter in his pocket. Something told him the time was not right.
“No you won’t,” he said. “You won’t call the police.”
She glared at him. Her eyes were dark brown, shot through with gold. Immense eyes. They had always been her best feature, dancing with the light that was inside of her.
“I have nothing to say to you.”
“We could always talk about the dirt on your knees.”
She glared at him, tossed her head and slammed the inside door. The beveled glass insert rattled.
Not something a man who had just traveled two thousand one hundred and twenty-five miles should find amusing.
But he did.
It wasn’t, he told himself firmly, seeing her again that was causing this sensation inside him—like a light had been turned on in darkness.
He shoved his hands in his pockets, and rocked back on his heels. He turned slowly from her door. She lived only a block or two from where they had grown up together. Her, and him. And Mark.
The community of Sunnyside. A beautiful old part of the city, bordering the banks of the Bow River. From here, on her covered porch, he could look south up her street, and see the park that ran parallel to the river for most of its journey through Calgary. A couple of runners enjoyed the paved path under huge trees.
He noticed she had a swing on her porch, full of plump gray and pink pillows and he went and sat on it. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a curtain twitch angrily into place.
He rocked slowly with one foot. He liked Calgary. He’d been struck by that an hour earlier when the plane circled. That he liked this city. Had missed it.
This neighborhood was changing so rapidly. Young professionals were snapping up the dignified old houses just across the river from the downtown core and doing incredible renovations on them.
That trend had actually started when he and his dad had moved here years ago. He’d been in the sixth grade.
Her father, Tory’s, was a doctor, and had owned the beautifully kept old house on one side of his. Mark’s parents, a psychologist and a veterinarian, owned an equally beautiful one on the other.
His house, a ramshackle rental, was right in the middle. Him and his dad, a mechanic with grease under his nails, doing their best to make it after the death of his mom.
He heard the window squeak open behind him.
“Get lost!” she snapped.
“No,” he said.
The window slammed shut.
He sighed with something like pleasure. Tory in a temper.
Her name was really Victoria. Victoria Bradbury, a good name for a heroine in an old English novel, but a terrible one for a tomboy who climbed trees and had perpetually scuffed knees. And a temper like a skyrocket going off.
He looked around her porch with interest. The house was probably sixty years old or more, well kept, nicely painted—yellow with gray trim. He noticed she had a gift with flowers, just as her mother had had. The window boxes around the porch rioted with color, which was an accomplishment in the first week of June in a city with such a short growing season.
Her house, back then, had always had flowers. And Mark’s parents had had beautifully landscaped nomaintenance shrubs and bark mulch. His own yard had sported the hulks of cars.
He supposed that’s why he was staying. To show her what he had become. A lawyer now, the shoes he was wearing worth more than his dad used to pay for a month’s rent on that old falling down house.
The thing was, he remembered, she had never seemed to care what he had come from.
And neither had Mark.
They had taken him under wing from the very first day he’d moved in. They had become the three musketeers—ridden their bikes up and down these very streets, built tree houses, walked forever along that path by the river. Their doors had always been open to him, both of their mothers treating him like he was one of their families.
He felt the strangest clawing sensation in his throat.
Remembering. Those bright days so full of laughter and kinship.
That was not too strong a word for what the three of them had shared, for what passed in and out of the doors of those three side-by-side houses.
Of course, the inevitable had happened.
They got older and the love changed. He and Mark had both fallen in love with her.
And she had chosen Mark.
The swing was squeaking outrageously. The sun was sinking and had bathed the street and its gorgeous huge trees and old houses in the most resplendent light.
He took the letter out of his pocket, opened it and began to read it again. For at least the hundredth time.
Tory inched the curtain back, and looked out. He was still there, sitting in her porch swing, seeming not to care that it had grown quite dark out.
And probably cold.
“Don’t you dare care if he’s cold,” she muttered to herself.
She had nearly fainted when she had opened the door and he had been standing there.
The same and yet very different, too.
The same since he was so recklessly handsome that it took a person’s breath away.
His hair, though shorter now, was black and faintly wavy and still fell over one eye. Obsidian dark, those eyes, glinting with hints of silver laughter, of mischief. A straight nose, a wide sensuous mouth, clean sparkling teeth, that scar was still on his chin from the time he’d split it open riding his bike over a jump neither she nor Mark would try.
He had laughed, devil-may-care, when her mother had insisted on taking him to the hospital for stitches.
The next week he’d broken his arm going over the same jump.
It didn’t look like he laughed quite so much these days. The line around his mouth seemed firm and stern, and the light in his eyes, when she had first opened the door, had been distinctly grim. A man with a mission.
When she’d told him to go away, that old familiar glint of humor had lit somewhere at the back of his eyes. And then it had deepened when he had spotted the dirt on her knees.
She shivered involuntarily as she thought of those black eyes drifting down her with easy familiarity, his gaze nearly as powerful, altogether as sensuous, as a touch.
He had always had that in him. Magnetism. A place in him that could not be tamed, his presence electrifying, making other boys seem smaller, infinitely less interesting, as if they were black-and-white cutouts, and he was three dimensional and in living color.
Even Mark.
Tory had always thought Adam would mature to be the kind of man with a wild side. That he would end up in black leather, jumping canyons on those motorcycles he had loved so much as a teenager. Or traveling the world in search of adventure—crocodiles to wrestle, damsels to rescue.
There was nothing ordinary about him, so she had thought he would do extraordinary things. Become a secret agent Climb Mount Everest. Sail solo around the world. Explore outer space.
When she’d heard he was a lawyer, she couldn’t believe it. Had felt disappointed, almost. Adam, a lawyer? It seemed unthinkable.
Until she saw him standing on her porch, oozing self-confidence and wealth. Of course, the self-confidence he had always had in abundance.
But somehow she never would have imagined him in those shoes, the silk shirt with the tie slightly askew, the knife-pressed pants.
She looked out on her porch again. He used to smoke, but somehow she knew he wouldn’t anymore.
The wild boy banished.
But still there, lurking in those eyes and that smile.
“Go away,” she whispered.
The swing creaked.
He wasn’t going away.
She knew he would be a good lawyer. Better than good. He’d always had a talent for reading people. He always knew what they would do. He was so smart that sometimes she and Mark had exchanged awed looks behind his back. And at his core, he had a toughness, that neither she nor Mark had. A toughness that had less to do with being a mechanic’s son than his deep certainty of who he was and what kind of treatment he would accept at the hands of the world.
She knew he thought she’d give in and go out there. Lured by old affections or curiosity.
But she wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction. Let him sit out there all night.
She went into her bathroom and slammed the door, regarded herself in the mirror with ill humor. She looked like a little kid. And felt like one, too. She reached down and rubbed the dirt off her knee. With spit.
He looked so sophisticated now. She bet he dated lacquered ladies who could wear sequined gowns and look dazzling instead of ridiculous. He probably took them to the opera.
Adam Reed at the opera.
When had he become that kind of guy instead of the boy who took his motorcycle apart in his backyard, looked over his fence into hers, grinning, the black smudge of motor oil across his cheek making him look more wildly appealing than ever?

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