Read Cardinal Online

Authors: Sara Mack

Cardinal (14 page)

BOOK: Cardinal
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“Diane’s grandson.”

I look at Latson and he looks at me. “So, we’re
all alone?”

He nods and my pulse quickens. His breathing increases
too, because I can feel the rise and fall of his chest. He leans forward and
brushes his nose across my cheek until his mouth finds my ear. “I was headed outside
to your window when Heidi knocked on the door. I was going to ask if you wanted
to have a sleepover of our own.”

My breath hitches and a warm anticipation
starts to spread through my veins. “Hmmm,” I tease. “I’ll have to check with Ed.
He doesn’t like to share, remember?”

Latson frowns. “Again with Sheeran?”

I nod with a smile and he pauses to think. Then,
he cocks an eyebrow.

“When’s the last time he kissed you?” he asks.

“Ummm ...” He’s got me there. “Never.”

Latson gives me his sexy smirk before lowering
his mouth to mine. He takes his time teasing my lips, first the top and then
the bottom, by slowly pulling each one between his own and sucking on it. No
one has paid such delicate attention to my mouth before and the feeling is
incredible. When he finishes his individual attention, he takes my lips
together, parting them with his tongue and branding me in his own way. A whimper
escapes my throat, and I feel Latson smile before he pulls back.

“That’s one for me and zero for Ed,” he says as
I catch my breath. “When’s the last time he touched you?”

I shake my head. “Never. He’s touched me with
his words, though. That should count.”

“Maybe,” Latson concedes. “But, what if you
could have the real thing?”

Before I can answer, he releases my hands. He runs
both of his up to my shoulders and focuses on my eyes. “I haven’t forgotten
about the chase,” he says. “I said I didn’t care how fast you ran and I meant
it.” He turns his hand over and trails his knuckles over my collarbone. “If you
decide to stay with me tonight I’ll still chase you. Nothing needs to happen
that you don’t want.”

My heart races and all I can think is
I want.
His brings his hands to my waist and leans in close, following the same
path over my collarbone with his lips. I reach for him, to wind my arms around
his waist, his neck, anything, but he suddenly backs away. He smiles as I

“I think that’s two for me and zero for Ed.” He
grins as he pulls my phone from his pocket. “Would you like to tell him it’s
over or should I?”

“You’re an arrogant ass,” I laugh as I swipe my
cell from him.

He shrugs. “My point has been made. I’m better
than your imaginary boyfriend.”

He definitely better than anything imaginary. Hell,
he might be better than anything I’ve ever had.

Just then a phone rings and it’s not mine. Latson
glances at his cell before picking it up and answering. “Hey, buddy.”

I decide to walk over to my purse to give him
some privacy.

“What are you doing up?  It’s after ten,” he
says. “Yes. I know school’s over next week. You still have a bed time.”

I smile as I put my phone away.

“Jen,” Latson whispers and I turn around.
are you going?”
he mouths.

“Nowhere,” I whisper back.

“What, bud?  No, you cannot have that game. We’ve
talked about this before. You know –” He’s cut off. “Oliver. It’s too late for
this discussion.” He sighs. “Yes. We can talk about it tomorrow.”

Latson paces back and forth as he talks to his
nephew. Watching him makes me wonder how hard it was to go from fun uncle to
father figure and having to set rules and boundaries. The realization hits me
that he went from single rock star to single dad in the blink of an eye. The
situation had to be a huge change.

“I love you,” Latson says. “Sleep tight.”

“Wait!” I whisper-yell and wave my arms to get his
attention. “Tell Oliver I said hi.”

Latson smiles. “Hey, O?  Remember when I told
you I was going to see Jen tonight?” He waits. “Well, she said to tell you hi.”

I walk over to him as he ends the conversation.
“Okay. I’ll tell her. I don’t – I can ask. Buddy, she might be busy.” Latson
winks at me. “We’ll see. Goodnight. I’ll pick you up from school.” He hangs up
the phone.

“What was that about?” I ask.

“Oliver would like to know if you’re free next


“The end of the year first grade picnic.”

 My heart melts for the kid a little more. “When
is it?”

“Thursday afternoon. You don’t have to go.”

“Are you kidding?  Of course I’ll go. I have
nothing else to do.”

Latson’s arms circle my waist and he pulls me
close. “You have me to do.”

My heart skips. “Oliver asked first. I can’t
see you next Thursday.”

He leans in and rests his forehead against mine.
“Sneaky kid.”

“Are you jealous?”

He looks up. “I have been. The night he fell
asleep with you on the couch?  I’ve never been so jealous of a seven-year-old
in my entire life.”

I want to grin. Instead, I tip my head and run
my finger along his shirt collar. “Is that why you felt the need to carry me to

Latson’s eyes grow dark. “No. But I feel the
need to carry you to bed right now.”

He tightens his hold around my waist and presses
my body to his. I can feel the need he’s talking about.

Holy shit. It’s an impressive need.

“I thought you said we didn’t have to do
anything I didn’t want.”

He blinks. “I did. I’m sorry.”

He tries to step back, but I hold on to him. “That’s
not what I meant.” I stand on my toes and find his ear. “I meant I don’t want
you to carry me to bed. I can walk.”

He buries his face against my neck. “You’re
killing me.”

Latson starts to walk backward, pulling me along
with him. His mouth assaults my skin, kissing and nipping wherever he touches. I
close my eyes and run my fingers into his hair, behind his head, to keep him in
place. We make it into the hallway, the one where I shot him during the Nerf war,
and his hands slide from my waist, to my hips, to my ass. When we stop walking,
one of his hands disappears and I hear a door open. He steps back and takes my
hand, leading me into his room.

The lights are off, but the moon is high in the
sky. Its light shines through sliding glass doors illuminating an impressive
master suite. It’s big, bigger than any of the rooms in Pete’s apartment, and I
remember Latson renovated the entire floor. In addition to a California king,
there’s the typical furniture – a large dresser and two end tables. There’s
also a seating area, with an entertainment center and a loveseat. I can also see
a set of double doors which I assume lead to a closet. Or maybe it’s a

We stop walking next to the bed and Latson wraps
me in his arms. He runs his fingers up and down my back and asks, “Are you

I want to tell him my freaking blood is on
fire, of course I’m sure. Rather than do that, I reach between us and pull at
the bottom of his shirt. “I want to see you,” I whisper. Without question, he
reaches for the back of his collar and pulls the shirt over his head. He
crumples it in his hands and tosses it on the floor as I stand there and stare.

Good lord.

I go for his abs first. There’s no other choice
when there are so many of them. I set my hands flat on his stomach, then run
them over his defined muscles. I feel his breathing catch as I take my time
tracing them before moving higher on his chest. His skin is so smooth I start
to worry about my own. Pushing the thought aside, I step closer and start to
follow my fingers with my tongue. Yep. I literally lick him.

He groans and grabs hold of my waist, pulling
at my dress and lifting my skirt. “How does this thing come off?” he murmurs as
he tries to figure it out.

I stop treating him like an ice cream cone and
move back. I step out of my shoes before reaching behind my neck. “It’s pretty
simple.” I smile.

He smiles back, but doesn’t let me continue. He
turns me around and then gathers my hair in one hand. I feel the tie on my dress
loosen, then watch as the top half falls away. Suddenly, his mouth is on me,
devouring the nape of my neck and traveling down across my shoulder. His touch
feels warmer than before as he gently grips my hair and pulls, tilting my head
in the opposite direction of his lips. His free hand sends a shiver down my
spine as it slides around my middle, just grazing the bottom of my breasts. I
think he realizes they’re free, because it takes only a second for his hand to find
one and consume it.

It’s not long before my dress is gone and I’m
lying on the bed. He stands over me, his feet still planted on the floor, and his
eyes rake over my body as his hands skim every part. My nerves jump into
overdrive when he gets to my pink bikinis and stops. He threads his thumbs
under them at my hips, pauses to kiss around my belly, and then slides them slowly
down my legs. When they’re off, he stands and spins them around one finger. “I
think I’ve seen these before.”

I’m confused. “What?  How?”

He grins and lets my underwear fly off his
finger. “I believe you called it Stripper Therapy.”

Oh my God. He’s right. I didn’t even realize I
put on the same pair. Wait. “You remember what I was wearing?”

He leans halfway over me and lifts my legs,
running his hands down the back of them. “Every detail of that performance is
burned into my mind.”

Everything inside me tenses. My eyes fall on
his jeans and I set my feet against the front of them, curling my toes over the
waistband. “Why are you still dressed?”

He undoes the button, and I help him shove them
off with my feet. When he’s standing there in his boxer briefs, I have a flashback
to dinner.
My glasses fantasy can totally come true.
When he rids
himself of his Calvin’s, I make a mental note to
that fantasy come
true. This man is gorgeous.

I push myself sideways, further into the center
of the bed and toward the pillows.

“Where are you going?” He grabs my ankle and
pulls me back.

“Not far. I just –”
Sweet mother!
hand slides between my legs causing my back to arch and my hips to jump. As my
limbs go limp and my mind clouds over, I’ve never been so happy that he picked
up a guitar and mastered it than I am right now. All rational thought leaves my
mind as his movements bring sensations that build and build until my body lets go
and hums.

When I come down from the high, my eyes flutter
open to see him backing away. Now it’s my turn to murmur. “Where are you

He kisses me and smiles. “Don’t worry. I’ll be
right back.”

When he leaves, I want to complain about being
cold without him near, but I can’t. The view I get when he walks away is
priceless. Shoulders: strong. Back: toned. Waist: tapered. Ass: perfect. I bite
my lip to suppress a grin. I can’t wait to get my hands on every inch of him.

Latson makes it to the doorway and reaches
inside to flip the light switch. He enters the bathroom and stands there, butt
naked, and starts to rummage through the medicine cabinet. I think I know what
he’s looking for, so I slide myself up toward the head of the bed.

When he turns off the light and returns to me, he
wastes no time covering my body with his. He plants kisses along my chin and
down my neck, and I zero in on his shoulder with my lips. As my hands explore
his back, he leans up on his elbows and holds a condom between his fingertips. “Sorry.
I don’t keep these handy anymore.”

I tilt my head. “There’s one in your hand right

“I meant in a convenient location. It’s been …”
 He looks down and then back at me. “It’s been awhile since I’ve had anyone in
my bed.”

“Are you blushing?” I tease.

He shakes his head and gives me his lopsided
dimple smile.

“You are blushing!”  I grin. “Give me this
thing.” I steal the plastic from him. As I tear it open, he brings his hands to
the sides of my face and gently pushes my hair behind my ears.

“Jen.” His eyes focus on mine. “I don’t know
what this is.”

“It’s sex,” I laugh.

His eyes grow intense. “Hell, yes.” He flexes
his hips against mine, giving me a taste of what’s to come. My laughter fades
into a moan.

“God. I love that sound,” he breathes. “What I
meant is I’ve never wanted anyone the way I want you.”

Speechless, I get lost in his gaze, in his burning
expression and beautiful eyes.

“I don’t know what that means, but I want to
find out,” he says. He runs his thumb over my lower lip. “Are you okay with
that?  Jumping into the unknown?”

I’ve never been one to back down from a
challenge. I lift my head, plant a slow kiss on his lips, and then whisper
against them.



Sunlight warms my face and I open one eye. I
take in the room around me and wonder what time it is. I should probably get
back to Pete’s in case he comes home. The last thing I need is a lecture on
what he would perceive as the walk of shame.

I bury my head into a pillow at the thought. Closing
my eye, I allow myself a few more minutes of peace. I have no idea what will
happen once I get out of this bed. Under the sheets, everything makes sense. My
naked back is pressed to Latson’s chest, and his arm is draped over my side. My
muscles are blissfully sore, and I feel warm and wanted. I’m me and he’s him,
and we’re two people that really like one another. I don’t regret what

However, outside of the blankets, he’s my boss
and my brother’s friend. I didn’t think about that last night. I was wrapped up
in doing what made me happy, caught in the whirlwind that is Latson. I got lost
in his kisses and touches and words. Do I want it to continue?  Yes. But I’m
pretty sure I’ll need to quit my job for that to happen. When I do, my brother
will know something big went down. I hope it won’t create a problem for Latson,
especially with Pete.

The thought of a potential shit storm makes me
groan into the pillow. I curse my over-analytical mind. Leave it to reality to
crush my high.
Forget it,
I think.
Relax. Remember your rule.

Latson’s arm tightens around me, and he finds
the crook of my neck with his lips. He gives me a sleepy kiss. “Why are you
making strange noises?”

“I’m sorry I woke you.” I roll on my back and
look at him. He couldn’t be more adorable if he tried. His hair is sticking up
in all directions, probably from me pulling on it, and his eyes are tired. “I
was thinking about my rule.”

“What rule?” He frowns. “Please tell me it
doesn’t pertain to guys you sleep with.”

I smile. “It does and it doesn’t.”

He drags his hand over his lazy eyes, trying to
wake up. “Care to fill me in?  I don’t want to break this rule.”

“It’s not for you. It’s for me.”

He raises a questioning brow and I elaborate. “When
I came to the city, I promised myself I would only do what made me happy. I
made it my Cardinal rule. After everything in my life fell apart, I had to do
something to stay sane.”

Concern crosses his features. “Are you saying last
night didn’t make you happy?”

“Absolutely not.” I roll to my side and prop my
head on my hand. “I haven’t been that happy in, oh, I’d say

He gives me his signature smirk before giving
me a hungry kiss. “But to keep the happy, I need to quit my job,” I mumble
against his lips. “Pete will probably flip out, and I don’t want it to affect
your friendship.”

Without warning he rolls over and pounces on
me, causing me to yelp. He covers my body with his, twisting the sheets around
us. “This is what you think about first thing in the morning?”

 I laugh. “I can’t help it.”

He hovers above me, leaning on his elbows. “We
need to redirect your train of thought.”

“I’m serious,” I say. “I can’t sleep with my

A slow smile spreads across his face. “I know
you can, because you did.”

I try to kick my feet, but get nowhere. “This
is an important issue!”

“Only if you make it one.” He kisses my
forehead. “No one will care if we’re seeing each other except for Pete. Do you really
want to quit working at Torque?”

“Well, no,” I confess. I like it there. The
money is good and the people are better.

“Then stop trying to create a problem. I don’t
want you to quit. I like the thought of seeing you every day.” His voice gets
low and seductive. “I can control myself. Are you saying you can’t?”

I roll my eyes. “Of course I can.”

“Like you said, outside of work we’re us. Inside,
we can be professionals unless we’re alone.”


He leans down and whispers in my ear. “Don’t
think I haven’t thought about taking you over the bar.”

A shiver runs up my spine. “Really?”


I have to admit that’s something I’ve never
done – and would totally love to do. “Fine.” I pretend to be stern. “But we
should set some rules. You can’t come within five feet of me while I’m

“Three,” he counters.

“No touching.”

“Can I touch you with words?”

I sigh. “Are you making fun of me?”

“Not at all.” He tries to look innocent.

“I don’t want the other staff to think I’m
getting special treatment,” I explain. “I got enough suspicious looks the day I

“That’s understandable,” he says. “Although …”  His
fingers trace a pattern over my skin, along the edge of the sheet trapped
between us. “You will be getting special treatment.”

He nudges the fabric down, and I squirm beneath
him. “I’m trying to have an adult conversation with you.”

“And I’m trying to act like an adult with you.”

His lips replace his fingers as he moves down
my body, pulling the sheet off and exposing me along the way. “Just so we’re
clear,” he mumbles against my belly, “I can’t think straight around you. It’s
worse when you’re naked beneath me.”

My body warms to his touch. “That sounds like a
serious problem.” I run my hands into his hair. “Maybe I should avoid you

He nips my hip in admonishment, and I twitch. “Not
an option.”

He sits back on his knees allowing his eyes to rake
over me. I’m not used to being scrutinized nude in the daylight, so I cover
myself with my arms. “Stop staring.”

Slowly, he crawls back up my body, taking my
wrists and pinning them beside my head. “Again, not an option.” He leans in and
kisses my neck. “You’re beautiful. You’ll be lucky if I let you wear clothes
when we’re alone again.”

I laugh. “I think you’re just happy I agreed to
stay the night.”

“No.” His eyes immediately snap to mine. “I
meant what I said. I’ve never wanted anyone the way I want you. I don’t know if
it’s your smart mouth, your talent, or your heart that makes me want you more,
but you haven’t left my mind since day one. Yes, I’m glad last night happened, but
I’d feel the same if it hadn’t. I don’t think you understand what you’ve done
to me.”

My expression softens as I take in his words. “What
did I do?”

“You made me feel.”

He releases my wrists, and I rest my hands on
his arms. “Feel?  I don’t –”

“I’ve been numb,” he says. “I knew I was, but I
didn’t care. A month ago I never would have performed in front of a crowd. I
wouldn’t have asked a woman out on a date, and I sure as hell wouldn’t have
talked to my father. Those things happened because of you.”

A tiny smile dances across my lips. “Well … you’re

“Now,” he focuses on my mouth, “can we stop
talking?  I don’t get many Oliver-free mornings, and I’d like to enjoy our time
while we can.”

“So, that’s how this is going to work?” I tease.
“While the little kid’s away …”

He flashes a wicked grin. “… the big kids will




The following afternoon, I give my coworker a
concerned look as she hobbles the length of the bar. “Gwen. Are you limping?”

“Yes.” She frowns. “I sprained my ankle


Her face turns red as she reaches me. “Promise
you won’t laugh.” She hands me her purse to stow beneath the cash register and
lets out a big sigh. “I tried to rollerblade.”

I instantly hide a smile. “Oh no. What went

“Everything!”  She tosses her hands in the air.
“I finally got this guy in my building to ask me out, and he decides to take me
rollerblading. Me!  The least athletic person on the planet. I should have
known he would want to do something outdoorsy with his perfect tan and his
strong legs and the kayak strapped to the top of his Jeep.”

I pat her shoulder in sympathy as she leans on
the bar and holds her head in her hands. “Why didn’t you suggest dinner or a
movie instead?  Outdoorsy guys have to eat, too.”

“I was so excited he asked me out I didn’t
think about it. I figured I could do it; I mean, I used to roller skate when I
was little.”

I smile. “So, what happened?”

She peeks at me from beneath her hands. “I put
the rollerblades on, stood up, and started rolling backward. The parking lot was
on an incline, and I didn’t know how to stop. I was picking up speed and a car
pulled in, so I ditched.”

My eyes grow wide. “Did the car hit you?”

“No.” She shakes her head. “But the driver got
out to see if I was okay. Talk about embarrassing. Then, Logan came gliding
over all professional-like to see if I was hurt. He helped me up, and I
couldn’t put pressure on my foot.” She gives me a miserable glance. “We spent
the next six hours in the ER. He got to witness a nurse bandage my scraped
elbows and knees. I felt like a ten-year-old. It was incredibly sexy.” She
pauses. “Not. It was my first date in over six months and I ruined it.”

I shouldn’t tell her I had a date, too. Not
only did it go well, but I’m not sure I’m ready to spill about Latson. I have,
however, had my share of bad dates in the past. “Listen. If this Logan gives up
on you because you fell over, he’s not worth the trouble. If he doesn’t check on
you in the next twenty-four hours, forget him. We’ll find you someone new.”

“Good luck with that.” Gwen stands up straight.
“I’ve been trying to find someone new for freaking ever.” She ducks beneath the
bar. “Where are we at with set up?  I don’t know how much help I’ll be tonight,
but at least I’m a body.”

“Maybe you should go home,” I suggest.

“I wish I could, but I need the cash.” Gwen
gimps over to look at the wells I’ve stocked with alcohol. “I’ll just stay
immobile on this side and you take the other.”

“If that’s what you want,” I say skeptically. I
feel bad for her. It’s obvious she’s in pain. “Do you have any medicine?”

“Generic oxy.” She pats her pocket. “They’re my
new best friends.”

“Do I have to remind you two that Torque has a
strict no drug use policy?”

I turn around and come eye to eye with Latson. My
stomach flips. It’s the first time I’ve seen him since we got out of bed
yesterday morning. I can tell he’s joking with his words, but I can also sense some
emotion behind his question. “Gwen twisted her ankle,” I explain. “It hurts.”

 He frowns. “What happened?”

“It’s a long story.” Gwen waves her hand as if
to say ‘forget about it’. “Rest assured I’m only popping doctor prescribed

Latson nods toward her feet. “Are you sure
you’re okay?  I don’t want you hurting yourself any worse.”

Gwen hops over to me and puts her arm around my
shoulders. “Jen’s got my back. We make a great team. She’ll work this side, and
I’ll work the other. Besides, I need her dating advice.”

Latson’s eyebrows shoot up. “You do?”

Gwen nods. “She’s going to help me find someone
new if Mr. Outdoors doesn’t work out.”

Latson looks at me and tries to hold back a
smile. “Well, I’ve heard she’s pretty good in the dating department.”

The tops of my ears start to get hot. “Don’t
you have some work to do or –”

“Oh, hey. That reminds me.” He steps back. “What
do you think of my new shirt?” He looks down at his chest and points. My eyes
travel from his face to his pecs.
I licked it so it’s mine
is printed in
bold white letters.

The heat from my ears travels to my cheeks. “You
…” I close my eyes to keep my composure. I didn’t expect him to be this blatant.
I open my eyes to Latson’s crooked smile. “That’s a little unprofessional,
don’t you think?”

“Why?  Oliver says it all the time.”

My eyes bug out of my head. “He does?  Why
would he say that?”

“So I won’t steal his Oreos.” Latson looks at
me like I’m overreacting. “He likes to lick the filling before he dips them in
milk.” He turns to Gwen and shrugs. “I guess she’s never eaten an Oreo.”

Gwen looks at me. “Haven’t you?”

“Of course I have. The statement just seems a
little … I don’t know. Inappropriate.”

Latson tsk-tsks. “Jen. Are you thinking dirty
thoughts again?”

Gwen shoots me a questioning look. “Again?”

“No. I –”

“You can admit it,” Latson says. “I’d like to
know what’s going on in that head of yours.”

He purposefully bites his lower lip as he
smirks, drawing my attention to his mouth. Thoughts of kissing him cloud my
mind, so I get sarcastic to push them away. “I bet you would.”

Latson backs away from the bar. “I won’t keep
you ladies. I’m getting dangerously close to violating the three foot rule.”

BOOK: Cardinal
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