Cardinal's Rule (39 page)

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Authors: Tymber Dalton

Tags: #anal sex/play, #mf, #bondage, #mm, #by Tymber Dalton, #M/s, #bdsm, #D/s, #mmf

BOOK: Cardinal's Rule
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“You almost killed yourself.”

“That was my stupid choice. I didn’t have to make it. Thank god I didn’t succeed or I’d never have met you.” He kissed her. “I’ll admit it. I’m a selfish man. I want both of you. I love both of you. If forced to choose, however, I will always choose you.”

What was she doing? Why get upset over this? Why be an immature brat over this?

“Would you rather be free to take a chance with Bob?” he quietly asked. “Is that what brought this on? That you want to see where things might lead with him?”

“No!” It hit her—that absolutely was the truth. She did not want to be free. She felt sorry for Bob, but she didn’t want to lose Landry. “Okay. I won’t leave. I’m sorry. I’m… I just really got broadsided by all this.”

He hugged her tightly, desperately. “Jesus you scared twenty years off my life, baby girl. Please don’t frighten me like that again.”

Tilly closed her eyes and let him hold her. No, she didn’t want to be anywhere but here.

“I think I need some time to reconsider the Cris issue,” she admitted. “It’s not fair to him to keep him like that, not able to spend time with you, but I don’t know how to get over my jealousy.”

“Is that what upset you?”

He waited for her answer even though it took her a long moment to finally admit it. “Yes. I

don’t know why it doesn’t bother me seeing you use him or play with him, but when I’m not allowed to at least watch… Yeah, it’s a double standard. I admit it.”

He stroked her cheek. “I’m sorry it upset you. If I’d known, I never would have done it.”

“See, that’s the point. I didn’t know it would upset me that much and in all fairness, I should man up and deal with it.”

He grinned. “I would prefer you don’t get manly.”

“Ugh. Pain in the ass, that’s what you are.”

He closed his eyes and rested his forehead against hers. “Whatever I have to do to make you

happy, I will. If you want, we’ll go to the lawyer today and change things. I can’t lose you, sweetheart.


She thought about it for a while. “No, that’s okay.” She took a deep breath. “I guess I’m not as big a person as I thought I was. You’re my husband and sharing you with him isn’t as easy as I thought it might be.”

* * * *

Landry squeezed his eyes shut and held her tightly, afraid to let her go. He could not lose her.

Would not lose her.

If she would just open up and let Cris back into her heart, no way she’d leave the two of them.

He had to bridge that gap before something else happened and he risked losing her forever.

He didn’t need to lie to her about how he felt. Losing her would rip his heart and soul apart.

And he did need her, every bit as much as he needed Cris.

He just needed to make her admit how much she still loved Cris and find a way to bring them

together again for good.

* * * *

Tilly’s way of working through her issues was to make Cris’ life miserable over the next few

days. Landry didn’t miss her harsh tone, sarcastic comments, and less than charitable treatment.

In one way, Landry was glad to see it. It meant she felt something, anything. Her avoidance of the issue over the past several months had frustrated him. While sick he didn’t have the energy to devote to changing the situation. Barring any unforeseen complications, his own future looked exceedingly bright.

Meaning he could now focus on the problem at hand.

Landry stayed out of it for the most part, other than watching. He ignored Cristo’s frustrated glances his way whenever Tilly yet again berated him for something. Landry opted not to enlighten him. He suspected Cris would object on conscientious grounds, and if Tilly thought they were working together, it could, in fact, drive her away.

Losing her was not an acceptable option.

Even if it meant Cris would have to suffer the slings and arrows of Tilly’s jealous rage, they would soldier on.

Certainly, Cris had suffered far worse at his own hands over the years.

Not to mention, the sadist in Landry took great pleasure over his slave’s discomfort, especially when Cris tripped all over himself, even when Cris knew Tilly’s attacks were unwarranted, to try to mollify her.

Over the next week, her anger bubbled up, seething, until the littlest thing could set her off.

Landry sat at the kitchen table, working on his laptop, when Cris came in from grocery shopping and started putting things away. Tilly had gone out for lunch with Loren and arrived home just as Cris finished unpacking everything.

Landry sat back, crossed his arms over his chest, and waited for the show to begin. He knew it would, too, because Cris had already violated one of Cardinal’s rules.

She didn’t disappoint. She grabbed the wad of plastic bags off the counter and shook it in Cris’

face. “What the fuck is this?”

Cris immediately took a deep breath and Landry watched his struggle to keep his voice calm.

“I’m sorry, Tilly. The reusable bags were in your car and I forgot to get them out before you left.”

She threw them on the floor. “They’re fucking ninety-nine cents each!” She pointed at Landry.

“How many millions is he worth, and you can’t fucking spring for ten bucks worth of reusable grocery bags? Did you fucking lose your ability to think for yourself, asshole?”

Landry smirked. Oh, she was definitely pissed. At least four fucks in just a few breaths. He watched Cris take another deep breath to maintain control.

“You’re absolutely right. I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.”

She yanked the refrigerator door open. “Where’s my fucking cola?” Tilly didn’t drink much in the way of sodas. Only one specific brand—Boylan—and only the ginger ale and cane cola flavors. She didn’t drink it all the time, either, but when she wanted it, it’d better be there.

“They were out.” He had to hand it to Cris, he was doing his best to keep his tone calm. Landry recognized the effort from when he’d let loose on Cris during his sick periods. “They said they should be getting more tomorrow—”

She slammed the fridge door shut and advanced on him. “You mean to tell me there are at least five Publixes in a ten mile radius of this house, and
of them were out of Boylan cola? You are fucking worthless!”

Landry sensed the situation reaching critical mass. She’d never gone after him so directly

before, and for such an extended time. Usually she preferred a hit and run attack, a snarky comment here, an insult there, and let it drop. She looked like she was deliberately trying to egg him into a major confrontation.

Maybe this was the opportunity he’d waited for, the chance for Cristo’s impeccable control to take enough of a beating he would react emotionally.

“I’m sorry. I’ll go out and find you some. Normally you don’t drink it every day, so I didn’t think—”

“Nice job, asshole. You think. That’s the problem, isn’t it? You think too much. Your job,
, isn’t to think, it’s to follow fucking orders. Maybe he hasn’t beaten that into your pea brain. Maybe I need to give you a session of my own to fucking beat some sense into you and remind you that you aren’t here to think,
you goddamned asshole

The last three words were delivered at something akin to a scream. Landry smiled to himself as he watched the last of Cris’ control dissolve in frustration.
Here we go. This is my chance.

* * * *

Landry sat laughing at the table as Tilly stormed off and slammed the bedroom door behind her.

“What’s so fucking funny?” Cris asked, temporarily forgetting who he was speaking to in his


“Why the hell do you let her treat you like that?”

He frowned. “What?”

Landry rolled his eyes. “Have you gone simple, slave? Why do you let her treat you like


He stared at his Master, certain he’d misheard him. “You told me I had to do what she said

when you married her.”

“I said you had to
her. I never said you had to let her treat you like shit, asshole.” He grinned, amused.

“Okay, now I’m confused.”

Landry stood with his coffee mug in hand and headed for the work-out room. “Go after her. You love her, she loves you. I never said you had to let her treat you like trash. It’s time you show her how much you still love her.” He turned to Cris. “But if she takes your nuts off in the process, it’s your own damn fault.”

“I can…” He couldn’t finish, not sure he’d heard him right.

Landry rolled his eyes again. “Go. Fuck. Her. Brains. Out.” He pointed toward the master

bedroom. That said, he stepped into the work-out room and closed the door.

Cris stared at the closed door for a moment, then rushed out of the kitchen and across the house to the master bedroom.

He didn’t bother knocking. When he threw the door open, she turned, startled, from where she’d been changing clothes. The sight of her standing there in her bra and jeans hardened his cock immediately.

“What the fuck are you doing in here? Get out!”

Without a word he crossed the distance, grabbed her, and kissed her, hard. He fisted his hand in her hair and held her until her struggles weakened and he felt her respond. Only then did he lift his head.

His voice choked. “I love you, Redbird. Always and forever, and I meant it. This isn’t about your fucking soda, and you know it. I’m going to show you how much I still love you and want you.”

She started struggling again as he scooped her up and dumped her onto the bed. She sprang up, coming at him, murderous rage in her eyes.

He caught her and pushed her back onto the bed, then straddled her, her arms pinned over her head. “Get it out of your system now,
now, baby girl. Scream at me, yell at me all you want. I love you, and you still love me, and I’m tired of trying to pretend seeing him fuck you and not being able to touch you myself doesn’t kill me.”

“Good!” she screamed, tears welling in her eyes. “Good, because I hope it fucking eats you up from the inside out!”

He kissed her again, until she gave up struggling. When he lifted his head she said, “He’s going to tear a strip out of your hide for this. Get the fuck off of me!”

“He told me to come after you.”


“I did,” Landry said from the bedroom doorway. His sudden appearance startled both Cris and


She went limp again, this time in apparent shock. “What?”

Landry smiled and walked over to the bed. “I didn’t think he’d have the balls to do it. I’m glad to see I was wrong.” He stretched out next to her and kissed her. “You still love him. He still loves you.

I would love to see the two of you finally kiss and make up. Literally. Not just getting along for my sake, but back together.”

“You son of a bitch! I

“No, love, I didn’t mean it like that. I can see the way you watch him, the look in your eyes when I use him. The longing you still have for him, as much as he has for you.”

“He’s not my fucking Master!” She struggled again. “Get the
off of me!”

“Stay right there, Cris,” Landry said. “I didn’t say become his slave again. I mean forge a new dynamic with him.”

“I thought you didn’t want to share me. Another lie?”

“No. I don’t consider this sharing. I told you from the start that if your feelings for him ever changed I would welcome it. He still loves you, you still love him. I love both of you, and, well, before this moment I think you really loved me.
N’est-ce pas

“I love you,” she softly said. “I do love you. You know that.”

He arched an eyebrow at her. “You don’t hate me now for ordering him in here?”

After a long moment, she finally shook her head. Just a little, but enough.

“Let her go,” Landry commanded.

Cris sat back on his knees and released her hands, but she didn’t move.

Landry kissed her again. “I will order him out if you really want me to. Otherwise, why don’t we see what happens?” He softened his voice. “Aren’t you tired of trying to find reasons to be angry with him, love?”

Cris leaned forward and gently nipped at the base of her throat. Landry didn’t move.

Her eyes dropped closed as she softly moaned.

Cris worked his way lower, down her chest, between her breasts until he freed the left one and sucked her nipple between his lips. She gasped. Her hand gripped his hair, not pulling him away but holding him tightly to her. He didn’t want to allow hope into his heart, but he couldn’t help it.

Landry freed her other breast and licked her nipple. “Tell us to stop if you wish, love, but you would miss out on the delicious experience of two men catering to your every sexual whim. From

today on, we are totally under

Cris closed his eyes, her scent filling his lungs. He never dreamed this day would come, even after she forgave him. Never thought Landry would ever let him be anything other than a cuckolded toy for them both.

He would’ve happily settled for that too, just to stay with Landry and see her every day.

“Please don’t stop,” she whispered.

“There’s my sweet baby girl,” Landry muttered around her breast.

Cris relinquished the breast in his mouth and worked his way further south, unfastening her

jeans and tugging them down her body. Her panties soon followed.

He pushed her legs apart and bent his head to her mound. His tongue licked her, swirling around her clit, along her already damp folds, plunging into her hot pussy. Her moans sounded like absolute heaven to him.

“Let him show you how much he still loves you,” Landry told her. “Let him back into your

heart. Quit fighting what you know you still feel. It’s only making you miserable.”

She moaned again, her hips gyrating against Cris’ mouth. He wrapped his hands around her

thighs and licked, sucked, memories of many nights spent just like this flooding back to him with nearly overwhelming strength.

“Come for him, love,” Landry whispered to her. “Let go, it’s all right. I’m right here. I promise I won’t leave you. I want you to come for him.”

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