Caribbean Cruising (14 page)

Read Caribbean Cruising Online

Authors: Rachel Hawthorne

Tags: #Social Issues, #Dating & Sex, #Juvenile Fiction, #Cruise Ships, #Caribbean Area, #Fiction, #New Experience, #Dating (Social Customs), #Adolescence

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Ryan shifted his attention over to Cameron, as though he was amused by the question. "Yeah, I'm big into experiencing the outdoors."


Ryan turned back to me and smiled. "Now I'll watch you climb."


wasn't what I'd call nervous. The butterflies fluttering beneath my ribcage had nothing at all to do with a fear of falling flat on my butt. They had more to do with Ryan being nearby and watching me.

As I stood for the second time in as many days getting harnessed up, I wished that Ryan had headed off to do something else. I wasn't bothered by any of the other guys watching my ungainly clamber up the wall.

But I was very self-conscious about having Ryan watch me. Which was insane. What did I care if he was watching the way I moved?

I didn't care. Okay, I cared a little. I cared a lot.

He'd looked so terrific and confident scaling the wall, and I was already feeling weak in the knees, and I hadn't even begun the ascent yet. I felt like failing would not only be a disappointment to me, but to Ryan as well.

I'd taken such joy in his success that I was hoping he'd feel the same way about mine.

I listened as Joe, the rock-climbing-wall guide, gave me some tips for the placement of my feet and hands. Then I folded my hands around the two different anchors on the wall, placed a foot on a foothold, lifted myself up, and placed the other foot on another foothold.

Now I just had to let go with one hand, and reach for another handhold. A lot easier-sounding that it felt.

I was only a few inches from the ground, and I was already experiencing major concern over falling and landing hard on my butt.

"Take a deep breath and ease up," Ryan said.

"I know." I really didn't, but I wasn't going to admit it.

"Come on, Lindsay, we're all waiting," Brooke said.

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I growled, wishing I'd told her to go first. I wasn't going to let her pressure me into scaling the wall quickly, and possibly losing my perch. She would just have to wait.

"Don't rush it," Ryan said.

"We'll be here all day if she doesn't hurry," Brooke said.

"Then you shouldn't have brought your harem," Ryan said.

"A harem is a group of females," Brooke pointed out.

"I was being sarcastic," Ryan said.

"Guys!" I snapped. "I'm trying to concentrate here."

My hands were getting damp, and I thought if I didn't speed things up a little, I was going to simply slide right off the wall. I inhaled deeply, released my right hand, and grabbed the next hold.

This was
much harder than it looked. What had I been thinking to even contemplate doing this?

But no way was I going to quit now that I'd started.

I began preparing to move my foot up to the next foothold…. Did it!

"That's it," Ryan encouraged. "Slow and steady."

It wasn't simply about finding a hold I could reach, and going for it. The trick was figuring out what I could easily reach that would put me in a good position to move up. And it wasn't as though I had a terrific view and could clearly envision the strategy. I was flat against the wall, which seriously limited what I could see.

I released my hold, snatched the next outcropping, and pulled myself up. My arms were actually starting to quiver from the strain. Not good. Not good at all.

I moved up. Deep breath, deep breath. Reach up, grab, step up, pull, breathe, release, grab, pull…

Over and over.

Then I heard clapping, chanting,
Go, go, go

I looked up and thought,
Nearly there. I can do this. I can reach the top. I just have to—

My foot slipped, my heart lurched, and my stomach felt as though it had dropped right to the ground, even though I was still clinging to the wall. I scrabbled my foot over the rugged surface until I found purchase.

And then I was breathing heavier than I'd ever breathed in my life. Shoot! That was close.

Even though I knew the rope would save me from smashing headfirst into the ground, I wasn't thrilled with the prospect of not reaching the top of this wall. It was a matter of pride.

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"You're almost there!" Ryan yelled.

I was?

Cautiously I glanced up. The top didn't seem that far away. Even more cautiously I gazed downward.

Wow! I'd climbed a lot higher than I had realized. Just one fake boulder at a time. It was so tempting to simply lunge for the top and be done with the climb, but after working so hard, I didn't want to lose anything that I'd gained.

So I became more cautious, and crept up inch by inch, trying to ignore all the noise that was coming from below me. I really appreciated everyone's enthusiasm, but I found it distracting as well. And I certainly didn't want to lose my grip or my footing when I'd put so much effort into getting to this point.

My muscles burned with the strain, but I knew I could do this. I absolutely could. I held my breath, released my hold, and grabbed the top of the wall. I glanced down, located the foothold I wanted to shoot for—

Got it!

I eased up—

And was at the top of the wall, breathing normally at last!

I released a triumphant shout and gazed around. I had a three-hundred-and-sixty-degree unfettered view of the ship and the ocean.

It was magnificent. So worth the effort of the climb. I really wished someone was up here with me to share the sight. No wonder Ryan had encouraged me. He'd seen it. He knew the reward. Even though he hadn't stayed up for as long as I had, knowing him, he'd probably climbed the wall a dozen times already.

With a shout of joy I began rappelling down the rock wall, the rope now serving as my anchor. My feet landed on the deck. The guy in charge helped me get out of the harness. My legs were trembling. It was a strange feeling to be on solid ground, and not to be worrying about losing my footing.

I kinda staggered over to the waiting area where Brooke and the guys were crowding around. I'd barely reached them when someone yanked me around.

I found myself in a lip lock that threatened to suck the air right out of me. I was going cross-eyed trying to figure out who was slobbering his spit all over me. I heard the distant din of shouts and yells…

And then I was free, tottering back, and staring incredulously at Shooter.

"Thought you deserved a kiss for reaching the top," he announced, with a goofy grin on his face.

If I'd known his sloppy, wet kiss was the reward, I wasn't certain I would have tried so hard to reach the top. I didn't know what to say.

Everyone's attention suddenly turned away from me as Cameron moved up to be harnessed, and people wanted to offer him encouragement. I sank down to the ground.

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Ryan crouched in front of me. "Thought I was going to have to call in a medical team to have that guy surgically removed."

I couldn't stop myself from grinning. "It wasn't that bad."

"Is he your new boyfriend?"

"No. Actually, until a minute ago, I thought he was all about Brooke."

"You know these guys are all players. They're going to say and do anything to get you into bed."

"I can handle it."

"If you say so."

It irritated me that he doubted me. I knew these guys were players. I was one as well.

"Ryan, you're not responsible for me."

"Look, I'm on this cruise because of you. So I feel some responsibility."

"Well, don't. It was nice of Walter to want to make sure I have my own personal buddy, but it was totally unnecessary. I can take care of myself. And you're free to do"—I waved my hand—" whatever."

"I appreciate that."

I struggled back to my feet. "I need to get back to the guys."

"We're still on for tonight, right?" he asked.

"Yeah. I'll see you at eight."

I'd climbed to the top, and all he'd noticed was Shooter kissing me. I couldn't have been more disappointed.

"Hey, Lindsay?"

I looked back at him.

He grinned and gave me a thumbs up. "That was a hell of a climb."


onight isn't a date.

I told myself that over and over as I changed from one outfit to another, unable to decide on exactly what I should wear to a
that wasn't a movie or a high-school play. It was a show like I saw advertised on TV in Vegas, or on Broadway, or any number of other stage productions. It was so not a mhtml:file://C:\Program Files\eMule\Incoming\+ Hawthorne, Rachel - Caribbean Cruising....


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Walter had purchased the tickets, was trying to be nice, was trying to make sure that everyone had a good time. Since he saw me as his daughter now, and he'd brought Ryan along on the cruise, he thought hooking us up was the way to go. So tonight we'd be hooked.

I'd really planned to be totally casual after the wedding, to relax completely for the remainder of the cruise. But here I was dabbing on lip gloss, mascara, and eye shadow. I repainted my fingernails. I even applied a hot iron to my hair, making it straight and sleek, and oh-so-not casual.

I couldn't believe all the trouble I was going to, or how tightly knotted my stomach was. I almost felt as though I was back on that stupid rock climbing wall reaching for that last hold that would allow me to see everything that surrounded me.

Only I felt as though I wasn't seeing anything. It was so difficult not being with anyone I shared a past with. I liked Brooke. She was fun, and she certainly did believe in bringing the party with her. I had a feeling she was one of those people who didn't like to be alone. Not for even a second.

Which was cool. I didn't have a problem with that attitude. But I hadn't been too pleased with Shooter snatching an unexpected kiss. I had a feeling that Brooke would have been okay with it. The guys were probably thinking Brooke and I were like two peas in a pod when we were really more like an apple and an orange. Not much in common except for the fact that we were both girls.

But that too was all right, I supposed. Although I was now wishing that I hadn't asked Ryan to get Brooke a ticket. A little time away from the constant party atmosphere might have been nice.

On the other hand I did want to make the very most of this cruise, and being off by myself limited the opportunities.

The knock on my door had me taking a deep breath and a final glance in the mirror. I was wearing a slinky, sparkly pink dress that I'd picked up cheaply, thinking that I'd probably never wear it, but that it would be nice to have, just in case.

And here I was wearing it with sandals. I hoped I didn't give the appearance of having dressed up for a date.
Because this is so not a date
, I repeated to myself for about the hundredth time.

I crossed the room, opened the door, and, after seeing him, wondered if Ryan thought maybe this
a date. He looked terrific. He was wearing a light blue button up shirt, and slacks.

"I hadn't planned to get this dressed up while on the cruise," he began, then shrugged. "But I figured for a

His eye-rolling made me laugh. "Same here," I admitted.

"I think there's some sort of dress code," he said.

"I figured. We didn't have as many dress codes in high school as this cruise has." Some of the dining rooms required fancy clothes—men in dinner jackets, ladies in dresses. Needless to say I planned to avoid them.

"Yeah, it's kinda strange to be on vacation, and have to dress up. Are you ready?"

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I tugged on the small purse hanging off my shoulder. "Have key, will travel."

He laughed at that. He had a really nice laugh. A deep timbre that echoed along the hallway.

"We'll be at Ocho Rios tomorrow," I said, like maybe he didn't know where we were going.

"What are you going to do?"

"Hike. Climb a waterfall."

We got on the elevator, and he pressed the button for the deck we needed.

"Figure I'll be doing the same. That, and shopping."

"I could use another toe ring," he said with a grin.

I patted his arm. "We'll see. You could always go with us."

That invitation had come out before I thought about it. I held my breath, not sure if I wanted him there or not. But he shook his head.

"I'm not much into crowds."

"I'm not sure how crowded it'll be."

"I was talking about in general. I was referring to the increasing entourage that seems to follow wherever you and Brooke go."

"They're all nice guys."

"If you say so."

The elevator stopped and we stepped off. I really didn't want to talk about Brooke, or the guys, or how much I was missing my friends and would gladly swap everyone I'd met here for just one friend I'd known forever.

We walked along the corridor, heading for the Starlight Lounge, where the show was being held.

"Look, I'm sorry for ragging on your friends," Ryan said.

I glanced over at him. "They're not really my friends. They're just people to have fun with. Friends take awhile to make."

As we neared, I could see there was already quite a crowd of people waiting to get in.

"There you two are!"

I turned in the direction of the familiar voice, and there was Brooke in a tight little outfit that dipped a little too low at the neckline, revealing the fact she had a lot more to offer than I did. She'd colored the tips of her dark, spiked hair blue.

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