Carnal Compromise (11 page)

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Authors: Robin L. Rotham

BOOK: Carnal Compromise
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Without warning, he landed a hard blow on each ass check and AJ screamed. “God, please!”

“That’s it, little girl. Ride me.”

“Help me!” she cried.

A heartbeat later, thick, hard fingers slid into her pussy and pumped in time with the desperate thrusting of her hips. Painfully excited, she clutched his leg and arched up into him. “Yes, yes, yes,” she moaned. She stiffened when the rough pad of his thumb sank between her butt cheeks, but she didn’t protest for fear he’d stop altogether. She rode his fingers wildly, all the while excruciatingly conscious of his thumb applying rhythmic pressure against her anus.
Please don’t, please don’t, please don’t…

She groaned when he deepened the penetration of his fingers and sped up, fucking her in his own rhythm now, and all she could do was grind her pubic bone against him and wait for the release she knew was coming.

It came with a vengeance when his thumb tipped and wormed its way just inside her bottom. AJ screamed harshly, overwhelmed…just…overwhelmed…


Torn between amusement and concern, and crippled by a hard-on stiff enough to use as an Olympic diving board, Joe quickly slid AJ’s still-twitching body onto the bed. Her eyes were half-closed and he couldn’t tell exactly how out of it she was.

Leaning over, he cupped the back of her head and stroked her still-damp hair. “I’ve never made a woman pass out before,” he told her.

“I didn’t pass out,” she mumbled. “I was just trying to think of a gracious way to say stay the hell out of my ass.”

Relieved, he sat down beside her. “Now why would I want to do that when you enjoy it so much?”

“Is this a private party or can anyone play?”

Joe looked up at Brent, who hovered in the doorway. “AJ was just apologizing for mouthing off to me, and I was apologizing for being a dickhead the other night. Get in here so I can apologize to you, too.”

“If that’s your idea of an apology, I’ll pass.” Brent stepped into the room, eyeing her glowing ass warily. “I’m not really in the mood for a spanking.”

“I don’t think that’ll be necessary,” Joe said. “We can talk like a couple of grown men.”

AJ piped up in the same drowsy mumble, “Grown men don’t talk. They watch football and drink beer and ignore the five hundred pound gorilla in the middle of the living room.”

“Hush, you.” Joe smacked her ass again, making her roll over with a yelp and sit up.

“Discipline hour is now over,” she announced, rubbing her hip. “Everybody keep your hands off my ass until further notice.”

He slanted a wry smile her way and then stood up to confront Brent in the close confines of the master bedroom. But one look at his guarded face and carefully blank eyes tied a knot in Joe’s tongue. He glanced at AJ again, but rather than comforting him, her encouraging look made him even more tense.

“I—” Closing his eyes briefly, he shook his head and shoved a hand through his hair. “Shit. Are you sure you wouldn’t rather have a spanking?”

Brent didn’t crack a smile.

Joe sighed. “I’m sorry.”

“For what, exactly?”

“Dammit, what do you want from me? I’m just trying to apologize for taking advantage of you the other night.”

“It wasn’t the taking advantage I minded,” Brent said neutrally.

Confounded, Joe looked to AJ for help.

After a long, considering look, she told him, “There’s nothing to be afraid of, Joe. Just say what’s important to you.”

I’m not afraid!
popped immediately to mind, but he managed to stifle the petulant reaction before it reached his lips. Now he just had to think of what was important.

Feeling like an ass, he sighed. “I just don’t want to mess up our friendship, okay?”

Brent immediately shook his head. “You can’t mess up our friendship.”

“Oh yeah? Well, it’s seemed kind of messed up to me for the last couple of days.”

“I was just pissed off. Friends get pissed off at each other once in a while, then they get over it.”

“Guess that’s true,” Joe admitted, even though Brent’s explanation wasn’t ringing true. “Twenty minutes ago AJ and I were telling each other to fuck off and now look at us.”

ed. “Such language, Ariel Jane.”

“You said you wouldn’t tell anyone!” she cried.

“My bad,” he said cheerfully. “But Joe’s your lover, too, isn’t he? Shouldn’t he know your secret shame?”

A short laugh escaped her. “Dammit, Brent, this isn’t tabloid TV.
My secret shame
,” she snorted. “You’re assholes, both of you.”

Joe stuck out his hand. “Friends?”

After a painfully long moment, Brent shook it. “Friends.”

“Good.” Now that he’d apologized, it was time to make restitution or he’d never be able to relax with Brent again. Joe pointed at the head of the bed. “Now take off your clothes and lie on your back up there.”

Brent raised his brows. “Excuse me?”

“I said, take off your clothes and lie down up there.”

They stared at each other, Brent questioning and Joe challenging, and then Brent reluctantly shed his clothes. He’d apparently left his wet boots at the door with theirs. “What does this have to do with apologizing?” he asked warily as he sat down and pulled off his socks.

“Just do it.”

When Brent was lying where ordered, Joe said, “AJ, you go lie by Brent so I can look at you both.”

She started. “You’re kidding, right?”

He eyed her sternly. “Do I look like I’m kidding?”

He almost laughed when she stuck her tongue out at him. “Ariel Jane, I’m not going to say it again. Wait—first spread your legs so I can look at your cunt.”

“If you ever call me that where the guys can hear it, you’re so dead.” Shooting daggers with her eyes, she grudgingly separated her knees a few inches.

“I’ll keep that in mind.” He rubbed one finger over the smooth, bare flesh. “Very pretty. You were a busy girl while we were gone last night. No wonder you were annoyed when we didn’t come home.”

“I wasn’t
,” she declared. “I was just… Okay, I was annoyed.”

“Glad we got that cleared up. Now go lie beside Brent.”

She gave him a look that said she thought he was crazy but scooted up and lay down on her back next to Brent.

Standing up, Joe moved to the foot of the bed to watch his playmates. They looked perfect together, like two long-limbed, yellow-haired bookends. They even had matching pale tan lines.

But there were plenty of differences between them, too, not the least of which were the organs that lay between their legs—organs that he planned to get his hands on as often as he could while he had the chance. Brent’s hair was darker, more of a honey blond, where AJ’s was nearly white. Brent’s eyes were a nice shade of brown that flashed gold in the sun, where AJ’s were a clear, honest blue. And of course, Brent was furrier than AJ, especially now that she’d gone and shaved her sweet pussy.

“I want to see you together,” he said.

They looked at each other. “We are together,” Brent pointed out.

“Kiss her, smartass. I heard you together the other night—now I want to see you.”

After a brief, pensive stare, he said, “Okay.”

Although Brent was the one who replied, the two of them brought their lips together by mutual agreement. They kissed gently, sweetly at first, and then the kiss turned more carnal, with open mouths and wet lips and flashing tongues. AJ’s hand slid down Brent’s belly to caress his balls and hardening cock while his cupped the side of her face. He pulled her half over his chest with a big sigh, and Joe sighed, too, his own cock still at rigid attention in his jeans. They were so pretty together, and they were his to play with as long as he could take the heat.

But not tonight.

They both kept glancing at him, looking for direction, but he held his tongue while things got hotter and heavier. Brent slid a hand between her thighs and groaned.

“God, that’s hot,” he breathed against her lips before diving back in.

“Spread, AJ,” Joe ordered. “I want to see.”

Without breaking the kiss, she lifted her leg and rested her knee on Brent’s thigh. Joe could clearly see Brent’s fingers playing between her cunt lips, and it took everything he had to swallow a groan of envy.

Then Brent grabbed her knee and pulled her over to cover him completely. When AJ knelt up and moved to center her crotch over his, Joe interrupted.

“None of that,” he said. AJ turned and they both scowled at him, but he continued. “AJ, slide up and kneel over his face.”

Her cheeks instantly turned red. “Joe!”

“Do it. And face this way.”

“Forget it. I don’t like it backward.”

“Why not?”

She fidgeted for a moment before saying, “I just don’t, okay?”

“Why don’t you like ass play?” Joe asked.

“Does there have to be a reason?”

When no further explanation was forthcoming, Brent frowned. “Honey, did somebody hurt you there?” When she shook her head, he pressed, “Have you had anything in your ass before—a cock, a dildo?”

“Not even a finger until tonight,” she finally said, clearly uncomfortable, “and if it’s all the same to you, I’d just as soon keep it that way.”

“So, you’re just a good little girl who doesn’t let boys play in her dirty places,” Joe said in a silky tone.

Brent’s hands came to caress her thighs. “Joe, she’s allowed to say no.”

“I agree,” Joe said evenly without letting go of her gaze. “But we’re here to expand her horizons, aren’t we?”

She narrowed her eyes. “Like doing two men isn’t expanding my horizons enough?”

“Sorry, but you’re just going to have to get over it, honey, because I want you to sixty-nine and there’s only one way to do it.”

Still hesitating, she bit her lip.

“Come on, AJ,” he cajoled. “Where’s that adventurous spirit?”

Her scowl returned but she finally sighed and climbed off Brent, then moved to the head of the bed. It looked like it just about killed her to do it, but she braced her hands on either side of his waist as she awkwardly swung a leg over his head.

“Good girl,” Joe said. “Now get busy, buddy.”

Brent grasped AJ’s hips and she lowered herself with obvious reluctance, her cheeks still bright red. When she went to lean forward, Joe held up a hand.

“Ladies first,” he said. “I want to watch you enjoy it.”

Skewering him with a look, she stated the obvious. “I’m getting annoyed again.”

He grinned at her. “But now you’ll be able to see what’s going on down here when I get to the rest of my apology.”

Brent suddenly stirred. “The rest of what?” He craned his neck to see around her. “Maybe I want to see what’s going on down here.”

Joe grinned at him. “You won’t need to see it.”


Although he was unnerved, Brent couldn’t help grinning as he looked up at AJ’s little pink asshole. Her stiff legs and unbending posture said more clearly than words that she was uncomfortable and embarrassed to have him looking at her this way. He was going to have a hell of a lot of fun getting her past that.

But he decided to be nice and make her come again so she was good and relaxed when he started playing back there. Fortunately, being nice to AJ was no chore. The woman smelled delicious—like soap and skin, flowers and pepper, and hot, aroused female. He used his whole face, from his unshaven chin to the tips of his eyelashes, to make her wiggle and squirm and whimper above him. Knowing exactly what she liked, he mixed just enough teasing touches in with the firm ones to keep her off balance and desperate for more.

Her hands rested on his stomach now, and he was amused to note that they clenched whenever he let the tip of his nose drift between her butt cheeks.

Sliding his hands up from her hips, he found her nipples already tight and hard. He flicked them none too gently with his fingertips and did the same to her clit with his tongue.

She squirmed harder, bringing herself down more firmly on his face. “Brent, please.”

That was one goal accomplished—now he didn’t have to strain his neck to get a good mouthful of her pussy. He turned up the heat, twisting her nipples and sucking on her clit until she jerked and moaned. She sank down harder, begging him without words to end her torment. When he drew it out further, she paid him back by tangling her fingers in his pubic hair, and the implicit threat made him wince. Shit, if she followed through with it, he could be in a world of hurt.

But what was life without risk?

Taking his chances, he pinched her nipples tight. Then he shifted his head so that his chin ground against her clit and slid his tongue inside her in bold strokes. Her legs started to shake.

“Brent, please don’t stop,” she whispered. “Please, please don’t stop…”

Considering that she’d probably rip out half his short curlies if he did, he decided against prolonging her agony. He craned his neck so he could get his tongue deeper into her slick heat and fucked her with it, keeping his chin in rough contact with her clit. Her shaking got so bad he started to wonder if something might be wrong, but then she let out a hoarse cry and came for him. Taking advantage of her limited awareness, he grabbed her hips and added his nose to the mix, pushing the tip into her anus while her pussy pulsed under his tongue.

Unfortunately, she wasn’t unaware enough. Her fingers tightened cruelly and Brent hissed in pain. Shit! She wasn’t ripping them out exactly, but damn, it hurt enough to make his hard-on wilt on the vine. Ariel Jane Pender must have been a torture master in a previous life—even in the throes of orgasm, she knew just how to inflict maximum torment without leaving any evidence of her brutality.

When he withdrew his nose, she relaxed her grip.

“That wasn’t very nice of you, AJ,” Joe chided.

Brent felt weight settle on the bed between his feet and then suddenly AJ’s hands disappeared from his body altogether. “I’ve got her now, Brent. Give her a little taste.”

Brent grinned. Ignoring her sudden struggles, he pulled her hips down farther and trailed his tongue over her asshole.

“God dammit, you guys,” she started. Then he pushed, and pushed harder, and she whimpered, “Brent, don’t. That’s not…right, it’s not… Oh God.”

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