Carnal Compromise (17 page)

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Authors: Robin L. Rotham

BOOK: Carnal Compromise
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In the room right next door to theirs while he’d lain there half the night listening to Joe’s snores dueling with the thunder and wondering what the hell they were finding to talk about so late.

Was it as innocent as Mandy had made it sound? God, he hoped not.

“I won’t be long,” AJ promised Hake. “Just need to put this bib on you. Ribs are messy, you know.”

She plucked a napkin off the table and tied it around his neck as if she had all the time in the world. Then she grabbed the chair’s frame behind his shoulders and ground her crotch on his. “Ooh, what do we have here?”

“Jesus Christ!” Hake grimaced like he was in massive pain, which Brent had no doubt he was.

“Who are you and what have you done with AJ Pender?” he asked.

“I’m nobody but Ariel tonight, boys,” she said. She rose and neatly slipped off Hake’s lap. “Oh no, look what a mess I made.”

They all groaned at the sight of the wet spot she’d left on his jeans. Brent expected her to scrub it off with a napkin, but instead she dropped to her knees beside Hake’s chair and leaned over. The sight of her small pink tongue licking her own juices off the dark blue denim sent a bolt of pure lightning up his spine and straight out the top of his head.

“Mandy,” Hake grated.

“Yes, honey?”

“Call her off or I’m going to shove her facedown on the table and fuck her. Now.”

“He’s probably clean enough, Ariel,” Mandy told her.

AJ licked her lips as she rose. “That’s okay. I think I got it all anyway.”

Then it was Joe’s turn for a little torture session. When she swung her leg over his lap, which wasn’t quite as big a challenge with the straight-back chair, she remained standing and pressed her breasts to his face while she fussed over the knot behind his neck. Never one to take teasing lying down, Joe gripped her ass in rhythmic squeezes.

“Are you playing with my ass, Josiah?” she murmured.

“I’m going to do more than play with it if you keep this up,” he growled.

She shivered. “Ooh, are you going to spank it again?”

“Hell yes.”

“Lick it?”


After a pause, she breathed, “Fuck it?”

“You’d better goddamn well believe it.”

“You know I’ve never done that before.” She leaned back and looked into his face. “It’s a good thing Mandy had a brand-new toy for me to wear, isn’t it?”

Joe immediately slid his hands under the skirt. “Shit. She’s plugged.”

Hake dropped his forehead to his dinner plate and banged it three times. “You’re killing me here, Mandy.”

“This wasn’t my idea, Hake,” she told him. “Brent and Joe are the ones who brought her, remember?”

“Depending on how this plays out, remind me later to either thank them or throttle them.”

Mandy set the rolls on the table and sat down. AJ had to grip Joe’s wrists and forcibly remove his hands from her ass before she could climb off and take her seat.

Dinner was just more torture. It seemed as if the women spent more time licking barbeque sauce off their fingers than actually eating. Brent’s cock hurt so bad he was tempted to undo his jeans under the table. When Mandy finally threw her napkin down beside her plate and announced dessert would be served in the living room, he barely suppressed a howl of denial. He’d never been less interested in dessert in his life.

AJ just smiled and Brent shook his head. Who could have known that beneath the modest breast of their fresh-faced farm girl beat the heart of such a cruel tease?



While Mandy herded the men into the living room, AJ was in the bathroom staring at herself in the full-length mirror behind the door and having a nervous breakdown. Holy crap, where was all this coming from? Mandy had told her to tease the boys a little, and AJ had been afraid she’d look like a dunce. Instead, it was like some split-off personality had suddenly surfaced—a really, really slutty personality—and teased all the men to the point of pain.

In the process, she’d gotten so monumentally turned-on that she’d just about come when Joe pushed on that plug in her butt. Good Lord, she could tell already she was going to be an anal slut, which was just bizarre to think about considering how long she’d abhorred the very idea of anal sex.

Mandy had really gone the extra mile getting her over that aversion. After putting the ribs in the oven, she’d poured some wine, a rarity for them both at ten o’clock in the morning, and then they’d snuggled up together on the couch with Hake’s laptop and browsed through his list of favorite porn sites.

“He has subscriptions to these two,” she said eagerly, clicking on one of the Favorites links. Hake’s security program entered his username and password for them.

“Handy,” AJ commented.

“Isn’t it?”

After two hours of watching couples, trios and foursomes do each other in every conceivable way, AJ was breathing roughly and wishing the men would come home
. The two of them had started to kiss without a word, and before long, the laptop was on the floor and she was lying back on the seat with Mandy on top of her, squeezing her breasts through her shirt.

“Stop, stop,” Mandy gasped, dragging herself off the couch. “Must wait for the men.”

AJ had whimpered. Kissing the night before had been nice and arousing, but it was nothing compared to this. She absolutely
with need.

They’d spent the rest of the day teasing each other while they bathed and prepared themselves. When AJ finally unwound enough to confess the rest of her concerns about anal, Mandy had reached under the bathroom sink and pulled out a box.

“Here,” she said, handing her the disposable enema. “That ought to prevent any close encounters of the turd kind.”

AJ had slapped a hand over her eyes, torn between amusement and horror. “Mandy, is nothing sacred to you?” she’d finally asked.

Mandy grinned. “Very little.”

The admission was almost as frightening as it was comforting.

Later, after she’d made furtive use of Mandy’s gift, they dressed together. Unbelievably, they wore the same size shoes, and the leather outfit Mandy had stuck in the back of the closet because it was too tight fit AJ perfectly. The skirt and vest were both a little short on her but that suited their plans perfectly.

Then it had come time to insert the plug Mandy had pulled from her toy cupboard still in its packaging.

“Would you like some help?” she asked.

More blushing. “I, um…”

“Let me rephrase that.
, Ariel, can I help get your ass ready for this plug and put it in you?”

“Oh God,” AJ laughed, embarrassed as hell but unbelievably turned-on. “Yes, please.”

“Fabulous! Now go kneel on the bed with your knees spread and your elbows on the mattress.”

AJ had followed her orders to the letter, and Mandy had taken her time peeling the skirt up and running her hands over her butt, gentling her as she would a wild horse. Then she’d started in with the lube. Those soft, slender fingers sliding one by one into her tight opening had been another revelation—they felt really good even when they hurt, and the same was true of the plug when she finally pushed it in.

Walking around with it had felt peculiar and nerve-racking at first, but after a while, it had become another source of devastating arousal. Who’d have thought a woman could get so desperately turned-on while cooking supper?

So now here she was, hyperventilating at the thought of what was about to transpire. Playing Reveal Your Inner Tramp with all of them was one thing, but having sex with them all…

She stared into the full-length mirror and was struck anew by how incredibly…
she looked. Yeah, she looked like an anal slut, but she also looked, for the first time in her memory, like an Ariel.

Her father had always said you could put lipstick on a pig but it was still just a pig, and that was exactly how she’d always felt when she dressed up in the girly clothes her mother bought her. Even in the frilly white wedding gown her aunt had talked her into, she’d felt more like a GI Joe in Barbie clothes than an Ariel—and that was before she knew about the problem with her uterus. The stunned, worshipful look on Rob’s face when he saw her walking down the aisle had made her feel like even more of a fraud, and she was itching to get back into her blue jeans before they’d even said their vows.

But these wicked garments didn’t feel like a disguise at all, and she almost dreaded trading them back in for her work duds. The vest revealed much more of her than she’d been comfortable with at first, and yet it concealed her breasts in a way that was undeniably tantalizing. Her farmer tan had already faded to almost nothing and her bare arms, with their leanly defined muscles, looked both strong and elegant. With her narrow midriff showing, her hips looked nicely rounded, and the high heels and fishnets made her already long legs look…tempting. Sexual. Almost indecent. And suddenly she wanted to claim that look, to
it and never give it up.

Now she knew how Superman must feel having to take off his tights, put on his nerd glasses and hide who he really was from the world most of the time. Who
she, really? She’d started out this game thinking Ariel was just an illusion, a role AJ was playing, but she was beginning to believe she just finally felt safe enough to reveal the rest of her true self to all these very open-minded people.

For once, it wasn’t hard to accept that Joe and Brent—and Mandy and Hake—were attracted to her because of her feminine traits rather than her masculine ones.

A brisk knock made her jump, and then the bathroom door swung open.


AJ blinked. Her new best friend stood there holding the doorknob with an expectant look on her face. Crap, time was up. She kind of wished Mandy would come in and give her another pep talk, maybe hold her hand for a few minutes, but the heat in her eyes said she’d already run out of patience.

Her smile was positively wolfish. “Showtime.”

Chapter Thirteen

When the two slutty little girls strolled in, Joe gripped the recliner’s cushioned arms and prayed for strength. Hake and Brent looked to be doing the same in their chairs.

“Brent, Joe,” Mandy said, taking AJ’s hand to stop her in the middle of the living room. “I can’t thank you enough for bringing Ariel along. She’s perfect. Absolutely perfect.”

“Our pleasure. I hope,” Brent added under his breath.

Mandy’s smile dripped with evil intent, and Joe’s grip tightened. Shit. It would probably be hours before either of them got any relief.

“Oh, I hope so, too,” she purred. Then she turned to Hake, who flinched visibly from the force of her electric gaze. “Honey, I know we’ve talked many times about finding another girl to play with us, but I don’t think that’s really what you want.”

Confusion and no small degree of disappointment etched his tight features. “It isn’t?”

“No. I think this is.”

She turned to AJ and pulled her head down for a long, luscious kiss.

Joe swallowed his tongue.

Brent groaned. “Holy mother of God, I knew it!”

Hake closed his eyes—but only for a second. “Mandy, you will be
punished for this.”

Mandy didn’t appear to hear him. She was too busy scouting out AJ’s tonsils with her tongue. AJ wasn’t at all shy about returning the favor, and within seconds, Joe’s cock was screaming for mercy. Heeding its cries, he pried his fingers loose from the chair long enough to unbuckle his belt and unfasten his jeans. The relief, though temporary, was enormous.

Although they didn’t appear to have taken their eyes off the girls, Brent and Hake followed suit, only Brent went one step further and pulled his cock out of his drawers to stroke it.

In his mind, Joe fell to his knees, raised his arms to the heavens and bellowed,
Why, God, why?

Mandy’s hands slid down AJ’s throat and chest. Without breaking the kiss, she slipped that one lonely button free of its hole and then pushed the vest down AJ’s arms, letting it drop to the floor. Hake whimpered like a hungry dog when Mandy’s dainty hands cupped and caressed those delicate breasts.

“Jesus, Mandy,” he whispered.

Her intrepid hands marched south. They tugged at the skirt’s side zipper and then peeled the scrap of leather over AJ’s hips until it also slid down to the floor. AJ kicked it free, leaving her in nothing but the black garter, tights and boots.

Brent’s head fell back against the wingback chair. “Ladies, you’re about to see a grown man cry.”

Mandy finally pulled away and murmured, “Surely not yet.”

She dropped to her knees and pressed wet, parted lips to AJ’s cunt.

Joe was breathing so hard he was practically wheezing. Ariel Jane Pender was every wet dream he’d ever had, standing there with her feet planted slightly apart, her chest heaving and her eyes smoky with lust. Dinner had taken care of most of her lipstick but her lips still looked rosy, all puffy and smeared. He would kill to have those lips on his cock right now. Any lips, come to think of it.

AJ started out stroking Mandy’s golden hair with her hands, but soon they were gripping handfuls of it as she whispered, “Please, please.”

Mandy reached up to tweak her nipples and AJ’s legs trembled like a colt’s.

“I’m gonna fall,” she gasped.

“Down,” Mandy ordered. She helped AJ get on her knees and pushed her backward until she lay flat, with her feet on the carpet. Kneeling between her spread knees, Mandy quickly peeled off her own tank top and wiggled out of her shorts, then crawled up to rub her bare breasts against AJ’s.

“How ya doin’, Hake?” she taunted, breathing hard as she looked up at him from under her lashes. “Having fun yet?”

He jerked down his underwear and grasped his cock. “Last one to come’s a rotten egg,” he said thickly.

Joe kept his business tucked firmly in his shorts and his eye fixed on that black plug between AJ’s cheeks. As soon as Mandy’d had her way with her, that little girl was so fucked. So totally and completely fucked.

Mandy kissed her way back down AJ’s body, pausing to lap and sip at her tight pink nipples and sample her shallow navel.

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