Carolina Rain (38 page)

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Authors: Rick Murcer

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Carolina Rain
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“How do you know that?” asked Manny.

“I can get a little fu
rther than Agent Corner, although not so much this time,” said Braxton. “It looks like the program ended
and I don’t know why.
e got out of the service a few days later
then landed the job in New Hanover County. He dropped of
the military radar, as much as possible
at least, during that timeframe. I found just two bits of info regarding him up to now. Both had to do with extended
US Marshal
training procedures. One sponsored by the Wilmington people and the other one requested by the
Marshal’s office

Marshal’s office
law enforcement all over the world
but they don’t request attendance from
people in
unless there’s another motive beyond training,” said Josh.

Manny’s mind was racing with the implications of Garcia being brought in
to train
by the
US Marshals
Did that have to do with
is other
mysterious training project? But thos
e weren’t the biggest questions.

“I’m assuming you’re trying to find out who requested Garcia to come in and
been stonewalled,” said Manny.

“Can’t crack that one with an A-bomb,” agreed Braxton.

Sophie leaned in to comment.
“Taking the final, small leap that Garcia is our man
why? Why
did he
kill Max and Garity? And
on top of that
, did someone tell him to take them
out? If so, who?”
She slapped
her hands on the table.
“Damn it. Listen to me. It’s like
I’m talking about
some stupid
ass conspiracy game you see on a cheap TV movie.”

Running his hand through his hair, Manny was suddenly struck with another possibility. Maybe just as farfetched but plausible, nonetheless. Moreover, it felt right.
But they’d need to do
some leg
work. Manny quickly wrote
names on a piece of paper
did it again
and handed one to Josh and one to Braxton.

He watched Josh’s brow furrow deep as Braxton released a low whistle.

“Maybe not a conspiracy, in the true sense, Sophie
Instead, m
something else

said Manny.

He turned back to Braxton, who was now standing near Josh’s chair. “Don’t think I’m nuts
but I want you to see if you can tell me what these people were doing four years ago, about the time Garcia’s training ended, and where they were doing it. My wager is that they have something in common.”

Shrugging, Braxton grinned
, eyes twinkling
. “Like I said man, you’re a bright one
. B
ut trying to find a link to these people, since they’re all dead, might be a tough one
I’ll do my best just because I want to hear what you’re thinking.”

The big man pulled out his phone and headed toward the back of the jet.
Manny appreciated that the man went right to work.

“I’m going to text this to our tech department and see if they can get to work ASAP. I’ll admit it
Williams, you’ve got me wondering about
your take on
connection,” said Josh.

. . .

“Who’s on that list and why do you want to find a link?” interrupted Sophie.

His phone went off again and
this time
Manny was sure he
to answer it. Chloe needed him, even if that meant putting things on hold for a few minutes. He raised his hand to Sophie and the others and took the call.

Chloe. I’m kind of in the middle of something
. . .

Manny stopped talking and listened. Chloe wasn’t the kind to drop into panic mode, but she was close.

Ninety seconds later, he felt
his guts tighten

“Calm down. You got this

Her speech slowed and the panic was replaced with her cop demeanor
. . .
almost. Good girl.

“You called Gavin? Okay. Do it. Have the CSU come to process the envelope for prints. And
Chloe, what color is it?
Yes, color.
Close enough. We’ll be landing within a half hour so we

ll be there soon. Okay? Just

He was ready to hang up
except h
is new wife stopped him.

“What else, Chloe?”

After she was done, he felt more than his
guts tighten
The finger was
but the dead man
was Doctor Fredrick Argyle still haunt
Would it, he, ever end?

“Just leave the disc
for the tech and tell Buzzy not to do anything until we get there. I promise, honey, we’ll be there soon. Now call Gavin
. . .
and I love you.”

Tossing the phone on the empty seat beside him, Manny released his seatbelt, stood, and looked at the people staring at him from around the table. This was all too much.
It was enough to think that there might be something deeper going on with the recent murders in North Carolina
. Not to mention,
the mysterious
Janice Rhode’s
attempt to kill him
in the hospital
. T
hat didn’t include
the apparent spontaneous reformation of Anna Cruz and the
ould take to see if
was an anomaly or an abomination.

ow there was a severed finger sent to his house
. A
DVD from Ireland and Haley Roses’ bed and breakfast laced with promises
of more hell
that Argyle said he could deliver,
within seventy
two hours. Why now? Why all of this at once? He didn’t believe in coincidence
so what was really going on?
What did all of this have in common?

Manny was gifted with one more inspiration. And it caused his dread to rise higher.

“What the hell was that
all about
?” asked Alex, pointing to the phone on the seat.

“Let’s just say it’s raining
back home
,” said Manny. “But before I explain, Alex
I need you to do something for me when we get back to Lansing.”


“I need a body ex




Pulling up to the front of his house in the Bureau’s SUV
in typical bat-out-of-hell fashion that was Sophie’s signature style, Manny was
with a feeling of
éjà vu
that crept inside him as he
the three LPD cruisers in the driveway. He had done this far too many times the last two years. It seemed like this house, his home, had been at the center of every battle the good guys had fought against all that was wr
ong with this planet. He’d lost and won wars here
, h
ad b
een invaded by Argyle and survived. He’d been blessed by Louise, Jen, Sampson, and now Chloe. No doubt, he’d gained some but
in the end, lost much more, including the first love of his life. It shouldn’t be
, none of it
. Whatever happened to a man’s home being his castle? Now here he was again. Severed fingers, DVDs from a dead madman, and a new mother-in-law
may have
been mentally tainted from exposure

Exiting the truck
he hurried toward the front door, his mind still focused on the setting.

And what of Chloe? She was strong in ways like no other woman he’d
. S
never complain

it just wasn’t her nature

maybe she deserved something else entirely. To have a domicile void of memories and history that would never truly be hers. A place that she could
call her own with her new family

Damn, how could
be so blind?

She deserved her own home. And if he


survived the crowning culmination of what he suspected was
to come
the chain of events over the last ten weeks, then he’d fix that for her.

Shaking off his self-deprecati
, Manny entered the house, followed by Sophie, Josh, Dean, and Alex. Braxton had decided to go back to DC and oversee the research on the names Manny had requested.
That was good by him.
had been
counting on it.

He was immediately mugged by the one
thirty pound black Lab that doubled as his bodyguard an
sometimes confidant. Sampson barked, stood on his hind legs
the top of Manny’s six-foot frame
then licked his face.

“Good to see you,
og,” he said, returning the hug.

After one more lick, Sampson dropped to all fours and moved to the corner of the front room and sat down, never taking his eyes from Manny.


Walking through the doorway into the kitchen, Manny saw Chloe. She took two strides and was in his arms. She belong
there. The smell of her hair and the gentle strength of her embrace made him wonder why he’d ever
think of
her again
Maybe he

“About time ya got here, Williams,” she whispered, kissing him on the cheek
then stepping away.

“We got her
as fast as we could. I was going to surprise you
I guess you beat me to it,” he answered.

Chloe nodded. “Not my idea of a fancy surprise, don’t ya know.”

“I suppose not. Listen, not to rush things, but I need to see the DVD that Haley Rose brought with her
. . .

“It’s in there. I put it in my laptop

the Bureau

s laptop

and after
Argyle’s little drama
I left it in there

“How’s you

“She seems normal
. . .
appalled at the DVD and the finger.”

That’s a good first step.”

Haley Rose was a
, h
even. S
o maybe she was totally unscathed by Argyle’s influence.
And perhaps that’s what Argyle
At any rate
, Haley Rose
undamaged, for whatever purpose
, for now

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