Carried Home (24 page)

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Authors: Heather Manning

BOOK: Carried Home
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Chapter Thirty


Gage could not stop staring at his soon-to-be wife. After everything had settled back at the beach and Caspian, Eden, Adam, and Addie had returned, the group had moved to the deck of Caspian's ship, the
Dawn's Mist.
Now, they were in the middle of a wedding ceremony. Gage's and Ivy's ceremony. His heart leapt at the thought. This woman was about to officially become his.

Ivy stood across from Gage, and she seemed to only have eyes for him as he only had eyes for her. Caspian was interposed between them, reading from his Bible. Eden stood at Ivy's side, holding a now-sleeping Emma. Reed leaned against his mother, and Adam had a hand on his sister's shoulder. Addie smiled beside Gage, paying a lot more attention to Adam than Gage would have liked. He was tempted to nudge her with his elbow to make her stop her gawking.

But Gage was doing his fair share of gawking himself. Ivy's orange hair was now dried and tucked into a loose, wavy bun. Either her friend Eden had done her hair for her, or she had discovered somehow that Gage did not like it tied back so tightly. Charles Town harbor's wind had pulled a few curls loose, and they danced around her collarbone. Her blue-gray eyes sparkled, and her complexion was lit with a becoming pink tone. She had changed out of Eden's old dress—the one that had grown stiff from its dip into the ocean—and into another of her friend's gowns. This one was a lovely turquoise that hugged her body in all the right places. The neckline scooped low. The sleeves and collar were trimmed with yellow rosebuds and white, frothy lace. She had never been more beautiful.

Gage feared he was doing a terrible job of listening to his wedding vows, but all he really needed to do was say “I do.”

Ivy started fussing with the lace on her dress. Gage reached forward and stilled her hand, offering her a grin and a wink. She smiled back at him shyly, and he kept her hand in his.

Caspian closed the Bible and set it aside. He turned to Gage. “Captain Gage Thompson, do you take Lady Ivy Shaw to be your wife?”

Gage squeezed Ivy's hand. “I do.”

“And Lady Ivy Shaw, do you take Captain Gage Thompson to be your lawfully wedded husband?”

Ivy beamed up at him. “I do.”

“I now pronounce you husband and wife.” Caspian clapped Gage on the shoulder. “You may kiss your bride.”

Gage grinned and pulled his bride closer to him. He could certainly grow accustomed to calling her his bride.

He thanked God for allowing this to happen as he leaned down and kissed the woman. Gage had certainly kissed her before, but this kiss was special. It was filled with promise and hope and passion and happiness. By the time he remembered to end the kiss because they were not alone, a fair chunk of time had passed. A glance around at his friends told him that the length of their kiss had not gone unnoticed. Eden's face had warmed to a shade of pink, Addie had looked away, and Caspian was laughing silently. Gage squeezed Ivy's hand and glanced down at her. Her face was bright red with a blush. He chuckled, pulled her closer, and kissed her cheek for good measure.

“Congratulations!” Eden rushed forward and hugged Ivy before Gage could kiss her again.

Adam shook Gage's hand, and Addie hugged Gage.

He was certainly glad to have been able to share this day with his friends and his family. Gage silently thanked God for that and for the beautiful, brave, caring woman he was now allowed to call his wife. What had seemed to be one of the most difficult days in his life had turned out to be one of the best.


Ivy held her husband's hand underneath the table as they dined in Captain Archer's cabin directly following their wedding ceremony. Caspian had worked hard to prepare the cabin to accommodate all of them for a meal of the best food he could gather on short notice.

Gage speared a piece of roasted fish with his fork and popped it into his mouth. Ivy nibbled on a square of cheese contentedly.

The children had fallen asleep after they had eaten only a few bites of food and now rested on one of Caspian's armchairs.

After the dinner was out of the way, Gage rose and helped Ivy up. “Well, I think my wife and I will be heading back to our ship for the night.” He ran a hand up and down her arm, shooting tingles across her body. “We truly appreciate all you have done to make this day pleasant for us.”

Caspian stood, closely followed by Eden. “Gage, you are like a brother to me, and your wife is like a sister to my Eden. You saved my son's life today. It was no trouble at all for me to have my cook prepare a meal for you and Mrs. Thompson.”

Ivy smiled at the name. She adored it.

“I will escort Miss Thompson back to her cabin,” Adam offered.

Gage shot a glare at him, but did not refuse.

“Caspian and I can keep Emma with us for the night.” Eden smiled at her son and the baby.

Ivy glanced over at the little one. She was sound asleep. The thought of being alone with Gage for the night made her stomach jump in nervous anticipation. “That is kind of you, but—”

Gage squeezed her shoulder, cutting off her sentence. “We appreciate it.” Ivy swallowed. “Are you ready, my love?”

“Aye.” Ivy patted Emma on the head lightly, and then faced her best friend.

Eden hugged her. “Do not be nervous,” she whispered.

After saying goodbye to Caspian, Gage wrapped an arm around Ivy's waist and led her out of the cabin. The sun had fully set now, and twinkling stars lit their path.

They walked together in peaceful silence off of the gangway and onto the still-bustling Charles Town docks. Gage sent one mischievous look her way, and before she knew it, she was in his arms, lifted like a sack of potatoes, and speeding toward his ship.

“Gage, there is no reason for you to carry me!” She squeaked through a fit of laughter.

He pressed a lingering kiss against her earlobe but did not slow his pace by a second. They were now making their way up the gangway to his ship. “I am going to carry you across the threshold, my love.”

Goodness, but she could not be happier than she was this instant. This amazing, charming, strong man was hers. And they were about to make their marriage complete. Butterflies raced through her stomach as Gage carried her across the deck of his ship.

None of the crew was up and about on the main deck, a fact that comforted Ivy. She could just imagine their teasing and was glad she did not have to endure it on this happy night.

Her husband balanced her against himself as he used one hand to open their cabin door. He set her down inside the cabin and then kicked the door shut. “I did not get a chance to tell you that you look beautiful.” Ivy glanced down at her borrowed turquoise gown. Eden had told her it brought out the blue in her eyes. “Your hair makes me crazy, you know that, sweetheart?” He reached up and pulled the pins out of her hair. Orange ringlets tumbled down to her shoulders. He ran his fingers through them.

“I love you, Gage.”

“I love you too, Ivy.” He pulled her close for a kiss and Ivy felt all of the nervous tension escape her body. She trusted this man. He was meant for her, and she was meant for him. There was no other place she would rather be than in the arms of her wonderful husband.


The next afternoon, Ivy stood on the deck of the
Siren's Call
with her child in her arms and her husband at her side as another ship approached at a fast pace. Already an hour away from Charles Town, they had parted ways with Eden and Caspian, who had promised they would all meet in London eventually. Gage made faces at Emma, who giggled uncontrollably. He kissed the side of her neck.

“It's the
Cross's Victory,
Captain.” Adam stepped up next to them. “Do you know a ship by that name?”

“That's Captain Emery's ship, Gage!” Ivy frowned. What were he and Aimee doing near Charles Town?

“I see. Hmm.”

Ivy held her husband's hand and balanced their daughter against her chest as they waited for her friends to sail nearer.

Finally, they were near enough for Ivy to clearly make out the people on the deck. Aimee stood on one side and Captain Emery just about as far from her as the confined space would allow, with the crew between them. That was typical of them, though. As was the frown on Aimee's pretty face.

“Heave to, gentlemen!” Gage called to his crew. He kissed Ivy on the forehead. “Sorry, my darling, but I will have to see to the crew.”

Her husband helped his men bring out ropes to lash the ships together. The second the ships were close enough, Aimee propelled herself over the bulwarks onto Gage's ship. Captain Emery raced over and leapt onto their ship as well.

Gage reached Ivy's side and looped an arm around her waist.

Ivy smiled at her friends as they made their way over to her. But they did not look nearly as pleasant. “What is wrong, Aimee? Are you all right?”

Aimee gestured to Matthew with a look of hatred before turning back to Ivy and Gage. “Ivy, I would like to introduce you to my
, Matthew.”

About the Author


Bestselling author
Heather Manning
is a young lady who loves to read—and write. After she won several writing competitions, her first book was professionally published and quickly became an Amazon Bestseller. She is an active member of her local ACFW chapter and lives in Kansas City, Missouri where she attends high school, sees plays, devours donuts, and acts in community theatre. You can find Heather on her blog:

Also from Heather Manning



Chapter One


London, England


Lady Eden Trenton dashed into her bedchamber and slammed the oak door. The bang sent an echo through the chilled room. A loud crash sounded behind her, but she ignored it. At one time she would have felt guilty if something broke as a result of her temper, but now she truly did not care. She threw herself onto her four-poster bed and curled into a ball.

She hated Lord Rutger. Hated him and what he had tried to do.

How could he? How could she have let him turn her into this crying, weak little woman she hardly even recognized?

Eden shoved those thoughts from her head even as she pushed herself up onto her elbows.

I will not be his victim. Not now, and not ever again.

She couldn't just lie here in self-pity. That would get her nowhere. She had to do something or she feared she would not make it through the night without going insane.

Her tear-clouded gaze drifted to the wooden writing desk in the corner. Where a glass vase had once proudly sat, harboring a bouquet of fragrant red roses, a pile of shattered glass now lay. The once-vibrant roses now lay withered, mingled with the glass. Their demise must have been the crash she had heard when the door slammed.
. When Eden saw it was Lord Rutger's vase she had destroyed, a thrill of rebellious excitement coursed through her. He had given her the flowers, along with a sapphire necklace, when their engagement had been announced publicly. ‘Twas a shame such a beautiful piece of jewelry was so tainted.

Eden gathered up the shriveling flowers in one hand. She bit her lip when a shard of glass pricked her finger but did not care it hurt her. It was worth the pain to see Rutger's gift in such a tortured state. Her sole regret was it marked the flowers' demise and not that of the cruel man himself.

Eden hurried toward the other end of the room and tossed the petals out her open window, willing them to fly away. Fly away and escape this cage they were in—just as she longed to do herself. Bright lightning forked across the night sky. A deafening crack of thunder caused her to jump. The storm seemed to mirror the myriad of emotions churning deep inside her.

Feeling every bit a madwoman, she began to take up a pace around her bedchamber. She had no idea how she could escape this wretched, heartless man, this man to whom her own father had promised her hand in marriage. Her chances of survival were slim if she
marry him.

Oh, what will become of me?

She sank back onto her bed with a grimace. Her ribs ached from Rutger's latest assault.

I need to get out of here. I need to leave this town, this country.
But where could she go? She had no family but her father here in London and her brother Adam, wherever he had run off to.

An idea burst into Eden's mind as she thought of Adam. Against their father's wishes, her brother had visited the colonies in the Caribbean on a sailing trip a few years ago. He had come back regaling them all with fantastic stories of clear turquoise waters, white sandy beaches, and lush, green palm trees. Since then, she had always dreamed of visiting the colonies for herself.

What Eden needed was to talk to her dear friends Aimee and Ivy and ask for their advice, but the evening had grown far too late for a social call. She would have to wait until morning, which seemed ages away. Plopping back onto her pillow, she tried to sleep. A few dragging hours passed before she finally fell into a fitful slumber.


When the first rays of daybreak streamed through her window, Eden rose to seek out her friends. She dressed, grabbed her reticule, and tiptoed down the grand staircase, tugging on her gloves as she went.

She winced as a floorboard creaked under her weight.

Although many of the servants had been released of their services because of the Trenton's dwindling estate, Eden did not doubt the remaining few would notify her father of her activity. No one made social calls this early in the day.

One more step brought her to the parlor. Eden took a deep breath and glided past.

She collided with a tall, hard form.

Fear coiled through Eden as she realized a man towered above her. Her pulse accelerated. Had she been caught?

It took only a moment to recognize Gregory, one of her father's footmen.

“Gregory, you gave me a scare. I thought you were … I thought …” Eden inhaled shakily. How would she get to Aimee and Ivy now that a servant knew her whereabouts?

“I apologize, Lady Trenton. May I ask, where are you planning to go so early in the morning? You are hardly ever awake at this time of the day.” He clasped his long hands together behind his back.

“I… I…” Eden worried her bottom lip with her teeth. If her father heard she was making mysterious trips out of the manor he would suspect something. But if she didn't leave the house herself…

“Could you stay here for just a moment, please, Gregory? I will be right back.”

“Of course, Lady Trenton.”

Eden dashed off to her father's study and grabbed a few pieces of paper from his desk. She dipped a quill in ink and jotted down the same message on both papers: “Meet me in my parlor as soon as you can — it is an emergency.”

She signed the notes and folded them in half. If she couldn't summon her friends personally, she would have one of the footmen do so.

Eden tucked the notes under her arm, picked up her skirts, and sped back to the entryway. Gregory was waiting as she had asked.

“Yes, Lady Trenton, what may I do for you?”

Eden hesitated, but decided to trust him. It was just Gregory. Nothing to worry about. He had been one of Adam's best friends when they were youths. Surely he would not tell her father what she was doing if only she asked.

“Please, take these missives to Lady Aimee Dawson and Lady Ivy Shaw. Do not tell anyone you did this for me.” She handed him the notes.

He bowed. “Of course, milady.”


"Do you truly think I will simply sit around in London and marry that obnoxious excuse of a man? Do you ladies even know me?" Eden exclaimed, trying to re-pin her hair back into its up-do. She sighed, letting her arms drop to her sides. Her curls never could be tamed by pins.

Aimee and Ivy had finally come to Eden's home, well after noon.

"No, we didn't think you would," Ivy laughed, shaking her head.

Eden's gaze flicked to the window where carriages moved past.

"But we will miss you so much," Aimee pouted, "What will Ivy and I do without you here with us? Who will go shopping for jewelry with me, and who will attend balls with us? We need you." She plopped herself down on the leather-cushioned chair in Eden's parlor room.

"Would you have me marry that insolent cur just so I can stay here with you, Aimee?" Eden jutted her chin out.

an earl, Eden. You know your father needs the money a marriage like that could bring.” Ivy placed her teacup back on its saucer on the table next to her.

"And he is quite handsome," added Aimee, giggling and straightening one of the pink bows on the shoulder of her frilly dress.

Eden inhaled a slow breath. The deep, earthy scent of her father's smoking pipe filled her nostrils. He had always smoked in their parlor room after her mother had died even though it was a habit Eden detested. "Now wait just a minute — whose side are you on, ladies? Lord Clive Rutger—" she imitated his low, nasally voice, eliciting a hearty chuckle from her friends”—is nothing but a shallow cad who wants to marry me simply because he decided he fancies the way I look. Despicable monster." Just thinking about the slimy excuse of a man sent an uncontrollable shiver crawling down Eden's spine, especially after what that fiend had tried to do to her. The fresh bruise on her shoulder throbbed. She could not bring herself to think about it, much less speak of it to her friends.

"But what are you going to do to prevent this marriage, Eden? Knowing your father, I hardly think he would want to cancel the deal. You know what a disgrace it would be for you if the engagement is called off. Besides, your father appeared quite happy with the arrangement at your engagement party." Aimee tossed a golden curl from her shoulder as her emerald-hued eyes reflected in the hand mirror she had grown attached to.

"You are right. Father refuses to back down on this marriage arrangement. I already tried pleading with him. The union would be beneficial to us. 'Twould give us the money we so desperately need to keep living as we are." She opened her arms wide, indicating to her only moderately posh surroundings. Unlike her father, Eden cared not for wealth. Especially if wealth meant being chained to a monster for the remainder of her existence.

"So what are you going to do about it, Eden?" Ivy patted her hair, the rich color of fire in the moonlight. Her lovely waves were the envy of the town, along with her eyes, the cloudy blue of the sky before a thunder storm. Looks like that could get her into a situation like Eden's.

"I don't know what to do yet, but I
escape the earl. I promise you I will." Eden shifted her feet from where she stood by the fireplace. She would not sit around and live such a life, married to a man she did not love. Not only did not love, but despised with all of her heart.

"Only you, would be plotting to escape marriage to this man, Eden. Do you know how many women would practically kill to marry a lord, not to mention an earl?" Ivy commented, a stern look on her face.

"I care not if he is an earl. I do not want his title or his money. Oh goodness, all those women who want him can have him. Since Papa won't help me, I
to leave. I think I would like to visit the Caribbean. You know how I loved all the stories Adam used to return home with. I know I don't have enough money to pay for a passage across the sea yet, but I will find a way to escape. I can assure you of that."

Aimee and Ivy cast each other an exasperated look. Eden knew her friends could read the expression in her eyes as a determined one. She could not be stopped now that she had set her heart on escaping this life her father and Lord Rutger had planned for her.

"Why on earth would you wish to set off for the colonies all on your own? I have heard it is quite a wild, dangerous place. Vicious, cutthroat pirates are rumored to run the seas. They kill and kidnap without a thought. You will have to fend for yourself all alone. Do you even understand what kind of trouble you could get yourself into over there?" Ivy asked.

Eden rolled her eyes and leaned back on the edge of the mahogany fireplace's mantelpiece. She had come to her friends for support, not a lecture as if she were some guilty child. They were not her parents by any means.

She sucked in a breath, realizing she would have to escape before her father could catch her. "It is not as if I would be venturing to Tortuga or a place like that. I think Port Royal or New Providence would be pleasant. Adam told me they are quite charming little areas, surrounded by the sea. That was a couple of years ago when he went there, but they cannot be half as bad as what I have heard of Tortuga."

"It still must be quite dangerous. Anywhere is a dangerous place for a young woman on her own. How will you ever provide for yourself? You have to understand, we just don't want you to end up hurt in some way," Aimee reasoned.

"I will be able to take care of myself," Eden huffed, sinking down onto the embroidered footstool that sat next to Ivy's chair. "I do not care what everyone else says. I will
marry him. I never want to marry a man. All marriage does is give a man a chance to control a woman. I will not be a part of a union like that, and especially not with Lord Rutger. Have you two not seen the way he looks at me? And he always stands far closer to me than propriety allows." She shivered and glanced away from them, blinking the tears from her eyes.

The room was utterly silent for a few moments until Ivy grabbed her friend gently by the shoulders and peered into her eyes. "Has Lord Rutger harmed you, Eden? Tell me. Tell me everything. What has he done to you?"

Eden shook her head. She couldn't. "Not… exactly. But h-he tried to kiss me last night. When I refused, he got so, so angry with me. I was scared he was going to strike me or worse. He claimed that as his fiancée, I had to kiss him. I
him a kiss. It was completely horrible. That night — I wish I could forget about that night. And just to think that soon I will actually have to give the monster a kiss… and once he's my husband…" At least that much was true. Eden shook her head again. She did not wish to tell her friends about how the vile man had hit her, frightened that it would happen again if she told them. He had threatened her a handful of times if she told anyone what had happened he would make her regret it deeply. Luckily, her clothing covered the blackening bruise that had spread onto her shoulder and collarbone. The large hand marks on her ribs would not be seen either. Besides, she did not want their pity. She didn't want anyone's pity. All she needed was their support. "Why does he even want to marry me? It is not like I have a large dowry or anything. I have the opposite, if anything…"

Ivy studied Eden silently for a moment.

Aimee shook her head.

“I-I don't know, Eden. I don't know.” Ivy clasped Eden's hand in her own, and Aimee patted her on the back.

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