Carrying the Lost Heir's Child (6 page)

BOOK: Carrying the Lost Heir's Child
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“Don’t defend him.”

Nash’s chuckle vibrated through her. “I’m not, baby. I’m defending all of mankind.”

Lily snuggled deeper into his embrace, wondering what path they were starting down. The last time her passion had bested her, she’d ended up across the internet, on the news and every magazine willing to make money off her bad decisions. Karma had intervened and her ex hadn’t made it very far in the industry. She couldn’t help but take a little satisfaction.

Now her passion had cornered her again. This time the consequences were far greater than a soiled reputation. She was going to be in charge of another life. How long would Nash want to be in the baby’s life? Would he honestly be a hands-on father? He hadn’t grown up with a dad so perhaps he truly did want to give this child a better life.

Lily hated all the unknowns that surrounded them, but her doctor said she needed to relax and she would do anything to ensure a healthy baby. Maybe she hadn’t planned on a child, but the reality was, she was going to have one. There was a little being inside of her right now with a heartbeat of its own, growing each and every day. Angry as she may be at herself for allowing this to happen, she couldn’t deny that she loved this baby already. If that meant relaxing with Nash for the next several weeks or even months, she wouldn’t argue.

She’d wondered how they would work if they tried for something more serious, more than just ripping each other’s clothes off at every opportunity. How would they mesh together in reality?

Looked like she was about to get her chance to find out.


e was screwed. Royally, utterly screwed. He’d wanted to open up to her, wanted to start paving the way for an honest relationship. Or at least some type of relationship, considering she was carrying his child and he was developing stronger feelings for her.

Nash still couldn’t put a title on whatever they had going because all their “relationship” consisted of so far was hot, fast sex in a stable loft and a surprise baby. He didn’t know what the hell the next logical step would be because nothing about the entire past two months had been logical.

But Lily deserved the truth and Nash was too much of a coward to give it to her. He’d had an opening last night when they’d been halfway clothed and just talking. Such an emotionally intimate moment hadn’t happened between them before, but that moment slipped by about as quickly as he’d taken off her silky gown. Yet again, he’d let passion override anything else. His need to have her consumed him and he didn’t even try to push it aside and reveal his secrets.

Desire was easier to deal with than the harsh realities waiting them both.

Even when she’d spent the night in his bed, he had time to open up. Yet here he was making breakfast on a Saturday morning like some domestic family man when so many secrets hovered between them.

Soon, he’d reveal the truth—or at least all he was able to.

Damn it. He wanted more from her than sex. He hadn’t expected this...whatever “this” was. The fact so many lies lay between them only cheapened anything they would start to build together, but being stuck between the rock and the proverbial hard place was a position he’d wedged himself into. And he wasn’t going to be able to come out any time soon.

How the hell was he supposed to know he’d start actually wanting more from Lily? He hadn’t planned on a baby, hadn’t planned on Lily being a permanent fixture in his life. Of course now she’d be part of his life no matter what, but beyond the baby, he wanted more.

Nash scooped up the cheesy, veggie-filled omelet and slid it onto the plate. After pouring a tall glass of juice, he headed toward the bedroom where he’d left Lily sleeping.

Gripping the plate and glass, Nash turned into the bedroom and froze in the doorway at the seductive sight before him. Those creamy shoulders against his dark sheets had his body responded instantly. He never had a woman pull so many emotions from him, have him so tangled in knots and have him questioning every motive he had for furthering his career.

But Lily had a power over him that scared him to death, because once she uncovered all of his secrets—and there were many—she’d never want to see him again. Now that he’d realized he wanted more from her, he also had another revelation—Lily would end up hurt in the end and because he was slowly opening to her, he would be destroyed, as well.

He had nobody to blame but himself.

Being cut from her life, from their child’s life was not an option. She may hate men who used money and power to get what they wanted, but he wouldn’t back down, not when his child was the central point.

Nash moved into the room, setting the plate and glass on the nightstand. Easing down onto the bed, Nash rested his hip next to hers. Those sheets had never looked better, gliding over and across Lily’s curves and silky skin, making her look like a pinup model.

The urge to peel down those covers and reveal her natural beauty overwhelmed him. He’d gotten her from the trailer to his rental home. He was easing her into his life slowly. The ache to be closer to her exploded inside him. He had to touch her, had to feel that delicate skin beneath his rough hands.

Nash’s fingertips trailed over Lily’s bare arm, leaving goose bumps in the path. Even in sleep she was so responsive to his touch.

Lily stirred, her head shifting toward him, strands of dark hair sliding across her shoulder, and her lids fluttered open. For the briefest of seconds a smile spread across her face before she threw back the covers and sprinted to the adjoining bath.

Morning sickness. Nash hated that there wasn’t a damn thing he could do to make her feel better.

He pushed off the bed and padded barefoot across the hardwood floor toward the bathroom. He reached into the cabinet beside the vanity, grabbed a cloth and wet it with cold water before turning to her. He may not be able to stop her misery, but he could at least try to offer support.

Nash pulled her hair back, reaching around to place the cold cloth on her forehead. Hopefully that would help the nausea.

“Go away, Nash,” she muttered as she tried to take her hair from his grip. “I don’t want you here.”

Too damn bad. He wasn’t leaving.

After a few more minutes, Lily started to rise and Nash slid his arm around her waist and pulled her up. Limp, she fell back against his chest, resting her head on his shoulder. The way her body fitted against his always felt so right, so perfect. Would he ever be ready to let her go?

“I’m sorry,” she murmured. “This is not a side of me I wanted you to see.”

Splaying his hand across her abdomen, Nash kissed her temple. “Don’t hide from me, Lily.”

She covered his hand with her own. “I just wish I knew what we were doing. Where we were going.”

That made two of them. For now they had a baby to focus on and the passion that was all-consuming whenever they were close to each other. They may not have the ideal setup or even an idea of what to do next, but they had something.

“I’m not going anywhere,” he assured her. “And you’re going back to bed. You need to keep up your strength and I made you breakfast.”

Lily groaned. “I can’t eat. The thought of food makes my stomach turn.”

“You’ll make yourself even sicker if you don’t get something in you.”

Without a warning, he bent down, snaked an arm behind her knees and another supported her back as he scooped her up and carried her back into bed.

“You’re really taking this role of caring for me to the extreme.” She slid her arms around his neck and closed her eyes. “But I’m too tired to argue. When I feel better in a couple hours we’ll discuss this caveman persona you’ve taken on.”

Smiling, Nash eased down onto the rumpled bed. “I’ll take the eggs away if you think you can’t eat, but at least drink.”

Nash took the plate into the kitchen and dumped the contents into the trash. By the time he got back to her, she was propped up against the headboard, sheet pulled up and tucked beneath her arms. The glass of juice was about a quarter of the way gone.

And she was holding his gold designer watch in her hand.

Her eyes sought his across the room. “This is a pretty nice watch,” she told him, setting it back down on the nightstand.

Damn it. He’d completely forgotten he’d left that out.

“Thanks. It was a gift.”

Not a lie. One of his own jockeys had bought that for him several years ago after a big win.

“For a groom you have a pretty impressive house, too,” she said, settling deeper into the pillows. “You must be really good at managing money.”

He knew she wasn’t fishing, but he also knew he was treading a thin line here. He had to open up about some things or she’d really start to wonder if he was hiding things from her.

Stepping farther into the room, he shrugged. “I don’t really have anything to spend my money on. I’m not married, I don’t travel or buy lavish things. I work, I come home.”

Okay, that last part was a complete lie. But he really was a good manager of money. Because he came from nothing, watching every dollar was deeply instilled into him at a young age.

“How you feeling now?” he asked, desperate to switch topics.

“Good. You know, I do plan on getting up, showering and possibly doing something today.” She took another sip of juice before focusing on him as he sank down on the edge of the bed beside her. “Just want you to be aware that I don’t plan on sitting on my butt for the next seven months.”

“I’ll take you anywhere you want to go.”

Lily sighed. “I’d like to go into town. There were some cute little boutiques I saw when we were filming, but if I go, I’ll be recognized.”

Nash rested his hand on her sheet-covered thigh. “If you want to go somewhere, I’ll get you there and you won’t be bothered.”

Quirking a brow, Lily sat her near-empty juice glass on the nightstand. “And how will you do that? Because I’d love to be able to shop for just an hour.”

Keeping his plan of action to himself, Nash shot her a grin. “Consider it done.”

With the slightest tilt of her head, Lily narrowed her eyes. “You’re planning something.”

Easing forward, Nash ran a fingertip down her cheek, her neck and to the swell of her breast. “I am. But your job is to feel better, take your time getting ready and just let me know when you’re done. I have nothing to do today but be at your service.”

Her wide eyes slid over his bare chest, a smile danced around unpainted lips. “Sounds like I better rest up for an eventful day.”

Because his body still hadn’t gotten the memo that he needed to chill, Nash came to his feet. “I’m going to clean up in the kitchen. Yell if you need anything.”

He cursed himself all the way down the hall. Lust, sex, it was always there, hovering between them. She was pregnant with his child, which was a hell of a turn-on, but this wasn’t the time to worry about how soon he could have her again. He had to find a way to lessen this instant, physical pull between them. They’d indulged in an affair for months and where had that gotten them?

Too much was at stake, too many lives hinged on his next move.

He needed to touch base with his assistant, needed to send a final offer to Damon Barrington because Nash refused to settle for anything less than he came here for. He had an agenda and he had to stick with it or he’d lose it all.

* * *

She had no clue how he did it, she really didn’t care.

Lily strolled out of the last boutique with bags in hand and headed toward Nash’s truck parked in the back alley. He’d gone in with her, even helped her shop and offered pretty good advice when she would try on things.

Who was this guy? She’d never met a man who actually added input on a woman’s purchases. He didn’t sit out in his truck, he didn’t ask her if she was almost done and he didn’t act bored even one time. In fact, in one store he found a blue dress which he threw over the dressing room door, telling her it would look great on her.

Guess what? He’d been right. Not only that, the dress was stretchy and flowy. Perfect for that waistline that would be disappearing in the very near future.

Still, she was trying to put a label on him and so far there were just too many layers. No way could such an intriguing man be narrowed down to just one appealing trait. She could only assume his eye for fashion, his nurturing side and his patience came from being raised by a single mother.

And it was his take-charge, powerful side that must have stemmed from wanting to care for his mother. How could she fault that? How could she even think he was anything like her stepfather? Control was one thing, being protective was another.

Nash pulled the passenger side door open, took her bags and placed them in the extended cab part of the truck before offering his hand and helping her up into the seat.

Lily smiled, her eyes level with his now. “Such a gentleman.”

“My mama raised me right,” he told her, grabbing the seat belt and reaching across her to fasten it. His hands lingered over her breasts as he adjusted the strap. “Better keep you safe.”

“Well, my boobs are fine so you can stop,” she laughed. “I take back my gentleman compliment since you just wanted to cop a feel.”

Nash’s flirty smile had her heart clenching tighter. “You wouldn’t want some stuffy gentleman. You like the way I can make you lose control.”

Standing in the open truck door, Nash’s hand traveled over her leg to slide up under her cotton skirt. “Boring and mundane isn’t for you.”

Not at all. She always thought she wanted someone who was down-to-earth, more trustworthy than the jerk who exploited her innocence years ago. She never thought she’d find someone who was so laid-back, loyal and had the ability to set her body on fire with such simple gestures. Finding the complete package had never crossed her mind.

When she’d started the affair, she’d definitely gone for appealing. Now she was discovering there was so much more than she’d ever bargained for when it came to Nash.

Lily’s breath hitched as Nash’s fingers danced across her center. Instantly she parted her legs without even thinking. His mouth, just a breath away from hers, had her aching for that promise of a kiss. Never had she desired or craved a man with such intensity.

“Did you have fun today?” he asked, his hand still moving over her silk panties.

“Yes,” she whispered. “What are you doing?”

His eyes darted down to where she was fisting her skirt with both hands. “Getting you ready.”

“For what?”

Nash nipped at her lips before breathlessly moving across her cheek to whisper in her ear, “Everything I’ve ever wanted.”

His confident declaration had her shivering. Her head fell back against the seat as her lids closed. This man was beyond potent, beyond sexy and quickly becoming a drug she couldn’t be without.

Seconds later he removed his hand, smoothed down her skirt and captured her mouth with his. Lily barely had time to grip his arms before he eased back, his forehead resting against hers.

“You think I’m everything you’ve ever wanted?” she asked, worried what he’d say, but unable to keep the question inside.

“I think you’re everything I didn’t know I was looking for and more than I deserve.”

Slowly, Nash stepped back, closed the door and rounded the hood.

Well, that was intense. Now she was achy, confused and had questions swirling around in her mind. There was no doubt he could turn her on with whispered words, the tilt of his head with that heavy-lidded stare or a feather-light touch. But she wanted more. The man obviously cared about her or he wouldn’t have gone to so much trouble to get her in his home, get her out of the house without being seen by too many people and care for her while she’d been sick.

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