Carter's Tryck [Brac Pack 17] (7 page)

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Authors: Lynn Hagen

Tags: #Siren-BookStrand, #Inc.

BOOK: Carter's Tryck [Brac Pack 17]
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Lynn Hagen

Keata and Nero must be used to them. They didn’t bat an eye.

They only pointed to the barn and screamed that there was a vampire in there. Carter watched as all three Santiago brothers came barreling from the kitchen, and headed into the barn along with the wolves.

“I’m outta here.” Carter grabbed Nero and Keata’s hand, yanking them into the house. He ran around the kitchen table when Tryck and his brothers came storming into the house, a look of pure rage on Tryck’s face.

“And what were you doing out there?” Tryck demanded.

“Trying to get my lucky charm off.” Carter held his wrist up, becoming pissed at Tryck’s enraged tone. It wasn’t his fault that a freaking vampire was in there.

“It isn’t safe for you out there. I don’t want you going anywhere unless either I or one of my brothers is with you.” Carter snorted. “I didn’t win the election or join the mob. I don’t need bodyguards. As a matter of fact, I need to skip my happy ass on home and get a change of clothes.”

“You won’t need to skip. I’ll take you.” Tryck circled around the table, but Carter ran the other way.

“I don’t think so. Just because we are mates now doesn’t mean we are tied at the hips. I can manage.” Carter continued to evade him, placing the table between them.

“And how are you going to manage that,
? You can’t pop in and out.” Tryck snarled as he faked a left and nearly caught Carter.

“I’ll get a ride from one of these guys, you Neanderthal.” Carter made it to the side of the table with the door and shot out into the backyard. He had forgotten all about vampires and ball kicking. The thought of Tryck catching him and making him heel had him running across the backyard.

He panicked when he looked over his shoulder and saw Tryck and his brothers giving chase. His instinct for fight or flight kicked in, and since he was a chicken, he ran. Carter let out an unmanly scream when Tryck tackled him.

Carter’s Tryck


“Get off of me, you barbarian.” Carter twisted around, but Tryck held him firmly with all those huge muscles. “You’re wrinkling my two-day-old clothes.”

“Then behave. You’re acting like a madman.” Tryck got up, pulling Carter up with him. “I will not have you running around this damn place on your own. It isn’t safe.”

“I’ve managed to live a whole one hundred and ten years without needing an escort to take a piss. I can make it home in one piece without Biker Bob and his family escorting me.” He knew it! Being mated to Tryck
life-changing. He wasn’t about to have his independence taken away.

Carter enjoyed his freedom, cherished popping in and out of different places, different continents. He loved seeing other cultures and popping into a ballgame and rooting for the other team.

Tryck was not about to take that from him. It was bad enough he had a shackle on his wrist preventing him from enjoying life. He didn’t need one around his neck.

“Do you not remember the vampire that just tried to attack you? It isn’t safe for you to wander around on your own. You are a Santiago now. You stick with us.” Tryck grabbed Carter’s arm, pulling him back toward the house.

Carter dug his heels in, wrestling to free himself. “I understand the dangers, but I won’t be caged. Now let go, damn it.” He twisted and squirmed, but Tryck wouldn’t release him.

Carter knew what his mate was saying was true. There were a lot of dangers out there, especially around this place, but if he let Tryck dictate his freedom to him now, he would forever be shadowed. He couldn’t have that.

“I don’t need you.” Carter curled his lips in as soon as the words left his mouth. He saw the pained expression on Tryck’s face before his mate masked it. Tryck growled, shoving him toward his brothers.


Lynn Hagen

“Guard him.” His mate walked away, leaving him with Law and…just what was the other guy’s name? He wanted to run after his mate, apologize for the harsh words, but Tryck was already gone.

“He’s only acting like this because he cares and is frightened for you,” Law said as the brothers led him into the house.

Carter turned around and stabbed his index finger into the palm of his hand. “Would that have been so hard for him to say instead of the he-man act?”

Law shook his head as he crossed his arms over his barreled chest.

“Yeah, it is. Tryck doesn’t do well with weak emotions. Never has.” He didn’t seem to do so bad with them when he claimed Carter.

As a matter of fact, they poured out of him. What was with the dual personality? Was he afraid to show softness in front of others?

Carter couldn’t live with that. He wasn’t going to have a mate that was tender in bed but a gruff sourpuss around everyone else. If he couldn’t show Carter some warmth in public, Carter didn’t want to be mated to him.

Too late for that.
Oh, shut up.

Carter groaned. He was arguing with himself now. This couldn’t be good. “Look, I need to get home. So either one of you guys can take me or I’m walking. It doesn’t matter either way to me.”

“I’ll take you.”

“Just what is your name, anyway?”

The man chuckled. “It’s Dagon. Nice to meet you, little brother.” Carter eyed him. “Don’t call me that. It means Tryck is my brother, too, and that’s just gross.” Dagon gave a deep laugh. “I like you.”

“Too bad, Tryck caught me first.” He giggled. “Fine, let’s go.” Carter looked around as they made their way to the front door, wondering where his mate had gone off to. He felt bad for what he said, but he had to stick to his guns. Well, some sticking, he was still being escorted.

Carter’s Tryck


Carter sighed. He had a feeling trying to keep his independence was going to be one tough battle.

* * * *

Carter was uncomfortable walking to his dwelling. It seemed the entire tribe was watching him. He knew mating outside of his race was extremely rare, but what was he going to do? Deny the other half of his soul? It wasn’t his fault fate chose Tryck as his mate, and he wouldn’t change it, no matter how pigheaded the man was.

And if he was totally honest with himself, he wouldn’t change it.

Tryck was stubborn and pigheaded, but Carter liked being mated to him.

They just had to work out the whole public display of affection thing, along with his independence.

The brothers must have seen the looks. They moved closer to Carter until he was at his dwelling. He would never admit it to them, but he was thankful. The looks he was getting made him feel like an outcast. The elders watched him with disapproval, and even some friends he had had for a long time seemed to turn their backs on him.

It hurt, but Carter held his head high, even though he felt like a chicken on the inside.

He wouldn’t give them the satisfaction.

“You are not welcomed here,” one of his tribe members stepped forward and proclaimed. Carter glanced at the man’s hands, making sure he didn’t have a weapon it. Wood Elves could be downright unreasonable sometimes, and he wasn’t going to put it past them to fight dirty.

“Oh, yeah? Who was the one that negotiated five hundred acres, hmm? Me, that’s who.” Carter was becoming pissed. They were the ones who tossed the crown of Sentinel on his head and
him go after Melonee. They practically shoved him out of the door, and now they wanted to turn their backs on him?


Lynn Hagen

And now that he thought about it, the title was something they just tossed at him to make him go seek out Maverick. They were even bigger chickens then he was!

A light went on over his head. They didn’t think he would succeed. They wanted him to fail. None of them really liked him.

Why, he didn’t know. He had never done anything to offend any of them. What was happening to his race? The once peaceful Wood Elves were becoming self-served, and that wasn’t like them.

They had thrown him to the lions—er, wolves—and couldn’t have cared less. The title of Sentinel was supposed to be given to one who has shown bravery, he was the last person who should have been given the privilege.

The elder took a step toward Carter until Dagon growled. The frightened look on the elders face seemed to morph into anger very quickly. “Get your things and go.”

All this because he mated outside of his race. Carter couldn’t believe how they were acting. True, he was never their favorite, but to shun him because Tryck wasn’t one of them? That was just downright unfair.

Prejudice in any form disgusted Carter.

“Watch your tongue.” Dagon stepped forward. “Or I’ll cut it out.” Carter quickly ran to his dwelling, holding back the sob as he grabbed his belongings. A sad feeling came over him at never seeing his fellow tribesman again. Why were they acting this way?

Was it all because Tryck was a wolf and he was a fey? It shouldn’t matter.

But apparently it did.

Carter left the angry mob and walked into his dwelling. The sooner he grabbed some things, the quicker he could get out of here.

What was he running back to? Who knew, but it was better than hanging around here.

“Hey, what are you doing?” Teaky asked as he came into Carter’s bedroom. His best friend leaned against the wall studying him.

Carter’s Tryck


Carter wiped the tears on his sleeve, grabbing his things and shoving them into a bag. “I’m not welcome here anymore apparently.

I’m packing my stuff.”

Teaky stood straight, his voice laced with anger. “Who told you that?”

Carter snarled, “Shanta.”

“That prick? His head is stuck so far in the past that he could smell what the dinosaurs had for lunch. Don’t pay him any attention.” Carter shook his head. He understood what Teaky was saying, but he wasn’t on the receiving end of the hateful words. It hurt like hell and he just wanted to put as much distance between his body and this village. “I’m not going to force myself on anyone. If I’m not wanted here, then I’ll just go.”

Teaky crossed his arms over his chest, glaring at Carter. “You’re just going to walk away from our friendship?” Carter’s hands stilled at the anger in Teaky’s voice. He’d never spoken to him like that before. Was it “pick on Carter” day? He took a step away from the bed, smiling at his longtime friend. “I’ll still visit you. All you have to do is call my name.” Carter looked down at his bracelet. “Well, maybe not. Do you know how to get this thing off of me?” Carter held his arm up, showing of his latest fashion piece.

Teaky looked shocked, and then he quickly masked it. His head bowed with a nod as he looked at Carter’s wrist. “How did you…did Ahm put that on you?”

Carter nodded.

Teaky examined the trinket, holding Carter’s hand as he turned his wrist. “I think I can. Hold on.” Teaky let go of his arm and left the bedroom.

Carter continued to pack until Teaky came back into the room, a small key in his hand. “Let me try this.” Carter gave his best friend his hand, watched as Teaky inserted it and the bracelet fell free. The feeling of total freedom once again washed over Carter. He hugged the man to him, placing a quick

Lynn Hagen

thank-you kiss on his cheek. “Thank you.” He shoved the bracelet in his pocket, telling himself he was going to bury it as soon as he got back. No one should be held prisoner like that.

He wasn’t going to leave it lying about so someone else could get trapped in it. Although the idea did cross his mind to slap it around Shanta’s damn wrist.

It would teach him to judge people just because they didn’t mate within their own race.

Barbaric bastard.

Teaky wrapped his arms around Carter, pulling him close. “I’m going to miss you,” he whispered into Carter’s ear.

Carter hesitated, Teaky had never acted this way before. It made him extremely uncomfortable. He cleared his throat, pushing at Teaky’s chest, and stepping away from his roommate. “Well, I have to go. I’ll visit.”

He grabbed his bag and tossed it over his shoulder, taking one last look at his bedroom and his best friend. He had other things that needed to be carried out, but he’d enlist the help of the brothers for that. Teaky stood there with a stoic expression, but Carter knew it was a façade.

He chose to ignore it as he walked toward the bedroom door.

“You done?” Law and Dagon stepped into the room, Law eyeing Teaky, a look of disapproval crossing his face.

“Yep, I’m done.” The brothers, along with Teaky, helped him carry his things to the SUV. They filled the back of it up, Carter taking a last look around before closing the back of the vehicle.

How had things changed so drastically? Not only was his tribe trying to adjust to a new environment, the one they left behind having been their home since the dawn of their existence, but now he was leaving it to start a whole new life somewhere else…again.

He felt displaced. Where did he really belong? Since the war, home hadn't felt like home. And then when they moved here, he never really unpacked his things.

Carter’s Tryck


Would he ever get a sense of home again?

He had no one now. His family was dead and he was leaving his best friend and tribe. He didn’t even feel like he really had a mate.

Not with the way Tryck was acting.

So who did he have?

Carter climbed into the SUV, watching the village he once thought of calling home as it slowly slipped away.

They made it back to Brac territory, pulling into the gravel drive.

Carter stared up at the enormous house, a place that was now his permanent home. It looked more like a prison to him rather than welcoming arms.

He ignored the feeling and pulled his things from the vehicle, the other mates coming out to help. He had them put his belongings into Tryck’s room, a room he wasn’t so sure he was welcomed in anymore after his harsh words.

“Thanks.” He gave a weak smile to the mates that had helped him.

“You are welcome.” Keata smiled up at him. “Come to den later.

We play games.”

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