Carved in Stone (The Stone Series) (5 page)

BOOK: Carved in Stone (The Stone Series)
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If Aidan didn’t think I was competent to do the job then why on earth did he fucking hire me in the first place! Apart from the four questions he asked Jeremiah (yes, I was counting), Aidan didn’t contribute anything else towards the meeting, so why on earth was he even there in the first place.

The guy has a multi billion dollar empire to run for crying out loud – music selection and napkin color choices are trivially
and well and truly below his pay grade I would think.

And to top it all off, as the meeting concluded Aidan stood immediately, muttered, “Gabriella. Jeremiah,” effectively dismissing us both, then turned to Caleb and with a brusque tone ordered, “Caleb, a word in my office. Now.”

he turned, stalking out without so much as a backward glance.

My gaze instantly went to Caleb who was smirking; seriously, did the guy have no other facial expressions this morning. Leisurely standing, Caleb approached, bending his head towards me; where he proceeded to brush his lips for the second time this morning, softly across my cheek.

“A pleasure as always to see you Gabby,” he whispered.

Turning towards Jeremiah, he added, “Jeremiah, I like both yours and Gabby’s concept of my vision for the opening gala. Ian will be in touch.”

Then he sauntered casually out of the room.

              Ian, Caleb’s PA stayed for a few minutes longer conversing with both of us before leaving.

The whole exchange left me feeling confused, hurt and extremely infuriated. I may be head over heels in love with Aidan Stone, splintering from his rejection of that love but I’d been a damn fool anguishing over that jackass all week!

He did warn me in the beginning that he was incapable of love. He didn’t do the whole relationship thing but like a naive fool I also believed him when he said I was different, the exception to his no relationship rule – that he sincerely wanted to try and have more with me.

A leopard doesn’t change his spots and an old dog can’t learn new tricks. For the second time today, I mentally scold myself to wake up and get my head out of my ass.

“Yeah, well at least you were able to rally and keep the meeting on course. You were awesome Jeremiah, very calm and professional. I’m so proud of you,” I grin, reaching over and squeezing Jeremiah’s hand.

“Me, on the other hand…I was… Shit! I can’t even begin processing what the hell I’m feeling,” I groan, throwing my hands up before slumping forward banging my head on Jeremiah’s desk on a muffled moan.

“Oh God Jeremiah, what the hell have I gotten myself into.”

“Gabby darling,” Jeremiah coos, lightly pulling my ponytail and thus putting a halt to my table head banging.

“Intense as it was, you should be flattered. On one hand, you have
Mr. New, Tall, Dark & Fuckable,
and FYI Sunshine, that man is smoking hot,
flirt shamelessly with you while
Mr. Old Tall Dark
& Fuckable
swooped in, marking his territory like a savage defensive lion on heat. Something tells me the delectable Mr. Aidan Stone is not finished with you Miss Gabriella Stevens.”

“Oh Aidan wasn’t there marking his territory Jeremiah. I don’t know his reasons for being there this morning but I do know it’s not about me.”

“I wouldn’t be too sure about that if I was you Sunshine. It was very clear to me and everyone else in that meeting this morning that the extraordinarily hunky Mr. Stone was not very happy about another
Hunky specimen
playing with his personal chew toy.”

Spearing Jeremiah with a hostile glare, I hiss out, “I am no man’s t

“Of course you’re not Sunshine,” he quickly placates, raising his palms up in a calming gesture, however the foreboding feeling rising in my stomach tells me Jeremiah may have hit a little too close to the truth for my comfort.

Chapter Four


After the shittiest of mornings I throw myself into work not even stopping for a lunch break. Having sourced caterers, booked and coordinated severing staff for several functions including the hotel opening gala and liaised with the printers regarding the invitations, I’ve been semi successfully in shoving all thoughts of Aidan and this mornings disastrous meeting to the back recesses of my mind for a few productive hours.

It’s amazing how my anger towards Aidan has blunted all the other emotions I’ve been experiencing for the past six days. I’ve decided that anger is good. Anger is my new best friend in helping me cope with this breakup. And anger appears to be effective; at least for the time being until next time Aidan and I come face to face. Then I’m sure that huge painful knot in the pit of stomach will once again overshadow everything else.

My stomach chooses that precise moment to rumble in protest for missing lunch. Glancing at the time on my computer, I note that it’s four forty-five in the afternoon - well that would explain the voracious hunger pains.

As I begin to tidy my desk, ignoring my stomach’s continued protest, in preparation to head home for the day my office phone rings.

“Good Afternoon, Stone Corporation, Events Department, Gabby Stevens speaking,” I greet, in a perky professional tone that’s so far from how I’m really feeling in that moment. What’s that saying…fake it to you make it!

“A Good Afternoon it is, Gabby,” purrs Caleb, in his sexy southern drawl on the other end of the phone.

“And I only hope my evening continues to get significantly better,” he adds.

“Caleb,” I reply in greeting, rolling my eyes.

The guy is an outrageous flirt but I have to give it to him, he not only has the gorgeous looks to pull it off, Caleb oozes charm and confidence that any woman even an eighty-nine year old Nun would find hard to resist.

My earlier annoyance towards both Aidan and Caleb and the secret ‘frenemy’ club they appear to have going on rears back into the forefront of my mind.

Calmly i
nhaling, I patiently ask, “What can I do for you, Caleb?”

“Hmm…many delightful things I’m sure beautiful, but for now I want to know if you’re free for dinner tonight?”

“Ah…I’m not so sure –” I began hesitantly.

“Strictly business purposes Gabby,” he says assertively, cutting me off.

“There’s this new
Vegan restaurant that opened last month in Hollywood. It is reported to have a wonderful ambiance and the food is literarily out of this world – according to my secretary, so I’m told. Vegan is the
cuisine at the moment and all the rage in LA so I was thinking they would be perfect to do the catering for the hotel opening gala. I know we discussed Japanese this morning but this hotel is very contemporary therefore I also want something contemporary for the opening, something that hasn’t been done to death already. I would appreciate a second opinion and as it will be you working on the menu… so as I said, it’s strictly business. Fantastic food and some amazing company, I’ll swing by and pick you up for an early dinner. What time do you finish work?”

Okay… from a work viewpoint that all makes sense, I guess, however typical arrogant alpha male - which of course reminds me a little too painfully of Aidan – I do note that Caleb didn’t bother to wait for my acceptance before asking what time I finish work.

Another freaking bossy caveman - just what I need right now!

“Hmm… well as long as it
strictly business Mr. Norwood.”

“Of course,” drawls Caleb quickly, too quickly that makes me think I’ve just agreed to a night of trouble.

“Okay. I should be done here by five-thirty.”

“Excellent Gabby, but please as I’ve mentioned before, no formalities. It’s Caleb. I’ll meet you in the lobby at five-thirty,” he replies in a smug smooth tone.

Forty minutes later I’m dashing to catch the lift while quickly texting Mia to let her know I won’t be riding home with her due to working late. I should have called her but the last thing I wanted was to be subjected to Mia’s third degree about why I was working late or more specifically why working late entailed going out to dinner with Caleb Norwood.

The bell chimes signaling the car arrival as I distractedly send the text message absently walking into the elevator car.

“Gabriella,” murmurs a hauntingly beautiful and familiar voice. A voice that haunts my dreams nightly and a voice I heard only this morning.

Closing my eyes, I turn to face the elevator doors; deeply inhaling his distinctive alluring sent that permeates the small-enclosed space.

“Aidan,” I whisper softly, opening my eyes to see him gazing intently towards me. My new best friend
instantly deserts me as that painful twisting knot lurches in my stomach.

Breaking his gaze, I notice that we’re alone in the elevator car and reach out to press the button for the lobby floor praying silently for it’s speedy decent.

“Gabriella”, Aidan murmurs again, placing a warm hand on my shoulder.               Sparks of electricity course through my body from the simply contact, causing me to wince, stepping back and away from his scorching touch.

In response, he sighs loudly, his luminous green emerald eyes searching my face, for what I don’t know… but I can’t help but stare into those evocative eyes, that beautiful masculine face of his, transfixed as I watch his normally impassive expression run through a gauntlet of emotions. I must be imaging it because surely this can’t be real – pain, frustration then finally determination shifts swiftly through his gorgeous features

“We need to talk Gabriella,” he says softly, after several minutes of silence.

Nodding in agreement, I stand frozen holding my breath. He’s right we do need to talk. We need to at least clear the air between us – this tension is unbelievably uncomfortable and as I work for his company, it’s inevitable, we are going to keep running into each other.

“I know somewhere quiet where we can have dinner and talk. Then I’ll drive you home.”

“Oh… umm… it will have to be another time. I have a business dinner tonight.”

My voice is small
, timid and for the life of me I don’t know why I’m so nervous telling him that I have other plans.

Raising his eyebrows, he asks in a hard tone, “You have a business dinner tonight?”


Aidan’s jaw clenches, instantly his eyes turn stony, questioning.

“With whom?” He grates

Oh shit!

              Clearing my throat and squaring my shoulders I answer with as much bravery I can muster after a very long and exhausting day.

“Caleb has asked me to try this new Vegan restaurant that’s just opened in Hollywood. He thinks they would be perfect to do the catering for the gala hotel opening.”

There I’ve said it.

Very professional Gabby – see, no need to be nervous at all.


“No? What do you mean No?” I ask in confusion.

“Exactly what I said. No!” Snaps Aidan curtly.

“But… but…” My mouth is literally opening and closing like a fish as I stutter foolishly.

“But this is my job Aidan,” I finally spit out exasperated.

Gabriella is not going to dinner with Caleb Norwood. Your job is organizing events for this company. Not going on a

“A date! Are you kidding me?” I shriek, both my voice and temper rising to an all time high.

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