Casey's Warriors (Bondmates)

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Casey’s Warriors

A Bondmates Novel


By Ann Mayburn





Casey’s Warriors

A Bondmates Novel

By: Ann Mayburn

Published by Fated Desires Publishing, LLC.

ISBN: 978-1-62322-105-8

© 2014 Ann Mayburn


Cover Art by Scott Carpenter


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All characters in this book are fiction and figments of the author’s imagination.


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"You know you're in love when you don't want to fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams." - Dr. Seuss







I would like to thank, as always, my readers for giving me a chance to entertain you. Without you I’d just be a dirty old woman day dreaming about men with vibrating penises. ;)  I would also like to thank Kitty Kelly and Knotty Kitty from ‘The Smutty Kitty’ for always having my back, and my front.  To my personal assistants Annette Romaine Stone and Leagh Christiansen thank you ever so much for helping me organize the chaos that is me. I hope that you enjoyed Kadothia and I would LOVE it if you left me a review and included who you would like to see the next book in the series be about; Paige or Roxy?





Casey’s Warriors



Lorn Adar has searched more than a lifetime to find his bondmate—the one woman he was born to love and the only woman who can save him from the approaching madness that threatens all unbonded males of his race. When a wormhole opens from his galaxy to Earth and the women who could hold their future, Lorn will do all in his power to not only find his mate, but show her a Universe she never knew existed.

Casey Westfall’s normal life changed forever when she finds the sexy leather clad man on her doorstep. One innocent kiss leads to an adventure that will span worlds and Casey will have to choose between the man who is the other half of her soul and never seeing her family or her world again. To complicate matters Kadothians live in polyamerous family units and Lorn will have to convince his Earth bride to accept not only his love, but the love of his best friend and brothers in arms or risk the chance of losing them to either the madness or the Hive—the race of sociopathic women bent on destroying and enslaving everything in their path, but Casey can’t see loving more than one man as being anything other than a sin. Lorn will have to teach his bride that she was created for both of them just as they were created only for her.

In a Universe where all is possible, the battle to protect not only his people, but his heart rests on the soul of a human woman who must face the unknown and take a leap of faith that could save or destroy them all.


Chapter One





Deep in the clutches of the mid-nineteenth century poem she had to memorize for an English class, Casey absently scratched the back of her leg with her foot and tried to focus on the words before her. Unfortunately, the large quantities of spiced rum she’d consumed with her roommates last night had turned her brain into mush. It was finals week and tomorrow she’d take the last test she needed to before she went back home for the summer. She was mad at herself for getting drunk, but her roommates had all taken their last finals yesterday and celebrated the end of their sophomore year by getting wasted. In a way, it wasn’t even her fault. They had guys from the frat next door physically pick her up from her porch and carry her across the street to the party.

If anything, she was a victim….ish.

Sort of.

The guys from the football team and swim team had been doing a wet sausage contest for charity. How in the world could she not want to watch a wet underwear contest? She’d been so good all semester, studying diligently instead of trying to date. She deserved a little sexy time, even if it was spent staring at drunk guys in their underwear doing the bump and grind. At the very least she’d gotten a good laugh out of it. Most of the guys were average, but there was one tall, skinny kid on the swim team who packed some serious dick. When the girls at the party saw him they went wild. Poor guy was blushing hard enough that she worried about him having a stroke.

Not wanting to think about last night anymore, she sipped the triple espresso her awesome roommate, Kimber, grabbed for her during her morning run. Unlike Kimber, Casey couldn’t imagine doing anything more than stumbling around for a couple hours, in her pajamas, feeling like crap. The bitter taste of the rich coffee filled her mouth and reminded her she hadn’t even bothered to brush her teeth. When she realized she’d slept until nine o’clock that morning immediate panic set in, and she stumbled to the bathroom before diving into all the crap she had to try to memorize. Her eyes were still gummy with sleep, but she forced her wandering attention on the book.

She could do this. Life was going well, but she was really focused on her goal of someday managing a five-star resort in some exotic location. She sighed with longing at the thought of living somewhere other than Michigan, somewhere it didn’t snow. Someplace exotic, where she could do new things, taste new foods, and give other people the kind of vacation experience they deserved. If she did well on her tests, she’d have a better chance of earning a recommendation from one of her professors that would get her into a kick-ass internship in Bali. The image of her lying on the beach was so clear for a moment she swore she felt the sun on her back.

No more shoveling snow nearly every day from December until April. No more freezing her ass off while digging her car out of the snow.

No more fish-belly pale skin nine months of the year.

Ahhhh, bliss.

But all the wishing in the world wouldn’t help her pass this class, so she lightly smacked her cheeks in an effort to wake up. She was still in her pink jammies and an old sports bra, her long black hair up in a messy bun, downing the espresso as fast as she could while praying to the gods of caffeine to wake up her hung over brain. Finally, her gaze focused and stayed on the poem, her lips moving as she read it to herself.

She closed her eyes and whispered the last stanzas of the poem while chewing on her pen, striving to give the words depth and meaning; according to her professor, ‘depth and meaning’ were forty percent of the grade.

This is the way the world ends

This is the way the world ends

This is the way the world ends

Not with a bang but a whimper.

A chill raced down her spine; she wrinkled her nose at the odd sensation then groaned as a headache began to throb behind her eyes.

Being hung over sucked and drinking coffee certainly wasn’t helping her dehydration.

She barely heard the shrill ringing of the old-fashioned, rotary dial house phone and almost got up to answer it before Kimber’s voice came faintly from downstairs. Ignoring her friend, Casey tried to figure out how to put more feeling in the words and kept saying the last part over and over, unable to strike the right depth of tone she wanted. It was a rather eerie poem, and she sighed in desperation at ever getting the right tone; she thumped her head against her pillow and swore profusely.

This is the way the world ends, not with a bang but a fucking whimper.

“Casey, phone,” yelled Kimber. “It’s your sister.”

Normally, she would have ignored the phone call—she had her cell phone turned off for a reason—but at the mention of her sister, Casey reluctantly stood with a sigh. She left her small room in the massive old home she shared with her three other roommates, deep in the student-dominated section of Ann Arbor. There were frat houses and sororities all around them, but Casey and her friends were just a group of girls who’d known each other since elementary school sharing a house. With a sigh she stretched, tugging at her top when it tried to dip down too low. While she knew she’d been blessed by the titty fairy, it still sucked that, even with a bra on, she had to cross her arms over her chest to run down the steps. The battered, sturdy stairs creaked beneath her weight as she raced through the small foyer, decorated with paintings by some of her roommate Dawn’s artistic friends, to the expansive kitchen area. Kimber stood holding the phone and chatting with Roxy, Casey’s sister who was home on a rare leave from the Army for the next two weeks.

Casey would start packing up the last of her stuff tomorrow, and she couldn’t wait to go spend time with Roxy. Her older sister was her hero in many ways, a woman who’d managed to fight her way up in the military ranks and not let anyone stop her. Where Casey was short and pudgy, Roxy was long and lean, taking after their father more than their petite mother. Unfortunately, her sister was going through a rough patch after her divorce. The cheating fuck her sister had married in a moment of weakness got another girl pregnant while Roxy was deployed overseas. Casey had always hated his douchebag ass anyway and was glad to see him go, but his betrayal really hurt Roxy.

A sharp, almost terrified gasp pulled Casey from her dark thoughts and she looked up, surprised to see Kimber nervously pacing, holding the phone to her ear so hard her knuckles were turning white. The tall, slender half-Dominican half-Polish woman, who was on a track scholarship at the University of Michigan, always moved with a grace that reminded Casey of a cheetah. Bubbles from washing plates in the sink stood out on her honey brown skin, and one popped in the bright morning light coming in through the kitchen windows.

Without relinquishing the phone Kimber turned to Casey. Her friend’s hazel eyes were wide in her pale face. “Okay, I’ll pack as quickly as possible. Here’s Casey.”

Casey held the phone to her ear as she watched Kimber dashing for the stairs, her ponytailed corkscrew black curls bouncing with her movements, before she screamed for Paige and Dawn as she raced up the steps, her long legs taking them two, sometimes three at a time.

Shaken up by Kimber’s weird behavior, Casey said, “Hey, Roxy, it’s me. What’s going on? Are Mom and Dad okay?”

“Listen up, kiddo,” her sister said in a tense voice. “You need to get home as soon as possible.”

“Why? What…”

“We don’t have time!” Roxy roared loud enough that Casey had to take the phone away from her ear. “Mom and Dad will explain, but you need to get yourself and your friends’ asses into your car ASAP. Don’t bother packing; just get in the fucking car and go! Once you’re back in Chelsea, stop and get some gasoline at the gas station closest to the house. Buy and fill up as many of those emergency gas cans as you can fit in your trunk. Dad has enough bottled water in the garage to last a month, he’s out at the gun shop right now getting bullets, and hopefully everything will be back to normal in a couple weeks. World’s about to go to hell, little sister.”

Fear made sweat break out in a harsh sting over Casey’s skin as she fiddled with the long, curled cord of the old phone. “Roxy, what is going on?”

Her parents’ voices rose in the background, but Roxy’s clear, controlled words blotted them out. “Shit’s hit the fan. I don’t know who, what, or why, but I’ve been called up. Something about martial law being instituted.”

“Should you be telling us this?” Casey whispered. “I don’t want you to get in trouble.”

Roxy’s laugh made the hair stand up on Casey’s arms. “Fuck that, you’re my family and I have a feeling warning my family won’t even make anyone bat an eye in twenty-four hours. Look, I have more calls to make. Just get your ass home before martial law goes public and you’re stuck in Ann Arbor with a bunch of fucking hippies who suddenly can’t get their non-fat, half-caf, mocha java chino, made from beans dried in the sun on the thighs of beautiful young island women. They’re gonna be scared, and they’re gonna get stupid. Think Lord of the Flies with Deadheads and geeks. I don’t want you there when it happens. I want you home with Mom and Dad, now. I love you.”

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