Casted (Casted series) (6 page)

Read Casted (Casted series) Online

Authors: Sonya Loveday

BOOK: Casted (Casted series)
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I didn’t say much as I continued putting one foot in front of the other, following Dagger as he navigated the different tunnels that led us further away from the danger that was surely following us. The path continued downward for some time. I wanted badly to ask if we could stop for just a few minutes to let my aching feet take a break. Instead, I pushed through the pain and continued following.

The tunnel opened up once again. Dagger turned us down a short corridor to a room dug out of the earth with no other tunnels in sight. He walked in a circle, muttering under his breath. My legs were begging me to sit, but I forced myself to stand, as I watched Dagger make two trips around the room before coming to stand in front of me. He leaned in and wrapped his arms around me again and the ground gave way under my feet in a free fall.

My head rested on his chest as our feet silently touched the worn carpet of a small room. A fire danced cheerfully, warming the chilled air. Dagger released my tired body to stand on its own.

“We’ll be safe here for the night. I’m going to go get some food. Bathroom is right over there.” He pointed at a door across the room before he turned to leave.

I didn’t know where
was, but I was glad we were stopped for the night. A long, hot shower was much needed right now and I planned on taking full advantage of it as soon as I could peel the nasty dirt-encrusted clothes off of my body.

It took a few attempts to get the dirt-caked shirt off without needing a pry bar, but I managed. The steam coming from the shower coated the mirror making the air heavy to breathe, but I didn’t care. I just wanted to wash the dirt from the last few hours away. I lathered up with large amounts of sweet-smelling soap and washed my hair three times before the water ran clean.

I dried off and quickly dressed in pajamas that had mysteriously appeared while I was scrubbing layers of skin off. Dagger was setting food on the small table and turned as I opened the door. “I hope you left me some hot water,” he said with a smirk.

“Don’t worry, I hear cold water is good for the skin,” I tossed back at him.

He actually chuckled at my reply. It was weird, but a good kind of weird.

“I’ll be out in a minute. Help yourself.” He pointed at the food and then scooped up his change of clothes before shutting the bathroom door.

My stomach groaned at the scents coming from the thick stew and biscuits on the table. I didn’t want to be rude and eat before him so I did the next best thing…I snuck a few bites as I dished out the stew between two bowls.

The bathroom door opened, shutting off my wandering thoughts. Dagger was freshly scrubbed and appeared to be in a better mood for it.

“Smells good,” he said, as he pulled out a chair and motioned for me to sit.

This new, refreshed Dagger made my nerves jump and left me speechless. It wasn’t like he was a vision of perfection. His hair, dark as night, was tousled and his nose had been broken at some point. His eyes were a piercing green, almost too green to be real. The hard planes of his body reminded me that he was a fighter. His arms could be a safe haven or a nightmare depending on the situation. Thankfully, he was on my side.

We ate in silence until all the food was gone. Dagger gathered the dishes and left without a word. I let the quiet soothe me. I really needed to get a handle on being alone with him. I’d never been alone with anyone except for Rainy and Jessa. That was totally different though. They were girls. Men made me uneasy. I’d never had to deal with them other than…no, I wasn’t going to torture myself with remembering the past. I had to rein in my fear before I let it get the best of me. Dagger was here to keep me safe, nothing more. I shook my head to clear the thoughts that lingered. It did no good.

Dagger came back with a bottle of scotch and two glasses. “I figured this would help chase the chill off,” he said, setting the glasses down and poured some of the syrupy brown liquid into each.

My hand shook a little when I took the glass from him. At least I could lay it to the fact that the room had a slight chill to it. Not that I’d noticed until now.

Dagger clanked his glass to mine and then poured the contents down his throat. I was never one for scotch so I took small sips. Dagger filled his glass again and tipped the bottle at me, silently asking if I wanted more.

“No, I’m good. This stuff goes right to my head,” I explained.

The fire popped, filling in the silence as I tried to figure out what to say next.

“I’m sorry - there is only one bed,” he said.

I hadn’t realized how close he had gotten to me as I zoned out watching the flames dance. What should I say to that?

My cheeks burned. The flush of my skin thankfully could be blamed on the scotch or the warmth of the fire. Either excuse would work for me.

I didn’t look at him when I answered, “It’s okay.”

I tipped the glass of scotch I’d been nursing up to my lips and emptied the contents down my throat. Like it or not, I needed that little bit of liquid courage badly right now.

My fingertips began to warm as the alcohol made its way through my body. My throat felt numb when I asked for another small glass. Dagger wordlessly filled it and handed it back to me. One side of his mouth turned upwards like the beginning of a smile. This man could be a force to be reckoned with if he wanted to be. He watched me as I knocked back the contents of that glass and gasped for air.

“Water…” I croaked.

A glass of water was handed over to me and I drank deeply. “Thanks.” I sunk down in a chair next to the fire. It wasn’t all that comfortable, but it would have to do.


Morning light came through the sheer curtains. The soft light of dawn caressed my face as I blinked in my surroundings. I winced when I pulled my legs from over the arm of the chair to place my numb feet on the floor.

I hoped we didn’t have to make a run for it any time soon or I would have to surrender myself.

The sheets of the bed rustled, causing me to look over my shoulder. Dagger was awake. I busied myself with rubbing the circulation back into my lower extremities to put off looking at him. Without warning, a pile of clothes landed in my lap, making me jump. Pins and needles raced along my feet. I squeaked in protest.

Dagger called out from the bathroom, “Get dressed, we leave in fifteen.”


I could hear the sink running and stepped up my pace. I just barely got my jeans zipped when the bathroom door swung open.

I longed for a hot shower and a cup of coffee, but settled for a quick scrubbing of my face and teeth before we headed down the steep wooden stair case.

I silently followed him out the door and onto the slick cobblestone street.

“We aren’t going too far. Stay close. I’ll get us out of the rain soon,” he said as he tucked me tight to his side, walking us close to a stone wall as if creating a barrier of man and rock. The warmth of his body was greedily absorbed by my cold extremities.

“We’re being followed,” Dagger said as he ushered me into an empty shop. He backed me up against the bare wood of the dilapidated wall.

“Can I help you?” Dagger growled at our pursuer.

“I’ll be taking the girl, mate,” a gravelly voice answered.

“Oh?” Dagger let the quick reply hang in the air before he turned away from the intruder and lifted my chin to capture my lips. Before his lips touched mine, he breathed words into my mouth. “I’m sorry, I don’t know what else to do,” he whispered.

Something inside me vibrated. My head began to throb as he slid his hand to cup my cheek. Energy poured out of me and into him. He groaned as he pulled his hand away. Before he could turn, I caught a glimpse of his eyes. He looked like he was in pain. He motioned me back. I stepped back into a small opening he created in the wall, leaving only a crack for me to peer out of.

My body sagged against the old wood as I tried to see past Dagger. A well dressed young man was squared off with him. He looked very out of place dressed like he was. His shiny shoes were covered in dust. He looked like a lost tourist, not a killer.

It was hard to keep track of the magic being tossed around the room. The energy sizzled and snapped as it collided. Their bodies were a blur of motion as each one got direct hits on the other. Dagger’s younger adversary was quick, but Dagger made up for it with brute strength.

Dagger sent a wave of magic out that slammed the younger man to the ground, leaving him too stunned to move. It was the opportunity Dagger was looking for. He stalked over and plucked him up off the ground and threw him into the wall.

Dagger staggered back to lean against the wall, right in front of the crack I was peering through. He turned his head to look at me. His eyes were squinted and his breathing was labored. Had his opponent hurt him to the point that Dagger wouldn’t be able to protect us?

“I think he’s down for the count,” Dagger said, hissing through his teeth.

I wanted to panic, but I knew that wasn’t going to do us any good. What should I do? He made something happen when he kissed me. How did he know that would happen? It was like I transferred energy to him.

There were so many questions and not enough time to ponder them.

I closed my eyes and thought about the feel of his lips devouring me. Energy started rushing through my veins. I leaned my head against the wall, using my hands to keep me braced. My fingers slipped through the small opening to latch on to Dagger’s arm. Energy zipped up and down my body like an endless shudder.

Dagger groaned from the other side of the wall. I felt myself falling, but couldn’t stop as I crumpled to the floor. I couldn’t see what was happening. Static filled the air as a brilliant flash of light blinded me. The wall groaned inward as Dagger slipped his arms under me and ran at the opposite wall.

Cool air caressed my cheeks, I could hear the quiet trickle of water and then we were sliding down another slippery embankment. Dagger held on to me tightly until we come to a complete stop.

He stood me up carefully and started running his hands down my arms and legs. “Are you alright?” His worried expression was kind of cute.

I shrugged off his wandering hands.

“What happened back there?” I asked as I hugged my cold hands against my body.

He blew out a pent-up breath. “You’re okay…right?” He reached out again and I danced out of his reach.

I scowled at him. “I’m fine, but next time, keep your lips to yourself, buddy.”

He had the decency to drop his eyes from mine and step back. “I’m sorry, it was either hit you or kiss you, and I don’t hit girls.”

He was right. The kiss had unbalanced me and somehow he was able to gain energy from me because of it. I hated to think that was the only way to get my magic to work. I couldn’t see myself running around kissing people to protect myself.

“I think we need to re-route our original stops. The Triad should be scrambling. I don’t understand how they found us. It’s like you have some sort of tracking spell on you.” Dagger shook his head in disgust.

“Are we safe here?” I asked.

“No, but it will buy us some time. At least, for a little while,” he replied.










Flat stones jutted up from the cavern floor. I slid my weary body onto one and waited for Dagger to decide where we needed to go to next. He had his hands on his hips, with a look of concentration on his face.

Minutes later, he grunted with a half-smile. “I think I know the best place for us right now,” he said before he came over and pulled me back to my feet. Wrapping his arms around me, we vanished from the cavern.

Our feet touched down on a dirty kitchen floor. Clutter piled in stacks dotted every available surface. Old pizza boxes were stacked haphazardly on top of an overflowing garbage can. Music blared from a radio buried somewhere in this pig sty.

Dagger scrubbed his hands down his face as he took in the mess we were surrounded by. “This is one of the oldest, least-used safe houses.”

“This place should be condemned,” I told him as I peeled an old ice cream wrapper off the bottom of my boot.

The sound of water coming from the next room shut off and we were allowed a moment of quiet before a barrage of cursing came pouring out of the bathroom. It was muffled, but the point was coming across loud and clear. Seconds later, this little pixie-looking girl barreled into the kitchen ready to throw down.

She stepped up to Dagger. “Who the hell are you?” With a snap of her fingers, she went from dripping wet with a towel wrapped around her, to jeans and a t-shirt. Her long brown hair tumbled down to her waist, drying as it settled against her back.

Dagger ignored her question. “Are you the Keeper of this house?”

“This shit hole? No, well, I mean, only half.” She pushed past Dagger and opened the fridge.

I was kind of in awe of this little spit fire. She wasn’t letting Dagger push her around. Maybe I needed to take some pointers from her.

Dagger followed her with his eyes. “What do you mean by half?”

She shut the door to the fridge with her foot and set three sodas down on the table. She looked to me and flicked her eyes to the soda, inviting me to take it. I reached out to grab it, glad for the sugar rush my body was now craving. Dagger slapped my hand away before I could even feel the cool side of the can. I glared at him.

“Answer my question,” he demanded.

The girl set her can down and grabbed the unopened one, tossing it to me with a wink as she began to speak. “Just like I said…half. My brother and I shared the responsibility of this place. He just moved to another safe house with his new wife.”

Dagger lifted an eyebrow and looked around the mess surrounding us. “It doesn’t look like either one of you have been responsible.”

Her nostrils flared a little at the comment. Her sapphire blue eyes snapped in anger as she spun on her heels and pushed past Dagger, leaving us to look at each other in confusion.
“That went well,” I said as Dagger stood silent.

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