Read Catch Me If You Can (Love's Command) Online

Authors: Billi Jean

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

Catch Me If You Can (Love's Command) (30 page)

BOOK: Catch Me If You Can (Love's Command)
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She was just as wild. This time screaming and chanting his name, mixed with breathy sighs. He wanted more, needed more. He drove forward forcefully, fucking her with slow, but harder thrusts that made her cry out. It wasn’t enough. He pulled free and released her breast with a last draw on the stiff sexy point.

Before she could stop him, he turned her on her hands and knees, dragging himself up behind her so he could crouch down and fisted his erection so he could line up with her pussy and entered her in one firm thrust ass bounced. The twin cheeks were so damn beautiful, so round and full, he groaned from the building pleasure. Fire raced along his spine, warning him he was nearly to the point of breaking.

Ky cried out and her chanting increased.

She lifted her ass higher and tossed her head.

“Oh, God, yes, like that,” she whispered huskily.

“Ky, baby, you’re so damn hot.”

She’d lowered her head to the bed and her hair was a tangle of black silk. Each time he jarred her with his strokes, her rounded flesh bounced. It was all he could do to keep up his pace and not let his cock take over. He slid his hands up from her butt to the nape of her neck, pulled the silky mass away from her face and into a ponytail he used to pull her head back for his kiss. Ky moaned and arched her back until he could kiss her mouth while he kept up the firm slaps of flesh on flesh she loved.

“Oh, God, yes! Daren, yes, fuck me harder!”

At her demand, his heart nearly burst. He rammed in, fucking her with everything he had and she sobbed, seeming to love everything he gave her. It was too much. He was going to come, but he held back, so hot for her, he watched her flushed face and perfect mouth opened on a silent cry needing her to come first.

“Come for me, baby,” he whispered against her pink lips.

“Oh, God, Daren,” she sobbed, when he pressed her shoulders down to the bed and gripped her waist. He used his hold to pull her backwards as he pumped forward.

She trembled, and when he got as deep as possible and stopped she fisted her tiny hand in the sheets, arching her ass higher for him. He caressed both firm cheeks and withdrew until only the head of his erection remained, then started a slower rhythm that had her lush ass bouncing against his thighs with each gentle impact.

“Shit, shit, shit!” she cried and with a sob, wiggled her butt, closed her legs between his and climaxed. Her body convulsed in small jerking motions. She sobbed into the bed and clenched down on him pulsing continuously as he drove into her.

His body went on auto-pilot, and his cock stiffened to the point his back tightened and he experienced a full body shudder as a climax shot down his spine and trembled through every muscle along the way. A shout burst from his lips, sounding like an animal yell and he pumped every ounce of cum he had into Ky’s soft, hot pussy.

Only when he could breathe again, did he realize he was still rock hard. His body was flushed. He was covered in sweat, and still unconsciously rolling his hips. Ky was panting under him, still clinching on him with small rhythmic contractions.

“Yeah, baby, yeah,” he coaxed her, smoothing his hands all over her back and sweet, rounded butt. She shivered, and bore down on him again. He kissed the nape of her neck and held himself still for her. When she eased off, he bent over her shoulder and smoothed his hand down on her rounded rear—not a spank exactly, but just shy of it. She sucked in a breath and trembled.

“Daren,” she whispered, sounding shocked.

“Again, I want that again, baby. I love how you climax again, after your first one” he told her, bringing his hand down when she bit her lip. “But first, I want to taste all that sweetness.” Not warning her, he pulled free, letting his cock rest along the crevice of her ass and stroked her there until she breathed his name again. When she did, he lifted off her, amazed all over again at how beautiful she was. She’d tucked her legs tightly together, with her rounded butt up, giving him a view of her slender back and the two perfect curves of her ass. Goddamn, she killed him. Smooth, satiny legs with tiny feet and gorgeous toes he knew he’d have to explore—later. Right now she watched him, her arms tucked under her chest with her head to the side, all her silky black hair spilling over the bed.

She had the best eyes. So expressive he knew she was still hot, and simply waiting on him to get his act together.

“I don’t even know where to start with you, angel,” he muttered, stroking his erection to keep it from jerking all over the place.

She made to move and he shook his head. “Let me show you something,” he said and leaned over her, letting his cock bump into her satiny soft thigh for a second of pure enjoyment.

“Anything,” she whispered with a big smile when he kissed her shoulder.

“Damn, anything, huh?” He didn’t wait for a response, but slid his arms under her hips and lifted her lower body off the bed, guiding her pussy to his lips. She gasped and tightened her hands on his thighs. She was upside down, with her face right where he wanted her. She didn’t miss a beat, and gripped his erection firmly, trusting him to hold her safely. She laughed once, then sucked her lips down the shaft with a hungry little sound.

“Goddamn, yeah, Ky, show me what you want, baby.” He dove into her pussy and found her little clit. The hard nub was so wet, he licked along it, carefully measuring his pace to her reactions. She moaned sweetly, so clear on how much she liked that, he gripped her ass tighter and hauled her closer to suck on the little spot.

She went wild, so wild he gripped her hair and held her there, slowing her fast sucking to a slower pace by guiding her head up and down. Her sweet pussy flooded his mouth and he took that as his cue to push her harder. On the next downward suck, he held her head in place, and tightened his ass to keep himself lodged deeper than before. Her legs trembled, and he released her hair to smack her butt. She turned her head and popped him free with a gasp.

“Oh, God, I dare you to do that again!”

He nearly lost his footing, and her, at the breathless little tease.

“Oh, hell, you’re going to make me blow before we’ve had any fun,” he warned her.

She laughed, but only for a second, before she drove her hot mouth down again, nearly reaching the point he’d pushed her to take.

He felt himself slipping toward climax, the control he struggled for unraveling. He held her in place again and thrust into her mouth by rocking his hips rapidly. She went wild, sucking him harder, and digging her nails into the back of his legs to keep him in place.

“Baby,” he moaned, licking along her wet clit, nearly out of his mind with the experience of her. She tasted like heaven, so sweet he devoured every drop she gave him.

“Daren!” she gasped his name breathlessly when he sucked and tongued her clit again, but she didn’t let go. “Oh, God, do that, do that!”

He reached up and fingered her deeply, sucking gently at her just the way she liked, and guided her head to his erection again with a handful of her hair. Her legs started to tremble, then with a hungry sound, she went down on him, much deeper than before. He nearly fell when she swallowed and the back of her throat stroked the super sensitized head.

“Baby, yeah, oh, hell yeah!”

Her trembles grew to a full, hard climax. Through it, she took him so deep he almost came when she swallowed again, and the delicate touch of her throat nearly killed him. Only by pulling her free and tossing her down did he stop himself from blowing before he was ready. She was having more climaxes, many more, if he had his way.

“Inside, gotta come, so deep inside you, Ky,” he managed past the lust burning him from the inside out. He tasted her, her scent covered him and he had to have her. Now.

She was just as wild, so hot she crawled forward on her hands and knees and widened her thighs and tossed her head, gazing back at him with such heat, he moved in behind her and let his cock find her pussy by feel. He thrust in slowly, enjoying every inch he gained in her tight heat. Once lodged deep, he couldn’t hold himself still and began a rhythm he knew he wasn’t going to be able to maintain.

Ky loved it. She rippled around him within the first ten strokes. The sensations were so good, he had to have more of her, and withdrew to quickly turn her and mount her so he could sample her lips as he gave her the harder, firmer strokes. . She arched her butt off the bed and began making hungry sounds against his mouth each time his balls slapped her wet flesh. He broke off the kiss to gasp for air, so close to coming, he felt strung out tight.

His spine tingled, his balls were tight and when Ky scratched her nails down his back, he lost the ability to hold off. She lifted her head and suddenly sucked on his nipple, biting it so damn hard his orgasm burst along his spine, holding him captive. All he could do was open his mouth on a silent yell, as he shoved in so deeply he feared he’d break her or himself.

The climax detonated, then unbelievably, burst again when she pinched his other nipple and cried out as her body joined his. The tight, hard contractions around his cock had him groaning more like a dying man than a man out of his mind with pleasure. Through it all, he managed to push himself in so her climax hit spots on his dick he’d never knew existed.

After what felt like days, he fell on her, lacking even the strength to lift his head, or move over so he wouldn’t crush her. After several minutes of trying to catch his breath and will his muscles to move, he felt her shaking slightly beneath him.
Was he crushing her?
He managed to move his head enough to see, that instead of hurting her, she was laughing.

“You are very, very bad, but I like bad, I think,” she whispered at his questioning look. She tightened her legs around his hips and squeezed down on his still sensitive flesh making him groan in pleasure at the feel.

He flexed his hips tighter, and managed to ride out another shot of dizzy pleasure without embarrassing himself too badly, he hoped. He was the one in charge of this, wasn’t he?

Ky pressed kisses over his shoulder while she smoothed her hands up and down his back. She added a light squeeze to his ass that rippled up and down his cock like she was stroking him.

“Goddamn,” he managed when he could breathe again properly.

“Mmm, you know, we might have to do that again, right?” she asked.

Chapter Eighteen

“Ky? You good, baby?”

“I was last night. I can barely move now, Daren,” she told him, coming out of the bathroom, still trying to get a grip on that fact that they’d made love, slept, made love and slept off and on all day. And night.

His grin couldn’t have been bigger, as he scooped her up and kissed her. Of course he cupped her butt, too.

“Now those are words I hate hearing,” he whispered.

“Mmm, if you hate them so much, why are you grinning?”

“Well, a man can savor making his woman scream a bit too long, can’t he?”

A bit too long? Try a bit too loud. She had screamed, too. Much too loudly, she was certain, but when Daren got it into his head to make her yell, he simply took over and her body listened to him more than it did to her. And her good sense, it would seem. No one should go from no sex to a marathon. Ever.

“Well, you certainly did. I may never be able to have sex again.”

“Damn,” he muttered, looking worried. “Now that’s not going to work. You can’t give me heaven, then take it away.”

“How about if heaven goes on a mini massage, bubble bath break?”

“Ah, now, baby, if you wanted that, all you had to do was say so.” He tucked her in closer to his bigger body and sighed into her hair. She also thought he sniffed of all things. “I want to give you everything, Ky. Goddamn, I love the way you smell.”

She laughed, and kissed his jaw, loving how he smelled too.

Reluctantly he set her down and put space between them—at least enough for her to meet his dark eyes. “We have to go. Tazz is a bear over a schedule. But in a day, day and a half, we’re done. Your dad will be safe, and we’ll be on our way to making babies.”


“Hell, I might even throw in a dog or two also. Picket fence, whole nine yards.”

“Daren Scott,” she managed once he’d stopped talking. “Are you teasing me?” she asked, not at all sure where to begin.

“First of all, baby, I don’t tease about the important things, and second, if you like cats more, we can negotiate, but my buddy Ace has a dog you wouldn’t believe—”

She grabbed him by his face and kissed him, stopping the flow of words with the one way guaranteed to get his attention. When he backed her to the wall, she broke off the kiss with another laugh. “No, no. We have to go, and while we fly for the next ten hours, you can think of what you’re going to say to my father, my grandfather and to me, if you want to be my husband. Until then—”

“Until then, here, I want you to have this.” He stepped back and dug something out of his pocket, dangling it a second later between them.

She reached out and stopped the spinning stone.

“I got them for you, well, for us. See? This one is the yang, and I have the yin. I read that the yang is like the light flowing over a mountain slope, while the yin is the mountain. I figured it fit us,” he said quickly.

For the first time since she’d been near him, he appeared uneasy, even unsure of himself. She could just see, now that she knew what to look for, the outline of his half of the symbol.

“Just let me,” he grumbled all of a sudden and turned her so he could move her hair aside, circling her neck with the chain before she could stop him. “There.”

Smiling, she faced him again, glad to see that he’d stopped frowning so fiercely. “Let me see yours,” she said, taking hers and stepping closer to fit them together, then pulled him down and kissed him. “We fit.”

“Marry me, Ky.”

Emotions too confusing to make sense of jumbled together. One of them was crystal clear—happiness.

“Say you will and I’ll always be true to you, always be there for you, Ky. I want you here for me. Say you will.”

“I will. I love you, Daren Scott. Maybe I always have,” she added.

BOOK: Catch Me If You Can (Love's Command)
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