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Authors: Lynn Montagano

Catch My Breath (23 page)

BOOK: Catch My Breath
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“Whatever.” I waved my hand. “Don’t change the subject. How does your grandfather know about all this?”

"We monitor her email."

"Oh," I paused. "What? Why?"

His face turned ashy. "It's a really, really long story. What's important is we found out what she was doing and put a stop to it."

"Is she dangerous?"

"No. She's just very bored and very rich."

Not sure what to make of all that, I flopped back on the bed and stared at the ceiling. This weekend was shaping up to be a doozy. The mattress dipped when Alastair laid back next to me. Flashes of the past few weeks zipped through my memory. Incredibly, I laughed.

“What’s so funny?”

“I don’t know.” I rolled over to face him. “I think I’m just really looking forward to a fun night with you, Steph and Darren. We deserve it, don’t you think?”

“I agree,” he said, turning to look at me. “You continue to amaze me, Amelia Meyers.”


“I know how much stalking and all that freaks you out. I’m sorry you got dragged into my mess. I’m also sorry for my grandfather’s lack of tact.”

“It’s not my favorite thing, but I know how much it sucks. I can’t fault you for not wanting to tell me. Although, it does strengthen my secret theory that you are, in fact, Batman.”

“What?” He looked at me like I’d just told him two and two equaled six. “You’re bloody barmy, you know that right?”

“But I got you to smile, so barmy or not, I win.”

A lascivious grin curled his mouth. “Not so fast.”

Moving with the speed and agility of a cheetah, he pinned me down and started tickling me. My squeals echoed through the bedroom, rising high into the vaulted ceiling. I laughed so hard I thought I might burst. It would be worth it though, because his eyes were free again. Shining and unguarded, they danced with elation.

When he finally stopped, I stared at him, breathless. Leaning down so our noses touched, he whispered, “You have that look again.”

“So do you,” I said, running my hand through his hair.

Confused, he cocked his head to the side. “What do you mean?”

“You look happy.”

For a second I thought he was going to kiss me. Then, his expression shattered. My heart deflated watching the light and joyfulness seep from his eyes, replaced by stone. I waited, letting him find his balance. When he did, I was rewarded with a long, slow passionate kiss. It was different from all the others he’d given me. This one was mind melting.

“I have a confession,” he murmured on my lips.


“You’re the first girl I’ve kissed in this room.”

Smiling like a loon, I ruffled his hair. “I better be.”

“Someone,” he squeezed my waist, “has a smart mouth.”

“Would you expect anything less?” I laughed.

“I suppose not,” he said, sitting up. "What color dress are you wearing tonight?"

"Burgundy. Why?"

"What color shoes?"

"Silver." I sat up, watching him walk to his suitcase. "Do you want to wear my outfit this evening?"

"Cheeky," he grinned slyly, pulling out a neatly wrapped box. "This is for you."

He’d bought me a present? My stomach and heart switched places. I took the box, staring at it in disbelief. The wrapping paper was shiny and silver, professionally folded and smoothed out over the box. Unwrapping it slowly, I kept an eye on the guy with the dark red hair hovering next to me.

As soon as the paper fell to the floor I gasped. The name Christian Louboutin stared at me, etched into an oversized shoe box. Opening it, I saw the red soles through the tissue paper. A pair of five inch platform heels covered in clear Swarovski crystals glittered inside.

"Oh my God."

"You looked so amazing wearing the red ones at the gala. I saw these and thought they were perfect for you. Do you like them?"

"They're gorgeous," I breathed out in awe.

"Will they look good with your dress?"

I couldn't tear my eyes away from the sparkling heels.

"Yes. Yes, they will," I said dreamily, a smile crossing my lips. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

Glancing up at him, I saw shades of happiness flicker behind his eyes again. I secretly hoped it would stay there.


Hundreds of guests mingled under the massive party tent set up in the backyard. Mini white lights were wrapped around tree branches and lantern lights sat strategically along walking paths so guests could find their way around easily. I heard Stephanie squeal in delight from the dance floor. She was bent backwards in a dramatic dip courtesy of Darren. The small group of people who had gathered to watch them dance applauded with gusto.

I watched as Alastair charmed several partygoers. He looked so dashing in his charcoal suit. Glancing up, he caught my eye. Grinning, he tilted his head and motioned for me to join him.

“Here we go,” I muttered. “More introductions.”

"Doctor and Mrs. Wilson, I'd like you to meet my date, Amelia Meyers."

Smiling more at the fact that he called me his date than actually meeting these people, I shook their hands. We engaged in polite chatter before escaping to a quiet corner near the reflection pool.

"You're beautiful," he whispered as we stood in the moonlight by the water. He slid his hand along my hip, dipping his fingers dangerously close to the impressive slit that exposed my thigh.

"You're a big hit with everyone. They all want to know about the mysterious Amelia."

"Mysterious?" I scoffed. “If they only knew how truly boring I really am."

"You are far from boring. You are intriguing. Exquisite." He kissed me. "Smart. Sexy."

I stroked his tie, grinning. "You have quite a way with words."

He moistened his lips, fixing a dark stare on me. "You like my tie?"

"Yes." I looked up at him coquettishly. “I have a thing for sexy guys in suits.”

“Do you?”

“Mmhmm. I like to wear their ties, and nothing else.”

The stunned silence amused me. I bit the inside of my lip to keep from laughing. A provocative smile spread along his mouth.

"Don't make promises you can't keep."

Cupping my chin, he stared with such longing I almost stumbled backwards. A persistent dull ache grew in my stomach. I hooked my arms around his waist, pulling him closer. The heels had given me some added height, but not enough to be eye to eye. I’d have to settle for eye to mouth.

“Keep looking at me like that and our time at this party will be cut short.”

The dangerous tone in his voice sent a pleasurable shiver through my lower abdomen.

“Is that a promise?”

Raising an eyebrow, he slanted his head. My lids fluttered closed as I anticipated the warmth of his lips on mine.

"Alastair Holden. It's been a long time." A breathy voice cushioned by a light English accent floated through the night air. It knocked me out of the seductive haze I’d been enjoying. Alastair cringed.

Standing a few feet away from us was a strikingly beautiful raven-haired woman. She glided closer, offering a manicured hand to him. He shook it politely.

“Hello, Emma. You’re looking lovely this evening.”

I took some satisfaction in hearing no warmth in his tone. He was all business.

“Always so proper,” she laughed. “I suppose it’s fitting now that you’re CEO. Congratulations.” She rested a hand on his arm, hooding her violet eyes. I wanted to claw them out of her cherubic face.

“Emma, have you met my girlfriend? Amelia Meyers, this is Emma Whelan.”

It was a good thing he had a firm grip around my waist otherwise I would have fallen ass over elbow into the reflection pool.
When did I graduate from date to girlfriend?

She plastered on a sugary smile and shook my hand.

"Nice to meet you, Amelia."

Perfectly white teeth remained frozen in a plastic smile. I didn't miss a beat and smiled with just as much saccharine. Tension crackled above our heads.

"Lovely to meet you as well, Emma.”

Her smile faltered for a moment. "You're American? How fantastic. Where are you from exactly?"

"Connecticut, but I live in Florida now."

"And how did you two meet?"

Her shrewd eyes sized me up. Alastair laced his fingers through mine.

"We met in Glasgow several weeks ago,” he answered. "She was in the area for her sister's wedding."

Emma’s burning amethyst stare met Alastair's warning emerald gaze.

"That's lovely." Her beguiling smile cut through the night. "If you'll excuse me, I'm going to make my way to the tent for dinner." Her hips swayed seductively as she walked away.

Alastair let out a slow breath.

"I think she liked me," I joked.

"She has her moments."

"How do you know her?"

"Our families go way back," he answered, smoothly deflecting any follow up questions. "Hungry, Meyers?"

"Always, Holden, always."

Arriving back at the party tent, we took our places at the table with Katherine, Jason and Samuel. Alastair also arranged for Darren and Stephanie to sit with us so I wouldn’t be too overwhelmed by the Holden clan.

“Oh my gosh, Lia,” my best friend gushed.

“Oh my gosh, Stephanie,” I mimicked.

“I have news.”

She stared at me, her ice blue eyes glittering.

“Well are you going to tell me or stare at me all night?”

“I have an interview with Finley Marketing and Advertising,” she beamed. We both squeaked in delight, trying not to draw too much attention from the rest of the table.

“That’s fantastic news, Stephanie,” Alastair said. “It’s a great company.”

“Thank you. I guess this means if I get hired I’ll be doing the graphic design work for you.”

“Possibly,” he grinned. “Unless MacCourty puts you on something he deems more exciting.”

“Aye, he has a point,” Darren volunteered. “Wouldn’t want to bore her to death with broadband internet.”

I relaxed into the chair, glad to see them all getting along. The wait staff arrived with dinner. We all quieted down to eat and then listen to several speeches before Alastair was introduced. Even though he was shrouded by his protective shield, he looked at right home in front of the large crowd. Hundreds of eyes focused on my handsome, newly minted media mogul.

He embraced the spotlight, his magnetic charm commanding attention. It was impossible for anyone to tear their eyes away. I was so proud of him.

Once he finished, several well-dressed gentlemen surrounded him and engaged him in a rather spirited discussion. The band started playing again.

“Come on, Lia. Let’s dance,” Darren offered his hand and smiled. I accepted and trotted off with him. Darren was a phenomenal dancer. Even though I could just about keep up, I never lost my footing and was spun, dipped and twirled around the dance floor. The raucous applause at the end of the song shocked me. Breathless, I looked around at the smiling faces that had gathered to watch us.

“That was brilliant,” Darren exclaimed, pulling me into a hug. Another song started, much slower than the last. A bit wobbly, I made my way off the dance floor and almost walked into someone.

“Sorry,” I said, putting my hand on his back.

“No problem,” he answered, turning to me.

I stared into a pair of familiar hazel eyes.

“You’re Brent, right?”

“Good memory. Nice to see you again, Lia.”

“Yeah, you too.” I smiled.

“Care to dance? Granted, I’m not as skilled as your friend there.”

“Oh, I don’t think—“

“I realize I acted like an arse that night at the cocktail party. My apologies. Let me make it up to you. I promise I won’t step on your toes.”

Skeptical, I scrutinized his expression. Seeing nothing but a genuine offer, I accepted. Back out on the dance floor, he pulled me into a gentle, but firm, embrace. He smelled pretty good, too. Not as great as Alastair, but he had a fresh, clean scent, like he’d just stepped out of the shower. Grinning, he did a little spin move.

“Not bad.” I laughed.

“I’ve been practicing all week.”

Relaxing into his embrace, it hit me that this was first time in a long while that I’ve been able to enjoy an innocent moment with a guy and not be afraid of any repercussions.

“What is it you do in Glasgow, Brent?”

“Real estate. Rather boring stuff, but it keeps me busy. I own a few properties in the city and have plans to open a new ultra lounge. Actually, that’s coming up soon. Two weeks from now.”

“Wow. That sounds exciting. Good luck.”

“Thanks,” he said, turning us so I faced the band. “Listen, this may not be my place to say, but be careful with him.”

I stiffened. “You’re right. It’s not your place.”

“He uses women, Lia. He treats them like objects and when he’s done, he throws them away.”

“I know all this,” I seethed. “Not that it’s any of your business—“

“He fucked my sister for years and when she fell in love with him, he told her to bugger off. She hasn’t been the same since.”

My lungs collapsed on themselves leaving no room for oxygen.

“You don’t know him like I do, Lia. He’s cold. He has no regard for anyone’s feelings.”

We weren’t dancing anymore. People swayed and moved around us while I remained caught in a prickly bubble. I didn’t want to process anything Brent said. Backing away, I uttered a weak goodbye and blindly made my way back to the table. I grabbed two champagne flutes off one of the trays a server was carrying, knocking each one back. Relieved to see the table empty, I sat down heavily.

Rubbing my temples, I scanned the crowd for Alastair. He’d disappeared. So had Darren and Stephanie.

A light floral scent appeared out of nowhere.

"Hello, Amelia."

Ugh, not now

I looked up to see Emma leaning against the chair.

"Do you mind if I join you?"

"Not at all," I answered in my most sugary sweet voice.

She sat, politely folding her hands in her lap. “How did you do it?”

“You’re going to have to be a little more specific,” I said, annoyed.

She half-smiled. “How did you get him to call you his girlfriend? I’ve known Alastair since we were teenagers. We have…history." A cunning smile crossed her overly glossed lips. “In fact, it was just a few weeks ago that I was in his bed.”

BOOK: Catch My Breath
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