Catch My Breath (42 page)

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Authors: M. J. O'Shea

Tags: #Gay, #Fiction

BOOK: Catch My Breath
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“Dude, it’s freaking perfect,” Reece said. Tate and Webb nodded their agreement. Danny simply looked at Elliot like he was the most amazing thing in the world. “They’ll swoon all over the place.”

“I’d say it’s in,” Keller told him with a smile.

Chris and Elliot gave each other a small high five.

“So you two have work to do. While Chris is here, do you guys want to work on the beginning?”

Everyone nodded. Elliot knew he had to speak. “I have a request.”

“It’s your song, El. Go for it,” Keller said.

“I’d like to sing the first verse with Danny.”



you…?” Danny didn’t finish his sentence, but he gestured to the room they hadn’t shared since before the tour. Elliot figured he didn’t know how to ask.

He nearly shuddered in relief at the idea of falling asleep in Danny’s arms again. He wanted to run and catapult onto that bed, drag Danny in with him, and never leave it again. “Yeah, if that’s okay.”

“Of course it’s okay, El. God, I’ve been waiting for this.”

Elliot walked over and wrapped his arms around Danny’s neck. “I’m sorry I put us though that. I just didn’t see another way out.”

“It’s not your fault, babe. It’s not my fault. It’s everything about this situation. We were just kids. Neither of us had a damn clue what was going to happen. Hell, we still don’t.”

“Are you really going to stand up to management about Chelsea?”

“Yeah. I am.” Danny rubbed his hands up and down Elliot’s back. “That should’ve ended months ago. It’s ridiculous. I’m going to set a meeting with them as soon as I can, but no matter what they say I’m ending it. Publicly.”

It was scary. It really, really was. But if they were protected in the contract as long as they appeared platonic and straight, then they shouldn’t get in any real trouble. He hoped. No matter what the outcome, Elliot felt better than he had in months. “I’ve gotta brush my teeth and stuff. Meet you in bed?”

Danny nodded and raked his hand through Elliot’s hair. They stood quietly and looked at each other for a long moment.

It was weird to feel shy with Danny, the one person who’d seen and touched every part of him, but he did. First-date-with-that-guy-you’ve-always-liked kind of shy. It was nice. Nerve-racking but fluttery and fun.

“Hey, El?” Danny said when Elliot slowly backed up and turned for the bathroom.


Danny smiled. “I love you.”

Elliot couldn’t help breaking into a huge smile. “I love you too.”

It felt good to say it again.




believe you’re actually in here,” Danny whispered a few minutes later when Elliot slid into their bed. Elliot understood. It felt normal and right to be back where he belonged but at the same time almost like he shouldn’t be allowed to be there.

“Not leaving again,” Elliot mumbled. He reached out for Danny, like he’d done most of the nights in the past couple of months, but instead of cold sheets and air he got warm skin and fingers curling around his.

“What’s with the pajamas?” Danny asked with a grin. He only had a small pair of boxer briefs.

Elliot shrugged. He felt a blush seep into his cheeks. “I don’t know. I didn’t know if you wanted…”

Danny rolled his eyes good-naturedly and dragged Elliot’s t-shirt over his head. “I’ll
want to see you.” He pulled Elliot close. “I’ll always want to feel you.” With one hand, he pushed Elliot’s flannel bottoms down over his hips. “I’ll always want to make love to you.”

Elliot shuddered hard. How had he survived so many weeks without it? “I want that too.”

“Good.” Danny grinned slyly. “’Cause you’re gonna get it.”

Danny grinned and Elliot giggled and that’s really all it took for everything to feel just like it always had. The shyness was gone. It was just him and Danny and they were
and everything was exactly right.



, Chels. Can we meet for coffee or something this week? I need to talk.” Danny’s belly quivered with nerves, but it was just Chelsea. She’d understand.

“Yeah, that’s fine. We don’t have rehearsals this afternoon or Friday.”

He wanted to get it over with as quickly as possible. “Can we meet this afternoon?” he asked.

“Sure. How about three?”

They agreed on a place before saying goodbye. Danny’s hand shook a little as he hung up the phone and put it on their kitchen counter. It was good, though. A step forward. He and Elliot had met with Rebecca and Peter on Monday. They’d protested the break from Chelsea at first and said they’d need to hook Elliot up with another girl, but Elliot had refused and Danny held strong with him. They’d finally agreed “for the time being” that as long as neither Elliot nor Danny made any overt coupley gestures, they’d try a trial period of them both being single.

It wasn’t exactly what they’d wanted, but it was something. Probably the most they were getting out of management. They’d decided to be happy with it. Not like there was much of a choice.

Danny went back to their room, where Elliot was doing sit-ups on the floor.

“I called Chelsea. I’m going to talk to her at three.”

Elliot flopped back onto the carpet and smiled up at Danny. “You need moral support?”

Danny sank to the ground and ran his fingers up under Elliot’s shirt. The year of mandatory workouts had ripped Elliot out. He’d always be lanky and lean, but instead of a boy’s body, he now had the muscles of a man. It had been torture not to touch him all those weeks. Danny was grateful he had the right once more.

“I’d love moral support, but I think it’ll be more respectful to Chelsea if I do this on my own. Don’t you?”

“Probably.” Elliot covered Danny’s hand with his own and threaded their fingers together.

“She’ll be cool with it, won’t she?”

“Yeah,” Danny answered. “She thought our run was over before the tour, so this isn’t a big deal. She’ll understand that you and I are trying not to hide so much too. I know she felt bad about that.”

“Chelsea’s nice. Tell her I’m sorry I glared at her that one day.”

Danny laughed. “She did ask about it, you know? But poor thing had no idea what was going on.” He leaned over to kiss Elliot. It started as a gentle peck but deepened into something far more. It had been like that with them ever since they’d gotten each other back.
The kisses felt like they had back in the beginning, when he and Elliot were so deliriously into each other they couldn’t spend a single moment without touching.

“So what are you going to do until three?” Elliot asked with a slow smile.

There was that too. Danny couldn’t help grinning. They couldn’t seem to stay out of bed, other than the times they unfortunately had to.

“Don’t have any plans.”

Elliot rose from the floor and held his hand out to Danny. “I think I can probably come up with a way to keep you from getting bored.”

They laughed and kissed and fell into bed, where all that existed was the two of them, in love and free from worry.



still had the memory of the morning—and early afternoon—on him when he met Chelsea for coffee and what was sure to be an awkward conversation. They were out in a residential area. There probably wasn’t anyone looking, but even if they were he supposed it didn’t matter. The date could be chalked up to their breakup, and it would just cement the story that it was over between them.

“Hey,” she greeted. “Someone looks happy.”

Danny smiled slowly. “We’re back together.”

Chelsea didn’t need any more explanation. She stood and gave Danny a long hug. “I’m happy for you, sweetie. You’ve both looked so sad lately. I really think you need each other.”

“I think we do too.”

“So what’s the next step?” Chelsea asked. “I don’t want to do this if it’s going to cause tension with you two. Plus,” she smiled, “I might have met someone myself. I just didn’t want to tell you when you were so down.”

Danny was relieved. More than relieved. There didn’t have to be any awkwardness. “That’s so great, Chels. Who is he?”

“His name’s Ryan. He DJs at a club we were singing at a week ago. He’s taken me out a couple of times, quietly of course, but he’s sweet, D. And he really likes me.”

“That’s so awesome.” He smiled and took her hands across the table. “I’m really glad this isn’t going to be a mess for both of us.”

“How do we do this?” she asked. “Do we have to have some big breakup scene? I’m not that great of an actress.”

“No. I told management I was going to end it, and I told them I wanted to talk to you personally. They’ll start leaking info to the tabs about us growing apart, and then eventually I’ll say something to confirm it. We’re going to make the whole thing really amicable. I still want to be your friend, and we can’t do that if we supposedly hate each other.”

“Good.” Chelsea looked worried. “What about Elliot? I feel bad if I’ve made it impossible for us to be friends again.”

“You didn’t.” Danny grinned, remembering earlier. “He actually said he was sorry he glared at you that one day. El knows none of this was your fault.”

“You should see your face when you talk about him. I can’t believe I ever missed it.” She shook her head and smiled down into her coffee.

“A lot of people missed it. Hell, a lot of people still do miss it. I don’t care, really, as long as I get to have him. It would be nice to hold his hand in public, but maybe that day will come eventually.”

Chelsea squeezed his hand. “I think it will.”

Danny stood to go. They had a quick rehearsal that afternoon and a barbecue at Reece’s house. “I have to get to the studio. The guys are waiting.”

“We’ll all have to get together sometime. I miss the boys, and I know Savannah, Gracie, and Andrea do too.”

“That would be really great,” Danny said. He meant it.




A Candy Scoop Exclusive!

Relations are looking chilly in Camp Chelly. We at Candy Scoop are sad to report that it looks like our favorite pop couple might be over. DANNY BRIGHT and CHELSEA PRESTON made our hearts pitter-patter for nearly a year but recently he’s been seen out with buddies TATE RYAN and WEBB JACKSON, not his hottie of a honey.

“They’ve grown apart,” a close friend of Danny’s told us. “It was tough to keep the romance alive when Danny was on tour, and Chelsea has been super busy all fall.”

“Neither of them were taking the relationship seriously enough,” another friend said. “We’ve been waiting for months for it to end. I think they’ll both be happier single.”

So, ladies. It’s not official yet, but it looks like the gorgeous and talented DANNY BRIGHT may just be back on the market pretty soon. I doubt he’s looking for his next LTR but I bet a few of you would be willing to show him some much needed fun!

Hugs and Kisses!!




Cara D @Dellyisreallove
Squeeaaaalllllll!!! Guys…. You know what this means, right? #TeamDelly
Alyssa Jones @ILuvStatic
@Dellyisreallove I know! Her contract must’ve ended. It’s beard shaving time! #TeamDelly
@ILuvStatic @Dellyisreallove Ladies, let’s not get excited until we know for sure. It looks good though :) #TeamDelly
Staticgrl4life @Ellysbaby
Awwwww I bet @EPriceisRight and @DannyBoy94 are so happy :) #TeamDelly
StephSteph @IShipChelly
#TeamDelly OMG you guys are pathetic. It’s just rumors and gossip. Danny loves Chelsea. #stilldeluded
Cara D @Dellyisreallove
@IShipChelly Danny loves ELLIOT. The end. Your argument is invalid. #TeamDelly
Danny Bright @DannyBoy94
@Dellyisreallove @EllysBaby ;)
Staticgrl4life @Ellysbaby
@Dellyisreallove HOLY. CRAP. OMG. #TeamDelly #It’sFREAKINGReal



, are you sure this is a good idea?” Elliot bit his lip.

He stood in the doorway to their bathroom, ready other than a pair of sneakers he held in his hand. He had on one of Danny’s plaid button ups with a T-shirt and jeans. Nothing unusual, but he looked so beautiful. Danny wanted to say forget about anything else and just stay in so he could drag every damn inch of clothing back off Elliot with his teeth. That little Twitter rebellion earlier had brought out something in him, something that made him want to rebel more. So he’d asked Elliot out on a date. A real date—something they’d never actually done. Sure, they still wouldn’t get to hold hands and kiss in public, but just calling it a date was enough for Danny.

“It’ll be fine,” he said. “Promise.” Danny couldn’t contain a grin.

“Why are you smiling like that?” Elliot asked.

“Lots of reasons,” Danny said. He pulled Elliot close for a long kiss.

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