Catt Chasing (11 page)

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Authors: Shana Burton

BOOK: Catt Chasing
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Chapter 17
Eldon was on his cell phone again. It was the fourth time that a phone call had interrupted his and Catt's dinner. To entertain herself, Catt had taken to guessing which couples in the restaurant were on a first date, which ones were having marital problems, and which men were planning on getting lucky that night.
“Sorry about that,” he apologized, pocketing his cell phone. “That was one of the church's parents. She wanted to know if it was sacrilegious to let her son dress up and go trick-or-treating,” Eldon replied with a chuckle and adjusted his glasses. “How's your Chicken Marsala?”
Catt nodded politely and dabbed her lips with her napkin. “It's great, really tender.”
He reached for her hand. “Catt, I was hoping to talk to you about something tonight.”
“Yes,” she replied dryly, looking down at her plate instead of at him.
“Well, I wanted to talk about us and the future,” he added hopefully.
She lifted her eyes. “What about it?”
“Well, I don't know about you, but the whole dating game isn't really for me. And if you look at the Bible, you never see couples dating. The Lord either sends their mate, or they choose who they want to share a life with and go from there. It's none of this boyfriend-girlfriend, friends-with-benefits stuff you see going on today. I actually think they had the right idea.”
Catt stopped eating. “Don't you think it's important for a couple to get to know each other before making a lifetime commitment like marriage?”
“I think it's important that two people share the same values, same ideas about child-rearing, and be equally yoked spiritually. It doesn't take months and years to figure that out, though. You know pretty early on whether you're compatible.”
“I suppose so,” said Catt, confused by the nature of the conversation. “Where are you going with this?”
“I've been thinking a lot about us and the future. Plus, I've been talking to your dad—” He was interrupted by his phone ringing. “It's Minister Lunsford. I really need to take this call. Do you mind?”
“No, go on. A minister's work is never done, I know.”
“Thanks!” He answered the phone. “Good evening, Minister. What can I do for you?”
While Eldon chatted with the minister, Catt turned her head in the direction of a loud but familiar cackle. It was Oni, and although she could only see the back of his head, she already knew who her date was: Jamal.
When Oni spotted Catt looking at them, she waved excitedly. Jamal turned around and, immediately, his eyes locked with hers. Catt's heart began pounding, and Oni signaled for her to join them at their table. Catt excused herself from Eldon, who was still on the phone, and ambled over to them. There was an uncomfortable tension between Catt and Jamal, but Oni seemed not to notice.
“So is this work or play?” asked Catt, noting the half-empty wineglasses on the table.
“Which one does it look like?” Jamal replied snidely.
“I don't know. It almost looks like the two of you are on a date,” she remarked. She pasted on a fake smile, but she was still unable to ignore that nagging pinch of jealousy.
“What would be so bad about my taking a beautiful, intelligent woman on a date?” posed Jamal.
“Nothing, I suppose,” she lied, not wanting to appear too interested. “It's just that office romance can be a little dicey, that's all.”
“Not necessarily,” he countered. “I believe in both work and play—all the better if you can kill two birds with one stone.”
“I'll drink to that!” agreed Oni, lifting her glass.
“Aren't you worried that people might start to talk?”
Jamal draped his arm around Oni. “Let 'em talk.”
Oni dropped the ruse. “He's just yanking your chain, Catt. We're not dating.” Oni elbowed him. “Don't mess her like that. You know how seriously Catt takes her work.”
“She doesn't let me forget that for a second,” said Jamal.
“We've actually been getting a lot accomplished,” Oni explained. “Jamal was just showing me the latest figures for the promo. It looks like the two of you have been creating quite the buzz around here. I'm impressed. I think pairing the two of you together was an excellent idea.”
Catt begged to differ but kept that thought to herself. “Jamal and I don't always see eye-to-eye on everything, but we're both professional. If you give us a job to do, we're gonna do it.”
“I'm glad to hear it. I know you were worried initially, Catt, but I always had a good feeling about the two of you.”
Jamal still hadn't taken his arm from around Oni, a move that didn't sit too well with Catt. “Since the two of you are over here working, I might as well join in and shorten the load. I don't mind pulling up a chair,” she offered.
“Oh, no,” insisted Oni, shooing her away. “We've got this. You go and enjoy your date.”
Catt was reluctant to leave. “Are you sure?”
“Yes, we don't mind working all night if we have to,” said Jamal. He and Oni exchanged snickers between each other. The sight made Catt cringe. Jamal nodded toward Eldon. “Besides, I think the minister is getting a little lonely over there by himself.”
She glanced back at Eldon, who was still on the phone. “I guess I better get back to my date then, huh?”
“I guess you better,” he added, gazing at her.
Catt plastered another polite smile across her face and sulked back to her table.
“All right, it'll be on your desk first thing Monday morning. Good-bye.” With that, Eldon clasped his phone shut and turned his attention to Catt. “I promise—no more interruptions.”
She halfheartedly returned his eager smile. At this point, his yammering on the phone would have been a welcomed relief. It would have left her free to ignore him and to focus all of her attention on Oni and Jamal.
“If you don't mind, I want to continue the conversation we started before the phone rang,” said Eldon.
“I'm sorry. I forgot what we were talking about.”
“We were talking about how for some couples, it doesn't take months and years of dating to decide you want a future together. Sometimes, the Holy Spirit prompts us to act quicker than that, and I believe that if the Lord has shown you your husband or wife, you shouldn't be afraid to receive that person.”
Jamal whispered something in Oni's ear that made her giggle and made Catt wince. “I wonder what they're talking about,” she expressed aloud.
“Wonder what who's talking about?”
“Those two.” She pointed at Oni and Jamal. She narrowed her eyes to see if she really saw what she thought she was seeing. “Is his hand on her thigh?”
“I can't tell from here. If it is, it'll be a relief to me, though.”
She turned around. “Why?”
“I mean, you're out here on the road alone with this guy. I figured he may try to hit on you. It's a relief to know that he's interested in her.”
Catt took a sip from her glass. “I can handle my own against Jamal Ford.” She looked back at his and Oni's table.
“I know. I just don't like the thought of—”
“His hand is
on her thigh!” blurted out Catt. “They might as well have sex right there on the table!” Embarrassed by the outburst, which was heard by more than a few people, she excused herself to go to the restroom.
She scolded herself in the mirror. “Catt Cason, get it together!” She shook off the feelings of jealousy that had been eating away at her all night long, and refreshed her lipstick. The least she should do for Eldon is return to the table looking flawless.
“Aha, I caught you!” ribbed Oni, joining her in the mirror. “I see you trying to get all sexy for that tall drink of water you came in here with.”
Catt was less-than-thrilled by Oni's presence. “Oh, hey. I didn't hear you come in.”
“I'm not surprised. You were a million miles away just now. I hope you're not in here thinking about work when your date clearly has other things on his mind. Jamal told me that he came up from Charlotte just to see you. He must be very special or must think you are.”
“Seeing me was pretty much an after-thought. Eldon really came to town for his parents' anniversary.”
Oni set her purse down near the sink to reapply her makeup. “So do the two of you have big plans for tonight?”
“We're sort of playing it by ear.” She paused. “What about you and Jamal?”
Oni fiddled with her hair. “There's no telling what that man has up his sleeves, but I'm sure going to enjoy finding out!”
“So it
more than just work between you two,” insinuated Catt.
Oni took note of Catt's curt tone. “You wouldn't have a problem with that, would you, Catt?”
Catt shrugged off the question dismissively. “Why would I? You're both consenting adults.”
“I don't know, it's just a vibe I picked up.”
Catt feigned indifference. “What you and Jamal do outside of the office is none of my business.”
Oni reached for her purse. “I guess I'll see you tomorrow. Enjoy your evening.” She headed toward the door.
“It's just weird, that's all,” spoke up Catt.
Oni turned and faced her. “What's weird?”
“You dating Jamal. He doesn't really seem like your type.”
“Let me see . . . attractive, smart, driven—that's
my type.”
Catt inched toward her. “Yeah, but he doesn't strike me as the kind who's looking to settle down.”
“Even better—neither am I.”
“And he's a notorious flirt,” she added. “I mean, I can't tell you how many times I've seen him hitting on women around the office.”
“He's assertive and knows what he wants. I like that.” Oni raised an eyebrow. “Honestly, I didn't know you cared so much about who I dated. You've never been this vocal about it before.”
“Well, we're friends, right?” covered Catt with a saccharine smile.
Oni nodded but wasn't buying. “I hope that's all it is.”
“Of course, it is. I just don't want to see my friend get hurt.”
“I appreciate your concern, Catt.” Oni crossed her arms in front of her. “But if I didn't know better, I might think you were a little jealous.”
“Me? Jealous of you and Jamal?” She forced a laugh. “I just find it odd that he's seeing you at nights and spending his days kissing me.”
Oni blinked. “He kissed you?”
“He tried to, but I pushed him off,” revealed Catt. She hadn't planned on telling her what happened, but her jealousy had taken on a voice and a life of its own.
“Next time you ought to go for it,” urged Oni. “He's a great kisser.” She looked down at her watch. “I better get out of here. Don't keep Eldon waiting.”
“I won't,” she said unenthusiastically. “Have fun.”
Oni looked back at her as she sauntered out. “We intend to.”
Catt quickly called on the Lord to forgive her for all of the unspeakable names she was lacerating Oni with in her mind. She took a deep breath and walked out to meet Eldon.
“I thought you fell in,” joked Eldon, standing up to pull out Catt's chair for her. “You were gone a long time.”
She sat down. “I ran into my boss. We exchanged a little girl talk.”
“Did you get the lowdown on her and your lab partner?”
“Not really, we mostly talked about work.” She asked God for forgiveness again for lying.
“Those two looked kind of cozy,” Eldon observed, diving into his grilled salmon. Catt glanced at the two of them over her shoulder just as Jamal took Oni's hand into his to lift her out of her seat.
Stewing inside, Catt watched them walk away. “That's Jamal Ford for you—always on the prowl. He's so arrogant and pretentious. I don't know what Oni sees in him. He is so smug and full of himself!” she spewed.
“Whoa, you don't have to get so worked up. You don't like the guy—I get it.” Eldon shook his head and continued eating.
But you don't get it
, thought Catt. Not only did she
hate Jamal, but it was becoming clear to her she was incredibly attracted to him. It was an emotion that was better off remaining repressed.
“Let's order some drinks!” suggested Catt, suddenly enthused and very willing to numb her emotions with alcohol.

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