Caught (2 page)

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Authors: Erika Ashby,A. E. Woodward

BOOK: Caught
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Graduation was much like I expected it to be—slow, kind of boring, uncomfortably hot and the best day of my life. I wanted to run across that stage and grab the piece of paper that held my freedom, but I kept my cool instead. No one truly knows how anxious I am to get out of this town and away from
. It’s not that I don’t enjoy their company, it’s that I don’t enjoy being the third wheel. Yes, we are practically a trio and do damn near everything together, and therein lies my problem. It doesn’t make it any easier seeing Finley with Chace. It makes it harder, and I’m the one having to pretend it’s totally natural.

College, college will be good. A fresh start with different students, a fresh reputation and making new friends is what I need. Not that I’m looking to replace the ones I have; I’m just looking to get over him.

After tossing my cap with my fellow Class of 2014 graduates, I unzip my gown and leave it where it pools around my feet. I should pick it up, keep it as some sort of keepsake, but I’m not really the sentimental type. Plus, it’s hot and I’m done carrying around the heat attracting fabric.

Chace with his tall, lean, all American boy looks is easy to spot amongst the crowd. His gorgeous smile and bright blue eyes only make it that much easier.  Not to mention the chin strap that he’d managed to grow this year.  All the other guys are totally jealous of his ability to grow facial hair.  I try to keep my heart from skipping a beat when he looks at me the way he is now. I’ve been trying to hold it in since I was eight and I still haven’t been able to master it.

“Yo, Quinn.” He smiles as he lifts his chin up, gesturing for me to come over. Everyone’s families are standing around snapping photos and what not. My own parents are standing by Chace’s mom. I start to bypass him and walk towards my parents, but he grabs my hand and pulls me in for a hug, completely catching me off guard.

“Whoa there,” I say as his arms clamp around me and he lifts me off the ground, spinning me around.

“We did it, Q.” He beams, and it’s infectious.  Making it nearly impossible for me to act nonchalant about the whole thing.

“I know. Thanks for letting me cheat all those times,” I joke, even though no one would know it was a joke. I’ve let everyone think school wasn’t much of a priority for me the last couple years. It was easier that way—keeping myself from unnecessary competition. No one actually knows where I got accepted to college or that I even received a scholarship. They all just think its community college for me.  It’s easier to let people assume. Doing so isn’t me being a push over, it’s me being a conflict avoider.

“Ahem.” My smile drops as soon as I hear the throat clearing from behind me. Chace’s smile doesn’t falter because he is in fact happy to see the source of that noise. And also because, in his mind, holding me tightly against him is perfectly innocent. 

Whereas, I suddenly feel extreme guilt. My clit wiggles got the best of me, and now I need to change my panties.

He slowly lets my feet hit the ground, and I gladly move to the side so he can embrace his Valedictorian girlfriend. I take that opportunity to talk to my parents, but not before I hear him tell her how amazing she is and how much her speech rocked.

Once they’re finished canoodling, Finley looks at me and squeals.  Yes, she squeals.  In fact, so loudly that I cover my ears.  She stops making the god awful noise and leaps at me, and I barely manage to catch her.  Laughing, I wrap my arms tightly around her small waist.

“We did it, Quinn!” she exclaims in my ear.

She’s so excited that I can feel it rubbing off on me.  Laughing, I manage to say, “I know!  It’s the start of the rest of our lives.”  It’s so cliché, but it’s totally something Finley loves to hear.

She squeals again, jumping up and clapping her hands before turning around and smothering Chace with her abundance of excitement.  Because to her the future equates to Chace, and it kills me.

I’m so busy staring that I don’t notice my parents behind me.  “We’re so proud of you,” they say as they hug me at the same time.

“Ah, frack,” I groan as their arms wrap tightly around me and squeeze.  I struggle against them while gasping for air.  “Alright, guys,” I urge. “Team hugs ended when I was in elementary school.”

“Oh, right. You’re an adult now. It’s not cool to be team hugged by your parents.” My dad steps away, holding his hands out.

“Exactly.” I smile at the man who’s taught me so much. The man who’s always been about me learning from my mistakes instead of holding me back to keep me from making any. I love that they both have never been chokingly strict on me. It’s allowed me to experience so much and to learn as I go. People can think what they want, but my parents know me like no one else. Even more so than my best friends. Oddly enough.

“So, what time should we expect you home tonight?” Dad asks, cocking a brow like he’s overbearing or something.

I laugh. “I’ll be home no later than one. There’s a get together at Finley’s tonight.”

“You mean a party?” Mom finally cuts in.

“Sure. A party, gathering, crowd, jamboree, bash, festivity, merrymaking…call it what you will.”

“That’s my girl,” my dad says as he ruffles the top of my head. “Way to know them synonyms.”

And that’s where I get my nerdy side. The side no one knows about.

“Team hug. One last time before it’s forever banished.” My parents squeeze me and I squeeze them back. “Thanks for not saying anything,” I whisper.

“We may not understand it, but we respect your decision,” my dad says, gripping my shoulder as he stares at me.

“Love you guys.” I smile brightly.

“Quinn, get your ass over here,” Chace yells.

“Language, Chace,” I hear Mrs. Donahue chastise and I laugh. “You’re living under my roof, and I can still wash that mouth out with soap,” she teases him with a smile mixed with pride and sadness. I know she’s overly excited her baby boy received a full ride to college. It helps her out being a single mom, but it doesn’t make the fact that her baby will be leaving her all by her lonesome soon.

“I’d like to see you try,” Chace mumbles before pulling me to his side for group pics. Finley and I stand snugly tucked under each of Chace’s arms. She’s of course more cuddled against him as she possessively places her hand on his chest, turning her body into him—claiming victory.

“Charlie’s Angels, Quinn,” Finley says with excitement.

I roll my eyes before dropping down with my fake gun pose. She was always into doing crazy poses as long as they flattered her, of course.  Finley was notorious for scouring your phone for any unflattering pics you may have of her.  Apparently, this one is her all time fave.  I would prefer fishy faces, duck faces or whatever the hell they’re called.

The picture taking stops and we part ways with our parents before Finley practically starts jumping with excitement.

“Are you guys ready for the most epic party of 2014?” she squeals.

“Bring on the booze,” I scream with a fist pump. I do enjoy drinking, but not to the extent the world thinks I do. I like it just enough to let loose, but stop before it allows me to get too loose—if you know what I mean.


Getting ready at Fin’s house is always a chore. She’s the chore. I swear she is the most indecisive person I know. She’s one of the most overly confident people I know, yet she second guesses everything, and completely tortures me in the process. Maybe she’s bipolar.

“Finley! Enough already.” I let out an over-exaggerated sigh.  “I’m going outside. Wear one of the first five dresses you tried on.  Give yourself a smellfie before coming out though.  I’m sure you’ve managed to work up a sweat with all that changing.  I’m heading out.” I need a break from her and her Barbie replica room. The girl has a closet filled with clothes that still have tags hanging from them. Shoes – let’s not even talk about those.

I make my way down the stairs, seeing that the house is already starting to fill up with party goers. The music is blaring, and I make a beeline for the kitchen where the liquor lines the countertops.

I make myself a quick drink and head for the dock nearby. The walk out to it is dark, but I’ve made the trek enough times on my own over the years that I can do it blindfolded. The wood creaks beneath my bare feet and my body relaxes at the sound. To most the noise would freak them out, causing them to worry that their asses would be landing in the water soon, but I know better. This dock is sound; it’s not going anywhere. And if it ever happens, I’ll gladly go with it.

Memories. Memories are what this spot holds for me. I walk to the very edge and sit down, letting my feet dip into the water below. I miss this. I miss what it used to hold for me…for us. Now to the people who own it, it’s just an old rackety dock that needs to be tore down.

I hear the wood creak and don’t even need to look to know who it is.

“I knew I'd find you out here.”

“Leave it to the boy who knows me all too well.” I smirk as he sits on the dock beside me.

“You gonna come up to the party or what?”

“Nah. I think I'll sit down here and reflect on my life all by my lonesome. Parties and fun shit is for losers.”

“Says the chick voted party animal in the year book.”

“That was totally botched,” I laugh as I take a sip from my cup.

“If you say so.” He leans into me, bumping our shoulders. 

I stare out at the water and get lost in the way the moon reflects off of it. It's hard not to think about all the times Chace and I had spent out here before Finley strolled into town. I try not to dwell on the past and instead be thankful for what I have—which is two best friends.

“I'm sad we didn't keep the oath we took out here.”

He laughs. “Quinn, we were like nine years old.”

I sigh, and lean back on my hands. “But you have to admit, we would've made some kick ass clowns.”

“I'm pretty sure clown school lost its appeal when I turned twelve.”

“You're no fun, Chacer,” I tease, calling him by his nickname I rarely get to use anymore. Finley hates it. I think she just plain hates the fact I have a nickname for her boyfriend. Not sure why it matters so much since she's the one who got him.

“Well, I’m gonna head in.” He stands up, but doesn’t walk off. I look up at him and watch as he keeps his eyes trained on the water, much like I had been. His chest rises and falls before he looks back down. “See ya inside?”

I nod and he turns and walks off, leaving me alone with the warped lumber.




Top of the 2



I’m downing my third beer by the time I notice Quinn join us.  We make eye contact and she tips her cup upside down while making a frowny face, indicating to me that it’s empty.  It’s probably the only reason she came back up.  It’s becoming obvious to me that she is feeling nostalgic and I can’t have that.  Not tonight, or anytime over the next few days.  The cure for nostalgia?  Drinks.  Always drinks. 

My arm is draped over Finley’s neck, and I give her the head nod before letting go and reaching down to grab her a beer from the cooler.

“Where the hell have you been?” Finley asks once she joins us.

“Nice to see you too,” Quinn bites back, grabbing the beer from my hand.

Finley sighs.  “I needed your opinion.”

“Well, you can have it now.”

“It’s too late now.” Finley crosses her arms and grunts.  “Everyone’s already seen me in this outfit.”

Sensing the tension, I lean over and press my lips to Finley’s temple.  “You look great, babe.”  She rolls her eyes like my opinion doesn’t matter.  Because it doesn’t.  Finley needs Quinn and her brutal honesty paired with her smart mouth, because Quinn is everything Finley isn’t.  I might have been what drew them together in the first place, but Quinn is the glue that holds them together.  Sure, Finley is gorgeous and confident, but without Quinn by her side she’s not as steadfast.  Quinn gives it to her like it is, and that is exactly what Finley needs.

“Did I miss anything?” Quinn asks, popping the top off her bottle.

Finley pops a nail into her mouth and nibbles.  “No.  But the night is young.  Fifty bucks says that Greg rips his shirt off and tosses it into the fire within the hour.”

Quinn looks over her shoulder at Greg Stein.  He was the catcher on the baseball team, and the token party boy.  “The way he’s devouring those Jello shots, I give him less than that.”

They laugh together and I know that their little spat is already forgotten.  Quinn doesn’t hold onto shit.  She can’t be bothered to worry about nonsense.  It’s one of the reasons her and I have stayed friends all these years.  She’s the quintessential hoe-bro.  A chick that’s simply one of the guys.  But Quinn isn’t just a tomboy that isn’t afraid to get dirty.  Her mind operates like mine.

“Let’s pull out the ping pong table,” I say excitedly.  Quinn immediately lights up.

“Ugh,” Finley groans. “You two and your foolish drinking games.  Why can’t we just drink—”

Quinn laughs because it is the same thing Finley asks every time we start up a drinking game, and before she can finish Quinn is already reciting Finley’s next line. “I don’t need games to get drunk,” she says in a teasing tone. 

With a chuckle, I say, “But they sure do speed up the process.”

“And don’t forget adding an abundance of fun!” Quinn finishes.

Finley sighs.  “You two are so strange.  I’ll be over at the picnic table if you need me.”

I take off down the porch steps to the basement bulkhead and fling it open.  I don’t have to look behind me to know that Quinn is right there.  Beer pong is our shit, and she’s humming with excitement.  We grab the table from the corner and carry it out.  We barely make it to the top of the stairs before the crowd is hooting and hollering.  High school kids live for beer pong because it pretty much guarantees a good time and more than likely someone is going to show their tits.  Why girls think boobs are a distraction, I’ll never understand.  You’ve seen one pair, you’ve seen them all.

Quinn runs to grab Solo cups while I get the table set up.  It doesn’t take long for a crowd to form with people demanding to play.  My eyes find Finley across the way and I gesture with my hands that I need something to write with. 

“Alright,” I yell, hoping to silence them.  Surprisingly people look up to me and they take what I say seriously, and it gets so quiet I can hear the waves hitting the shore.  Finley walks over to me with a paper towel and a pen.  She leans up and kisses my cheek before handing them over to me.  Quinn reappears and starts setting the cups out on the table.  “This is how it’s going to go.  Quinn and I will start.  Anyone else that wants to play needs to write their team down on this list.  Winner keeps playing the next on the list.”

“Set up a bracket!” someone calls from the back of the crowd.  I can’t blame them, they want a fair chance.  They know that Quinn and I will end up dominating and playing the whole night.  A bracket would level the playing field.

“That’s a negative.  You want a bracket, go play somewhere else.”

Quinn joins me with three beers in her hands and starts filling the cups.  “So, who’s our first victim?” she hollers into the crowd, and I know that this is just the beginning of a good night.


It takes Quinn and I two hours and a twelve pack of beer to claim victory.  We slap each other a high five as we watch the last opponent drink the final cup.  “I really wish we were better at this,” she says sarcastically.

“It really is such a shame.  We have no skills.”

“But seriously, I’m like stone cold sober.  I thought the point of drinking games is to get shmammered.”  We laugh as we walk over to Finley who is perched perfectly at the picnic table. 

“You guys could have at least given someone a smidge of hope.” She smiles up at me, and I immediately lean down and kiss her smooth lips.  I just can’t help myself when it comes to Finley.  I never stood a chance.

Quinn clears her throat behind me.  “I gotta pee,” she says before taking off into the house.  I turn back to Finley, who is nibbling the skin of her bottom lip.  My cock twitches.

“You fuckin’ slay me when you do that.”

“Why do you think I’m doing it?”

Like a caveman, I grab her hand and pull her to her feet.  Dragging her behind me, I push my way through the crowd still mingling on the deck.  She giggles as we descend the steps and I push her back up against the exterior wall.  “If you want to play, Fin, let’s play.”

The pads of my fingertips run along the exposed skin of her chest, and I notice the rate of it rising and falling increases steadily.  With my free hand I secure the back of her neck and pull her mouth to mine.  My tongue seeks out hers, and I can instantly taste the fruity shit she’s been drinking.  Her arms pull me closer and my lower body grinds against hers.  I’m rock hard, but I know that it’s too early in the night for me to get a release.  So, for now, I’ll just drive us both a little crazy. 

My hand runs down the side of her body before my fingers find the top of her shorts.  I run along the waistband, teasing every inch of skin before sliding inside.  A thin piece of fabric is the only thing separating her from me, and I can feel her excitement as she moans into my mouth. 

“God, Finley.  You drive me crazy.”  I push her panties to the side and slowly guide my fingers into her.  I groan, feeling her wrap around me, and I immediately regret my decision to play quickly because I want her around my dick.

“Oh, Chace,” she whispers as I ram my fingers in and out. 

My mouth leaves hers and finds her neck, covering her skin as I pick up the pace.  She moans louder, but I don’t give a fuck who hears.  This moment is hot, and it’s only about us.  No one else matters.  I continue to slam my hand into her while my mouth works every inch of exposed skin.  Her breathing grows more rapid, and I know that she’s not far off.  It doesn’t take long before I feel her clench around my hand.  I smile against her mouth and give her one final kiss before pulling myself from her shorts.

Finley runs her fingers through her messed up hair and starts straightening up her disheveled clothes.  “I promise to play fair from now on.”

I readjust myself, hoping that my hard on will go away sooner rather than later.  “You better take care of this once everyone leaves.”

She leans forward and gently kisses my lips.  “It will be my pleasure,” she coos before turning to make her way back toward the party.

I slap her ass.  “Go on and get back up there.  I’ll be up as soon as I can walk.”

Laughing, she spins around and blows me a kiss.  “And that won’t be the last thing I blow tonight,” she teases.

“Not helping,” I call back before she hops up the stairs, leaving me with nothing to do but shake my head.  The girl was a minx.  And she was mine.

It takes a good solid ten minutes of thinking about baseball plays before I manage to get myself back under control.  In those ten minutes, I also manage to become increasingly drunk.  I can hear the party amplifying and I know I’m missing out as I walk back up the steps.

The music is thumping so loud that I’m sure the whole lake can hear us.  Everyone is pretty well wasted, and there is lots of inappropriate dancing happening on the deck.  If Mr. Banks thought prom was bad, he would be having a field day here.  With a thud, I plop down into the beach chair propped in the corner.  My hand scruffs the length of my face, hoping to improve my blurred vision.  It doesn’t.

Instead I see Quinn crawl on top of the picnic table.  Every male head turns, knowing what is about to take place.  “Fuck,” I groan, pushing myself up.  I falter and fall back onto my ass just as Quinn starts shaking her hips to the beat.  Placing my feet firmly on the wooden deck, I find my way upright.  I watch on as Quinn spins around, her hands snaking through her hair.

I feel a hand on my arm, and I turn around right into Finley’s arms.  She pulls me close and looks up at me with serious fuck me eyes.  “Let her be, Chace,” she coos.  “She’s just letting loose.”

Well, she takes letting loose to a whole new level.  “She’s embarrassing herself.  Help me get her down.”

Finley lets out an exasperated sigh before letting me go.  Grabbing her hand, I turn around and continue in the direction of the picnic table.  It is now surrounded by horny teenage boys holding up dollar bills.  Quinn is reaching for the button of her shorts just as I make it to the table.  I reach up and grab her wrist.  “Time to get down, Quinn,” I say sternly.

The guys around me let out a chorus of boos.  I give them the finger.

“Yeah, Quinn,” Finley adds. “You’re looking a little rough, girl.”

Quinn nods at us before carefully stepping down   

“You gotta be more careful than this, Quinn.  I’m not going to be around to get you out of these messes.”

“I didn’t ask you to be,” she slurs, pulling her arm free of my grasp.  “Now where’s the bathroom?  Because I think I am about to pray to the party gods.”

She takes off in the direction of the bathroom and Finley shrugs.  “I better go hold her hair.  We’ll have to finish what we started later.”

“S’okay, babe.”  I place my hands on the sides of her face and kiss her forehead.  It’s just one night.  And I know that Finley and I have the rest of our lives to make up for it.


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