Caught on Camera: Part Two (4 page)

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Authors: Lily Harlem

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Caught on Camera: Part Two
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Donna walked over and helped him fasten the buttons. She smelled of pineapple and coconut—some sickly sweet, girly perfume.

“Do you fuck girls too?” she asked.


She looked up at him, her big blue eyes wide and her black lashes long and fluttery. “Oh, that’s a shame.”

He smiled. “I’ll take that as a compliment, shall I?”

“Oh yes, it’s a compliment.” She patted the tips of her fingers on his cheek. “Tie. You need a tie. Lawyers wear ties.”

She turned and started flicking through a hanger holding a vast array of ties. “Here we go,” she said, yanking free one that was bright red with silver stripes. “This looks right for the part.”

Reece took it from her and began to knot it.

Donna looked at him for a moment then walked to the door. “Learn your lines.” She pointed at the script, which sat on a dresser. “They’ll be here for you soon.” She shook her head and frowned. “Damn shame.”

Then she was gone and Reece was alone in a porn star’s wardrobe room, dressed like a lawyer and with a script for
Slippery Slots
to learn.

It certainly wasn’t his usual Friday morning.


Chapter Nine




Reece had just finished studying the first scene of the fairly basic script when there was a knock at the door.

“Come in,” he called, his stomach clenching. This was it. Time to rock and roll.

Tom walked into the room. “Well, don’t you look the part,” he said with a smile. “Perfect.”

“I’m glad you think so,” Reece said, standing.

“Have you got those lines in your head?” Tom nodded at the script.

“Yeah, the first few pages, pretty much.”

“Good, because they’re waiting for you on set.”

Reece rubbed his palms down his shirt to make sure it wasn’t creased. He then straightened the tie.

Tom smiled and gestured for Reece to leave the room. “Please don’t be nervous. Just imagine it’s you and Cade, though please call him Jenson, at home having a sexy evening. Go with the flow, let your artistic side out—I’m sure you have one in your line of business.”

“Well, I don’t really know, but I’ll try.”

“And ignore the camera and the man operating it. Jack is my number two. He’s good at being invisible and prefers to be treated that way, so don’t even speak to him or make eye contact.”

Tom stopped walking and turned to Reece. “I’m going to do a little experiment with you and Cade. You’re both bright blokes and because you’re into each other, I’m going to give you some free rein. Follow Cade’s lead if he adjusts you for the lens, he’s more experienced at that, but otherwise just fall into the scene and go with the flow.” He laughed. “Just fuck and fucking enjoy it, and it will be a winner.”

Reece swallowed. “I’ll try.”

“You’ll be fine.” Tom put his hand on the door. “The scene starts the minute you go in. Try and keep it smooth so editing is easier and if you mess up, unless Jack tells you to stop, keep going, it’ll be sorted out and chopped to the studio floor if it’s crap.” He put his hand on Reece’s shoulder. “But it won’t be, so basically go in, get naked and get rich.”

“Okay. I get you.” Reece took a deep breath and stepped into the room. Fuck and fucking enjoy it. He could do that.

The lighting was subdued, though a brighter lamp was angled at the bed. The bed was huge, draped in black silk sheets and dotted with red rose petals. Set at the end was a table holding an ice bucket, champagne, two glass flutes and a bowl of strawberries.

Reece shut the door, glanced into the corner and saw a man, Jack he presumed, sat hunched over a camera that had a fluffy gray boom attached to the top. He didn’t acknowledge Reece, simply moved the lens in his direction.

For a moment, Reece’s head spun. It was like being dropped down the rabbit hole. He’d arrived in Wonderland—a very sexy, very rich Wonderland but somewhere surreal nonetheless.

“Timothy, is that you?” Cade called from an en suite.

Quickly Reece recalled his lines. “Yeah, and I’m so sorry I’m late, Jenson. The jury took ages deliberating and the trial went on forever. But it’s done now and another win in the bag.”

“That’s great news,” Cade appeared at the other side of the room and the backlight of the bathroom spread around him.

Fuck, he was gorgeous. Reece felt a fizz of interest in his cock and balls. Just being in the same room as Cade and a bed was enough to pour lust into his veins.

“Yes,” Reece said, “I’m glad it’s over and we have a whole week off now to look forward to.”

Cade walked toward him. He’d undone a few more buttons on his shirt, displaying the dark coils of hair on his chest.

Reece wanted to run his fingers through it, bury his face in it and breathe in the scent of Cade’s skin.

Cade smiled, touched Reece’s shoulder a little and pressed.

Reece took the hint and adjusted himself so his profile was square on to the camera.

“Yes, a whole week off to relax and be together,” Cade said, “starting with tonight.”

Reece reached up and cupped Cade’s cheek, the one that was on the opposite side to the way the shot was being taken. “Happy Valentine’s Day,” he said then leaned in and kissed Cade.

It was exactly what the script had told him to say and do, and he melted into the moment.

Cade opened up and their tongues tangled.

Reece groaned a little, enjoying the flavor of Cade and the way his soft lips moved against his.

The kiss heated up. Cade wound his arms around Reece and pulled him closer. Their cocks pressed together through their clothes.

Reece let a small moan drift up from his throat as his cock thickened. Damn, Cade was everything he remembered and more.

He reached down and grabbed Cade’s buttocks. He squeezed them through the fine material of his suit trousers. Hard with muscle and the perfect handful, he groped happily and wished their clothes had gone already.

Cade broke the kiss and smiled at Reece.

Out of the corner of his eye Reece could see Jack. He had an urge to look at him, see what he thought of their kissing and groping. Had they done it right?

Cade cupped his chin, as though preventing him from looking at the camera. “I’ve made us a bedroom picnic,” he said, as per script.

“I can see that,” Reece said, stepping up to the table that held the champagne and strawberries. “You think of everything, Jenson. What would I do without you?”

“You’ll never be without me.” Cade picked up the champagne and efficiently popped the cork, which appeared to have been pre-loosened. “Ten years together and still going strong.”

“Very strong,” Reece said, wishing he really had been with Cade for ten years. It was strange, but he felt as though he’d known him much longer than he had. Would he still know him in ten years from now? Reece sure as hell hoped so.

He smiled as Cade passed him a glass of champagne.


“Cheers.” Reece clinked glasses and took a sip. He hummed his appreciation. It was ice cold and wonderfully dry. Champagne wasn’t on his usual drinking list but damn, he could get used to it.

Cade took the flute from Reece and set it aside. He then moved behind Reece, slid his hands over his shoulders and began to undo his tie.

Reece took a deep breath and let his gaze float over Jack who was directly in front of him. This was it…time to get naked for the camera.

Cade slipped the tie free and tossed it to the floor with a flourish.

“I want you so bad,” he said, pressing a kiss to Reece’s neck. “It’s Valentine’s and I want to show you how much I love you.”

“Yes, show me,” Reece said, recalling the words on the script. “Show me how much you love me and how hot and hard I make you.”

“I’m going to, right after I have you naked.” Cade slowly, teasingly, undid the small buttons on Reece’s shirt.

Reece sucked in a breath. Cade’s fingers just brushing his skin through the cotton had him wanting to rush to the fucking. He could feel Cade’s breath weaving down his neck and his skin tingled. He knew damn well the camera would be able to see his cock surging forward, pressing up against his trousers. He was fully erect and ready to perform.

When all the buttons were undone, including the cuffs, Cade tugged the base of the shirt free from Reece’s waistband. He slid it off, exposing Reece’s chest and belly.

Reece tensed his stomach muscles, knowing his abs would be defined if he did so. Yet more blood pumped to his cock and he clenched his buttocks.

“I’m going to take it slow with you, okay,” Cade said. “No rushing for us, we have all the time in the world.”

“Yes,” Reece replied. “Lots of time.”

Cade slotted close behind Reece again and rested his mouth by his ear.

His excited breaths spun Reece’s arousal further and when Cade slipped his palm over Reece’s cock and pressed, Reece groaned and fluttered his eyes shut.

“Oh, big boy, you are so hard for me,” Cade said. “So hard and ready.”

“Yes,” Reece said, placing his palm over Cade’s and adding to the pressure. “So fucking ready for you.” He wasn’t sure if that bit was in the script but it definitely worked.

Cade chuckled, his chest moving against Reece’s back. “We’d best get these off. What do you think?”

“Yes, lose the trousers.”

Cade fiddled with the button and zip then, still standing behind Reece, he pushed them down bit by bit. Each inch of Reece’s cock was slowly and teasingly revealed to the camera—first the shiny domed head, then the long, veined shaft and finally the root and his balls.

Reece stepped out of the trousers when they hit his ankles, trying to make his movements as small as possible. He remembered that in this bit of the script there was no dialog, it was just Jenson wanking Timothy for two minutes. He presumed that was to get the viewers masturbating and in the mood for cock.

He relaxed back onto Cade, who was strong and solid behind him. It was strange, knowing what was coming next because of the script, the orchestrated, pre-planned nature of their fucking. But he went with it, shut his eyes and enjoyed the feeling of Cade holding his cock, slowly and gently rubbing up and down, base to top.

“Mmm, that’s nice,” Reece muttered. Because it was really fucking nice. He adored Cade’s hands on him. He had small calluses on his palms, on the fleshy bit beneath his fingers, and they scraped his shaft in a way that was highly erotic.

For the allotted time, Cade worked on Reece.

Reece’s shaft was throbbing with need and achingly firm, however, calm movements on it sapped at his patience. But he knew he must stay in control. There would be time later to lose it and come—right now he was building up the scene.

“I think winning a case makes you horny,” Cade said, starting up the script again.

“Yes it does. Really horny.” Reece opened his eyes.

“And how about if I do this?” Cade released Reece’s cock and cupped his balls. He held them up and out slightly, as if showing them to the camera.

Reece had a sudden pang of vulnerability. Here he was being filmed as he was jerked off. There was no going back from it, not now. He tensed his shoulders and gasped in a breath.

“Shh,” Cade said, releasing him and coming to his side. “Drink champagne with me.” He handed Reece his glass.

Reece took a gulp then forced a smile. He could do this. He
doing this. And ten thousand quid was at the end of it as well as a few fucking fabulous orgasms.

Cade sipped on his own drink before setting it down.

“So how come you’re still dressed, Jenson?” Reece asked, licking his lips and getting back on track with the dialog.

“Because you haven’t undressed me,” Cade said with a cocky tip of his eyebrows.

“We can soon fix that.” Reece reached for him and undid his shirt then quickly tugged it off. He pushed at Cade’s trousers, pleased to see he also didn’t wear boxers.

Cade’s cock jutted forward, dark and tangled with veins. His balls hung weightily beneath him. It would be a perfect side-on shot for the camera and it was a fabulous full frontal shot for Reece.

A burst of desire rushed through Reece’s veins and his arsehole trembled as he remembered the feel of Cade’s big dick ramming into him. He wanted that again—and the sooner the better.

Cade took hold of his own cock, gave a few firm strokes then slipped his finger over the tip.

Reece reached for his wrist, tightened his fingers and brought Cade’s hand to his mouth. “Let me,” he said. He poked his tongue out and licked the tip of Cade’s finger, the one that had skimmed through his slit.

The taste of Cade spread on his tongue like honey and Reece hummed his pleasure.

Cade juddered in a breath and his jaw slackened.

Reece knew he wasn’t acting, that the reaction had been real. Cade’s pupils were wide and desire shone dark and heavy from them.

Oh yeah, Cade wanted him badly, and him taking that little bit of the lead had obviously worked.


Chapter Ten




“Come, let’s sit on the bed and eat those strawberries,” Reece said, feeling more confident now he’d seen Cade’s reaction.

Cade nodded and released his cock.

Reece walked to the side of the bed the camera was on. His cock bobbed as he went and his stomach was still tense. He felt alive, on top of the world. He was going to fuck. He was going to show the world how well he could fuck.

Reece climbed onto the bed, knowing he was giving Tom and his camera a good shot of his arse as he did so. But that was okay, because that was what viewers wanted.

Cade also got on the bed, but instead of sitting at his side, he sat facing upwards so they were looking at each other. He reached behind himself and grabbed the flutes of champagne and the strawberries.

“Here,” he said, passing Reece his drink. “Get drunk so I can have my wicked way with you.” He winked and pretended to leer.

“I don’t have to be drunk for that and you know it,” Reece said with a laugh. He took a swig of champagne and purposely, as scripted, let a few drips spill onto his chest.

“Oh look,” Cade said, “you mucky bugger.” He leaned forward, tongue out and swept the drips from Reece’s chest onto the tip.

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