Caught Running (20 page)

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Authors: Madeleine Urban,Abigail Roux

Tags: #m/m

BOOK: Caught Running
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Jake rolled quickly and grabbed him, yanking him down and wrapping around him in a classic wrestler's hold while pulling the sheet over them.

"Jake!” Brandon yelped, pulled down and engulfed by the other man's arms and body, struggling and finding he could hardly move.

Jake snickered evilly and tightened his grip. “What's the problem?” he asked in an innocent voice, muffled by the sheets.

Brandon stopped moving and closed his eyes.
Aw hell. This is wonderful
. He inhaled deeply, wallowing in Jake's heat and scent. “Nothing,” he said, starting to move his hands over whatever skin he could touch.

"No getting frisky,” Jake growled in a warning. “I need my beauty sleep,” he preened.

So instead, Brandon just curled his arms around him and squeezed him close. He could almost believe this connection he felt between them had been there for months instead of hours.
It just feels right
. He pressed his lips to Jake's shoulder.

"Exactly,” Jake murmured with a smile as he closed his eyes and settled in, holding Brandon closely. “You know,” he sighed after a moment. “This feels pretty good."

Brandon didn't move a bit. Although Jake's words were thrilling, he didn't sound exactly all that thrilled about it. Almost like he didn't know what to think about it. Brandon wasn't sure he did, either. “Yes. It does,” he murmured.

Jake opened his eyes, unable to think of what to say now. He had always been a little too impulsive for his own good. He had always worried his loved ones with his decision making, throwing all his heart into things before they were on solid ground. He bit his lip on any of the things he wanted to add to what he was saying. Brandon relaxed utterly, letting Jake support him, content to wait until the other man moved. Jake laid there holding him until his stomach rumbled, demanding food. He huffed and smiled slightly, lowering his head and hiding his face against Brandon's cheek in embarrassment. “Guess we should get up before I start starving."

"Don't want you wasting away,” Brandon said, but he smiled against Jake's shoulder.

"Hmph,” Jake offered as he forced his way between Brandon's cheek and shoulder and bit lightly at his neck. Brandon's response was a low moan and a wiggle. Jake snickered and lifted his head to kiss him slowly. “Any requests for breakfast?” he asked.

Brandon smiled against Jake's lips and murmured, “Here we go again.”
I want to eat you alive,
he wanted to say.
I want to sink into you and stay
. God, how did this happen so fast? He was dizzy with it, with Jake's passion, his laugh, his growl, the deep brown eyes that darkened with hunger when they looked at him. Brandon shivered and wrapped his arms around Jake's neck to hold on tight.

Jake jabbed at Brandon's ribs with his knuckles, huffing a bit.

Brandon sighed regretfully. “All right. Breakfast out? Couple of places we can stop at on our way to Mountain Park, if you still want to go, that is. I ... I could drop you off at your truck.” Now faced with going back out into life, away from the bedroom, he felt his nerves quiver anew. He told himself not to worry, but it sure didn't help.

"I'll have to get dressed for that,” Jake practically whined.

"Jake,” Brandon said.

"Hmm?” Jake asked with wide eyes as he looked down at Brandon.

Fulfilling a hidden want, Brandon reached up to place long fingers upon Jake's forehead, sliding them down over his eyes and cheekbones with a feather-light touch until they rested on Jake's lips. Jake's eyes closed automatically and his lips formed a smile. He opened his eyes to look up at Brandon and kissed his fingertips.

And Brandon knew without a doubt. He was in love.
Oh. Fuck. A. Duck.

"Okay?” Jake asked with a small smile as he gave the fingertips a nip.

No. Not okay. Not okay by a
of a long way. But what could he do about it now? So Brandon just nodded as his heart swelled in the quiet of the moment. “I'm afraid you will have to get dressed,” he said apologetically. “Would be quite the stir if you were mobbed nude in the Waffle House."

"Waffle House,” Jake echoed dubiously. “Ooh! Waffles!” he beamed as if the idea had just occurred to him. “Yeah, okay,” he grunted as he pushed up and kissed Brandon before climbing out of the bed.

Brandon looked after him incredulously. Where did Jake hide all this when he was at school? Was it a case of every action having a complete and opposite reaction? Sure seemed like it. He sighed and swung himself out of bed and headed for the bathroom.

Jake slid into a comfortable pair of old track pants and rummaged for a T-shirt and sweatshirt as Brandon disappeared into the bathroom. “You need more clothes, right?” he called as he pulled out another pair of pants and searched for more.

"Yeah,” Brandon shouted back from the bathroom as he took the time for a decent cleanup, deciding to skip a shower because he didn't want to wash Jake's scent off. Then he froze, staring at himself in the mirror. “Man. You have it
,” he told himself aloud.

"I have what?” Jake called, straining to hear while yanking out an old sweatshirt that had his worn fraternity symbols on the front.

Brandon's eyes bugged out. “Ah. Nothing important,” he said back, tossing the washcloth he'd been using into the nearby hamper.

Jake ducked his head around the corner of the bathroom door and grinned. “I thought you said I had a nice ass,” he teased with a wink, throwing the man the clean clothes.

have a nice ass,” Brandon agreed, catching the clothes against his chest and starting to put them on. “Maybe I should get to know it better,” he chanced. He'd been more than happy to be fucked several times so far, but he was curious whether Jake would want the same. Better to hint or ask outright than be shot down in an attempt.

Jake laughed and ducked back out of sight. Brandon heard a few rummaging sounds and soon Jake reappeared and tossed a little tube of ‘travel-size’ lubricant at him, grinning widely. “Put that in your knapsack for the trip to your place,” he snickered before disappearing again.

Brandon looked at the bottle he'd bobbled to catch and got a wide, silly grin on his face.

[Back to Table of Contents]

Chapter 9

Driving into Mountain Park, Brandon turned onto one of the few roads and up through the woods to his house. He felt overfull after eating waffles, but not too badly. He looked over at his passenger, who was studying the scenery as it went by.

"Beautiful place,” Jake mumbled. “You said you grew up here? How were you in Parkview's district?"

"My mother worked at Central Office, so they paid for me to transfer districts,” Brandon answered. “More challenge and opportunity at Parkview. More students, too. She was worried I wouldn't adjust well to college if I wasn't used to other kids. I was home schooled until then."

"Oh,” was all Jake could think to respond. He couldn't imagine how horrible being home schooled would be. Never getting out, no friends, no sports, nothing but home and work all the time. He repressed a shiver and looked back out the window.

Catching the pinched look on Jake's face, Brandon grinned. “It wasn't that bad, Jake. I had friends. And I went to the middle school here about an hour a day for P.E. and music."

"Ugh,” Jake offered that bit of information. “I'm sorry, but that's just cruel,” he stated with a shake of his head.

"Cruel? Explain, please?” Brandon asked as he turned onto a smaller lane that ran along the lake.

"It's cruel,” Jake shrugged. “Kids don't understand that kind of thing, and we both know kids can be mean. And I'm sorry, but thinking you know enough to teach a kid everything he could learn from a variety of teachers and experiences and peers is just arrogant."

"Oh, you mean the home schooling. I thought you meant the P.E.,” Brandon said. “I can't argue, really. While going to Parkview really threw me at first, I think it made me focus on what was important. It was easy to be lackadaisical at home when it was just me. I could study when I wanted, take off to explore in the woods, fiddle around. There wasn't much structure."

Jake nodded and sniffed a little. The topic was one of his major tender spots, and he couldn't help but get a little ruffled by it. Hell, if Brandon's mother had sent him to real school when he was younger, his life could have been completely different. He could have played sports—he certainly had the physique for it—or joined clubs. He could have had friends who were loyal instead of just wanting help with their homework, and he could have been part of something instead of being on the outskirts. Jake shook his head angrily and pressed his lips together, trying not to get worked up.

Brandon frowned. Jake seemed to be really upset. “Jake?” he asked as he pulled into the driveway beside the white bungalow surrounded by wildflowers and trees. “What's wrong?"

Jake shrugged and shook his head. “Sorry,” he offered sheepishly. “I get pissy about that kind of thing. Nice house."

Turning off the car, Brandon murmured a thanks. But the rest of what Jake said bothered him. “What do you mean, pissy? About the home schooling?” He didn't get why Jake would care about that.

"Yeah,” Jake answered, leaving it at that. He had belatedly realized that bitching about it would imply bad things about Brandon's dead parents, and he really didn't want to go there. “Do I get a tour?” he asked with a smile toward Brandon.

It was obvious Jake didn't want to elaborate, so Brandon let it go. “Sure,” he said, smiling a little as he climbed out of the car. “Inside or outside first?"

"Inside,” Jake answered mischievously as he practically crawled out of the car. “Where's the bedroom?” he asked innocently, looking up at the house.

Brandon rolled his eyes. “One-track mind,” he muttered as he jingled the keys, walking around the house to the back door. The front walk was overgrown with a colorful mesh of early spring flowers, blocking the walkway.

"Well, yeah,” Jake responded with a huff as he followed obediently. “My brain is tuned continuously to ESPN, the Food Network, or porn. Sometimes two. Sometimes all three at the same time,” he told Brandon studiously.

Brandon stopped in his track and looked over his shoulder, eyes dancing. “The Food Network?” he asked, voice a bit strained.

"Yeah,” Jake answered defensively, pursing his lips and frowning. “
, man."

Biting his bottom lip, Brandon shook his head and turned around to walk to the back door. He unlocked it and pushed it open. “
Entre vous
,” he said with a sweep of his hand. Jake grinned and let his hand glide across Brandon's stomach as he passed him into the house. Brandon sucked in a breath at his body's response, flooding him with heat. Jake's every touch turned him on like crazy, and he
needed to get a handle on it before they went back to school and baseball practice. Not that they touched much then, but the temptation would be there. Brandon had discovered that Jake was a very tactile person. And Brandon had discovered he really, really liked it.

Jake inhaled deeply when he stepped into the house, smiling as he glanced back at Brandon. “Smells like you."

Brandon laughed. “If you say so,” he said. “So, here, obviously, we're in the kitchen. Over there,” he pointed to the left doorway, “is the laundry room and pantry.” He walked around the small kitchen island to stand in the juncture of three rooms. “That's the TV room,” he said, waving at the room ahead of him, “And this way two bedrooms and a bathroom.” He shrugged. “Not much, I guess. But I don't need this much room, even.” He looked around wistfully, obviously seeing memories everywhere.

"Isn't it hard, living here?” Jake asked after a moment of watching Brandon.

Eyes clearing, Brandon looked over at Jake as he crossed his arms and leaned back against the wall. “Sometimes,” he said quietly. “I'll look at something and just.... “He looked hurt for a moment, but then the emotion was hidden away. “It's all good memories. I just miss them.” Jake was silent, watching him expectantly. Brandon's eyes moved through the room, but he didn't really see it. Brandon was seeing the past. “Yeah, it's hard,” he murmured. “But it's all I have left.” His lips pressed together hard. “I didn't get to say goodbye."

"I'm sorry,” Jake offered quietly. “You're stronger than I would be."

Closing his arms around himself, Brandon gazed over at Jake. “You never know,” he smiled a little, shrugging off some of the seriousness. He felt a little silly now, babbling about his parents like that. “I think you're awfully tough. You could handle it. But I hope you won't have to, not for a long, long time."

"Tough?” Jake echoed with a small smile, intending to veer away from an obviously painful topic.

"Tough,” Brandon repeated with a nod. “And don't try to deny it. I've got some idea of the hell you go through with your shoulder, knee, and ankle. And you still go out and coach year-round."

"You're talkin’ ‘bout two different things,” Jake pointed out as he moved slowly closer to Brandon, stalking him.

Brandon's brow furrowed. “I am?” He watched Jake approach, anticipation curling in his gut. He had that look in his dark eyes, the look that Brandon knew meant the other man would soon have him begging. But in an oh-so-good way.

"Oh yeah,” Jake murmured, moving closer. “Takes a lot to face your past,” he said seriously as he cornered Brandon in the kitchen and stepped up to him. Jake sounded serious, so Brandon just waited as he felt the heat of the other man's body come into contact with him. What did he want him to say? Jake took his face in his hands and kissed him gently.

Brandon's chest tightened, the ache of memories brought into focus by the tender kiss, but Jake's words and having him close were a great comfort. He'd never talked to anyone about losing his parents. He relaxed against Jake, their foreheads touching as he kissed him back. To him, it was intensely emotional and painful. He couldn't admit to Jake how he felt about him. It was just ludicrous. Although he'd known of him for almost fifteen years, they'd only become acquainted a month ago. They'd only found common ground a day ago. How was that possibly enough to fall in love? Brandon sighed.

"You wanna get your things together?” Jake asked him softly, letting his fingers slide into his hair as they remained pressed together.

Brandon nodded, rubbing their cheeks together, breathing in Jake's scent and finding it calming. But he wasn't ready to move. Not until Jake did.

"We could just stand here,” Jake murmured with a smile, sliding his hands down and around Brandon's waist.

Closing his eyes, Brandon gave in, moving to wrap his arms around Jake's neck and lay his head down on his shoulder. He didn't know what Jake would make of it. He didn't want to think about it. He just needed to be close.

Jake understood the urge. He lived in the house where he'd grown up, and even with his parents alive and just a state away, Jake sometimes found himself overwhelmed with melancholy. Memories of better times and crowded rooms that were now empty were just too much to bear sometimes. He held Brandon tighter and turned his head to rub his cheek against his.

Brandon drew several long, slow breaths, almost clinging, before he started loosening his hold on the other man. “Thanks,” he murmured, kissing Jake's neck.

"Mm hmm,” Jake responded with a rumbling hum, his hands moving up and down Brandon's back.

Brandon started smiling again as Jake didn't release him. “So, gonna let go of me anytime soon?” As soon as the words were out, Brandon wished he hadn't said them. Too easily misinterpreted.

"No,” Jake answered with a smirk, letting his hands drift under the loose waistband of Brandon's borrowed pants. “Why, did you have something to do?” he asked innocently as he kissed at Brandon's neck.

"No,” Brandon said, nuzzling Jake's throat, his smile huge now. “Not besides you."

"Now that sounds fun,” Jake growled as he nipped at tender skin and gave Brandon a little tug away from the kitchen counter.

Brandon gasped when he felt the little bite. “I'm all for fun,” he said, letting Jake move him as he liked.

Jake murmured back to him and continued to nibble as he dragged him further away from the counter. “Sure you're not bored with me yet?” he asked teasingly.

"I don't know how you could ever think that would be possible,” Brandon answered, breathless.

"Oh, you'll get there soon enough,” Jake assured him with a laugh, “after I pounce on you every time I see you for about a week."

Brandon raised a brow, giving him a disbelieving look. “And you think I'm going to get tired of
? Think again, Thundercat."

Jake growled dangerously and picked Brandon up off the ground by the backs of his thighs, letting his toes drag. “What was that?” Laughing aloud, Brandon taunted him some more by singing the chorus of the hated song. “Oh, you are asking for a beating,” Jake laughed, dragging Brandon toward a bedroom.

"Oh baby, oh baby,” Brandon exaggerated, “give it your best shot,” he managed between chuckles as Jake pulled him down the hall. Jake slammed him against the wall as soon as they got to the hallway and kissed him roughly. Just like that and Brandon was hard as a rock. Moaning and whimpering against Jake's lips, Brandon responded with the same fervor, curling his hands into his shirt and grinding against him.

"What did you do with that lube?” Jake asked as he pressed him harder into the wall.

"In my ... my pocket,” Brandon managed to get out, hand shifting to dig into the track pants he wore, fingers grasping the small tube and pulling it free. Jake took it from him and stepped back, tugging him forward and pushing him toward the bed. Brandon landed on the mattress on his side and rolled to his back, shoving the loose track pants off his hips and kicking them to the floor.

Jake followed him onto the bed and kissed him again, wondering if Brandon would take control over the encounter since he had expressed an interest in doing so. And apparently the other man was reading his mind, because as soon as Jake settled against him, Brandon rolled them over to land on Jake's thighs and rub against him while capturing his mouth again. Jake groaned and arched his back, enjoying the pressure on top of him.

Brandon growled and bit down on Jake's collarbone before kissing the same spot, all the while rocking their erections against each other. “Jake?” he rasped.

"What?” Jake panted.

"I want you,” Brandon said intently. “Can I...” He licked his lips nervously, voice hitching. “I want to fuck you ‘til you lose it and scream."

Jake gasped out a heavy breath and shivered under Brandon. “You better get started then,” he breathed.

Brandon squeezed his eyes shut for a moment, then climbed off Jake and urged him to move to the center of the bed as he popped the tube open. He settled between Jake's thighs with slick fingers and leaned over to lick along his abs before shifting his mouth downward. As his tongue lapped at the head of Jake's cock, he carefully dipped his fingers inside Jake until the other man shivered uncontrollably.

Jake dragged his short nails over Brandon's shoulders and then scrambled for something else to hold onto when he realized that wasn't going to cut it. He reached up and placed his hands flat against the headboard, body arching and whimpers sounding at Brandon's touch.

Pushing one of Jake's knees back, Brandon started pushing his cock in, groaning as he got the slightest bit inside. He dropped his head and grasped for his dwindling control. “Now I know why you said it would only take seconds the first time,” he said through gritted teeth.

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