Cause Celeb (70 page)

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Authors: Helen Fielding

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He was opening the door and bustling her out. “The whole fucking world's gonna know you're going to Nambula.”

“Did you have to be so rude?” I said, when they'd gone.

“I wasn't rude. I just nipped it in the bud. Come on. You're a busy girl. You haven't got time to waste with these idiots.”

“You might at least have thanked her.”

“For what? Why should she expect undiluted gratitude? What has she got to offer us? I tell you what. It's a two-way exchange, this business. If the charities toughened up and asked a few more questions before they went slobbering all over the stars they'd have a lot less trouble.”

“You were crushing a butterfly under a millstone, or whatever the expression is.”

“Oh, come on, sweetheart, lighten up. Have another drink. I've done a bit of a script for Africa. I want you to have a look at it.”

He'd drawn it up in two hours. It was brilliant. I lightened up.

It wasn't simple, me and Oliver. I knew his bad side and I didn't trust him. But the charm of the boss man, of a man more capable than you, who is helping you, is very seductive. Over the few days that followed in London, as I watched him using his brain and his power to drive the program along, as everything came together, the press launch, the sponsorship, the food, the program slot, the scripts, as I found him right behind me whenever I was in difficulties, I felt Safila growing safer by the moment, and myself on ever more uncertain ground.


e were kissing in Oliver's flat, ravenous. His hand was inside my shirt. It was the night after the press launch. We had been bashing the phones all day, talking to sponsors, artists, engineers, cameramen, journalists. At that moment I wanted nothing more than to escape into sensual release with Oliver. He was sliding his hand round my back, unclipping my bra in one smooth move, pulling my shirt up with the other hand.

“We mustn't do this,” I said with my eyes closed, breathing unsteadily.

“I think we must,” he whispered into my neck.

I twisted away.

“Why not?” he said, holding my arm.

I moved away from him. “You know why not.”

I sat, rubbing my forehead while he went to get a drink, straightening my clothes, fastening myself up, trying to work out how I'd got into this. He'd asked me again to have dinner with him. We were getting on so well, he was being so good, and had done so much, it seemed churlish and oddly conceited to refuse.

He wanted to go to the movies before dinner, he said, so we could wind down and “forget about work,” for a while. The only film we could get into was some Vietnam war spectacular. I thought it would be fine, but when the first machine gun went off, and the first khaki-clad stomach turned red, it hit my mental bruise like a cudgel.

I got up, apologized my way along the row, walked out, down the stairs, into the tackiness and kids of Leicester Square. I leaned against a wall, trying to make the goblins lie quiet. I could see Oliver looking for me outside the cinema. I wasn't going to tell him about the land mine. Horrific experience evolved too easily into anecdote. Events which, as Nadia Simpson would say, were real to you, and painful, got turned into entertainment for everyone else. It was a good way of making yourself seem more interesting, but pretty cheap.

In the end, though, I did tell him. He was very understanding. And because, he said, I was too upset to go to a restaurant, he took me home to his flat and said we'd get a pizza. And we both, I think, felt a pang at the memory of all the old Oliver and Rosie pizza jokes. Then, when we got into the flat and the door was closed behind us, he dropped his coat on the floor, and took me in his arms. And, shaken and shook around, lonely, aroused by so much proximity, by my practical need for him, by the chemical rush which had never left us, I didn't resist.

He came back in with the drinks, and lit a cigarette. He was angry.

“You realize I can't do this?” he said.

“I know. We mustn't.”

“I don't mean
I mean Charitable Acts.”

I felt as though all my insides were shuddering. “What are you saying?” I said. “How can you not now?”

“It's up and running. Vernon can direct it.”

“But you know that would be hopeless. It's shaky enough as it is. It would fall apart. We're relying on goodwill. They all think he's awful.”

“He'll take over whether I'm there or not. He's coming out to Africa. As you yourself said, I can't handle him.”

“Why are you saying you can't do it?”

“If Vernon's going to get involved—which he is—I'll be better off out of it. I haven't got the time, anyway.”

“But you'll do the London end?” I said, trying to keep my voice steady.


“Why? Why have you decided this now?”

“Like I said, I haven't got time.”

I thought for a minute. “If I had said yes to you just now,” I said carefully, “would you have found the time?”

His face was thunderous. “You have no idea, have you? No idea. You come back full of self-righteousness, with your dying people and your cause. I thought you had come back for me. You're playing games with me to get what you want. I love you. I can't be expected to work with you on this basis. I can't go out to Africa if we're playing this stupid game of just being colleagues.”

He was lying, wasn't he? He hadn't been misled at all. When had I misled him? He didn't love me. He just had to make sure he could still have me if he wanted.

“What about Vicky?”

“Blah. Vicky. That's over.”

“And if I say I will sleep with you?”

Surely nobody, not even he, could play this dirty?

“Then it would be easier for me.”

He could.

He stormed into the kitchen. It was eleven o'clock. I knew we couldn't do the program without him. I stared at the rain, driving against the window. The camp would be in darkness now, apart from the hospital and feeding center. We had twelve days left till the broadcast. They had ten days' worth of food. The new refugees would be arriving any day. They would be starting to cross the desert to Safila, pouring out of the highlands heading for the border. There were five, maybe ten, thousand of them, and they didn't have anything to eat. It occurred to me that my romantic life didn't matter very much. Neither did Oliver's or Vicky Spankie's. Maybe I should just do it.

The phone rang twice, and the answerphone clicked on. Vicky Spankie's voice echoed over the wooden floors.

“Olly. It's Vicky. I know where you are. You're not with Julian. You're out with Rosie, aren't you? Or
” There was an indeterminate noise which may or may not have been a sob. “Phone me when you get in. Please.”

Oliver strode in from the kitchen, dived for the phone, clicked off the answerphone. “Hi, I'm here. What are you talking about?” He was walking with the phone into the bathroom, trailing the long cord, shutting the door behind him.

Unaccountably, Vicky's voice rang out again. “Olly, please call me when you get in.”

I walked slowly over to the machine. He had put it on
instead of turning it off. I was going to stop it, then another message began.

“Hi. It's Kirsty here. Just ringing to see . . . um . . . just ringing because you said you were going to call me after . . . and . . .” The beep went.

“Olly, where are you?” Vicky again. “You said we . . . I called Julian and he said he wasn't seeing you tonight. Why do you keep doing this to me? I feel so stupid and wretched and reduced. What are we doing this weekend? I can't bear this.”

I remembered that feeling so, so well.

“Oliver, it's Mummy. Please just give me a little call, darling. I keep leaving you all these messages, and I haven't even had the briefest little chat with you for two months.”

There was a beep, then someone obviously rang off, then another beep and a different woman's voice. “Hi, pervert. Just called to say crisis averted. The Big Pig swallowed it. I'm working late at the office Monday, OK? Hope you can make it. Don't call me at home tonight. I'll ring you tomorrow. Mmm. Dirty kiss you know where.”

I left the tape still playing, put on my coat, and left.

He caught up with me in his car just as I reached the bus stop on the King's Road.

“Get in,” he said.

“I'm waiting for the bus.”

“I'll take you home.”

“No, thanks.”

“Look, I'm sorry. At least let me drive you home.”

It was pouring rain. I got in the car. We set off north in a particularly filthy silence. Halfway through Hyde Park, he swerved the car into the car park beside the Serpentine, and turned off the
ignition. A Japanese couple were walking by the side of the lake, his arm around her shoulders. A pair of ducks were making a purposeful wake through the black water.

He looked sad, beaten. “I am very unhappy,” he said.

As he knew, many women have quite a strong urge, when confronted with a broken man, to try to mend him. Messing about with Oliver was not what I had come back to England for.

He rubbed his head with his forearm miserably.

On the other hand, I thought, we're going to be in a real mess without him.

“I hate myself,” he said.

And, actually, it was ridiculous to think he had been doing all this work just so I would sleep with him.

“I feel so wretched.”

“Will you please put the heater on?”

We were all human. He'd probably just lost his temper, and allowed the control fetish to have its head. At least I should give him a get-out clause.

“You didn't really mean you weren't going to do the program, did you?”

“Yes,” he said, uncertainly.

The car was starting to fill with warmth again.

“You've been wonderful these last two weeks,” I said. “You've sorted it all out, you've got everyone together, you've driven it along. The whole thing is only happening because of you. Every time I think about the camp I think about them all depending on you, and you being so good.”

He was brightening like a child. It was all true, that was the stupid thing.

“I know you care about those refugees. You've put your other work on one side to do this, and stuck your neck out with Vernon. You're not going to abandon it now.”

I hope,
I added silently.

I watched him weighing it up.

“You don't really want to get into a mess with me again. We're fine as we are.”

He was staring at his hands. “I do care.”

Maybe he was changing.

“I feel . . . I've really loved doing this, you know. It's . . .” He looked down and rubbed his thumb against his fingers. “It's really good to be doing something that's doing good. Oh, Jesus, it sounds so corny. I mean, it makes me feel good.”

“So you'll carry on?”

“Yes,” he said. “I want to carry on.”

And he leaned across and gave me a little kiss on the lips.

“I would have done it anyway,” he added smoothly. Bastard.


t was Sunday morning, six days before we were due to leave for Africa. The Charitable Acts cast and production team had decamped to Dave Rufford's stately home for the first full rehearsal. They were mooching about his recording studio in the Great Hall, waiting for things to start moving. Vernon had found us a juicy one-hour spot, mid-evening, a week on Wednesday. Ten days to go. I looked around and wondered if we were going to get it together in time.

The artists were sitting around happily on sofas, tucking into smoked salmon and cream cheese bagels, cappuccinos and Buck's Fizz, reading the papers. A little group was gathered around the cast list for the speeded-up
laughing and giggling. Corinna was staring furiously at a row of stags' heads, which were all wearing sunglasses. Oliver was striding around, telling people off like a schoolmaster, then staring madly at his script. The Oliver Marchant as saintly savior concept seemed rather to have gone to his head. Dave Rufford was playing with a remote control switch, making the gilt-framed old masters, decorated with false mustaches, sink back into the walls. Wood panels whirred up and down as he pressed his buttons. I watched as Oliver shouted instructions to a PA, walking straight into five-year-old Max Rufford, who was driving a miniature Aston Martin, with a full petrol-fired engine, over the polished wood floor.

“Jesus Christ,” he said. “What is this? We are trying to raise money for the starving.”

One of the
Soft Focus
PAs handed me an envelope. “This fax came for you from SUSTAIN.”

It was a copy of a telex from Henry. It was the first word I'd had from Safila since I left.



I had never had such a terse message from Henry. I looked at the date. It was sent from El Daman five days ago. It must be at least a week old. Maybe more. I tried to imagine what was going on out there now. I looked anxiously round the room.

“Darling boy! We have a
on our hands.” Dinsdale was gesturing dramatically up at the cast list. “Exquisitely cast. A per-
of a casting. But where? Where is the

Oliver looked up, distractedly.

Dinsdale's brow furrowed. “I shall step in. Do not fret, dear boy. I shall rise to the occasion and brrrrrridge the gap. I, Dinsdale, shall be the ghost! It will be the performance of my career.”

“You're supposed to be bloody Claudius, you fool. You can't play the bloody ghost and the murderer of the bloody ghost. Absolutely bloody crazy,” bellowed Barry.

“That's fine. Good idea. Family likeness,” said Oliver, returning to his script.

“Absolutely crazy,” said Barry.

“Oh, shut up, you fearsome old spoilsport. Just because I have two parts and you merely have the one.”

“Oliver, could I have a word. I'm sorry, I'm just
happy about
playing a woman of this age. I mean, I've gone, love. I'm sorry, I've just gone.”

“One minute, Kate. Come on, everyone. Read through, please, pull up some chairs in a circle.”

Everyone carried on talking.

“Where's Julian?” said Oliver, bearing down on me, looking at his watch.

“He must be on his way. I've tried his car phone, and it's engaged.”

“If he was being paid for this, he'd be here on the bloody dot. It's charity, so he's late. Try him again.”

“Look, I don't want to be fockin' queenie but my character wouldn't say this line,” said Liam Doyle, hurrying after him. “It's not right.”

“Shut up, please, Liam.”

“I've just had a call from Jerry Jones about Natalie D'Arby,” said Dave Rufford's wife, Nikki. “He said he spoke to you and you thought there might be a part for her.”

“A part
her was what I said.”

“I am
furious,” said Kate at me, looking resentfully at Oliver. “This is some scheme of Vicky Spankie's to force me into playing a woman twice my age.”

“I'm sure Hamlet's mother was very young,” I said. “They used to have children before puberty in those days.”

“Did they? Did they really?”

“Max. Outside,” said Nikki as her son narrowly missed her leg in his car.

“Leave the little bleeder alone.'E's not doin' any 'arm,” said Dave.

“Will everyone
pull up a chair, and let's make a start,” shouted Oliver. “It's like trying to plot
with a flock of sheep.”

I was leaning on the piano, going through the mail which had come in since the press launch on Thursday. It made the
Evening Standard,
the BBC and ITN news and most of the papers the next morning. By Saturday there was a sack of letters waiting in the office. The response was extraordinary: pound coins taped to
drawings from eight-year-olds, twenty-pound notes from pensioners. Dinsdale, Barry, Julian, Oliver and Nikki had all discreetly made out large checks that morning. We would probably have nearly enough to pay for the first planeload of food before we set off.

The process of getting everyone on chairs in a circle was not moving so quickly. Scripts had been unaccountably mislaid or fallen into the wrong hands, spectacles had to be retrieved from cars, glasses of water fetched, lavatories visited, nannies telephoned. Oliver was standing amid the mayhem shouting, “Come ON, everyone, please.
is Dinsdale?”

Barry's voice reverberated round the great hall, making mincemeat of the acoustic panels. “‘Angels and ministers of grace defend us!'” he bellowed. He was staring aghast at the minstrels' gallery where Dinsdale was entering wearing a sheet and a pair of halfmoon spectacles.

“‘Be thou a spirit of health or goblin damn'd?'” roared Barry.

Dinsdale started to remove the sheet and spectacles peevishly from his head. “How dare you steal my thunder, you frightful old tart? Fiendishly mean of you on my first entrance. Absolutely fiendish. Shan't forgive you. Never speak another
to you as long as I live.”

“‘Oh, earth! What else? O, fie! Hold, hold my heart.'” Barry was clutching at his chest and stumbling dramatically. Everyone was laughing.

“This whole thing is turning into a farce,” shouted Oliver. “Stop this

They stared.

“I think we should all have better judgment than to act around like schoolchildren when lives are depending on us.”

There was silence.

“Yes. You see? I think we should all remember why we're doing this,” he said primly.

I was waiting for him to add, “It's not funny, it's not clever, it's just silly,” but he just walked furiously back to his chair and sat down, drumming his fingers on his script.

I rubbed my forehead with the back of my arm, worrying. I decided to get on with my sack of letters, and try not to think too hard.

“Are you all right, m'dear? You look exhausted. Have you had some breakfast?” Nikki Rufford came and leaned next to me on the piano. I was going through the press clippings now, ready to photocopy them for the celebrities. “Oh dear, I do wish Dave wouldn't do this,” she said, looking up at the false mustache and beard on the Holbein above her.

“You must be done in yourself, after the rain forest do. It's very good of you to have everyone here.”

“Oh, it's fine. Dave loves all this.” She laughed affectionately. “He's so excited about being a gravedigger.”

We looked over at them plotting the sketch in the background. It was extraordinary how quickly it had come together, once they got going.

“Halas, poor Yorick. I knew him well! Don't break off, playmates. Don't break off. Just come to inspect the troops. Carry on. Have I missed To Be or Not to Be?”

The rehearsal ground to a halt as Vernon Briggs strutted into the great hall shouting, “Carry on. Don't mind me. You carry on, lads.”

He started waddling towards Nikki and me. “Ladies! Ladies! Hello, my loves. Nice to see you, to see you . . .”

“Nice,” we muttered foolishly as he arrived.

“Load of bloody old bollocks, this, isn't it?” he said too loudly, jerking his head backwards at the actors. “Don't you worry, my love,” he reached out and patted my bottom. “I'll see the kiddies right. I'll get it sorted out with some decent names. Tarby. That's who we need. Someone with a bit of heart. We're not having old Michelangelo Marchant getting bossy-side-out in Africa either, lecturing everyone on the siege of bloody Omdurman. Now, I'm not here for long. I want to be at Newbury for the four-fifteen. I want all this lot that's coming out to Africa gathered for a little talk. Get 'em to frame themselves, will you, love?”

Corinna, Julian and Kate were glancing nervously from Oliver to Vernon. This was the celebrity combination which was to take on
the dark continent in the name of Charitable Acts. It was perhaps not the ideal choice, given Corinna's antineocolonialist fervor, Julian's emotional state and Kate's confidence in baby-hugging as an infallible route to world peace, but with two weeks' notice it was the best we could get. At least Julian's portable phone wouldn't work in Safila.

“So my intention is that we provide an introduction and three main inserts, each presented by a different one of us in a different area of the camp, the feeding center, the hospital and outside one of the huts,” Oliver was saying. “They can all be cabled. We talk to the refugees, we try to explore their sensibilities in relation to Western aid, and their perceptions of the roots of the poverty and the north/south divide and—”

“Yeah, you do that, lad, if you can keep yerself from nodding off. I'll be pointing a camera at Kate Fortune holding those kiddies with a bit of music in the background and the phone numbers running underneath. ‘When a Child Is Born' that's what we want.”

Julian, Oliver and Corinna all started to speak.


“I really must—”

“I absolutely cannot—”

Only Kate was beaming fondly at Vernon.

He ploughed on. “Now, lad, who's looking after the show in London while we're away?”

“Er, I'm going to record the
and the special performances this Wednesday, and Marcus Miles will direct the live links on the day.”

“What? You think you're gonna have this load of bollocks in shape by Wednesday, do yer? Rather you than me, mate. Anyway. The dish is on its way. What's happening with the flights? We've got the food, have we? When's that cargo plane going?”

“It's leaving on Friday morning with the food and the camera crew,” I said.

“All free?”

“We have to reimburse the cost of the food out of the appeal and
Circle Line are giving us the first flight for nothing, provided we give them a credit.”

“And we're flying out Saturday?”

“Yes, two
. Heathrow.”

“Everyone jabbed up, all got your kit, have you?”

“Oh, Rosie, I was going to ask,” said Julian. “Do we have to take the water bottles that you've bought for us? Because, you see, I've found this one with a leather holder that you can fasten to your belt. And it holds the same amount.”

“Have you got those fact sheets ready yet?” said Corinna. “I want to know what I'm talking about.”

“You'll have them by the end of today.”

“There will be somewhere to plug in my hair dryer in the camp?” said Kate.

“Was it the pills in the white jar we were supposed to take every day?”

“Which airline are we flying?” said Oliver.

“Nambulan Airways.”

“Are they, I mean, are they all right?” said Julian.

“Eh oop, ‘Fly me hi-gh, on a coconut air-way,'” sang Vernon.

I bit the side of my thumb. I wasn't sure whether they, or Safila, knew what they were in for.

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