Celtic Rain (The Battle Raven Series) (17 page)

BOOK: Celtic Rain (The Battle Raven Series)
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Carrick looked Kedryn up and down and noticed that Kedryn carried no weapons on him.

“Are you any good with the sword boy? Or do you prefer the battle ax? Do you have a weapon that you can work with?” he asked

“No I don’t. Eion and I have been training with any thick stick he can find and Aodhan’s father’s sword.”

“No weapon to call your own. How are you supposed to fight in the battle? Follow me.” Carrick said.

Carrick led them around the barracks towards what looked to be a large wooden shed directly behind the building. While following Carrick, Kedryn looked around and realized that the shed was across from the training yard where Lara and Aodhan were sparing. He studied the area and it was literally what
Carrick had said a flat square of dirt. He looked over in the opposite direction and saw another training area. It looked to have more uses than a flat area of dirt.

Kedryn nudged Eion and they both watched Lara and Aodhan until Carrick stopped them in front of the shed. Kedryn looked back over at his mom. His attention was drawn back to the shed when he heard the loud metal screech of the hinges as the door was opened. He peered inside and saw that there was a huge assortment of weapons and armor.

“I wouldn’t even know where to start.” Kedryn said as he watched Carrick step into the shed and immediately grab a sword and walk back out.

“You can start with this one. It is similar to Lord Blaine’s sword. Since you have been training with a sword I believe that is what you should stick with.” He handed the sword to Kedryn and rested his hand on the hilt of his own.

“I would like to see how you handle that sword first. I will test you with some simple training exercises. When I am finished with you I will find a suitable sword.” Carrick said as he closed the shed back up.

Eion stepped up to Kedryn and slapped him on the shoulder. “I think you will be pleasantly surprised. Kedryn is worthy of your training and he catches on quickly. He is the Battle Raven’s son after all.” Eion said and watched as Kedryn blushed at the compliment.

“We shall see. You, Eion and I will exercise in the training area on the opposite end of the yard away from Lara and Aodhan.”

Carrick looked Kedryn over and made note of the way he was holding the sword. He turned and walked toward the training area that Kedryn noticed earlier. Eion stepped up to Carrick as they followed a narrow dirt path that led to the training area.

“If you do not mind. I would like to look in on Shanna and Annie. It has been years since I have seen Shanna. I would love to spend some time with Annie before we head out to the Duir Plain and into battle.”

“Come to think of it that is for the best. There will not be any distractions for Kedryn and I can really see how good he is.” Carrick said as he clasped forearms with Eion.

Carrick watched Eion walk off and led Kedryn over to a row of tall logs that were riddled with slash marks. Kedryn looked at the log in front of him. His Sensei back home used a similar method only with bamboo. The logs in front of him were tall and thick and were spaced at an equal distance. He counted and there were six rows in all. He had some idea of what was coming next and he watched Carrick walk up to him.

“I would like to see how you are with a forward strike. Show me and use any one of these logs as your target.”

Kedryn stepped up to the log in front of him trying to remember his training the best he could. He slashed down at the log with a forward strike and immediately brought the sword back up to a defensive position. He slashed down again. Carrick was impressed by Kedryn’s unusual precision and technique. He wanted to see more before he said anything to Kedryn about it.

“You have learned much from the Druid. Now show me downward
thrust.” Kedryn thrust at the log a few times and Carrick stopped him.

“Time for some combinations. Do you have a dagger? If you happen to, God forbid, drop your sword in battle it will be of use to you.” Carrick said as he bent down to his boot to show Kedryn where he kept his dagger.

“No, I don’t. I have had knife training back home though. I didn’t think of brining one through with me.”

“As you have seen I have a shed full of weapons. I usually wait to present my warriors with a good sword after their training is finished. However this is a unique situation. Let us start again and show me the first combination, the third and the fifth.”

Carrick worked Kedryn until he was satisfied that he had gotten down all of the various strikes. Impressed that Kedryn had caught on so fast he led him to a separate area with an assortment of sizes of logs scattered through a square dirt covered spot in the training yard.

“I take it you have had some previous training. It shows in your fighting. You fight with both offensive and defensive positions.”

“Mom had me start taking mixed martial arts and weapons training when I was young. She said it was to teach me how to respect others and keep me out of trouble. I even sometimes stayed with my Sensei when she was out of town for work. I learned so much from him.”

“That is good to hear. Now I shall test your skill with multiple opponents. Stand back and I will demonstrate.” Carrick said as he drew his sword.

Kedryn backed up to the grass at the edge of the area and watched as Carrick stepped up to one of the taller logs. The General started slashing, thrusting and spinning with such precision and speed that Kedryn stood with his mouth hanging open. He had never seen anyone move so fast. Carrick turned to Kedryn with his sword in a defensive position and sheathed his sword. He stepped away from the area and motioned for Kedryn to start.

Kedryn walked up to one of the shorter logs and stared at it for a couple of seconds. He decided to not mimic the general and use all of the skills he had learned so far. Sensei only used the first training method Carrick used. This was something entirely different.
When in Rome
he said under his breath. Kedryn struck out at the logs around him as if he was surrounded by the enemy. Carrick walked around the perimeter of the training area watching Kedryn’s every movement.

“Loosen up your footwork. You are a bit too stiff. It is more like a dance and if you remember that you will find your movements will flow easier.”

Kedryn immediately took his advice and realized that Carrick was right. His movements became less rigid and more fluid.

“Good. You are listening and fighting at the same time. Perception of things around you while you are fighting one or many opponents is very critical. In battle it could mean the difference between life and death. As it is said the best defense is a good offense.”

After Carrick had exercised Kedryn until he saw the sweat soaking his
shirt through and Kedryn’s arms start to grow slack he signaled him to rest. Kedryn stretched and felt his muscles scream for rest.

“Time for a break. I believe some water will be good for us both.”

Carrick led Kedryn over to a four foot high well a few feet away from the training area. He pulled on a rope and rose up a bucket of water. He lifted up a square ladle that was tied to its side and handed it to Kedryn. Kedryn drank a cup full and handed it back to Carrick. After both of them had drunk some water Carrick led Kedryn to another area that was shaped like a circle and surrounded by poles and rope. He ducked under the rope and strode to the middle and turned to face Kedryn.

“Time to see how really good you are and do not hold back. I want you to give me your all and plus some.”

Carrick thrust his sword out an inch away from Kedryn’s side. Close enough to get the sparring started and far enough away not to injure Kedryn if he moved the wrong way. Kedryn grinned at him and tapped Carrick’s sword with his. As they sparred neither one giving in to the other or wanting to lose ground either. When Kedryn threw in some Aikido moves he almost had Carrick on the ground. Carrick dove into a roll and lunged right back at Kedryn. Carrick knocked Kedryn’s sword out of his hands. He showed him what he did wrong and began to spar again.

When their arms couldn’t hold up a sword properly any more Carrick decided they were done for the day.

“Very good. You have a unique sense of timing that I have seen in few warriors. Eion was correct. You are worthy of my training and it is a shame we have to go into battle. I am certain there is much I could have learned from you.”

“Thank you.” Kedryn said as he gave Carrick a slight bow.

“I know the exact sword you are to have. Are you Milesian?” Carrick asked as he led Kedryn out of the circle and over to the well again.

“One part Milesian, one part Danann with a wee bit of Scott.” Kedryn said.

“Scott?” Carrick asked as he pulled the bucket back up.

“My father is Scottish. It’s a race in our realm. I’m also Irish but I suppose that would be considered my Milesian and Danann side.” Kedryn said and he grabbed the ladle up and this time handed it to Carrick.

“You fight like a Milesian. Your other skills come in handy also. You almost threw me completely off there when you added in your training from the other realm. That will be useful in battle.” Carrick set his sword on his shoulder as he took a drink and handed it to Kedryn.

“Back to the armory shed. I would like to present you with a sword.” He led Kedryn to the shed and turned to him as he stopped before the door.

“Wait out here. It hasn’t moved in centuries and hopefully it has not rusted through.”

Carrick stepped into the shed and Kedryn took a quick glance over at the other training area. He watched as his mom almost knocked the sword out of Aodhan’s grip. He turned his attention to Carrick as he came back through the
door with his sword.

“I believe this will fit you well. This sword has been in my wife’s family for generations. Shanna’s family is of Danann blood so no one has ever used it.”

“Why not?”

“It is Milesian. This is just a myth but it is said that it is the soldier’s who won the Battle Raven’s heart. Whether it’s true or not who knows. Apparently Shanna’s many greats grandfather picked the weapon up after the man fell and kept it. Even though the men were on opposite sides Shanna’s grandfather and the battle ravens love were great friends before the war and he knew his secret.”

Carrick checked the balance of the sword “That’s the story anyway whether or not it’s true this sword still is a good weapon.”

Kedryn took the hilt of the sword as Carrick handed it to him. He examined the hilt of the sword and the Celtic design of a phoenix engraved in it.

“Wouldn’t that be something if this truly was my many greats grandfathers sword? Thank you General Carrick.” he slightly bowed and examined the blade.

“It is better in the hands of someone who will respect it. I have a feeling that you will and it’s too good of a sword to just sit there.”

Kedryn backed away from him and took a couple of swipes with the sword. “It feels like a natural extension of my arm. Are you sure Shanna will be ok with you giving this to me?”

“The sword is yours. She gave it to me to do as I wish. It should feel like an extension of your arm. What do you say to going back to the training ring and test it out? There are a couple of tricks that I have not shown you.”

“I think I’ve caught a second wind. Let’s go.” Kedryn said excited to use his new sword.

Chapter 13

Lurking in the shadows at the edge of the tree line a man crouched watching as Aodhan and Lara were sparring. He kept a close and critical eye on Lara. The training was coming along with the descendant. She can definitely take care of herself. Then he saw something he only saw happen once before. The last time was when Aodhan MacCionaoith lost his footing years ago on a rock during a sparring exercise between the three best training camps.

What he saw was that Lara had managed to knock the sword out of Aodhan’s grip. She let out a shout of triumph. He gave her a conceited smirk and grabbed a dagger out of his boot and deflected her swipe at him and Aodhan struck back.

While he swung his arm she dropped the dagger in the hand that would have blocked the blow. Lara side stepped his arm, grabbed it and flipped him. Aodhan landed on his back with a grunt knocking the wind out of him. The man watched in awe as the dust settled around them. Lara quickly jumped on Aodhan pinning him down. She moved in for a deadly strike and jammed the dagger that was still in her hand into the ground by his ear and leaned over whispering in his ear.

“You forgot to breathe.”

Aodhan put his arms around her and Lara brought her head up with a look of victory on her face as she looked into his eyes. She became aware about how close together they were, too aware. Lara’s heart fluttered as she saw nothing except Aodhan and his deep blue eyes. Close enough to . . . she tilted her head to his and quickly forced herself to end that thought.

A man cleared his throat snapping them out of their thoughts. Lara turned to see a man she did not recognize standing with his arms crossed looking down at them.

“Have you forgotten about something? Or should I say someone.” he said and crossed his arms.

Aodhan reached over and swiped Lara’s dagger from out of the dirt and quickly hip rolled Lara over onto her back. He jumped up and spun around to face his old friend standing with a smirk on his face.

Aodhan held his hand out to Lara and she took his forearm as he helped her up. He watched as she picked up the other half of her dagger and patted the dirt off of her pants. His attention was back to the man standing before him.

“This is not what it looks like.” Aodhan said.

Scanlon watched as Lara re-adjusted her hair into a knot on the back of her head and stick in the pins. He wondered how she did not stick herself in the head with them. “Sure, it isn’t. I don’t think your bride to be would like to hear that you are rolling around with the
Lady Battle Raven
even if she doesn’t want to marry you. Have you heard from Bevin recently?”

Aodhan caught a quick glimpse of the shocked look on Lara’s face that she quickly masked. He tried to think of a way, any way, to explain everything to her. He scowled at Scanlon more upset with himself for not mentioning the
situation to Lara. He knew she was probably fuming and wondered if she would even look at him again.

“You look as if you could belt someone in the face!" Scanlon said as he looked at the infuriated frown on Aodhan’s face and started laughing.

Aodhan walked up to Scanlon and mock hit him and they clasped arms. Scanlon quit laughing and looked at him a bit too seriously.

“I saw her knock the sword out of your hands and throw you. Bested by a woman, I can scarcely believe it.”

Aodhan kicked some dirt aside. “There was a rock.”

“Rock my arse. It looked pretty intense between you two when you were on the ground.”

Aodhan turned to Lara. “I think this is a good time to finish with today’s training.”

Lara crossed her arms. “Aren’t you at least going to introduce us.”

Aodhan gave her a slight bow. “Of course my lady. Scanlon, may I present too you the Lady Battle Raven, Lara Eve O’Broin.”

“Pleasure, Lady Battle Raven.” Scanlon said as he took her hand and kissed the top of it. He watched as Lara tilted her head to him and smiled.

She looked him over. He was completely opposite of Aodhan. Lightly tanned with straight red hair pulled back at the nape of his neck, shorter than Aodhan and just an inch or so taller than her. Scanlon was wiry and smaller than the other men she had seen in this realm. From his firm handshake she knew he was stronger than he looked. Aodhan caught her attention by holding the other half of her dagger out to her.

“You deserve that bath after getting in that lucky flip. I think that Shanna was having Emma warm the water so you should be able to head straight to the tub.” Aodhan said hoping to regain Lara’s favor by mentioning the bath.

“Lucky flip my arse. It’s all skill tracker boy.” she said ignoring the dagger and avoiding his eyes. She was furious at what was said about a bride to be.

“I saw her flip you and a rock cannot be used as an excuse this time.” Scanlon said as he gave Aodhan a punch on the arm.

“Emma? I haven’t met her yet. Who is she?” Lara asked as she finally snatched her dagger that Aodhan was holding out to her. She put the two back together and sheathed it. All the while not acknowledging Aodhan. He reached over and pushed some loose hair behind her ear and she stepped away from him.

Scanlon noticed and rolled his eyes. “Emma must have been either at her aunts or off doing some chores somewhere around the house.”

“Is she a servant?” Lara asked.

“She is not.” Scanlon said almost a little too defensively. He looked at Lara’s apologetic face and realized he said that a bit too harsh.

“She is the daughter of one of Shanna’s closest friends. Emma’s mother and father passed away from sickness. Shanna and Carrick ended up taking Emma in. She has only has one living relative left now. Her Aunt. Cecil likes to be on her own although she does love it when Emma visits. Annie sees Emma as
the sister she never had and she is a like a sister to me.”

He looked around at the barracks area and to the house and gardens. No sign of Emma for an introduction.

“It’s a big place to take care of. Carrick even has men that come on the weekend to help keep up the training yard and barracks. I even come back for the weekend sometimes to help out.”

As Lara started thinking about the bath she noticed she was phasing out what Scanlon and Aodhan started talking about. Something about pies.

“If you boys don’t mind. I’ll leave you to your conversation and take advantage of that bath now.” Lara said.

While she was walking to the cottage she heard Aodhan yell her name and decided against ignoring him and turned.

“Could you please stop at the main house? I think Eion said he was going to visit with Shanna and Annie. I believe he would like to speak with Scanlon?”

Lara looked at Scanlon and nodded her head yes. She switched her path from the cottage to the main house.

“A bath, thank God! I need some therapy and relaxation. How could I be such a fool? Again. A bride to be?” she muttered still tense and fuming.

She quickly walked to the house up the steps and through the carved wooden doors. Eion was sitting in an oversized rocking chair by a huge granite fireplace. He was talking with Shanna and Annie was happily bouncing on his knee.

“Sorry to interrupt. Scanlon is here and he would like to talk with you.”

Eion tickled Annie and picked her up placing her on the stool by his feet and stood.

“Scanlon? I would like that. Thank you for letting me know.” Eion said and noticed that Lara was tense and looked a bit disgruntled.

“Something happen?”

“I’m sure it will be brought up when you speak with Aodhan and Scanlon. Shanna, what I’ve seen is lovely but I think I’ll take a bath before I ask for the tour.” Lara said.

“I completely understand.” Shanna said as she watched Annie hop up off of the stool and run up to Lara almost knocking her down as she gave her a hug.

Lara hugged Annie back. “I’m going to be back.”

“Ok.” Annie said and skipped to Shanna’s side and Lara heard her say to Shanna “I like her mother.”

Lara followed Eion out the door and headed to the cottage. As she walked to the cottage she saw a girl pulling some weeds in a flower bed. She walked over and introduced herself.

“Hi. Are you Emma?”

“Yes ma am.” she shyly said. “Your bath has warm water and it should be quite comfortable. If not come and get me and I’ll help you.”

“Thank you and you can call me Lara.” Lara looked at the girl who
couldn’t be much younger than Kedryn.

“It was nice meeting you. I should get back to my chores.” Emma said as she threw another weed into a basket.

“And I should get to that bath. Thanks again.” she turned and headed to the cottage thinking what a lovely girl, no wonder Scanlon was defensive of her.

Lara walked through the front door of the cottage and headed straight to the bedroom. She picked up her pack off of the bench and dumped its contents scattering them onto the bed. She sighed and sifted through everything. As usual she packed more than she thought. Make up, deo, and the present her sister got her before she left on the dig. She had forgotten she just threw those things in her pack.

Feminine products. Lara started to count days and re-counted. It should have started three days ago.
definitely not pregnant unless it’s immaculate conception.”

She threw them back into her pack and grabbed everything she needed and walked through the pale lavender door and into the room. She shut the door behind her and turned. This time Lara really looked around at everything in the room. There were different shades of pale green, white and lavender everywhere. Sunlight shown through a skylight above the tub and through the gauzy curtains of a small window next to a white rose carved vanity with a mirror and chair. She walked over to the tub and ran her hand along its smooth side. Off to the side of the tub there was a small white padded wooden bench with pale lavender towels on it.

The tub was raised off of the floor and looked to be cut out of a light green and lavender stone. There were three raised steps made of the same stone up to the tub with a white rose carved wooden railing. She studied the fireplace with a huge pot of water sitting over a lit fire. Lara walked over to the fireplace and with her hands on her hips looked at the pot. There was a lever on the side of the fireplace set in the gray stones. Curiosity got the better of her and she pulled it down. Lara watched as the pot leaned over and water poured from a spout into a pipe.

She heard water running behind her and turned to see water come out of a large silver rose on the edge of the tub. She pushed the lever back up and the pot swung back upright. Lara walked over to a small privacy screen next to the wall and looked behind it. She saw something similar to what Kedryn saw, a cylinder with a lid and a pedestal sink with small silver levers.

“Interesting. Time for a bath.” she said as her mind raced through all of the ancient civilizations and the aqueducts and plumbing from around the Roman and Greece empire.

Lara undressed and poured bath salts and oil that her sister Teagan gave her in the tub and tested the water. Perfect. She stepped up testing the steps that were sturdy as, well, a rock and stepped into the warm water and sunk down into the tub. Lara hadn’t felt this relaxed in days. As she lifted her arm to rest it on the side of the tub her hand felt a lump. She looked over and saw that there was an indentation with what looked like a medieval razor. She picked up a purplish
lump that was set beside the razor and cautiously sniffed it. The lump turned out to be lavender smelling soap. She raised her leg out of the water and laughed at the thought of her sister giving her such a hard time when she decided to have electrolysis done to get rid of all of her

“Teagan wouldn’t be making fun of me now if she were in my place.” she said as she looked over at the makeshift razor that set next to the soap. The thought of family with Aodhan’s revelation of having a bride to be brought her emotions to a new level. She recognized something start to radiate off of her.

“That must be the confusion Eion was talking about.” she whispered and forced herself to relax and it slowly drifted away.

After washing her hair and scrubbing off Lara reluctantly stepped out of the tub nice and wrinkled. She toweled off and wrapped a robe around her that she found underneath the towels. As Lara walked back into the bedroom she noticed a square green cloth folded on the bed and soft tall leather brown boots sitting next to it.

Shanna had slipped in while she was in the bath. Lara picked up the cloth and it unfolded into a dark green dress. She examined the top part that had no sleeves and only thick straps. A silver braided trim wrapped around the scoop neck and along the sides of the fitted bodice. She held it up to her and the skirt flowed down to her ankles. Simple yet elegant. A wide embroidered belt and matching shawl lie on the bed and she picked them up examining the silver embroidered knot work on them.

Placing the belt back onto the bed Lara started her routine to get ready to head to the main house for supper. The lotion and perfume her sis gave her was lying on the bed. She shrugged and decided to use the lotion and spritzed the perfume on. Thank you Teagan, she thought smelling her wrist. Black Orchid and she smiled to herself. She looked at the dress skeptically and over to her cargo pants and t-shirt she had set out earlier.

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