Celtic Rain (The Battle Raven Series) (23 page)

BOOK: Celtic Rain (The Battle Raven Series)
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Lady Orla she shifted in the chair to get a better look at Aodhan. Her heart swelled with love for her son seeing the look on his face. He was in love. She and Blaine were both hoping that Aodhan and Bevin would turn into something more than friends, in the long run. This could get complicated.

“She is on her way to meet with General Ruark and father.” he said carefully studying her reaction.

Pausing for a second she realized who he was talking about. Her heart grew very fearful for her son. What if she fell in battle? If she survives the woman is from a different realm. What if she went back? What if he left with her? Her thoughts were quieted when she looked into her son’s eyes and saw how much in love with the woman he was.

“You are serious? The Lady Battle Raven?” she sighed.

Aodhan looked at her seriously. “Yes. I did not wish to admit it to
myself. I knew she was the one the moment I stormed through her door.”

“I knew it would take a strong woman to win you over. This is serious and what of Bevin?” Her face grew serious, much the same way as Aodhan’s with one eyebrow raised and a little crease between them.

“I do not think she will throw anything at me for telling her we are not going to be married.” Aodhan gave her a small grin.

“I will work on your father when I see him on the Day of Rest. Please realize that he has more important things to think about than your love life.”

“Yes mother. Thank you mother.” Aodhan stood and leaned over to kiss her on the cheek. “We really should head out. Scanlon and I have to catch up with the others.”

Orla remembered something she had heard and grabbed his arm “Are the rumors true? Does she have a son?”

Aodhan gave her a thankful smile and looked down at her. “Yes she has a son. He is on the brink of manhood and any man would be proud to call him son.”

She studied him for a second. “You have grown fond of the boy also.”

“He is a fine young man.”

“I have changed my mind. There are way too many hearts at stake. I will work a bit harder on your father. Even if I have to hit him on the head with a frying pan.” She grinned deviously at him.

Scanlon strode around the corner and into the sitting room with Serina close to his side. “What’s this about frying pans?”

Orla let out a laugh. “It is nothing but if you hear a loud crack please come check my dear husbands head.”

Scanlon gave her a curious look and turned to his wife. “Sadly, we should be leaving.”

Serina looked up at him. “It’s too soon!” she complained looking up at him with her wide brown eyes.
He ran his fingers through her golden brown curls and let them slide through his fingers. “I will see you at the bonfire, my love.” He kissed her and turned to Aodhan. “Eion is probably wondering where we are. There will be hell to pay if they get to Ruark before us.”

They said good bye to the women and walked out of the manor house heading as fast as they could to the gate where Carrick was waiting.

“It should be easy to catch them. They were walking at an easy pace. May the one God watch after you.” Carrick said to them and they clasped forearms. He motioned to the guards to stand aside and let Aodhan and Scanlon to pass through.

Chapter 17

Aodhan and Scanlon caught up to the others a few miles before they reached the Danann camp. Eion stood with his arms crossed looking a bit irritated.

“It is about time. I thought we were going to make it there before you. I did not want to be the one to tell Ruark you two decided on a little side excursion.” Eion’s irritated look softened as he watched them both walk up with huge grins on their faces. “How was the visit?”

“Good.” Aodhan said and took a chance and glanced at Lara. He stopped to scan the area and walked to the top of the hill looking over the Duir Plain.

As he looked over the plain Aodhan felt sadness wash over him. The whole area will be soon spoiled by a needless battle. He glanced over as Lara stepped up as he looked down the rolling sloped hills to the plain below.

The plain’s rising and falling hills fell to a flat surface in the middle which stretched for miles. To one side it ran parallel to the mountain with its waterfalls, brooks and streams that feed the valley to keep it fertile and green. To the other side was a sparse forest that gradually gave way to a crystal clear coastline with several scattered villages and towns. The Duir plain was full of wild flowers, tall flowing grass and various berry, flower and thorn bushes that would be soon bloodied by the coming battle.

Aodhan looked to the far reaches of the plain where tiny columns of smoke on a foothill where the Milesian army camped. He decided that he wanted a closer look.

“I would like to get a quick look at Liam’s numbers.” he glanced at Eion and saw the disapproving frown form on his face.

“Just a quick look. After that we will go.”

“Do you really think that’s a good idea?” Lara asked and looked at Aodhan. His eyes lingered on Lara’s emerald green eyes for a second and looked back at Scanlon.

“What do you think? Do you know of any area close where we can get a good look without being spotted?” Aodhan asked

Scanlon’s eyes looked over the area. “There is a deer trail that is pretty

well hidden on the way to the Milesian camp. The spot I’m thinking of is surrounded by tall brush. It should cover us all as long as no one minds getting a bit dirty.”

Eion saw the stubborn look on Aodhan’s face and gave in. “Lead the way. Just a quick peek and we leave. I still do not think it wise. Will there still be daylight left to train?”

“We should arrive at the camp just after the noon meal. It will not take as long as you think to get to the spot.” Scanlon said.

As they were walking single file on the path, Scanlon noticed that Kedryn was directly behind him. He slightly turned and clapped Kedryn on the shoulder.

“Why so silent and ominous?”

Kedryn shrugged and looked at the ground as he followed. After a couple of miles of trudging through brush and grass on the small winding dirt trail. Scanlon led them to a bush covered area near the forest on the edge of the Milesian camp. Just as he said it was far enough away and close enough where they could get a good look at the Milesian army.

Scanlon got down on his hands and knees and started to crawl. The rest followed after through the thick brush. The area cleared out and they were all able to move to a sitting position. Packs and bags were taken off. They all lay down on their stomachs on the wet grassy ground glimpsing through the sparse tall brush in front of them.

Kedryn separated the brush in front of him further with his hand and saw the tiny spots of tents, bonfires and men. He broke out of his lull.

“Are those binoculars still in your pack?”

Lara let out a small laugh surprised she hadn’t thought of them herself. She pushed herself up and reached over to her pack and started rummaging through it. Pulling out two sets of tiny fold up binoculars she looked them over.

“Good thinking. It looks like we’re going to put your Uncle Shane’s Christmas gift to good use.” she handed a pair to Kedryn and looked through. “There are so many.”

“Can I have a look?” Aodhan asked

Kedryn handed his to Aodhan and watched as his mom gave hers to Eion.

“Amazing. The purpose is not much different from our spy crystal. This is much more effective. Everything is so much clearer and closer.”

“Take a look by the main fire. Liam is talking with General Kayne.” Aodhan said.

“Interesting. Take a look.” Eion said as he handed the binoculars to Scanlon.

Scanlon peered through the tiny binoculars “Handy. I could have used these ages ago. His eyes swept over the whole Milesian camp taking in all of the details.” he handed them back to Eion.

“I agree. I always thought Liam was the spitting image of his father. I would swear it was Tormey standing right there.”

“You thought the same of me.” Aodhan said as he watched Liam pace by the bonfire.

“My mind was in a weakened state. I see now that there is more of Orla in you. Liam though, not sure much of Grania in him.” Eion’s thoughts traveled off and he handed the binoculars back to Scanlon.

“It looks like they are having a disagreement about something.” Scanlon said.

Down by the huge bonfire Liam was trying to convince General Kayne that he should go and take a look at the army General Ruark had formed. He wanted to see if he would get a glimpse of any type of formations they would be using in battle.

“They have not changed. There is no need for you to go.” Kayne crossed his arms annoyed with
rash ways.

“I know what our scouts have told us Kayne. I would like a look for myself.” Liam said agitated.

“I can not approve of you heading out by yourself. You are needed here. Nothing can happen to you.” Kayne said just as he kicked a log back into the bonfire.

Liam reached up and rubbed his head. “It is only a short tracking excursion. I will not get too close.”

“Heading out before sun down is dangerous. You could be spotted by one of their scouts.” Kayne turned away from Liam. Tormey would never be so reckless on the day and an eve before battle. Of course he couldn’t be sure since there hasn’t been a battle in centuries. Even in the little skirmishes with the Danann through the years Tormey showed his skills as being a less reckless leader.

Liam waived a hand in front of Kayne’s face “General Kayne. Are you still with us?”

Kayne shook his head and turned to look at Liam. “Yes.”

“My point is that I want to
the men not how many campfires they have. I also want to see how much of a threat the woman among them is.”

He gave Kayne a serious look. “I could leave here and be back without any of you being the wiser. I thought I would bring it past you first. I respect you enough for that”

“I am asking you to respect my advice. Do not go.” General Kayne looked at Liam’s determined face and let out a huge sigh.

“Very well. Niall and I will go with you.”

“No. You must stay. The men need to stay focused and I would rather go alone.” He decided to let Kayne win this time. “As you wish. I will notify Niall. We will make our preparations to leave.”

Kayne noticed Liam’s annoyance at having to take Niall along. “He may be young but is the best. He will not slow you down.”

“I realize that.” Liam said stubbornly and started to turn from him and the bonfire and walk away.

Aodhan gave the binoculars to Lara.

“Looks like they worked it out. General Kayne looks none too happy.” Aodhan said.

Lara decided to get another look and focused around the bonfire to see what and who everyone was talking about. She followed the man walking away from the bonfire and he turned around facing in their direction. Lara felt her heart break all over again and took in a deep breath feeling as if she couldn’t breathe. Kedryn looked over noticing she couldn’t catch a breath. He had only seen her like this once before and was about to shake Lara and she started speak.

“No. no. no.” she kept repeating. Lara had dropped the binoculars shoved herself up to her knees and put her head down with her hands on the side of her head. “It can’t be. It just can’t.”

“What is it?” Kedryn put his arm around her shoulders. He saw that she had turned ghost white and when she didn’t answer he picked up the binoculars and looked in the direction that she had been.

“Holy Shit!” he said.

“What?” asked Eion, Aodhan and Scanlon said at the same time.
“Hold on a second let me adjust these in closer. I want to have another look.” Kedryn said as he looked through the binoculars.

“Who is the one with the shaved head and the tat’s?”

Lara said with a shaky breath “Wash. It’s Wash.”

She took in a couple of deep breaths to calm herself down. Lara was determined to not completely break down in front of any of them.

“Who is this Wash? That is Liam down there.” Aodhan said.

“I will explain later. Get Lara out of here. Scanlon, can you go ahead and let General Ruark and Lord Blaine know we are on our way?” Eion asked.

“Sure.” Scanlon said as he gave Lara a look of concern and grabbed his bag and scooted back out.

Kedryn squatted by Lara and waited a couple of minutes before he tried to start to bring her out of it. He wanted to see if she could do it on her own. He finally squeezed her shoulders and started talking to her in a quiet voice.

“Mom. You need to get up. It’s not Wash. Wash is dead. It’s not him.” he patted her back and tried to get her to quit rocking and sit back. Finally she sat cross legged on the ground with her head still between her hands.

“You’re right. I know …” she looked up at Kedryn shaking.

“It’s ok.” Kedryn said.

“OhmiGosh. It just threw me off guard. I know it can’t possibly be Wash. Not unless I’m seeing a ghost.” she took in a couple more slower deep breaths.

“Faolan is utterly devious. We should get going.” Eion said and started cursing in a language they wouldn’t understand.

“What do you mean?” Kedryn asked as he listened to Eion’s rambling realizing by the sound of it he was cursing in another language.

“Let us get your mother to the camp.” Eion said.

Lara took in a deep shaky breath “I’m ok. Let’s go” she reached down for her pack and shrugged it on.

“Ok my butt.” Kedryn whispered.

Aodhan got on his knees and crawled his way back out of their cover and stood up. He watched as the rest of them came through and offered his hand to Lara. She took it and stood up on her legs wobbling from the shock. Lara noticed all of them looking at her with concern. She straightened her back, angled her chin up and looked at Aodhan.

“Lead the way. I’ll be Ok. Besides, the troops can’t see the “Lady Battle Raven” looking like a torn up mess.” she looked up at the sun that hit the high point in the sky.

Aodhan put his hands to the side of her head and kissed her forehead tenderly.

“Let’s get out of here.” Aodhan said as he pushed some of her hair behind her ear.

Eion and Kedryn exchanged a look both wondering if a bit more happened in the cottage that night.

The next few miles were a daze for Lara. She remembered them asking how she was and her shaking her head yes or no. Other than that their conversations were a blur.

Eion asked Aodhan if he minded if he took Kedryn aside and ask him a few questions. Aodhan agreed and put his arm around Lara’s shoulders walking her ahead of them. Eion and Kedryn backed away enough where they would not be heard.

“Tell me about Wash. I need to know everything.”

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