Chained Cargo (12 page)

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Authors: Lesley Owen

BOOK: Chained Cargo
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Tucker leant forward. “I know of a particular cay that Captain Booth likes to use to hide. We were there eighteen months ago
and t
here’s a good chance
that’s where he’ll be.
If I were to join the Scorpion,
I c
take you there

Swift was enjoying the chicken
and looked up at
Tucker. “How far is it to this cay?”

“About four hundred miles, it’ll take over a week. We’ll have to go through the Windward Passage between Cuba and San Dominique; that takes time.”

Swift grimaced. “Another four hundred miles and the Fortune may have left by the time we get there!”

Tucker was unmoved. “I doubt it. In any case
it’s unlikely
be too far away. It’s worth the risk for you. It could be months before Booth comes back here.”

Quinn took a swig of ale. “Alright Will. Welcome to the Scorpion, you’re now part of the crew!” She held out her hand and Tucker shook it grinning from ear to ear. “We also need about ten more for our crew. Can you find some good sailors for us?”

“Aye captain! I know a good few reliable hands hereabouts.”

“Good, bring them here tonight so that I can see them. We’ll sail in two days.”

Quinn got up to leave. A drunken man had been watching her since she arrived

e stumbled forward.
“Want a good fuck wench! I like your tits!”

Her hand moved like lightening. She drew her pistol and swiped its barrel across the man’s face. He collapsed unconscious to the ground. “No thanks.” Then she looked around her, pistol pointing. “Anyone else want to ask me anything?”

Swift gently nudged her to the door and they were gone.


That evening they returned to the Happy Hog. This time they were thirty strong and out for a good time. Sarah was with them
, but
Fletch stayed with the ship. The ale and rum flowed freely.

Quinn turned to Sarah. “You be careful tonight, there’s a lot of rampant cock about!”

Oh y
ou care captain! Don’t worry
I can handle myself.”

Quinn did not look convinced.
“I should have put you in a chastity belt!”

Tucker arrived with a group of men and joined Quinn.

“Here are some men for you to meet captain.”

Quinn signalled to Swift to check them out. She noticed a man with a bruised and swollen face amongst them. It was the drunk who had accosted her earlier.

“Tucker what’s this arsehole doing here?”

“Er, he

s a good man captain. He once served on the Fortune too. He was drunk earlier and is sorry.”

Quinn got up and approached him. She was taller than him and stuck her face in his. “You like my tits eh? So how big’s your cock? It has to be big enough for the Scorpion you know. Can I see

The man recoiled. “I..I’m sorry Captain Quinn, sir, er madam. I’m a good sailor and a good shot.”

Tucker pushed in between them. “He

s a crack shot captain. He used to be in the Welsh fusiliers.”

Quinn grunted and went back to her seat.
Swift vetted the
candidates and was satisfied with most of them. They would join the ship the next day. Meanwhile the evening of heavy drinking had started. After a long voyage the crew needed to let their hair down.

ell after midnight
and well oiled,
and Swift
to the Scorpion.
Quinn suddenly looked concerned.

Have you seen Sarah?”

“No. I lost sight of her about mid-night. She was arguing with Tucker. Maybe she’s already returned the ship.”

“You’re probably right. Look Tom,
I need a good
fuck. Do it for me
will you?

“I never say no do I? Shame it’s not more frequent. I like you a lot you know.”


The next morning Quinn rose late, somewhat worse for wear. She went on deck to check on things. Swift and Fletch were
giving out jobs to
the new recruits.

“How’s it going Tom?”

“Fine, but Sarah didn’t come back last night. I’ve sent some men to find her.”

Quinn looked worried.
“Keep me posted
will you
and send her to me when you find her. Let’s get all supplies on board today; we’ll sail tomorrow at dawn. If the men need to spend more time ashore today let them
. B
ut they all must be back before four in the morning.”

“Aye, aye sir.
” Swift looked up. “
Everything okay?”

- bad head -
I’ll join you later.”

Late afternoon Sarah had been found and brought back to the ship. It was not until
after dark
that Quinn was told.

“I gave instructions that she was to come and see me when she got back
Send her to me
right away

Sarah arrived at Quinn’s cabin trying to look normal, but it was obvious things were not right.

“What happened to you last night?”

“I got drunk and involved in a fight captain.”

“Your face is a mess
Tom had to send some men to find you. Where were you?”

“I was dragged back to a ship captain and kept until dawn.”


“They beat me up
raped me
and dumped me

“I told you to be careful!
Damn’ it I knew yo
u c
n’t look after yourself. You’d better stay on board until we sail, now go.”

turned to walk away and Quinn stopped her. “What’s that on the back of your shirt? Blood?
Get in my cabin and t
ake it off.”

“But captain

“Do as you’re told.” Sarah turned and undid her shirt. “You’ve been whipped with a cat!” Sarah burst into tears. “Stop snivelling, you’re a pirate now! What happened?”

men took me
. I fought like mad and stabbed one. They paid me back by giving
me a full body flogging before they fucked me. It was dawn before it all stopped. They dumped me in an alley.”

“Your britches are soaked – blood again! Take them off!” Sarah gingerly dropped her pants. “For heaven sake your backside’s a mess! What did they do to you?”

“After they whipped and raped me they hung me by my ankles with my legs spread and finished off my bottom half with the cat again.”

“Use your knife
next time and don’t
get caught
on your own
Has Fletch looked at you?


Quinn went out to the quarter deck and called him over. “Fletch, Sarah’s been worked over with a cat and raped. Wash her out and see to her cuts.”

Fletch rushed over and Quinn went looking for Swift. He was in the hold checking supplies. She ordered him up and took him aside.

“Why didn’t you send Sarah to me like I asked?”

“She begged me not to. Back in Parnham you said that she could stay with us as far as Jamaica, then you’d decide whether she became a member of the crew or not. She was scared stiff that you might throw her off the ship because of what has happened. Anyway she was in no fit state. She was found naked covered in blood in an alleyway near the Happy Hog. The men hardly recognised her. I helped clean her up a bit so she could see you.”

“Did she tell you she’d been raped?”

“Yes. Don’t worry I washed her out.”

“Ah good; the last thing I want is a pregnant girl on board. Anyway, I’d already decided she’s staying.”

Quinn looked uneasy and changed the subject. “How’s it all going?”

“Fine. We’re about ready. No problem for an early departure tomorrow.”

Fletch came over. “Iz checked her over and left her restin’ in your bunk cap’n. She won’t be doin’ much for a few days. Needs to stay on her front; backside and thighs are in tatters - crotch badly swollen. There’ll be scars. I gives her rum and laudanum to makes her sleep.”

Quinn rubbed her chin. “She once said she could play the guitar. Can someone find one for her? It may cheer her up.”

Swift smiled. “You have some softness inside after all! No problem captain.”


The next morning the Scorpion left Port Royal and followed the coast east to Morant Point before heading north-east towards the Windward Passage between Cuba and San Dominique.

Quinn called Tucker over. “Right Will; now tell me where we’re heading once we’ve gone through the passage?”

“To Pine Cay, North Caicos captain; that’s where the Fortune’s likely to be. Just keep on this heading and you can’t go wrong. Wind and weather permitting it’ll take us about four days.”


Five days later the Scorpion approached the beautiful turquoise blue bay to the south of North Caicos and anchored off Pine Cay. There was not another ship or living soul in sight. Lookouts were posted to watch for approaching ships, one in the crow’s nest and another on the highest ground they could find on the main island. After several days at sea Quinn let the crew leave the ship and amuse themselves on the flat green cay and its beaches. Sarah was well enough to join them and emerged for the first time on deck since leaving Port Royal. Swift was to take her ashore. She froze at the sight of Tucker on the quarter deck. Swift noticed.

“You look as though you’ve seen a ghost.”

“What’s he doing on board?”

“He brought us here. Why?”

“He’s the bastard that stood by and watched as I was flogged and raped.” Seeing Tucker looking towards her, she turned her face away. “Take me ashore Tom and please don’t say anything to anyone. I’ll fix this myself.”

Tucker approached Quinn. “Well this is the spot where the Fortune used to hide. There’s not much here but there’s fresh water available on the island most times of the year. You can usually see Spanish ship’s passing to the south.”

The afternoon went by and they spent a quiet night at the cay.


The following afternoon there was a yell from the island. “Ship ahoy captain! South-south-east!” This was confirmed by the crow’s nest and Fletch fired a shot from his pistol. This was the signal for everyone to get back on board.

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