Chained (23 page)

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Authors: Jaimie Roberts

Tags: #Dark Erotica

BOOK: Chained
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Marcus gave me a kiss on the cheek, as well. I watched as they both disappeared around the corner.

Little did I know, I would never see them at the soup kitchen again.

Chapter 18


I practically ran down the street towards my house. I kind of had an inkling that Kit would be there, waiting for me. There was no place else he could have really gone to.

I had my key in the lock when the door suddenly swung open. Kit was there in all his beautiful glory. He had washed and changed from this morning. His hair, still wet, was slicked back behind his ears. He had a five o’clock shadow now. I guess telling him I liked the beard made him grow it a little. Right now, he looked as sexy as hell…especially when he sported one of the blue shirts I bought him.

Seeing me standing there, he rushed forward and scooped me into his arms. “Jesus, Olivia. Why did you do that? Why did you take the fall?” He picked me up and carried me back into the house, shutting the door with one of his feet. Once inside, he placed me on the floor, cupping my head with his hands, waiting.

“I couldn’t let them take you, Kit. I know you’re running away from dangerous people and I couldn’t risk them finding you. I needed to do everything in my power to make sure you were safe.”

Kit shook his head. “You still shouldn’t have done that, Olivia. I understand
you did it, but you shouldn’t have gone to all that trouble for me.”

I placed my hand on his and looked deep into his eyes. “Kit, don’t you realise by now how much you really mean to me? Don’t you understand that I would do anything I could to make sure you were okay? You could never be any trouble for me.”

Kit’s breathing became harsh. “I was going out of my mind with worry. What happened to you?”

I smiled and told him what happened at the police station, and what Thomas and Marcus did for me.

“They really care about you, don’t they? I’m not surprised everyone loves you…” He paused for a moment, staring into my eyes. “I love you, too.”

I gasped when his words hit me, but wasted no time in pulling Kit to me for a kiss. This was all I ever wanted to hear. Knowing someone truly loved me filled me with such hope and desire for the future, my mind started to race with possibilities. What I was going to do now became clearer in my mind, but I needed my last two days to plan everything. Charlie was one of my issues, but that was the easy part. The talk I needed to have with Kit had to come soon, and I planned on it being tonight. I had to tell him everything. I had to lay all my cards on the table and pray I didn’t lose him. No matter what happened in the past, we belonged together.

And I couldn’t lose that now.

As our kisses became frantic, Kit quickly relieved me of my coat and carried me upstairs. We made love and, as always, it felt magical. Afterwards, we lay in each other’s arms. I knew I had to get up, but I wanted to enjoy a few more minutes in his embrace.

“I have to get ready soon,” I whispered.

I felt Kit flinch. “Surely you’re not going to work after what happened today.”

I sighed. “Kit, I have to. I don’t like letting anyone down.”

He pulled me in tighter, giving me a kiss on top of my head. “I know. You’re too good sometimes, Olivia, and that’s how people take advantage.”

I lifted my head up and looked at him with a cheeky smile. “You just took advantage of me about a half-hour ago. In fact, you didn’t stop taking advantage until just now.”

Kit smiled. “Yes, but I don’t think me doing that will hurt you in the long run. In fact, I think screaming my name in pleasure about sums up how much I took advantage of you.”

I poked him in the ribs and he flinched. “Oww… What was that for?”

I loved this playful side of him. I could lay here for hours, just enjoying these moments. “Not only are you taking advantage, but I’ll never look at painting the same way again because of you.”

Kit laughed a little, his chest rumbling. I loved that sound. “Does it make me sound conceited to say that I feel quite smug about that?”

I smiled. “No, not at all,” I said sarcastically. We both laughed, then stopped and just stared at each other. I loved these silent conversations.

“You know, I always loved painting, but whenever I think of painting from now on, it will remind me of just how much I love you.”

Kit sighed and hugged me tightly to him. “I don’t know what we’re going to do now, Olivia. I just know I can’t go on unless I have you with me. It terrifies me that I could put you in danger, but I can’t seem to stay away.”

I felt the pang of guilt ride through me again. I bit my lip, knowing I had to say something. “Kit, we have to talk tonight. There are so many things I need to say, but it will have to wait until I get home. I want to tell you everything, but I just can’t do it now.”

Kit sighed and rewarded me with a smile. “I’m glad. You just do what you need to tonight, and I will come get you once your shift ends.”

I kissed him lightly on the lips, feeling overwhelmed with my emotions. Kit was my protector, my white knight, my saviour. I wasn’t sure he would ever know how much it meant to me to have him in my life.

Feeling my fires raging again, I placed my hand on his cock, surprised at how hard it was already. Kit moaned as I trailed my hand down between his legs and stroked him in that sensitive spot between his bottom and his testicles.

Kit hissed. “Olivia, keep doing that and I won’t let you out of this bed.”

I moved myself on top of him and gave him a kiss. “I want you, but it will have to be quick. Can you do hard and fast?”

Kit flipped us over, making me squeal. “Oh, baby, you ain’t seen nothing yet.”

I giggled, but my giggles soon turned to screams of pleasure when he had me coming after only five minutes. I never knew pleasure when I was younger, but I was certainly learning how addictive it could be. Kit was showing me all I could ever dream about.

I just hoped he would still want me after I revealed everything to him.




After our second encounter, I had to rush. With Kit, time just seemed to get away from me. It wasn’t hard because it was so easy to lose time with him.

Once dressed and ready, Kit opened the door and motioned me to go ahead of him. I knew he was coming with me. Even though the evenings were staying lighter longer, he still wanted to make sure I got there safe. My protector to the very end.

Once at the bar, Kit stiffened as he looked inside. I could understand why. If the situation was reversed, I would hate to leave Kit with a woman who couldn’t seem to keep her hands off him. It would kill me. I knew I had to do it, though, because I needed to speak with Charlie about what happened the other night so we could move on. I hated quitting, but I may not have a choice after tonight. Things were heating up, so the time to act was now.

When I looked inside the bar, I saw Charlie staring out at us. He gave a little sarcastic smile to Kit, which I knew he did just to wind him up. Despite his apologies to me, he was still behaving like a child.

Yes, he and I definitely needed to have words.

I looked back at Kit and winced at the thunderous look on his face. “Kit…,” I urged. “Kit, look at me.” Slowly, he did. “I know he’s being an ass right now, but don’t let him see that it’s affecting you. You won ages ago.
got me, remember?
doesn’t have me. You’re the person I’m coming home to later, not him. Remember that. I love you and no one can come between us now.”

Kit’s murderous glare disappeared as he leaned forward to give me one hell of a kiss. When he broke away, I was left breathless and wanting more.

“Well,” I said, trying to catch my breath. “If Charlie didn’t understand before, he certainly does now.”

Kit smiled, pulling me to him, growling as he took my lips again. Once he pulled away, he looked over my shoulder and waved, smiling in Charlie’s direction. I didn’t know whether to hit him or kiss him.

“Eh,” I said as he started walking away. “Now you’re just being as childish as Charlie.”

Kit turned back to me and smiled. “It was
worth seeing that smug look of his being completely wiped off his face. I know it’s childish, Olivia, but I guess loving someone so much makes me do silly things.”

With that, he turned and walked off, leaving me just as breathless and taken aback as when he made his first declaration of love. I had this sudden need to rush into his arms again and ask him to take me home.

Instead, I sighed, turned towards the pub door, and pushed my way through. Charlie was all smiles, but I could tell they weren’t happy ones.

“Olivia, nice to see you back. I can see I’ve been put well and truly in my place.”

With that sarcastic remark, I sighed and pointed to the back room. “We need to talk.”

Sue was there, so I knew she could take over. She looked at both of us, a puzzled expression on her face, but she shrugged when we looked at her. “Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine for a couple minutes.” She smiled sweetly, and that was Charlie’s cue to follow me out back. I may as well get this over and done.

Once I secured my coat on the hanger and placed my bag down, I walked towards Charlie’s office. When I heard the door shut, I turned and bumped into him. He stood there, towering above me with a wicked gleam in his eyes.

I huffed. “Some things never change with you.”

His eyes widened with a smile. “I can’t help it if you turned and bashed into me, can I?”

I rolled my eyes and pointed at his chest. “I know full well what you’re up to, Charlie. Now cut it out.”

He saw how exasperated I was and sighed. “I’m sorry, Olivia. I just can’t seem to play fair when it comes to you. I’ve been trying to get you to notice me ever since you started working here. That man came only five minutes ago and now you’re playing tonsil tennis with him outside my pub. Forgive me if I’m feeling a little sore.”

I sat down on the sofa. “Charlie, you went about it the wrong way. Every time I came to work, you behaved like a predator ready to pounce on his prey. When I saw you here with women, I knew I didn’t want to be just another notch on your bedpost. I’m not that type of girl.”

Charlie walked towards me and sat down. “I know you aren’t. Why did you think I wanted you so much? I knew you were different from all the other girls out there. I knew you were special. I would never have taken advantage of that.”

I sighed and looked at his sad expression. “And it’s only
that you tell me?”

He looked into my eyes with hope. “Would it have made a difference if I had said something earlier? Are you saying I was too late?”

I didn’t know what I was saying. I suppose if Charlie and I had hit it off, then maybe. But I knew he would always be there for me. I didn’t want to leave Charlie feeling rejected all over again, so I lied.

“Maybe... I don’t know. It’s not relevant now. Kit is in my life and that is where I want him to be. I have always liked and cared for you, Charlie–”

“But that’s as far as it goes.” I nodded and he sighed. “I can’t say I’m not disappointed. You being here and knowing I can’t have you is hard.”

I saw the sadness in his eyes and knew I had to say something. It was the perfect opportunity.

“I know, Charlie, which is why I can’t work here anymore.”

Charlie sat back, eyes wide. “But why? Olivia, you’re one of my best.”

“Only because you’re seeing me through rose-tinted glasses, Charlie. Not because I’m really good at what I do. There are plenty of women out there who can pull pints, and I bet the majority can do it better than I can. You know what I’m like around alcohol anyway. I don’t touch the stuff.”

Charlie ran his fingers through his hair. He obviously wasn’t happy. “You can’t, Olivia. I can change how I behave towards you. I’m sorry, okay? I don’t want to lose you.”

His words were a punch in the gut. I had never seen Charlie like this before. He was always so happy, carefree, flirtatious. Right now, he just looked like a man who lost his best friend.

Leaning forward, I touched Charlie’s arm. “I
to go, Charlie. I’m not doing this because of us.”

Charlie looked up. “It’s because of
, isn’t it? He doesn’t want you working here anymore.” When I didn’t say anything, he let out a sarcastic laugh. “I thought so. Mind you, I’d probably be the same if it were the other way around. In fact, I’d
I’d be the same. Can’t say as I blame him, no matter how much I want to smash his face in.”

I gasped. “Charlie, stop that!”

He laughed. “Sorry. I’m just being honest. I probably should have been from the beginning. I wish it were me you were kissing out there instead of him, but that’s life, I guess... Fucking shit.” He shook his head with a smile.

“I’m sorry, Charlie.” I squeezed his arm a little.

He looked into my eyes. “What are you going to do?”

I sighed. “I don’t know. I’m just going to take everything day by day. That’s all I can do.”

He nodded, offering me a weak smile, placing his hand on mine. “I’ll miss you.”

I smiled. “I’ll miss you, too.”

His eyes widened a little. “You’re going to work tonight, aren’t you? You’re not planning on leaving right now, right?”

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