Chance: Mating Fever (Bears of Kodiak Book 1) (7 page)

BOOK: Chance: Mating Fever (Bears of Kodiak Book 1)
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When the piglet latched onto Bron’s nipple and began suckling, he couldn’t help but chuckle. “She is aware that she’ll be sharing those with me,” he mock grumped as he traced the soft, fine lines of his daughter’s chubby cheeks.

“Not to worry, daddy. She’ll learn soon enough.” Grabbing hold of their daughter’s finger with her own, Bron looked up at him. “In six weeks’ time, Mother will perform the naming ceremony. It is custom among our kind to not name the child for the first six weeks, to give us time to learn the child so that we can then learn the name. But I understand if you’d rather—”

He kissed her words away then shook his head. “Six weeks is fine. Just rest, my precious. You worked hard today. Just rest and sleep and know that I’m here for you, whatever you need.”

“I love you, you crazy grizzly,” she whispered before planting a tender kiss against the corner of his mouth.

His heart trembled as a feeling of fullness swept through his body. If anyone had told him a month ago that his life would have been domesticated so soon after finding his mate, he would never have gone through the ritual. But now he couldn’t imagine his life without his mate and child.

It was as if he’d merely existed before them.

“And I you, my little bird.”




Six weeks had passed, and Bronwyn was crazy excited and nervous. She held onto her daughter with her one hand and Chance’s hand with her other as they walked through the demarcation between territories.

For the first time ever, a grizzly—two in fact—were given access to crow territory.

The eyes of her sisters and brothers stared penetratingly at the three of them as they walked through.

Chance, dressed in scuffed jeans and a form-fitting T-shirt with his shaggy brown hair and piercing eyes, was a sight to behold. And she was proud to be on his arm.

She’d come dressed as was the custom of a visiting crow. No longer part of the Murder, she’d officially adopted the grizzlies as her family. She wore a long, feathered cape that trailed along the forest floor, and she was nude beneath to show that she meant them no harm.

Annalida sat on her throne of bones at the head of the long processional. She too was nude with only a black feather tied into her long hair, denoting her queenly status.

Once she and Chance got halfway to her mother’s throne, they stopped, bowing their heads in a show of respect.

Little piglet—as she’d taken to calling their daughter, thanks to Chance’s constant referral of her in that manner—was grunting and restless. She poked her baby fists through her swaddling as though she were breaking free of her bindings. Already, she had the strength and powerful nature of the bear showing through.

“Bronwyn, formerly of the Crow Clan, and now of the Grizzlies, come forward,” Annalida said with solemnity.

Squeezing Chance’s hand, she made her way toward her mother with only her piglet in tow. She and Chance had decided on the name that morning, and it felt right. Powerful. Like their daughter.

She knelt by her mother’s throne, bowing her head and staring at the face of her daughter with love shining in her eyes. Bronwyn had never known what love meant until the day she’d looked into the familiar eyes of her daughter. She loved Chance. He was all things to her, but their daughter was a piece of her soul and his, combined into the form of one.

Only after she’d had her baby had she understood the pain she’d put her own mother through. And though Bronwyn couldn’t regret the road that had led her to Chance, she did feel shame that she hadn’t handled things better.

Annalida didn’t make her wait long. Her tender touch on Bron’s shoulder made her finally glance up. Her mother smiled down at her with tears brimming in her eyes.

“People of the Crow.” Annalida spoke with authority, causing the air to ripple with threads of power as she drew from the earth magick. “We welcome back our wayward sister and my daughter, Bronwyn, and the new life blessed upon us all. And now I ask, daughter mine, what name has been chosen for this child?”

The hush was heavy. Even the wind seemed to stop moving through the boughs of the trees as they waited to hear.

The naming of a child was a sacred business, and one done with the utmost respect and reverence.

Smiling proudly, she glanced back at Chance for a quick moment. He gave her a thumb’s up, and once again, Bronwyn almost couldn’t believe this was her life.

The gods had smiled down on her the day she’d seen the bear. They’d given her a second chance at a happier, more fulfilling life. She knew that no matter what came down the road, she would never cease being grateful for it.

Inhaling deeply, she cuddled her daughter closer, giving her fat cheek a quick kiss before reverently saying, “Her name is Ursa. Ursa Hawthorne.”

Jubilant cries of joy rang out through the woods as the Crows chanted her daughter’s name.

“Ursa. Ursa. Ursa…” over and over and over again, they cried.

Annalida hugged Bronwyn tightly, careful not to hurt the child, then whispered in her daughter’s ear. “A miracle has been wrought here, my child. And now there is only one question left to ask.”

As though knowing what would be asked, Chance finally joined them, slipping his arm around her waist. It was exactly where Bronwyn knew she was supposed to be. She leaned heavily into him, breathing a sigh of relief. Even Ursa quieted down a little when her daddy appeared.

“Are you happy?” Annalida looked at them both.

Chance nodded but stayed silent as he looked to her for her answer.

And she knew there was only one answer to give. “Yes. I am very happy.”

Annalida’s arms drew into the air. With a shout, she said, “Let us celebrate our sister’s joy. Eat, drink, and be merry.”

And though the Crows wouldn’t adopt Ursa as their own, they had shown her respect and reverence by celebrating her birth and life. It was more than Bronwyn could have hoped for.

Later that night, when the stars were shining like tiny, twinkling diamonds in the sky, and Ursa was being tended to by one of several dozen doting aunties, Bronwyn was alone with Chance. She rested her head on his shoulder, listening to the gentle rhythm of his beating heart.

“Until I met you, Bron, I could never imagine being happy in a life like this,” he said solemnly.

She smiled, looking up at his rugged and handsome face. Her heart was so full, she felt it might burst from happiness.

“No regrets?” she asked.

Taking her hand in his, he kissed her knuckles and shook his head. “None. You’re it for me, woman. And you always will be.”

And when they kissed, she tasted forever on his tongue. And life… well, life was good.


Make sure to pick up your copy of
, book 2 in Selene Charles’ Mating Fever series, drops April 6
. Love my books, want to know when the next one releases, make sure to sign up for my


Get more Mating Fever stories! The first in each author’s series are listed below:

Mating Fever Bears

V. Vaughn—

Elle Thorne—

Kenzie Cox—


Mating Fever Dragons

Saranna DeWylde—

Ronin Winters—

Elsa Jade—
Dragon Fever

Minx Malone—Nathan’s Heart 3/16


Check out our
for the complete list. Love to FB, join our fan group for sneak peeks and announcements about the
Mating Fever


Selene Charles’ Books

Tempted Series

, Book 1

, Book 2

, Book 3


Mating Fever Series

Chance, Book 1

, Book 2

, Book 3



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