Chance on Love (32 page)

Read Chance on Love Online

Authors: Vristen Pierce

Tags: #workplace romance, #enemies to lovers, #millionaire, #Valentine, #erotic, #erotic romance, #wealthy, #office romance, #Valentine's Day

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Chance walked toward her with that incredibly sexy smirk. “Love,” he said in a teasing, seductive tone. “Come here.”

She almost ran to him, but stopped herself from taking even one step. “No, you come to me.” He stopped walking, and they glared at one another.

“Love,” he said, his voice ominous now.

“You left me, you bastard. I hate you.”

“Do you really hate me, Love?”

Stephanie peered into those amazing eyes. “No,” she whispered. “Do you really love

Chance let his eyes roam over every inch of her face. “Yes.”

“Then come to
.” She opened her arms to him. “Come back to me.”

He took one step before cursing under his breath. “I shouldn’t have to—”

“Get over yourself, Valentine. Do you love me or not?”

Chance took a deep breath and walked to stand right in front of her. “I love you, you little shit.”

Stephanie smiled. “I love you too. Now, Chance?”

He slowly bent down to kiss her. “Yeah?”

She pushed his head down. “On your knees.”

He chuckled as he dropped before her. “What do you want me to do down here?” He slid his hands up her thighs and she tingled all over.

She moaned. “Whatever you want.”

“In that case...”

Stephanie groped for the ringing phone without opening her eyes. She’d finally managed to sleep—after popping a couple of over-the-counter sleep aids, but still—and now she was being dragged from her sex-filled slumber by the damned phone. She was sure she’d been preparing to make the schmuck pleasure her orally, but now she wouldn’t know because of the fucking ringing that had intruded.

She snatched up the receiver. “What?” Her voice was thick with sleep, her head groggy as hell.

“You need to get down here,” Amber said.

Stephanie kept her eyes closed. “Where’s here?”

“The station.”

“Are you dying? If so, call nine-one-one. If not, leave me alone. I’m sleeping.” Stephanie ended the call. She was groping for the nightstand when the phone began to ring again. Shooting straight up to a sitting position, she answered. “If you call me
more time, I swear I—”

“You need to get here for the meeting. Supposedly, it’s a super important one.”

Dropping her head, Stephanie massaged her temple. She spoke calmly and slowly. “Okay, Amber, I no longer work there, which means I no longer have to attend meetings.”

“You have another week left after this one.”

“Were you right there in front of me when I said I was quitting or...”

Amber groaned. “Steph, please. This could have something to do with you.”

She rolled her eyes. “It has
to do with me.”

Amber’s voice perked up. “Ooh, what if Mr. Lucas is coming back and making some sort of announcement? Maybe
will ask you to stay on at the station.”

Yeah, the man who’d wanted her fired in the first place.

“I’m not coming, end of story.”


“Hanging up now.”

“Maybe Chance will be there,” Amber said quickly.

“I don’t give a shit if I ever see that man again.”

Amber was silent.

“I’ll be there in an hour,” Stephanie said before hanging up.

Chapter 37

She looked down at herself as she entered the station. She thought she looked pretty good considering the fact that she couldn’t remember when she’d last had more than two hours sleep at a time. After hanging up with Amber, and cursing herself for being such a loser, she’d showered quickly before dressing.

She’d put on a knee-length, form-fitting black pencil skirt and a taupe, cashmere pullover long sleeved top. She had resisted the urge to put on the necklace, though she still carried it in her purse. If she had an opportunity to give it back to Chance—directly or indirectly through someone from corporate—she would take it.

She should
to take it. There were no reasons to hang on to the damned thing despite the obvious. It was gorgeous, and she could hock it for a bunch of cash. Stupid thing was, it wasn’t about the beauty or the money. The necklace could have been something out of a prize machine at an arcade and she would still want it. Because Chance had given it to her.

Stephanie cursed under her breath.

I am

Amber rushed up, smiling. “You look really good.”

“Thanks,” Stephanie said halfheartedly as she tried to be subtle in her search for the schmuck who’d screwed her entire world up. She attempted her best nonchalant voice when she asked, “Have you seen him?”

Frowning, Amber shook her head. “Sorry.”

Stephanie shrugged. “Whatever,” she said, continuing her walk to the conference room.

Amber followed and grabbed her arm, pulling her close. “He could still show.”

“It doesn’t matter. I just need someone,
from corporate. They can give him this stupid thing back.”

“What stupid thing?”

“The stupid necklace. I don’t want it. I don’t want any reminders of that man. I wish I’d never even met the bastard.” She shook her head when her eyes began to burn. “No. That’s it. I don’t want to talk about him anymore. Ever again, actually.”

No way was she stepping into the conference room an emotional wreck, especially when everyone would attribute her distress to Chance’s departure. Hell, they wouldn’t be wrong. Thanks to Carly’s big ass mouth, her former coworkers probably knew all the dirty details, like the whole mutual betrayal thing they’d had going on.

They made it to the conference room and Stephanie forged ahead. All eyes focused on her, and the room grew silent. She took a deep breath, squaring her shoulders before having a seat at the large table.

“Well, this isn’t awkward,” Amber said under her breath as she slid into the seat next to Stephanie.

From across the table, Carly cleared her throat. “I guess we may as well get this over with.” She stared at Stephanie.

Stephanie drew her eyebrows together. “Sounds good to me.”

“And I’m sure we will once corporate gets here,” Amber said cheerfully.

Carly gave her a tight smile. “No one else is coming.”

Stephanie’s stomach tightened just as her heart dropped. She’d figured he wouldn’t show. Still, knowing it for a fact knocked the air from her lungs. Her last shot at seeing him... Gone.

“What?” Amber gave a small, nervous laugh. “No, someone has to come.”

Carly said nothing.

Amber continued. “Who’s holding this meeting? Who called it?”

“I called it,” Carly said, voice flat.

Stephanie huffed even as she blinked back tears. No sign of Chance
she’d been called to a meeting by Carly? “Who the hell put you in charge?”

“No one, but...” She looked around the table. “Someone had to take some initiative since you weren’t.”

Stephanie cocked her head. “Excuse me?”

“Look, just because you and Mr. Valentine had a...” Carly cleared her throat. “A disagreement—it doesn’t mean this station’s operations can come to a screeching halt. I thought something would be done without any prodding, but once I saw it wasn’t, well...”

“I’m no longer an Executive Assistant, Carl

“I’m well aware of that,” she said coolly.

“The standard of operations here, day to day or otherwise, is not—”

Carly pointedly looked away, turning back to Amber. “So, yes,
called the meeting, but I’m not the one holding it.”

“Huh?” Amber asked. “Then who is?”

Carly returned her attention to Stephanie.

Frowning, Amber and Stephanie spoke at the same time. “What?”

Carly folded her hands on the large table. “You can drop the shocked act now. I—,” her voice dropped, “I read the letter he left you.”

That bitch.

Amber slapped the table with the palm of her hand. “Ha, we knew it.” She looked around before ducking her head slightly.

,” Stephanie said as she leaned in, “was none of your business, you nosy ass—”

Amber held up her hand. “Wait.” She glanced at Stephanie. “What did it say?”

“Hell if I know.”

“You didn’t read it? So you really have no idea what’s going on?” Carly looked down as she continued, to herself now. “And if only I’d kept my mouth shut, everything probably would have worked out.”

Stephanie stared daggers at her, barely resisting the urge to leap across the table to beat the crap out of the meddling hussy.

“Nice of you to learn that lesson
, Carly,” Amber said. “What did the letter say?”

After a few moments, Carly snapped out of her stupor and lifted her gaze to Amber’s face.

“Well?” Amber asked.

Without warning, Carly shot out of the chair and rushed from the conference room.

Ignoring the flurry of hushed gossip from all who had witnessed her melodramatic performance, Amber leaned over to whisper to Stephanie. “
is in that letter?”

Stephanie began to shrug, but immediately froze. “It’s in my purse.”

Amber’s eyes grew wide. “Why didn’t you read it?” she cried in a furious whisper.

“I—I don’t know.” She couldn’t even begin to think of the reasons she hadn’t. A swirling mass of fog rolled throughout her brain, blocking out the most basic of thoughts.

“Dear God,” Amber said, squeezing the bridge of her nose. When Stephanie made no move to retrieve the letter, she elbowed her. “Steph.”

“Right.” She opened her purse. With a slightly shaky hand, she pulled the letter out of the envelope and unfolded it. She read it no less than three times before she comprehended what it said.

“Well?” Amber asked.

Stephanie slowly raised her head. The fog was much denser, but it was no longer rolling gently—it was barreling its way through her mind like a freight train.


“He....” Stephanie’s eyes began to sting. “But he hates me. Why would he—” She stood, and Amber snatched her back down by her arm.

“Oh no, uh-uh. There’s only one dramatic exit allowed per meeting; Carly already cashed in.” As Stephanie continued to stare straight ahead, Amber snatched the letter from her hand.

After she finished reading, she squealed with delight. “This is way better than I’d expected.” She sprang off her chair, pulling Stephanie up with her. “Come on.”

Amber all but dragged her toward the still empty seat at the head of the conference table. She cleared her throat loudly and everyone grew quiet, turning their attention to the two women at the front of the room.

Stephanie bumped her friend with her shoulder. “Amber...” Just then, Work Enemy #1 made her discreet reappearance by quietly entering the room.

Carly crossed her arms and leaned against the back wall.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” Amber continued with excitement, “it’s my pleasure to make this announcement. This,” she shoved Stephanie behind the empty chair, “is KMLP’s new General Manager!”

A few gasps were followed by stunned silence from everyone seated around the table. After a few seconds, Stephanie heard the surprised murmurs.

“I’m not
new GM.” No one was paying her the least bit of attention. She tried again, slightly louder this time. “I’m only the, uh...latest interim—” Still, no one listened. “Screw it.”

“This is a fresh start for KMLP, everybody! Are you all as excited as I am?” Amber looked at her friend, smiled, and began to clap.

Stephanie dropped her head and groaned. “For the love of God, don’t start a slow clap.” Surely enough, others joined in. “Thank you, thank you, but please.” Once the impromptu applause ended, she had a seat. “Chance...” She lost her train of thought for a moment as an image of his face popped into her mind; those eyes, that ever present smirk upon those lips. Her eyes burned once more when the thought of never seeing that face, those lips, again caused a searing pain in her chest. She sucked in a sharp breath and blinked back tears before starting again.

“Mr. Valentine graciously left me in place as the interim GM. After all unfinished business is handled and all decisions are finalized, I’ll step down.” A new hum of disbelieving murmurs came from everyone in the room, including Amber.

She leaned close to Stephanie’s ear. “Um,

“He didn’t make me GM. He made me interim GM.”

“Steph, he put you in a position to make
GM. You have the power, girl. Once you wow corporate, it’s a done deal. Hello!”

“Why would he do that?” Stephanie asked herself. “He hates me.”

“Maybe he realizes you have amazing business savvy even if you
have a less than pleasant personality. Maybe he knows you’ll do right by this station.”

Stephanie couldn’t ignore the heaviness in her heart at what he had done. Even though he’d been angry with her, even though her last words to him had been cruel, he’d essentially given her everything she’d ever wanted by handing her this opportunity.

“Or...” Amber said.

Stephanie glanced up at her.

She shrugged. “Maybe he just loves you. Could be all three I guess. It probably is.”

With a crushing weight, Amber’s words came to rest on Stephanie’s heart. She’d give anything for that schmuck to love her. But no. His parting gift had been one of necessity, not love. He’d left the station in an upheaval and she was simply the quickest way to remedy the problem. So it wasn’t a gift at all, really—the bastard had just stuck her with his mess to clean up.

Straightening in her chair, she squared her shoulders. “Listen up, people.” Everyone shut up and looked at her. Her eyes no longer stinging, Stephanie Love was in her element, at least for a little while. “As the interim GM, I have some important decisions to make.”

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