Read Changed: 2 (Wolf's Den) Online

Authors: Aline Hunter

Changed: 2 (Wolf's Den) (12 page)

BOOK: Changed: 2 (Wolf's Den)
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“You can’t keep me from her.”

“When she wants to talk to you,” he backed up one slow step
at a time, “she’ll be in touch.”

Rachel didn’t know if she should hug him or bolt for the
door. Uncertain, she wrapped her arm around his waist and edged closer to him.
He rested his fingers over hers, the simple touch giving her the comfort she
needed. Her mother was tipsy, not drunk. That meant Cindy needed money. If they
didn’t go soon Rachel would have to share that she didn’t have any extra money
to give. Customers had been scarce the last few months. Everything she had went
to bills and necessities. Declan had seen her home so he knew she wasn’t rich.
But he didn’t know just how bad things had become.

Resting her forehead against his back, she whispered, “Can
we go?”

“Rach…” The way her mother said it made her cringe. She
hadn’t gotten out quickly enough. Cindy Gentry might not care about her
daughter but she cared about herself. “The electric bill was more than I
expected this month. If I don’t take care of it by tomorrow they’ll shut it

Declan shifted against her, giving her hand a reassuring
pat. “Then you can stay here for a few days. We have to find a Realtor who can
help get the house into shape before Rachel sells it anyway.”

“Sells it?” Cindy sounded mortified and furious.

“Yes, sells it,” he countered, brushing his fingers over
Rachel’s. “She’s my mate. What’s mine is now hers. There’s nothing she needs
here. There’s no reason to keep the house.”

In another time—hell, in another life—she’d have been
outraged Declan had made such a huge declaration. Instead she took a look
around, studying the home she’d lived in for years. The place wouldn’t last
much longer. She’d been unable to maintain the roof so when it rained she had
to place pans around the kitchen to keep the floor dry. No matter how often she
cleaned, mold seemed to thrive near the windows. The wood around the door had
dry rotted and the floor had started caving in certain places. The house was so
different from Declan’s. Whereas his things were costly, well-designed and
sturdy, hers were cheap, secondhand and falling apart.

Humiliation washed over her.

She didn’t want a Realtor to see the place. More than likely
they’d refuse to help. Demolishing the house would probably be best. They’d get
more for the land than they would the home. Shutting her eyes, she pictured her
father. There were good memories in this place but not many. The negative
outweighed the positive by far.

“I need to buy groceries,” Cindy said with a hint of

“That’s not my problem,” Rachel retorted, welcoming the
anger that rose within her. The one woman who should have cared about her—her
own mother—had forgotten everything that had happened to her daughter. Worse?
The concern she’d shown earlier had vanished. Rachel usually blamed her
mother’s condition for her behavior. Alcoholism was a disease. But enough was
fucking enough. “And Declan’s wrong. You’re not welcome to stay here. Get out.”

“This is my home as much as yours. I’m the only family you
have left.”

“You’re wrong.” With a small step to the side, she took
Declan’s hand and faced the woman who’d made her life a living hell. Her father
had left the house in trust until Rachel turned eighteen. She’d been unable to
do anything about the money Cindy had blown through—funds that should have
provided her a better upbringing. But she’d been able to take control of the
house the minute she came of age. That much she’d made sure of. “This is my
house and I’ll do whatever I want with it. And I have plenty of family. Chloe.
Her grandparents.” Taking a deep breath, she finally accepted the reality of
her situation. “Declan and the members of his pack.”

“You’re not thinking clearly.” Cindy pushed buttons on the
phone. “You need help.”

Rachel released Declan’s hand and strode to her mother. She
ripped the phone from her grasp. “You need to leave or
calling the
police,” she said calmly, staring her mother in the eye. “It won’t be the first
time they’ve hauled you off. Only this time I won’t bail you out. You’ll sit in
a cell for a few days. It’d probably be the best thing for you.”

“Ungrateful little bitch.”

Her mother’s hand came up, poised to strike. She knew how
the slap would feel—harsh and hot against her skin. This time Cindy’s palm
didn’t make it, stopped as Rachel caught her mother’s wrist mid-swing. Her wolf
snarled in her head, the fingers wrapped around delicate bones shaking. Rachel
kept the beast back, trying to remain composed.

“I’m not going to be around to take care of you anymore.”
She let go, trembling as adrenaline rushed through her system. “Get help, Mom.
Go somewhere and get the help you need.”

Pivoting, she faced Declan.

For a long time she’d resented him, wishing he’d go away.

Now he represented the life she’d always wanted for herself.

He offered security and strength, promising to care for her
in a way she’d always dreamed about. She’d seen how Jackson treated
Chloe—doting on her, watching out for her, loving her beyond reason. A week ago
she’d have sworn she didn’t want that for herself but it would have been a lie.
The truth was she hadn’t wanted to ache for something she’d never have.

“Come on, baby.” Declan extended his hand to her, his
expression one of understanding. She slid her fingers through his, shivering at
the contact. Pulling her close, he pressed a tender kiss to her temple. “Let’s
go home.”

As they walked to the door she called over her shoulder, “If
you’re not out of here in five minutes the police will be on their way. I
suggest you get in your car and go. Goodbye, Mother.”

She walked away from all she’d ever known without looking

A new chapter in her life had started.

It was time to leave the past behind.

Chapter Eight


Declan opened the door and let Rachel step inside before he
closed it behind them. A part of him remained furious at her mother’s callous
treatment of her child. His parents had never been anything but supportive. His
mother had always taken the time to listen to him, offering her gentle touch
after he’d changed for the first time. His father had been responsible for
discipline but had never so much as lifted a violent hand to his children.
Instead his parent and role-model showed Declan life wasn’t easy and he had to
work for what he wanted.

His female obviously hadn’t had that level of love or

He wanted to know more about Rachel. Certainly he had been
thrilled when she’d proclaimed he was her family now. The wolf had heard her as
well. The animal had slithered under his skin, its energy humming through him.

But there was more to the situation.

If he wanted to understand things, he had to ask serious

With a hand at the small of her back, he guided her to the
kitchen. Once she’d taken a seat he went to the refrigerator and pulled out the
steaks he’d left to marinate. Placing them on the counter, he returned to get
the things he’d need to make a salad. His mate had to be hungry. Sharing a
meal, generally, was a welcome distraction when a serious discussion had to
take place.

“Rachel,” he said softly, breaking the silence that had
fallen between them. “What was your dad like? Can you tell me about him?”

He didn’t turn around, giving her a small amount of space.

Sometimes it was easier to talk when you didn’t have to look
someone in the eye.

He retrieved a skillet before he started collecting plates and
bowls. During that time she didn’t speak, staying quiet as he worked around the
kitchen. Still he didn’t push, hoping she’d talk to him when she felt ready.

“He was my hero,” she finally answered, speaking softly. “He
always made time just for us. I loved it when he’d take me out to the river.
After we swam for a while we’d fish for our dinner. Sometimes we camped out.” A
hesitation, then she said, “He used to tell me the most amazing stories. I’m
pretty sure he made them up as he went along. I loved listening to him talk. He
had this wonderful laugh. Once he started it was impossible not to start
laughing with him.”

There was so much love in her voice—so much longing. “How’d
he die?”

“An accident.” The way she said it indicated she didn’t care
to elaborate.

“How old were you?”

“It happened right before my ninth birthday.” She sounded
annoyed when she asked, “Why the sudden interest?”

“In case you haven’t figured it out,” he answered, reminding
himself to be comforting and calm, “I want to know everything about you.”

“Since you met my mother, I’m sure you know all sorts of
things about me now.”

He didn’t have to look at her to feel the sadness coming
from her. She lowered her head and stared at the table when he spun around. He
decided to go to her, wanting to shelter her in his embrace. She was hurting.
If it killed him he’d make her feel better. Kneeling, he turned her chair so
that she faced him and rested his hands on her knees.

“When people hurt they do stupid things. I don’t know your
mother and I don’t know what she’s been through. But I can tell you’re nothing
like her. That’s why I asked about your father. I’ve never met him but the way
you talk about him makes me wish I could have.”

“I don’t want to fight anymore.” She lifted her head and met
his gaze. Her eyes were flooded with tears. “I don’t want to keep living the
way I do.”

“Then don’t.” He tried to soothe her, cupping her jaw.

“I don’t want to hurt anyone either.” She clasped her hand
over his. “What happened earlier today scared the hell out of me. I heard you
talking but I couldn’t see you.”

Damn it.

“You took control, Rachel. We all have to at some point.
It’s natural. You’re stronger than you think.” He wasn’t sure if he should be
totally honest but decided it was best. “The wolf will respect you now. She
won’t try to push for control. It’s your job to keep her in her place. I saw
you do it when you needed to. You’re going to be fine.”

“I don’t want to change,” she admitted, a tear winding down
her cheek. “But it doesn’t matter, does it? No matter how hard I try to stop
it, it’s still going to happen.”

“Yes, it is.” Even if he wanted to prevent the shift for
her, he couldn’t.

“Did you mean what you told me before?” Her gaze melted into
his, her heart showing through her eyes. “If we…” She blinked back tears,
shaking her head. “If I let you…if you claim me…will it make things easier?”

“If you surrender completely, then yes.” Her wolf had to
know she’d given him control. Otherwise he’d have to fight the woman and her
beast. “My wolf will guide yours through the transformation. It doesn’t have to
be scary, baby. If you let it happen, it’ll be amazing. You have no idea how
wonderful it feels.”

“Will I be able to help Chloe? Once I change, I mean.”

“You will. The pack is a family. We take care of each

He waited for her to speak, watching emotions wash over her
face—fear, understanding and then acceptance. She swiped the tear from her
face, rubbed the backs of her hands over her eyes and looked at him. The faint
smell of her sorrow faded, replaced by a hint of arousal.

“Then I want you to claim me,” she whispered, bringing her
face to his. “I’m so tired, Declan. I don’t want to run anymore. I’m too
exhausted to hide.”

Finally. Fuck yes.

Elation and triumph rushed through him. Electricity pulsed
beneath his skin, the beast at the ready to claim its mate. He pushed the wolf
back, knowing this had to be done properly. Rachel had been wounded. She needed
to be taken in a manner she deserved and yearned for, easing her hurt. He’d
take it slow, introducing her to their mating in a way she’d accept and dream
about for years to come.

Skimming his lips across hers, he murmured, “If you ran, I’d
find you. And you can’t hide from me. I won’t let you.” He lifted her from the
chair, rising to his full height. “I’m going to make this good for you,
sweetheart. You’re not going to regret mating to me. I give you my word.”

He felt her tremble against him, heard the way her breath

Blood thundered in his ears, his cock straining against his
jeans. Even though he was trying to do the right thing he knew he was a selfish
bastard, thinking that soon he’d finally be balls-deep in his female. Lodged so
deeply inside her she wouldn’t be able to tell where he started and she ended.

Entering the bedroom, he flicked the switch on the wall with
his elbow, flooding the room with light. He wanted to see every inch of his
female, learning all of her curves, revealing all her secrets. When he reached
the bed he stopped and lowered her, waiting until she’d found her balance to
let go. The first claiming symbolized the future of a mating. He intended to
make sure things started on the right foot.

She didn’t argue when he lifted her shirt over her head. He
tossed it aside and reached for the sweatpants. His fingers caressed her skin
and her abdominal muscles flexed, tempting him to kiss her taut belly. Kneeling
down, he removed her socks and discarded the remainder of her clothing.

She shifted her feet as he stood, wrapping her arms around
her midsection.

He’d never seen anything sexier than his mate standing
before him in nothing more than her underwear. The area where she’d been bitten
had nearly healed, only a few marks marred her soft, pale skin. The cups of her
bra had slid down so he could see a teasing glimpse of her rosy nipples. The
visual made his balls tighten and his cock throb, his pants feeling too fucking
tight all of a sudden.

Take your time. Do this right.

“Don’t you want to return the favor?” He tried teasing her,
hoping it would ease any tension she might be feeling. He scented her desire
but she was visibly nervous. Before she could answer he yanked his shirt over
his head. She gazed up, her full lips pursed. He reached for his jeans and she
stopped him, resting her hands on his wrists.

“I want to return the favor.”

He remained still, watching as she struggled with the
button. She popped it loose and quickly undid the fastenings. Her fingers
skimmed over his skin and he quivered at the contact. He couldn’t wait to feel
her hands all over him, experience the sharp sting of her nails in his back.
She pulled the jeans down his legs and kneeled to remove his boots. He assisted
her once they were loose, kicking them off. His socks came off with his jeans,
leaving his entire body open to her gaze.

Reaching up, she looped her fingers around the base of his
cock. “I want to make this good for you too,” she whispered, stroking him.

Her intentions were good but with her kneeling at his feet
and offering herself up to him on a plate, she stirred his beast. The wolf
snarled in his head, tired of waiting for the man to seal the mating. Declan
reached down, burying his fingers in Rachel’s hair. He forced her to her feet,
using enough pressure as he pulled at the strands to make her look at him.

“You need to know I’m fighting to stay in control.” His
voice had changed, so much deeper now. He didn’t want to frighten her but he
worried he might. “I won’t hurt you. I could never do that. But I’ve been
waiting for weeks, Rachel. It’s not easy. The animal inside me wants you too. It
feels what you’re becoming. It knows you are the only female meant for it.”

She licked her lips and placed her hand on his chest. “Are
you trying to warn me or prepare me?”

“Both,” he answered in a low growl, edging closer to her.
“When I take you the wolf is going to respond. It’s waited too long for you. If
you want this—if you want me—you have to say it. Females have to welcome the
claim or a mating is bound to be doomed. I need to know for certain this is
what you want.”

“If I say it is,” she asked, lowering her head, “what will

Poor little female. She thought it was a trick of some kind.
“I’ll make you mine.”

Her head lifted and she removed her hand. He felt the
absence of her touch, desperate to have it back. She reached behind her and
unclasped her bra. With a shrug the garment slid from her shoulders and down
her arms. She let it fall from her hands to the floor. Her creamy breasts were
beyond tempting, the nipples in the centers hard and pink.

“I want you.”

An enormous surge of pride hit him in the center of the
chest. Despite her anxiousness she found a way to be brave. It couldn’t be easy
for her. He hooked a finger under her chin and lifted her head. Their gazes
met, her irises once again changing colors. He reached out with his beast, sensing
Rachel’s wolf. The instant a connection was made he saw the flare in his mate’s
eyes. Her animal was rising, ready to accept the mating as well. There’d never
be a better time to cement their union.

“You don’t know how many times I’ve wished you’d say that.”
Another step and his cock nudged her belly. Her skin felt like silk, a perfect
cushion for his length. “Will you be mine, Rachel? Will you give yourself to

“Only if you’ll give yourself to me,” she countered, pulling
her head away.

It was a challenge. One he was ready to accept. “I’ve always
been yours. I just didn’t know it yet. Wolves wait their entire lives for this.
The minute you walked into the shop you changed me forever. I’ve been trying to
tell you that.”

“Yes,” she sighed and rested her hands on his shoulders. She
ran her fingers over his skin, her gaze fixated on one of the tattoos over his
collarbone. Leaning against him, she repeated, “My answer is yes.”


That was easier than I thought.

Rachel relaxed against Declan, finding an immense amount of
relief in letting go. She wanted this between them. Fighting it had only made
her want him more. Now she didn’t have to pretend he didn’t turn her on. She
could be open with her feelings, letting him see the woman she kept hidden.

He moved her back and her knees hit the mattress. She held
on to him as he leaned her back. There wasn’t a soft inch on him, his body
covered in muscles and tattoos. It wasn’t a bad combination. In fact she wanted
to spend one day going over all his ink, asking which ones had special meaning
or significance to him. Since he’d placed the names of his family on his skin
he probably made sure every single one had a purpose.

The instant she was settled—her head resting against the
pillows—he brushed his lips over her cheek. Her chin came next. Followed by her
neck. Lower he ventured, then lower. She slid her fingers into his short hair,
clasping his head as his mouth swept over her sternum and then his lips
surrounded her left nipple.

Suction. Heat. Bliss.

She didn’t try to mute her moan, relieved they were alone
and she could be as loud as she wanted. He suckled, his tongue dancing over
that most sensitive skin. Fiery wisps rushed from her chest to her pussy, a
deep pressure building in her stomach. Her vaginal walls tightened, a rush of
hot wetness soaking her panties. The material brushed her clit and she
squirmed. She tried to part her thighs and found she couldn’t.

Declan shifted his weight, giving her plenty of room.
Opening her legs, she let her knees fall to the sides. She remembered how good
it had felt when he’d pressed his body against hers, his weight strangely
comforting. Only he didn’t return, keeping his body from hers. He hadn’t
stopped nursing her nipple, working her with his tongue, teeth and lips. She brought
her hands to his back and tried to pull him down.

“Declan, please.”

The dark head at her breast lifted, Declan’s eyes finding
hers. “Rachel, baby.” The statement came out as a low, sensual growl. “I want
to get you ready first. I can’t promise I won’t take advantage if I feel my
cock against that sweet little pussy of yours.”

BOOK: Changed: 2 (Wolf's Den)
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