Read Changed: 2 (Wolf's Den) Online

Authors: Aline Hunter

Changed: 2 (Wolf's Den) (2 page)

BOOK: Changed: 2 (Wolf's Den)
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“I like it when you look at me that way,” he said, breaking
her out of her stupor. Still she maintained eye contact, lost in the intensity
of his gaze. “I like it when you’re not afraid.”

There it was. A reminder of why she had to keep him at a

They were nothing alike. They weren’t even the same
He slept all day and stayed up all night. She went to bed early and got up at
the break of dawn. His idea of a good time was running around on four legs in
the woods with his pack. Her perfect evening consisted of a bubble bath and cup
of hot chocolate.

“Afraid?” The utterance came out as a squeak and she wanted
to slap herself. She cleared her throat, determined to sound confident. “I’m
not afraid of you. I just don’t

“You’re a horrible liar,” he murmured, his winsome smile

No argument there. She couldn’t lie to save her life. But
she’d never admit it. Not to him.

“Whatever.” Severing eye contact, she glared at the filter
and informed him, “I worked it loose. That’s the only reason you got it off.
Feel free to leave now.”

Worming closer, his shoulder bumped hers. “Where’s my

Her eyes shot up, growing wide to see his face was only a
couple of inches away. The speed at which he moved
frighten her.
She’d been told werewolves were fast but did they move at the speed of light?
Declan could be there one minute and gone the next. In all her life Rachel had
never seen anything like it. Now he was right there, resting directly beside
her. His body temperature ran hotter, a wave of warmth sailing toward her.
Autumn was almost gone, winter taking its place.

She wondered if an oral acknowledgment would suffice. “Thank

“That’s not what I had in mind.” Another shift of his
shoulders brought him closer.

“You shouldn’t do things for people because you expect
something in return.” The inner shrew was back, riding her hard. The nagging
inner voice told her not to trust Declan, aware he wasn’t being totally honest
with her. Mesmerized, she watched his irises change, the color darkening a
shade along the edges. “I don’t recall asking for your help.”

“When it comes to you there’s no need to ask.” The statement
sounded point of fact, without any room for argument. “If I see you need
something, I do it. End of story.”

Something dawned on her, the mere idea like a bitch-slap to
her confidence. “Did Chloe send you to watch me? Or did Jackson put you up to
this? He did, didn’t he? If so, don’t bother. Believe me when I say I can take
care of myself.”

“You’re afraid of me but you
like me, Just
Rachel,” he kept on, ignoring her outburst. “Good thing because I like you too.
I like you so much it hurts. But I’ll be easy with you until you’re ready for
more. You’ll find nothing but pleasure with me. You’ll see.”

I’ll see? He’s that confident? What an ass.

Indignation fled, chased away when his fingers feathered
across her jaw. For a werewolf, the man had a soft touch. He never looked away,
drinking her in, his thumb moving around to caress her cheek. His attention
drifted to her mouth. He licked his lower lip, as though he was imagining how
she’d taste. No man had ever stared at her so intently, seeing nothing else in
the room.

“You’re so beautiful,” he murmured and inhaled softly,
nostrils flaring. Her heart fluttered and raced, the fire in her belly raging
all the hotter. Her vaginal walls flexed, soaking her already damp panties. His
gaze swept from her lips to her eyes. “Fuck, you smell sweet, baby. I can’t
wait for a taste. Come here.”

There was so much hunger etched in his features. His jaw had
drawn tight, his brows pulling together. His hand went to her nape, cupping the
back of her head. He urged her toward him, using steady but tender pressure.
His golden irises brightened, becoming a stunning shade of lemon yellow,
emitting a strange glow.

Logic surfaced, screaming in her head.
He’s not human.
He’ll hurt you.

She considered pulling away, uneasy at the sensations that
lured her from reality. Her mind told her to run while her body begged her to
stay. Never in her life had she been this wet, her pussy so slick with her
arousal, her panties clinging to her labia. The cotton over her clit was no
longer soft but uncomfortable. The material glided over the bundle of nerves
but it didn’t provide any kind of pressure. It wasn’t enough. She wanted more.

Was that her voice? It couldn’t be. When
had it gotten so deep?

“I’m right here you sweet, beautiful girl.”

The first brush of his lips was easy and light. Their mouths
touched, his head going left then right. She closed her eyes, sighing as he
nuzzled her nose. Without thinking she softened beneath his touch, shoulders
relaxing. He smelled so amazing, like wood, forest and a dash of fresh summer

“That’s right.” With a flick of his thumb he lifted her chin
and angled her face. “Just like that. Open that pretty little mouth for me.”

Her lips parted as she sighed, giving him what he wanted. He
went straight for his target, claiming her mouth in a searing kiss. The first
contact felt right, an invisible spark drawing new life. She gasped when
tingles erupted over her skin, spreading through her torso. His tongue darted
out, sliding past her lips with practiced ease. He tasted perfect—hot, warm and

Unlike the few lovers from her past, he wasn’t the least bit
timid. He took full control, dominating her mouth, the thrusts of his tongue
wild and forceful. The fingers he’d placed at the back of her head tightened
and tugged on her hair. She reached blindly for him, going for the hand he’d
wrapped around her neck. Clutching at his wrist, she sank her nails into his
skin. His forearm brushed her nipple and she arched her back, wanting him to do
it again. A tremor racked her, the pulsing in her stomach winding its way to
her sex.

Holy shit.

This was what she’d been missing. She’d told herself she
didn’t need it but she’d been wrong. No one had kissed her like this, exciting
her so much she knew she’d come with a simple caress over her clit. She moaned,
flicking her tongue against his. He growled, coming closer. Their tongues
glided together, moved away and returned. The man certainly knew how to use his
mouth. What sort of things could he do when he went down? Did he have the same

It felt like she was drowning, sucked deep into the
undertow. Not that she cared.

She never wanted this to stop.

Surrendering completely, she let herself go.



His wolf howled in his head, brushing its fur against the
inside of his skin. It had finally gotten a taste of its mate, basking in
Rachel’s sweetness and scent. Declan had known his female would be like this.
Her fuck-with-me-and-die attitude was all for show. He’d seen right through it
to the woman who kept people at a distance. She yearned for closeness, needing
to be kissed, touched and loved beyond measure. He’d give her that and so much

Finally after weeks of dreamsharing he was touching her in
reality. Not that the dreams hadn’t been exciting. He’d chased her for what
seemed like forever—until last night. He’d caught her, ready to show her what
she’d been missing. He’d howled in frustration when she’d vanished, ripped away
from his arms as she’d woken from sleep.

So that afternoon as he’d driven to her garage he’d decided
the wait was over.

With a sweeping motion, he brushed his arm over her breast.
She arched up, groaning into his mouth. He couldn’t wait to tear off her clothes
and put his mouth all over her. His nose tingled, the scent of her arousal
making his straining cock jerk. He didn’t have to touch her to know her cunt
was drenched. She smelled good enough to eat. Once he put his head between her
legs he wasn’t going to rush. He wanted to take his time, listen to her low
whimpers and soft cries as he lapped at her slit like candy.

His gums tingled, his fangs wanting to drop. The wolf wanted
to take the next step, ready to seal the deal. The agonizing feeling took him
out of the moment, reminding him he was racing against the clock. Jackson had
asked Declan to woo Rachel before he did the most extreme thing possible—biting
the female and changing her. Once done Rachel wouldn’t want anyone else. They
were meant for each other even though she didn’t know it yet. As a human, she
could cast aside his advances. As a werewolf she’d need what only her male
could provide.

Back the fuck off.
He tried to fight the animal
It’s not time.

If he was lucky Rachel would take him into her bed. He
couldn’t wait to see her red hair covering the pillows, her lithe form writhing
in bliss. He’d bury his face between her legs, licking up and down her crease,
drowning in her taste. When she was ready to let go he’d suck on her clit and send
her over the edge. He shuddered, imagining her doing the same to him. He
visualized how she’d look with his cock between her rosy lips, her blue eyes
gazing up. He’d be lucky if he didn’t come down her throat, turned on by the
mere thought.

The night would be fucking perfect. He’d make certain of it.

Afterward they could discuss the situation. Maybe with time
she’d welcome the change. He didn’t want to force it on her but his nature
demanded she accept what was meant to be. Once she’d been bitten she’d stop
aging, no longer susceptible to disease or the dangers humans faced. They’d be
together—a mated couple forever. She’d be a part of him and a part of the pack.
She’d never have to face the world alone again.

“Rach?” a familiar, feminine voice called out. “You back

Rachel froze, her body tightening up. The scent of her
arousal mixed with the strong peppery smell of fear and anxiety. She tore her
mouth from his and squirmed from his grasp. He let her go, gritting his teeth.
He watched, furious at the interruption as she shimmied from beneath the car.
Her cheeks flamed red and she refused to look at him, as though she’d been
caught making out in the back of a car by a curious police officer.

Fucking great.

“Gimme a sec, Chloe!” Rachel screamed, sounding calmer than
she looked. “I’ll be right there.”

Damn it.
Declan had promised Jackson he’d pursue
Rachel but keep Chloe out of it. His Alpha’s mate had been trying to reconcile
with her father and didn’t need additional shit to worry about. So far he’d managed
to stay off Chloe’s radar but if she saw him she’d start asking questions. He’d
known Rachel wouldn’t say anything since she’d have to admit she’d been talking
to a werewolf—hell, she’d been making out with one. Now they were both trapped,
unable to hide if Chloe walked into the back and saw them together.

He followed Rachel, sliding from beneath the vehicle. She
whipped around and glared at him, narrowing her eyes. “The back door is
unlocked,” she whispered. “Go out that way.”

“This isn’t over,” he warned, staring her in the eye. “I’ll
be paying you a visit tonight. Don’t bother locking your door. It won’t keep me
out. We’re finishing what we started.”

Rachel went from pissed to horrified. “Don’t you dare,” she
seethed. “Chloe’s coming over tonight. She’ll flip if you show up.”

“Then I’ll wait until she leaves.” He rushed across the
distance, brushing off the slaps she delivered to his chest. Yanking her to
him, he kissed her quick and hard. Then he lifted his head, meeting her gaze.
“I mean it, Just Rachel. When Chloe goes, I’ll be paying you a visit.”

“Rach?” Chloe’s voice sounded closer.

Fuck a duck.

The wolf snarled in his head when he let Rachel go. It
didn’t want him to leave—fuck, he didn’t want to leave either—but it was for
the best. There wasn’t a lot of time left. If he didn’t claim Rachel soon he’d
slowly start losing control. God help her if that happened. He wouldn’t be able
to take her like a lover. Rather he’d fuck her like the animal he was, forcing
her to bend to his will. She’d never forgive him for it and he wouldn’t blame
her. Wolves considered the first union between mated couples an omen of things
to come. If they started off on the wrong foot everything would turn to shit.

“I’m on my way!” Rachel yelled and shot him one final look,
ordering between clenched teeth, “Get out of here already. Hurry up!”

He loathed the distance between them with each step he took,
heading for the door she’d indicated he should leave through. She’d been right
there with him on the ground, ready to receive what he had to offer. He’d
scented the sweetness of her cunt, watched as her eyes drifted closed in
ecstasy. His cock remained hard as a fucking baseball bat. Reaching down, he
shifted the damn thing to get comfortable. By now he was used to it. All he had
to do was think about Rachel and his dick functioned on autopilot, becoming so
stiff he had to stroke himself off several times a day.

Exiting the garage, he strode around the side of the
building. The sky had gone dark, the evening overtaking the day. Trying to
maintain a low profile, he’d parked a few blocks away. Apparently that hadn’t
mattered. He paused when he saw Jackson standing beside the ‘67 Ford Mustang
he’d recently started renovating. The Alpha had a grim smile on his face. The
son of a bitch had known Declan was inside the garage the whole time.

With no other choice, Declan walked the distance to the
Alpha. There wasn’t any use in trying to hide what had happened. Sooner or
later Jackson would call for details. So far Declan had told Jackson the
truth—he hadn’t gotten anywhere with the dreams and Rachel kept brushing him
off when he visited her shop. Now he had to balls-up and grow a fucking set.

“How’d it go?” Jackson asked, glancing down at Declan’s
crotch. “Not good, I take it.”

BOOK: Changed: 2 (Wolf's Den)
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