Chaos Bound (21 page)

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Authors: Sarah Castille

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Suspense

BOOK: Chaos Bound
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Naiya dropped to her knees as he pulled a condom from his pocket and sheathed himself. When he was ready, she wrapped her hand around him and squeezed tight licking over the head of his shaft. This she knew: After she started dating again, she’d quickly discovered a man could be put off sex if he got regular oral pleasure, so she’d researched, studied, and perfected her technique, combining her love of science and her knowledge of anatomy with the best porn the Internet had to offer.

She took him all in, fast and deep, dragging her tongue along the underside of his cock, longing to taste him free of the latex sheath. Still, his musky scent of arousal made her pussy clench with need all over again.

“Yes. Fuck. Yes.” His shaft swelled, and she pumped her fist in counterpoint to her mouth as she withdrew, and took him in again. Holt bucked against her, his hand fisting her hair.

“You’re so fucking sexy and it’s been so damn long, you do that again and I’m gonna come so hard.” He panted his breaths, as she took him to the back of her throat, his body coiling tight. “Harder, Naiya. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Suck my cock. Take me as far as you can in that sweet mouth.”

She sucked, and licked as she pumped her hand, but she didn’t need any of her tricks. On her last stroke, Holt threw back his head and let out a guttural groan, his hand tightening in her hair, holding her still. Naiya relaxed her throat as he thrust deep and climaxed hard, his orgasm going on and on, his cock pulsing against her tongue. Finally, he shuddered and pulled out.

“You okay, darlin’?” He pulled her up and let out a ragged breath.

“Been awhile?”

With a groan, Holt fell forward, palms to the rough brick wall, his forehead pressed against hers. “Three months or so. I thought maybe Viper had made it so I could never be with a woman again.”

“Apparently, you’re in good working order,” she said with a soft laugh.

Holt pressed a kiss to her temple. “But it’s never been like that.”

“For me either.” She cupped his jaw, bristly with a five o’clock shadow. “But now I can add fuck a biker outside a bar to my list of skills on my resume.”

He kissed her lightly and they straightened their clothing. He disposed of the condom in a nearby garbage can and returned to kiss her again. “Seeing you with that cop drove me fucking crazy. I woulda happily gone to jail to get his hands off you.”

Shoes crunched on the gravel around the corner. Holt spun around, pushing Naiya behind his back.

“Oh, there you are.” Michael’s voice rang out in the semi-darkness. “The bus driver said you hadn’t boarded yet.”

Holt held her firm behind him with one hand, while the other slid beneath his leather jacket to the gun holstered at this back.

“I forgot to give you my card.” Michael held out his hand as he walked toward them. “Just in case you remember anything that might help. I’m giving them out to everyone who was in the area at the time.”


“Neither of us was in the area,” Naiya said quickly, interrupting Holt. She stepped out from behind his back. “And we won’t even be in the state after tonight. Sorry we can’t help.”

Michael stared at her, his eyes narrowing every so slightly. “My mistake.” He tucked the card into his jacket pocket, and looked around. “Not much to see back here in the dark.”

Naiya put her hand on her stomach. “Still in the throwing-up stage of the pregnancy, and the restroom was occupied.”

Beside her, Holt choked back a laugh.

Michael’s gaze flicked to Holt and then back to her. “Ah. I guess with five kids it’s old hat for you.”

She pressed her lips together and met his challenge head on. No one would ever trip up a scientist on details. “Four kids. Tim, Fiona, Pat, and Louis.” She rattled off the names of her co-workers at the science center where she volunteered during the summer. All one year apart. We didn’t want to waste any time.”

Tension crackled in the air between them. Holt slid one hand around her waist, the other resting at his hip near his weapon. “Good luck with your investigation.”

Michael hesitated and then nodded. “Good luck with the baby.”

Naiya’s heart thundered in her chest, and she focused on slowing her breathing as Michael walked away.

“Kinda like the idea of gettin’ you knocked up,” Holt murmured when they were alone. “Then there’d be no doubting you were mine.”

Naiya let out the breath she didn’t know she’d been holding. “There would also be no mission of revenge because you’d be too busy changing diapers and rocking your daughter to sleep. Doesn’t really fit with the big, bad, outlaw biker image.” She pulled away and gave her clothing one last check.

“Lots of Sinners got kids,” Holt said. “Dax has five boys and he goes to the school and their sports games wearing his cut, not hiding who he is or what he does. And Cade’s got three kids. They moved to a house on Dax’s street ’cause the people there were accepting of Dax’s biker ways. Zane’s got a boy he didn’t even know he had, and there’s rumors Shaggy’s got kids all over the place with different women, but he never sees them ’cause his life is about the club…”

His voice trailed off and Naiya caught a flicker of sadness in his eyes. “You’re talking about them as if they’re still your family,” she said gently.

“They were my family. Not any more.” He shook himself and slid an arm around her waist. “Guess we gotta get on that bus. He’ll be watching. I think we put him off, but guys like that don’t give up easy.”

“Where will we go?”


“Isn’t that where the Sinners are based?”

He leaned down, nuzzled her neck. “It’s the only place you’ll be safe. Black Jacks can’t cross the border without risking death. Sinners own the cops since we got Deputy Sheriff Benson on our payroll and a coupla others, so they don’t do much except handle civilian problems and petty crime. We’ll lie low until I’m ready to move. I got some ideas about how we can spend the time.”

“I thought your plan was using me as bait,” she said dryly. “That’s not going to work if the Black Jacks can’t get to me.”

Holt’s face tightened, and he pulled her into his chest. “I got a new plan. One that doesn’t put you in danger and keeps you close.”

“Lucky me.”

A slow smile spread across Holt’s face. “You are lucky, ’cause once we find a place to stay, we’re gonna pick up where we left off, and this time no one’s gonna interrupt us.”




“What the hell happened to you the other night?” Banks handed Tank a beer, raising his voice above the roar of the crowd as Rider’s house band took to the stage. “Never saw you drink so much before. I went to find someone to take you home, but when I turned around you were gone.”

Tank put the bottle to his lips trying to come up with a suitable lie. After being warned off Ella, he could hardly tell Banks he had spent the night with her, albeit he couldn’t remember anything. He’d been drunk before. Hell, he’d spent the years before he met T-Rex half cut. But he’d never passed out. Never lost his memory. Never fucked a woman and not remembered it the next day. Something was definitely off about that night. And the worst thing was, he didn’t even know if he’d said anything that could get him into trouble with the club.

“Don’t remember much.” The cold bitter liquid slid over his tongue, grounding him in the moment, a contrast to the surreal feeling of waking up alone in an utterly pristine, ultra modern white room. At first he thought he’d died and gone to fucking heaven, but T-Rex wasn’t there, and given all the bad shit he’d done in his life, he knew the place he was going would be colored red. And yet, it had to be hell, ’cause why didn’t he remember doing such a hot babe, why were his clothes still on, and why was he all alone?

Maybe that’s how it was with smart women. They didn’t get all emotional about sex. They were busy with their work, and although they enjoyed cutting loose, it didn’t mean they were looking for more than a good time. Although he didn’t know if she’d enjoyed their night together because he’d drunk himself into a fucking coma.

“Well, at least you got away from Ella,” Banks said. “I heard some shit about her that would make even the toughest dude turn and run. She’s fucking merciless when it comes to getting a story. There’s nothing she won’t do.”

“Yeah, lucky me.” He took another sip of his beer. If she was only after a story, why the hell did she invite him home after he’d made it clear he wasn’t about to share any information about the club? Had he missed something? He’d never been with a smart woman before. Maybe because smart women were attracted to smart men. Tank loved mechanics, tinkering with engines and machines, and fixing his bike, but he had no formal training or education. Sure he was loyal, strong, brave, and a damned good shot, but he had nothing to offer a woman like Ella.

Jagger joined them at the bar, and Banks poured him a shot of Scotch.

“Good to see you kicking back, brother.” Jagger lifted his glass to Tank. “These are hard times, and sometimes you gotta step back and have a bit of fun.” His glaze flicked to former Deputy Sherriff Benson, now a lowly prospect, wiping tables in the corner, and an evil smile spread across his face. “Prospect.” He waved Benson over, and Tank’s mood lifted as Benson hauled ass across the bar. He hoped Jagger kept Benson as a permanent prospect. There was nothing as entertaining as watching the former Deputy Sheriff doing all the grunt work for the club when only three months earlier he had the power to lock them up.

“Sir.” Benson pressed his lips together in grim anticipation of the humiliating task Jagger had in store for him.

“Hold the bottle. Fill my glass—” Jagger cut himself off and frowned. “Why did Gunner let that girl into the bar? No way is she legal.”

Tank looked up as Gunner led a pretty, young blonde with fire-red nails through the bar. He figured she was eighteen at the most, but her eyes suggested someone much older.

“What the fuck?” Banks grumbled. “I’m gonna be fucking shut down before I get this place going.”

“Girl’s looking for Benson.” Gunner gave her a gentle shove in Benson’s direction. “Here he is but he’s not Deputy Sheriff anymore. Now he’s our slave.”

Jagger lifted an eyebrow. “Didn’t think you were the type to go for teenagers, prospect.”

“I’m not,” Benson said. “I’ve never seen her before in my life.”

Tank joined in the raucous laughter. How many times had women come to the club or the bar and a brother threw out that line? Hell, even he and T-Rex had used it a couple of times when a few skanky bitches tracked them down after a wild night.

“What do you want with our prospect, sweetheart?” Jagger finished his drink and nodded at Banks to pour him another.

“I met a guy in Missoula.” She stared at the floor, twisted her hands as she talked. “He … rescued me from a bad situation and told me to come to Conundrum and look up Deputy Sheriff Benson. I was supposed to ask him to take me to the Sinners. I went to the address he wrote down, but when I got to the police station, they got angry and told me I’d probably find him here.”

“Well you’ve found him.” Benson pointed to his chest. “But what business do you have with the Sinners?”

Her voice dropped, almost to a whisper. “He said I should ask for Tank, and he would hook me up at the club.”

“He knew Tank?” Jagger turned his full attention to the girl. “Did he tell you who he was?”

She shook her head. “Didn’t know much about him. He was about his height.” She pointed at Tank. “But a lot thinner. Long, blond hair. He was wearing a shirt with a beaver on it.”

Tank’s heart skipped a beat. “Dark blue? Yellow beaver?”

“Yeah. I think so,” she said. “I mean it was kinda dark when I met him, and I wasn’t paying much attention. He had a kick-ass bike though. It was huge. All chromed up. I think it was green.”

“It’s him. It’s T-Rex.” Tank’s body shook as if he’d just been shot with adrenaline. “Fuck. Jagger. That was him I saw in Still Water. Same bike. Same shirt. Same description. He knew my name.” He grabbed Jagger’s cut in his fist. “He thought Benson was still a Deputy.”

“Tank.” Jagger’s voice was low with warning. “Hand.”

Tank jerked his hand away as if he’d been burned. “It sounds like T-Rex. He’s got a big heart. This is exactly the kind of thing he would do. We gotta go get him, Jag. Now. We need to send a team to Missoula…”

“Tank.” Jagger cut him off with a bark. “Slow it down. This could be a trap. If it was T-Rex, and he got out, why isn’t he here? Why is he driving around Missoula dressed in a sweatshirt picking up hookers instead of giving you a call?” He lifted the girl’s chin with his finger. “Isn’t that right, sugar?”

Tank startled when tears spilled down her cheeks. “I didn’t want that life,” she sobbed. “He got me out. He said Benson and the Sinners would help me.”

Jagger gave her a sympathetic look. “Benson’s not in a position to help you any more. It’s me who decides what happens to you, and I’ll be needing a lot more information about your meeting with that guy on the bike before I make any decision.” He stared pointedly at Tank as he emphasized the word “any.”

Tank felt the refusal like a punch to the gut. “But—”

Jagger shook his head. “I’m not saying we don’t go check this out. If T-Rex is out there, I want to find him as much as you, but we need to know what we’re up against. My job is to keep my brothers safe. There are pieces to this puzzle that make sense and pieces that don’t. Snake said he was dead. Now I got a girl who met a guy who knows your name, rides a fancy bike, got long hair and a beaver shirt. Maybe she’s making it up. Maybe she’s a Black Jack rat. I’m not sending anyone out on the road until I know for sure what’s going on.”

“Let me go,” Tank begged. “Just me. I’ll take the risk. If it’s a lie, I’ll find out. If it’s a trap, I’ll spring it. If he’s lost, I’ll find him and bring him home. If someone’s gonna die, let it be me.”

He couldn’t go against Jagger or the club. But how the hell could he stay here when T-Rex was out there? Needing him. Just the thought of T-Rex alone and hurting made him feel sick inside.

“Christ.” Jagger scrubbed his hand over his face. “If you feel that strongly about it, then go. But you’re not gonna find him in the dark. Wait until morning, so I can talk to this girl and make some calls so you got some support clubs behind you if things go wrong. And I’ll want your word that if anything feels off, or you see any Jacks about, you turn around and come home.”

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