Chaos Conquers All (17 page)

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Authors: A.A. Askevold

BOOK: Chaos Conquers All
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As the first bullet hit Black he stumbled and turned his gaze on her. He frowned as he looked down at the gun in her hand. He raised his own weapon as if it were an afterthought but Nikki wasn’t worried. The slide was open. Still she waited. She let him figure that out on his own. He tried to pull the trigger and when the gun didn’t go off he looked down at the weapon in his hand. Then the fear really set in. He took one last look at her. She smiled sweetly at him and then she pulled the trigger and unloaded the entire clip into his body. 


Nikki dropped the gun and turned her gaze back to Cole. There was no movement in his body, no unconscious twitches, no detectable rise and fall of his chest. His eyes were closed preventing her from looking into those otherworldly green eyes and knowing the reality of his death. She didn’t have time to dwell on that as the sound of gunshots got louder and the space began to fill with bodies. She still had to get to Trace.


Nikki hauled herself out from under the dead body and scrambled across the floor. She moved through the Chaos around. Bullets were flying in every direction, men were shouting and crying out as they were hit and in all that mess she knew she heard her name called but she didn’t respond. She reached Trace and sat on her knees in front of him.

“Trace? Can you hear me?” she asked as she lifted his head in her hands.

He stirred and mumbled something she couldn’t make out.

“Don’t worry the cavalry is here. I’m gonna cut you loose, okay?” she told him as she gently let go of his face.

Nikki searched around her for something to cut Trace’s bindings with. Surely one of these bodies has a knife. Her gaze flitted from body to body and came to land on the one body she didn’t want to look at.


A blade was tucked neatly into a holster on Cole’s hip. She reached out with a shaky hand and her fingers closed around the handle of the blade. A hand suddenly gripped her arm and a sense of dread filled her as she brought her eyes to his. This time they were open.

“Angel,” he whispered shakily as he stared at her.

Those otherworldly green eyes bored into her searching for something to hold on to. She couldn’t give him that and he knew it.

“I’m sorry Cole,” she told him quietly.

“No Angel,” his said his voice so quiet she had to lean close to hear him, “This was the way it was meant to be, the only way it can be.”

His breath hitched and caught in his throat then stuttered to life once more. His grip on her arm began to loosen and his eyes, those otherworldly green eyes, began to dull.

“My Angel,” the words slipped from his lips on one last exhale.

His lifeless green eyes stared at her and she felt nothing. He was dead and the piece of her he owned died with him as she looked into those empty eyes.





They worked their way around the back of the building. A group of vehicles were parked haphazardly in the space between them and the mill. Black’s sedan marked with bullet holes was among them. There was no movement among or inside the vehicles that they could detect. They slid between the vehicles and Tex came across the first enemy casualty of the evening. One of Black’s goons lay on the ground next to Black’s car with his throat slit.

“I take it that means the competition is already here,” King whispered to him.

Fucking Bridges. They needed to get into that building yesterday. That bastard could’ve taken off with Nikki already and they wouldn’t have a clue.


They found two more bodies on their way to the back of the mill. Just as Tex reached the edge of the group of vehicles a noise caught his attention. He turned around searching the shadowed area for the source of the noise. Another noise. Was that a voice? A woman’s voice? It seemed to come from somewhere in the middle of the group of vehicles.

“What is it boy?” King whispered quietly to him.

“Thought I heard something. Near Black’s car,” he replied.

“Check the car,” King commanded gesturing to Brodie and Jay.

They watched both men sneak back towards the black sedan. Just as they reached the car gun shots sounded from the other side of the building. All men turned their attention back to the building. A few seconds of silence were followed by a single shot from inside the mill and Nikki’s gut wrenching scream.


  The sound set a fire under Tex’s ass like nothing ever had before. He ran toward the building with his brothers hot on his heels. He searched the wall with his eyes looking for any weakness in the building that would serve as an entry point.

“There,” King stated quietly pointing to a loose sheet of tin at the edge of the building. Tex tore the sheet from the wall as more gun shots sounded this time from the front of the building. As he ducked into the darkness of the old mill he swore to every deity that ever existed that if that bastard had hurt either Nikki or Trace, he’d tear them all apart with his bare hands.


Tex launched himself head first into the dark bowels of the building. Shards of light filtered through the wooden walls of the small store room he found himself in. He headed straight for the largest source of light, a doorway halfway along the wall. He ran through the opening as more gun shots sounded. Machinery blocked his view of the scene and throwing caution to the wind, he ran around the machinery and into the chaos on the other side.


As he rounded the machine he immediately spotted Nikki. She was alive. That bastard hadn’t got his hands on her. His heart soared.

“Nikki!” He said her name loudly as he watched her move across the floor.

Bad move. His yell brought several sets of eyes his way and he barely had time to dive behind a small bandsaw before the bullets came his way. He peered around his cover. He should’ve gone the other way around the machines. The trajectory he had taken put him on the opposite side of the room from them. Nikki was kneeling at the edge of the ring of light in front of Trace. His brother looked to be in a bad way. Tex searched the space between them trying to find some cover that would get him closer. There was nothing.


A bullet tinged off the metal of the machine and something burned its way along his cheek.

“Fuck,” he hissed as his hand went to his face.

There was no hole in his cheek and he wasn’t chewing on a piece of lead. Something had scored its way across his cheek and it stung like hell. Gun fire sounded all around him as the rest of the club moved behind the machinery firing through the gaps. That, plus the men moving from the front of the building, should have their enemy surrounded in minutes. The only place they had to go was back toward Nikki and Trace. It would only be a matter of time before these idiots noticed them. Where the fuck were Brodie and Jay?


Before he could take another look around his cover, the building plunged into darkness. Shit. This was not good. The mill’s windows had been boarded up quite some time ago offering no natural light to see by. Confused shouts and erratic gunfire broke up the suddenly thick and heavy air. Tex edged out from his cover again and this time there was no answering bullets. He wasn’t surprised, though he could barely see two feet in front of him. He may as well use the cover of darkness to his advantage.


Staying low he moved quickly through the thick blanket of blackness that covered the inside of the building. He moved as directly as he could in Nikki and Trace’s direction. They had better still be exactly where he’d last seen them because if he crossed this space and found they’d disappeared there’d be hell to pay. As he neared his destination he heard whispering. He froze and strained trying to figure out who was in the dark ahead of him. A deeper tone was followed by a softer unmistakably feminine one. Nikki?


He rushed forward his foot suddenly hitting the unmistakable softness of flesh. It was too late to stop. He stumbled forward falling over the body and landing hard on the floor.

“Ugh,” he grunted as he hit the floor and his gun bounced out of his hand.

Tex barely had time to recover his breath before someone was on him. Sheer instinct drove him to flip the body off him. He raised his hips and rolled forcing the person on top of him to the floor. As he rolled on top of them he reared back his fist. He didn’t get a chance to let it fly. His assailant’s arms went round his neck and some part of their body crunched into his balls.


He sucked in a huge gulp of air and his whole body strained with the pain. When the wave of pain passed, Tex found himself on his back again. Well that was a dick move but then his assailant never declared it a fair fight. Arms tightened around his neck and straight away he knew he was in trouble. Despite his years of training he went straight for his assailants arm. His finger closed around what seemed to be quite a small wrist for a guy. As he pulled at it the body on top of him leaned closer and, what felt like long hair brushed his arms and face. What the hell? As soft breasts pressed against his body his brain suddenly put two and two together.


The light above them flicked on in a sudden flash of burning white light. Nikki got the position locked in pushing his chin up with the top of her head so she could squeeze his neck harder focusing all her pressure on his carotid. As his eye sight began to focus in the harsh light he felt the wooziness that comes with a lack of blood to the brain. A gun man appeared in his line of vision on the walkway above the mill floor. The muzzle of the man’s weapon was trained on them. He had barely seconds before he would be out cold and she would be dead.


He rammed his fist under her connected wrists with such force that it not only broke her hold but clipped her chin. Her head was forced up knocking his own chin and forcing his head back into the floor. The hit added to the feeling of dizziness he was already suffering from. He fought it off and flipped her over smothering her with his body.

“Nikki,” he growled her name as she tried to push him off.

She froze underneath him.


His body jerked as the bullet hit him. Pain spread through him like raging fire. He jerked again as another bullet hit. He could hear Nikki screaming his name in the distance but he just held her tight and wouldn’t let go. His body jolted one more time but he didn’t feel the pain as the darkness dragged him down. He wouldn’t let go. No matter what he would never let her go.

Chapter 13


Nikki stood in silence as she stared at the headstones in front of her. She had cried so much in the last few months, she didn’t think she had any tears left and yet she felt the wetness on her cheeks and tasted the saltiness on her lips. Strong hands gripped her shoulders and for the hundredth time she thanked god for the strength, loyalty, trust, understanding and love of her family. She had drawn them into one hell of a twisted journey that resulted in more than one death. They could’ve taken her position from her, hell, they could’ve taken her patch, but they didn’t. They forgave her. She only wished it was easier to forgive herself. She just had to deal with it in a constructive way and she had plenty of help with that.


“Ready to go, Baby Girl?” Trace asked in as he linked their hands together.

She looked up at him. His face had healed but not without a few hints of the beating he’d taken that night. A small scar broke through the line of his eyebrow hair and another ran down from his ear to the corner of his jaw. The bruising to his body had faded and his broken ribs had healed. The punctured lung he’d received had required surgical treatment which had left him with a raw throat and croaky voice for a while.

“Yeah I’m ready,” she replied, “Where are we going anyway?”

“Not far,” Tex relied as he slung his arm over her shoulders.

She was careful not to lean too much of her weight into him but apparently she wasn’t subtle enough. He gripped her hard and tucked her right up against his side.

“I keep telling you Ace, I’m fine,” he said as he squeezed her shoulder.

She’d been wary of touching him because of his bullet wounds. He’d taken three in the back before someone had taken out the shooter. The first through his shoulder, the second through his kidney and the third through the lung inches from his heart. He’d been critical. They’d both been critical. The fear that she’d nearly lost them both still swam around inside her and they both knew it.


As they walked the long winding road back to the cabin, Nikki thought about the chaos of that night. She’d screamed out of fear when she realised Tex had been shot. She’d struggled to get him off her but he’d just wound her up so tight she couldn’t move and he’d held her there until King hauled him half-conscious off her. They’d carry him out of that building bleeding to death. Brodie and Jay had already grabbed Trace just as the lights had gone out. They’d hotwired one of the vehicles in the lot and she’d driven them all like a bat of hell straight for the hospital. She’d stayed there for days numb to everything except what was happening with the men she loved. She couldn’t remember if she slept or ate or showered.


She had vague recollection of asking about Mace and being told he was fine. The vest had taken the bullet but he’d struck his head when he fell and it had knocked him unconscious momentarily. This was a source of great amusement for his brothers. She also had a vague recollection of King coming to her and telling her that all the Niners were dead. They had hunted them down. Every last one of them was now cold and in the ground. It wasn’t until much later, when the both men were up and about, that she learnt about Cole.


Thinking his name did nothing except bring up a sense of vague confusion. After the fight at the mill when the club was clearing up the evidence his body was missing. She’d watched him die. She’d watched the life seep from his body and his eyes go dull. She knew for certain what she’d seen and now he’d just vanished into thin air. Then she’d thought about Roger. No one had seen him that night. He must’ve been hiding somewhere in the shadows and retrieved his boss’s body when the lights went out. Her confusion was compounded when days later she received a visit from some random lawyer supposedly handling Cole’s estate who handed her the deed for the Mint.


She’d talked it over with Tex and Trace. Something she should’ve been doing long before any of this shit happened. The place was tainted and she didn’t want anything to do with it but the income for the club would be massive. In the end they convinced her, although it wasn’t hard, to sell it. She gave most of the money to the club. A sum that large was going to change a lot of things for them and for the club. She wasn’t worried about that now though. Right now the only thing she was worried about were the two men walking beside her.


She looked up to find the cabin right in front of her. As they wandered up the steps she looked at both men and the grins on their faces told her exactly where they were taking her.

“Trace grab the door,” Tex commanded in that bossy way of his.

“Yes Sir,” Trace answered with a mock solute as he opened the cabin door.

“This is where we’re going? And here I thought you were taking me somewhere exciting,” she said sarcastically.

“You want exciting huh?” Tex asked with a dark look in his eye.


He whipped her around and pinned her against the outside wall of the cabin. As she gasped his mouth crashed down on hers and his tongue swept into her mouth plundering and conquering. She’d be lying if she said his aggressiveness didn’t make her instantly wet. If Cole had left her with anything, it was the taste for something a little more forceful but not to the disturbing level it had gotten with him. She didn’t want either man to hurt her, not like she’d wanted it with Cole. He pulled back from her leaving her panting for breath while Trace watched on in amusement.


“We could do it right here. Would that be exciting enough for you? Getting fucked outside against the wall of the cabin. What do you reckon Trace?” Tex asked his dark eyes firmly trained on hers.

“I don’t know about you but I’m not much of one for splinters in my ass. How bout we take it inside?” Trace replied.

Tex just shrugged and in one swift move hefted Nikki up over his shoulder. He smacked her hard on the ass. The sting sent a jolt of pleasure through her and she squirmed unconsciously.

“Doesn’t worry me brother long as we get her naked and fast,” Tex growled as he stomped through the cabin door and straight toward the bedroom.


He threw her down on the bed and climbed up next to her. She reached out toward him and he grabbed her wrist stopping her short of touching.

“Uh ah Ace, Trace’s turn,” Tex stated as he pushed her hand towards Trace.

She rolled on to her side her hand clutching on to Trace’s shirt and drawing him down towards her. As their lips met Tex pressed himself hard up against her back. His hand slid underneath her shirt and began massaging her breast. Trace’s hand smoothed its way over her thigh warming her skin through her denim jeans. Tex's lips began to work on her shoulder his tongue flicking across her skin. Trace's fingers travelled further across her thigh and back up again caressing her gently. Tex pinched and rolled her nipple between his thumb and finger. Nikki felt the tingling build to an ache as they caressed her body.


Trace’s hands went to the fly of her jeans as Tex grabbed her shirt and pulled it up over her head. She moved her own hands to her hips sliding her jeans from her body which left her totally naked. She hadn’t bothered with underwear. Since the boys came home it seemed like any time they were alone together her panties ended up torn and her bras thrown away. Both men took the opportunity to remove their shirts. She felt the press of their naked chests against her body and she squirmed immediately reaching for Trace’s fly.

“Slow it down, Baby Girl. We got all night,” he whispered as he slid her hands up to his chest.


Trace's fingers slipped lower finding the soft folds of her sex and Nikki realised how swollen and sore she really was. While both Tex and Trace had made sure she came frequently, the repeated sex had taken its toll on her body. She drew a sharp breath in and bit her lip at the sting as Trace worked his fingers inside her.

"You sore, Baby Girl?" Trace asked with a cheeky grin as his fingers slid deep.

"Mmmm Hhhmmm," was all she managed to mutter in reply.

Tex's hand disappeared from her breast and slid down her body his fingers joining Trace's.

"Mmmm, you do feel a little swollen," Tex agreed, "that's what happens to gorgeous, greedy, little pussies."

Nikki turned her head toward him to protest against his greedy pussy comment but as her mouth opened he bit down on her shoulder causing her to gasp. Her muscles clenched around their fingers as her hips shifted unconsciously seeking more friction.

"See, greedy. Oh so fucking greedy," Tex stated as he began to move his fingers faster.


Trace's fingers slid out of her entrance, leaving Tex to continue his work there, and went in search of her now throbbing clit. When they found their target, Nikki knew in spite of her tenderness, they would be spending all evening in much the same manner as they had all the night and morning before and the one before that and the one before that. Tex nudged at her cheek with his nose.

"Give me your mouth Ace," he commanded.

She turned her head more than happy to acquiesce to his demand. His kiss was as scorching as the heat of his body against her back. His fingers slid from her as he and Trace used their bodies to push her over onto her back.


Tex released her mouth and moved down to her breast. It closed over her nipple, warm and wet, and she moaned through the jolt of excitement that made a beeline from her nipple to her clit. Trace’s mouth went straight between her legs. His lips and tongue finding her clit with sweet accuracy. As he licked and sucked at her swollen nub she squirmed impatient for something to fill her aching sex. She didn’t have to wait long for Trace to oblige. His fingers filled her stroking and massaging her inner walls. She gasped as he found the sweet spot inside her and began to stroke it with his fingers. Her hips began shifting working herself on his fingers and face pushing her body towards climax.


Tex’s mouth popped her nipple free and made its way up her mouth to her ear. She shivered in anticipation of the words she knew were coming. He growled in her ear causing her sex to clench down on Trace’s fingers but it didn’t push her over the edge.

“Fuck, Ace. Love to watch you work that greedy little pussy. Makes me so fucking hard,” he growled into her ear as he took her hand and placed it on the front of his jeans.

His words set off another wave of pleasure and she bucked into Trace’s hand and mouth. They groaned in unison as her hand squeezed Tex’s cock. Fuck she was gonna come and hard. Tex’s hand covered hers and he began to stroke himself with it through his jeans.

“The only thing that makes me harder is watching you come. Now come Ace,” he commanded.

Right on cue her body exploded and she called out Trace’s name as the rush of orgasm swept through her.





Tex shifted his gaze up to Nikki’s face as she came. He could barely hold himself back when he saw her like that. He heard Trace’s name fall from her lips and sure it tugged at the caveman in him, but instead of wanting to kill Trace like he would had it been any other man, it simply spurred his desire to hear Nikki say his name like that. He watched Nikki's eyes open slowly as she came down from her orgasmic high. As she gazed at him in her blissful post-orgasmic state he knew he had to make her come. He wanted to put that look on her face.


He pounced on her mouth kissing her aggressively and giving her a taste of what he was going to do to that greedy gorgeous little pussy. He tore his mouth from hers and watched her gasp for breath. He turned towards Trace who was now kneeling between Nikki’s thighs.

“My turn, brother,” he growled and he heard Nikki whimper in response, “Don’t forget the handcuffs, Trace.”

He smiled down at her like a predator eyeing its prey as he watched Trace cuffing her wrists to the bed head. He didn’t miss the shiver that went through her body as she was locked into place. When her eyes came back to his he could tell from the desire on her face that he’d made the right choice. They’d all made the right choice.


Tex grabbed a hold of Nikki’s thighs and pulled them wide to allow room for his broad shoulders. He stared down at her glistening sex admiring the beauty of that greedy little pussy. 

"I want to kiss you," Nikki's voice brought his head up.

Trace leaned down toward her but Nikki shook her head.

"Not on your mouth," she stated in a husky tone.

Tex thought he heard Trace groan in response although it very well could've been him. The thought of sliding into Nikki's mouth was completely distracting. He watched as Trace freed himself from his jeans and slowly brought it to her mouth. He couldn’t help but imagine his own cock in that sweet little mouth. She leant forward and flicked her tongue over Trace's crown and this time he definitely groaned.


Her gaze shifted to him and he caught the mischievous sparkle in her eye. That little sparkle made his cock twinge with anticipation. She knew he was watching and she wanted to make sure he was aware of that fact. Her gaze went back to Trace, and Tex watched as her lips closed over Trace and he slid his length into her mouth. Fuck. His cock practically jumped against his fly trying to get out.  Damn tease. He wanted that so bad but he had other things to attend to. With a growl he dove into her sex and a sense of triumph spread through him as he heard Nikki squeal around Trace's cock.

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