Chaos Mortalitus (18 page)

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Authors: Mark LaMaster

Tags: #Science Fiction, #Fiction, #Fantasy

BOOK: Chaos Mortalitus
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I gently lay him to the wet soil from the bleeding rains as a cold wind picks up, snapping sharply at my face. I turn and look to the rock the child lay near and realized why he had the small sharp stone in his hand. The boy in his last moments carved a final testament into this stone, now to be aged through the eons.




Across the meadow,


Along the stream,


Upon the red mountains,


Beside this rock,


A boy sleeps outside and dreams,


He dreams about happiness,


He dreams about sadness,


Running through the darkness,


Toward dawns early light,


Escaping from this pain,


No longer living in this fear,


Running away from the loneliness,


Without happiness or love,


We cry out toward happiness,


But like always, no reply,


Up in the sky it bleeds to rain,


Beyond this pain, I'll dream.


A fire grows inside me and a rage begins to boil as I face the script etched finely in this rocks surface, atop this mountain. Tears stream from my eyes as the torment of this boy's struggle becomes my own. "I hate the creatures that did this! They will all pay! Before this day ends, those bastards will face their maker!" I say, just as anger seems to overcome me and then I feel a hand touch my shoulder and in that moment, an epiphany within.


"Do not place blame within yourself Ashton Mortal, this was the boy's destiny. This was his dream." Mortalitus says.


"He did not deserve this! DAMN THEM!!" I scream as my human emotions take hold of my judgment. "HE DID NOT DESERVE THIS!!!"


"Hesitate to meet this act with hostility. Understand this meaning. Only then will you truly become aware of your purpose, to fight this everlasting darkness Ash, to become more than those before you, a figure of undying hope. Treat our enemies with the respect they deserve as free beings." Mortalitus says enlightening the mood, helping me to embrace my true purpose.


"How can I respect this?"


"The act itself is sinister, yet if it changes the course of all things to come, is it not then destiny? If this boy's sacrifice creates peace through the vastness of time and space in all universes, how is it then in vain?"


I turn toward Mortalitus humbled. "Your logic and wisdom go beyond any I've known before, your heart is pure Mortalitus."


"Find the strength within yourself and exercise patience with our enemy, steadiness in the heat of battle, courage in the face of corruption. Only then might we show the light to those living in dark times. We cannot force this union with the dark ones;
only on equal ground in the face of annihilation can such a bond be formed
. Today we declare war against our enemy, but do not forget to extend your hand in friendship to all who seek it."


These words speak clearly to me as a warning now understood and how I would learn to endure the cryptic nature of this saga. Turning my body, I walk to the mountain's edge to stare out onto my target. As I make my way, Mortalitus bonds with my body once more and again I feel the immense power engulf me, my armor returned and ready for battle. Lifting my hood over the sharp edges of the helmet, I then place my hand on the handle of the Blade of Edoxus as I stare at the large camp in front of me. My vision fixed on my target, the huge towers in the compound's center, that's where I'm going.


"Then we do it your way Mortalitus. We'll try diplomacy first, yet know this, if they do not surrender their fleets here and now then war it shall be. And freedom that follows."




The central towers within the slave camps of Seithux are a vital structure to the Monarchy of Chaos. Lord Erazux address's his military advisors at these locations during times of war, a favorite amongst his strategic sanctuaries. His second in command, General Raithus Bairix, has primary authority over the planet Seithux and the system that surrounds it. General Raithus is a sinister being ruling with cruelty on levels never imagined, all in hopes of gaining favor with his one true Lord. Three towers stand in the center of the slave camp, the central unit standing taller then the two flanking.


Some of the most advanced alien weaponry and security technology reside within these towers, yet my presence goes unnoticed rather easy. Within the central tower, General Raithus briefs a gathering of lower level officials in the Xxirian coalition. "Xxirian warriors, I awoke today with a feeling of renewal! Our Lord Erazux is pleased with our performance as we ready our fleet for the conquest of the planet Kivos. My brother Trivusk and myself will lead this task. Trivusk, please brief our Xxirian brothers."


The gathering hall is a large circular room with ancient designs and mechanical elements. Thirty Xxirian officers sit in the room's center among the exquisite alien architecture, sharing opinions on this war that seems destined to wash over every corner of this universe. General Trivusk Bairix stands to address his fellow comrades. "I share my brother's vision this day, I feel our immanent victories yet yawn at this notion of war. This is no war, we do not face warriors, I spill the blood of the weak. My thirst for a warrior from the ancient days continues, yet I believe we own this universe and any who might say different will serenade me with screams of pain."


"There is honor in killing the weak brother, forget not that Xxirians are Gods amongst all creatures of this universe. All others are here for our amusement, nothing more. I do agree with Trivusk, we spill the blood of the weak yet I do not grow weary. I have an idea to inspire these pitiful slaves. Issue orders to have all elderly and those of humanoid ancestry killed. What do you think Trivusk?" General Raithus asks his brother.


General Trivusk turns his view to his brother with a diabolical grin. "Kill their children, all of them! Make sure all slaves are present for the executions! Maybe that will inspire some fight in them."


All the Xxirian officers share in the sinister heckle; excited at the idea of destroying the innocent as suddenly a presence comes over them, something foreign, something they could've never expected. Their laughter ceases as silence breaks through the large room now looming with unknown forces. The Xxirians struggle to move, to make sense of it all as laughter can be heard once again yet their voices remain silent. Amusement grows as a dark figure wearing a black cloak walks slowly toward the center of the room facing General Raithus and his officers.


Glowing eyes peer into the hearts of these creatures as I stare at their faces, with their eyes trying to understand what is happening to them, demanding to know how this is possible. Their anger grows with each moment that passes as they all sit frozen in time. If only they could be freed in this moment, for in their heart of hearts they know they would destroy this mysterious creature, for no reason other than they had the ability, yet here and now these creatures are my slaves. "I've come to you for one thing and one thing alone." I say to these creatures as I can feel the hate coursing through their veins.


"You will die for this! I swear you'll die for this! RELEASE US!!" General Raithus screams. "I COMMAND YOU!!!"


"In the name of diplomacy I've come to speak freely with you before I make my choice."


The fellow Xxirians struggle to speak, struggle to yell and provoke the intruder yet do not understand what it is that has come to call on them on such a fateful day. Raithus is a highly decorated General with a look fierce, an extremely large creature and exceptionally deadly. He is the only one I allow to respond to my questions, deciding my judgment in this moment and still I hope he has fight left in him, I hope they all do. "Diplomacy! Ha ha ha, you fool!" Raithus laughs even in the face of defeat. "I WILL RIP YOU APART PIECE BY PIECE!!


"I will only extend this once, this is your only chance. Withdraw your armies from this planet and release all slaves held by your Lord Erazux and then all worlds under Xxirian control. They're no longer your kingdoms." I reply, as the Xxirians threats do nothing to sway my resolve.


"You think you can give me orders! Do you know who I am? I will make you pay for this insult in ways you can not begin to imagine!" Raithus quickly fires back.


"I'm not done yet! Return to Edoxus and tell Lord Erazux that his empire is no more. Take your people back to Deoth and never return. Do all these things and your race shall be spared. Disobey, and all who stand with you in defiance will be destroyed."


"Ha, you're insane, you've really lost your mind. We are the universe, Xxirians are gods compared to you weak insects."


"Choose your next words wisely Xxirian, for the fates of many depend on those words. The future of your entire race rests in your hands. I lay claim to this universe. I am Lord Mortalitus, king of all things in all places. Your kind will spread this anarchy no more."


The tension in the room builds, as General Raithus shows no signs of intimidation. "You and any who follow shall die! I will kill millions just for your defiance this day and you shall bear witness. Then I will feast on you Mortalitus, while you scream for mercy. These weak creatures will all die, every last one!"


"So it begins. Tell your master that the true king of this universe has returned to claim his throne. Tell him Lord Mortalitus has come for his head."


"You will never defeat us Mortalitus, you will die!"


"The eye of the storm approaches. War is coming for all Xxirians." I reply in a cryptic tone. "Tell your master what you witnessed this day, if you survive it."


Outside the central towers on the grounds below, a sea of creatures make up the prison population held by this death camp. Working tirelessly each day to mine precious materials from Seithux as they're executed for entertainment value by their Xxirian guards. For all the Xxirian technologies and ancient weaponry, they're a primitive mentality, a weakness that can be easily exploited. It's late in the day in this star system as the prisoners' working shift draws to a close, giving the thousands of slave's a rest, if for only a moment.


Most have never known the sweet taste of freedom, haven't ever seen anything other than this dismal forgotten world. A select few have witnessed things from afar only recently joining the slave ranks, lost in the nightmares of the past. General Raithus and his brother General Trivusk are two of three Xxirian brothers in the Bairix family and head members of the Monarchy of Chaos. Xenom Bairix is the youngest of the three brothers, once a General to Lord Erazux same as his siblings, now a traitor branded and labeled a slave. Xenom followed the path of destruction paved by his closest of kin; yet found a new destiny, a liberated mindset.


A being of honor, he resigned his title as General and controller of a death camp on a planet called Nelhothux, within the Xiodal Galaxy. Xenom felt compassion toward the slaves of Nelhothux, finally realizing he could no longer be apart of this madness. No longer could he allow his memory within the tides of time to be tainted with the destruction created by his Xxirian brothers and sisters. Ready to face the certainty of death, Xenom resigned his place as General, to Lord Erazux himself. Lord Erazux, impressed with Xenom's sense of honor chose to spare him, sentencing the Xxirian to spend all the remaining years of his life in the death camps of Seithux, under the control of his brothers.


Cast down from his powerful status, Xenom Bairix still loves his brothers and family, coming from a long line of honored warriors. He simply could not see honor in Lord Erazux's crusade for destruction and for this his brothers viewed him a coward, weak. Often, his brothers would enter the main population of slaves to beat Xenom in front of the prison population. Wearing scars from these attacks and the brutality of these death camps, Xenom had been exiled from all he ever loved, left with only the memories of a life he once had. Sitting silently against a wall of one of the poorly constructed shelters, Xenom has made few friends and mostly keeps to himself.


Staring high up at the towers, he longs for the family and the identity he lost yet never regrets what he's become. Taking comfort with the fact that the blood of the innocent no longer stains his hands. In time he hopes that he might be forgiven for the transgressions of such a destructive past.


Just as fast as the shadowy figure came, it quickly vanishes from the gathering hall as General Raithus and the other Xxirian officers are held frozen still, completely aware yet paralyzed to move. Raithus feels a sense of anxiety for fear is never an option, not in the face of any enemy. The mere idea that for all their power, this creature walked right in and defeated them with a flick of the hand, such a notion is difficult to fathom for the hardened General. Their eyes bounce from one another, as the questionable becomes a very disturbing reality. The idea of defeat is unimaginable to the Xxirian hordes, as this mystical force they know nothing about has gravely warned them of the approaching judgment.


With that suddenly the ability to move returns and the Xxirians jump to their feet ready for battle, ready to face Mortalitus. Growling and a roaring rage from the reptilian creatures can be heard as they prepare themselves. "TRIVUSK! SOUND THE ALARM! SEND WORD TO LORD ERAZUX, WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!" Raithus commands. "THE REST OF YOU, BATTLE FORMATIONS! I WANT THAT CREATURE'S HEAD!! NOW!!!"


"YES BROTHER! I will join you shortly!" Trivusk replies quickly leaving the gathering hall to relay orders.

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