Chaos Mortalitus (32 page)

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Authors: Mark LaMaster

Tags: #Science Fiction, #Fiction, #Fantasy

BOOK: Chaos Mortalitus
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The door to the strategic chambers of the colossal ship opens and General Raithus Bairix emerges to join the conversation. The Xxirian General has been hesitant with the dark messenger ever since the moment they met, for he knows this evil has secrets but above all he knows this thing can't be trusted. "General Raithus will help lead the invasion against the humans and command the secondary unit that will hold in Earth's orbit and prep for the contingency." The dark one says.


"My lord, I have sent word to Veorix that the dark one will be leading the defense of Edoxus and is named Commander of the Xxirian forces. Veorix has already gathered a large sector of Xxirian soldiers to reinforce the presence on Edoxus. For any who might try and take the planet head on, the fiercest defense awaits. It seems that most are unaware of our whereabouts my Lord, although there is talk of your lack of exposure over the years." General Raithus says as he updates his king with universal current events from their claimed home world.


"Good work General. I can always depend on your word. You have shown your honor to be true and I'm glad to have you at my side in this our final war against the humans and any who might challenge my rule. This is our universe brother and should the day ever come that I am gone, you will be named my successor and granted my throne." Lord Erazux reveals praising his dedicated General who has stood by him in this fight for many years.


"Remember, heed my warning. Their communications must be disabled immediately or Mortalitus will be notified. If he is told of what is happening on his home world then our plans will be ruined. This must be perfect and remember, the humans will not be alone. A fleet from the army of Mortalitus will stand with them, to the death." The dark figure warns the two Xxirians as they prepare their hearts.


"I do not fear a mere fleet! I will destroy their spirits! Crush their hopes!" Lord Erazux arrogantly responds to the warnings of this mysterious and dangerous creature. "They will all fall in the eye of this approaching storm!"


"General, you must understand what it is you will face. Your loyalty will be tested before this battle is over." The mysterious creature says turning his focus to General Raithus with an ominous tone.


"My loyalties are not in question here dark one. Truth be told, it should be you we question, for you have already defied destiny once. You're the one who has no place here." General Raithus fires back at the cloaked oracle.


"We shall see. Know this Xxirian, your brother Xenom will stand against you in this fight. He will lead these humans against us, to any end."


Raithus stares back at the figure heartbeat elevated, holding his tongue for patience is necessary to deal with this intruder. He turns to his king ignoring the comments of the cloaked figure. "Whatever the cause, whoever the adversary, I stand with you alone my king. At the cost of my own brother's life, by my hand if you wish it my Lord. Xenom's choice is his own and he's dishonored our family's name. He is no blood of mine." Raithus says removing his Xxirian blade and pressing it to his chest as he bows to Lord Erazux displaying his loyalty to his command only.


"As brothers we will crush these humans. For all time we will command every inch of this universe. Our moment has arrived at last as the glory of battle awaits us. This is the blood omen of the planet Earth." Lord Erazux says with a sinister grin facing his General and in his heart that beats ever so cold, this battle has already begun. Once his thirst for blood is quenched the hidden blue pearl in this silent abyss will be dust and ashes, and all who once were will be no more.


General Jason Scott of the United States Marines sits in the Oval Office with General Greg Knight and President Jonathan Reynolds as they discuss this new course of events discovered by General Knight's security research and review team. They watch the video over and over from the evening of March 10
, 2029 A.D.; a video they can't believe has traveled so long to finally reach them, for there it sat silently under their noses. Unexplainable events locked within the precious seconds of footage.


Review of the radar reports from the same timetable reveal a startling discovery, for it was that evening that something happened within the pyramid that has sat calmly on the ocean surface for over a decade now. From the security footage a large electrical flash can be seen producing an intense blinding light within the central chamber. Following the light, an object can be seen exiting through the main entrance at an astonishing speed. Radar records indicated that the object left the pyramid at speeds defying the laws of physics all together, super luminal speeds.


General Scott has been briefed and his doubts are greater than ever for something is brewing, something dreadful is coming and he can feel it in his bones. Even with the video slowed down thousands of times, a black blur is all that can be made out. In the back of their minds it seems to be some sort of cloaked figure as this riddle pushes onward through stormy weather. Desperate times in the nation's capitol, for these walls of white have seen their share of despondency with historical events. Yet in the wake of the human milestones that have designed this people, this government, nothing can truly prepare them for the days ahead.


"Mr. President, I think we need to begin efforts to move to DEFCON 1. We should share our intelligence with the world's nations and advise them to also take up the highest level of alert possible." Jason advises the President, his long time commanding officer of the best course of action in his personal opinion as Greg sits in a chair beside the Resolute desk.


"I understand your concern General, but keep in mind the kind of hysteria this will generate. Not to mention the backlash this administration will face for withholding such historic events from the world's knowledge." President Reynolds says responding to the ever-chaotic changing events.


"I agree with General Scott Mr. President. We have to do something. Who knows what's really going on here, or what that thing was. Whatever it is, it sure left here in a hurry. Didn't bother to stop in and say hi, if you know what I mean." General Knight says agreeing with his mentor's opinion for Jason and Greg have stood back-to-back through thick and thin.


President Reynolds stares at the two aging soldiers that have become powerful figureheads in the military of the worlds dominate superpower. "Don't think I don't agree with your precaution. Understand this, no administration has ever gone to DEFCON 1, even in the nineteen sixties DEFCON 2 was issued to air forces only. We must do our best to remain calm and study these events further."


"You should listen to your advisors Mr. President." A voice from behind the President says as Jason's eyes quickly widen. In that moment I suddenly appear before the men and quickly feeling threatened, Jason Scott draws his sidearm and begins to point it toward me as I stand behind the President.


"GET DOWN MR. PRESIDENT!!!" General Scott screams to Jonathan as he aims and begins to squeeze the trigger of the weapon. Greg leaps from his chair in the direction of this mystery figure to insure the President's safety.


"Enough." I demand as I raise my hand and the two men freeze in place with Greg floating just over the lip of the historic Resolute desk.


Defying all logic and imagination the two men stare back at my figure as President Reynolds still able to move dives from his chair to the floor, slowly pulling himself away from the intruder. Dragging it out, I walk calmly from behind the desk toward the President who is frozen in headlights. Jonathan has seen every secret within the government, helped to even cover up the more recent events yet he knows no contact has ever been made with any form of alien life. He watches the intruder draw closer, as the dark cloak he wears shield's his identity. Glowing eyes peer back at Jonathan, through the dark hood an alien presence can be felt.


Gleams of light bounce off the metallic armor made visible by movement as this creature comes to a stop just in front of the President. "WHAT DO YOU WANT DAMN YOU?!?!" The President screams at the figure fearing this is the end.


"Stand up Mr. President, act like a man. I'm not here to kill you. I have more pressing matters to attend to. Please take your seat so we can begin." I reveal turning to my old friends still suspended in mid air, unable to move. "The years have come and gone, yet some things never change." I say as my eyes glow through this ancient helmet.


President Reynolds just sits on the floor as I walk to the fireplace against the wall facing the President's desk in the Oval Office. I release my friends that have been suspended in air with a flick of my hand as Greg comes crashing over the right side of the Resolute desk. Jason also looses his balance, but both men are quick to their feet as they race to secure the President. Covering the President from the front the men fix their aim upon this sudden and mysterious intruder. "DOWN ON THE GROUND! I'M ONLY GONNA' TELL YOU ONCE!!" General Scott screams in my direction. "NOW!!!"


"I've come here in peace. We have much to discuss Mr. President." I respond as I turn from the fireplace and once again give these men my full attention. "I'm sorry for arriving unannounced without a formal invitation, but time is truly of the essence."




"It's ok Greg. Let's give it a second. I don't think this is a threat." President Reynolds says as he stares at the creature he does not understand. "Who are you?"


I walk forward toward the men slowly, my arms at my side to reveal no ill intentions. "My name is Mortalitus Mr. President. I come to you from worlds elsewhere."


The two highly decorated military Generals keep their aim locked on me and for that I understand. I walk to an open chair in the office and sit down slightly scanning the room and its ancient relics. "Won't you please have a seat so we can discuss a few things Mr. President?"


President Jonathan Reynolds walks over to his executive chair in front of the three large windowpanes, a trademark of the Oval Office. He slowly sits in the chair for all this excitement and his old age are surely getting to him. The two Generals surround me as I sit facing the President on the opposite side of his desk. They keep their weapon sights directed at the back of my head for a kill shot if necessary.


"Ok. Let's have it then. What are you Mortalitus?" The President asks me with a heightened sense of tension.


I stare back at him for a moment, at this man who has been searching for answers to the riddle of Ashton Mortal for so long. If only in this moment he could make the connections, maybe I might be welcomed. "We are difficult to explain, for Mortalitus is not just I. We are two forms that create the entity of Mortalitus.


"I do not understand. You sit in front of me as one individual." Jonathan replies as the tension begins to dissipate. "Why are you here Mortalitus?"


"Universal war is on the approach Mr. President. I have come to inform you of this and begin the process of Earth's inductions into my kingdom."


"Kingdom? What are you talking about? Are you extra terrestrial?" Jonathan asks beginning to understand my purpose.


"I am king of the known universe, currently ruling over a planet Avothina in the Neshuza Galaxy. Our reach extends far as we seek to dethrone the Xxirian, Lord Erazux and reclaim the first human nation, known as Edoxus." The three men seem puzzled beyond comprehension as I reveal the small pieces of a vast puzzle.


Avotha City is bright and beautiful late into the evening, having become a technological metropolis housing creatures from every corner of the universe. Most come for a new beginning, a new home while others journey to fight for freedom, peace and a cherished king named Mortalitus. General Xenom Bairix sits once again on the balcony of his home atop the beautiful alien architecture that Mortalitus created when he commanded Avotha City out of the dust and rock. That was the day all the former slaves to the Xxirian oppression were finally free, and received a home of their own from the maker that had finally heard their cries and prayers.


Four friends of the revolution sit together to discuss the hours approach as Sirec stands and stares out onto the brightly lit city, pondering the future of this crusade. They've fought side by side the entire way from slavery to legendary and it is these warriors that will never accept defeat, no matter the circumstance. Three will leave together upon the return of their king, and one will lead the armies of freedom against the bringers of death. Sirec Exale stands silently while his comrades talk among themselves.


A dark color to his fur, shades of silver allow light to bounce from the tips, his face with unique markings that give him an ancient tribal look. "I don't like this one bit. You should all be with me at Edoxus."


"Come on Sirec. We've been over this already. This is the order of Mortalitus; he knows what's best for us. Besides its only until the war is over." Tikik responds trying to cheer her dear friend up, for she also has a bad feeling.


"She's right." Halex says. "You know we all must play equal parts in this. Our king requires us to protect what is most important to him. Keep in mind he hasn't seen her in over ten Earth years." Halex reveals leaning forward offering his opinion of the situation for he has seen the turmoil his king is bound by.


Sirec gives off a subtle growl as he turns his head to the city lights once more decorated in a warrior's armor, articles placed at random, some in decoration and others in remembrance. "This is no time to allow emotional ties to get in the way of certain victory. No one has ever attempted a sudden attack on an entire Xxirian colony. A suicide mission at best! I just wanted the best we have to offer alongside me."

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