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Authors: Bodines Bounty

Charlene Sands (22 page)

BOOK: Charlene Sands
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Emma’s grandmother stepped up and faced Bodine. “You make her happy, Bodine. Keep her safe.”

“Always, Mrs. Rourke. You have my word.” Then he turned to her. “You ready, Emmy?”

Emma hugged Bodine around the waist, the feel of him so right and familiar. She’d ride with him anywhere. Even Lola seemed to welcome her back.

“I’m ready,” she said, then whispered in Bodine’s ear. “I love you with all my heart, but don’t think you’re going to boss me around. I have a mind of my own.”

“I know you’ll give me hell. I’m counting on it. So long as you give me peace at night, we’ll be fine.”

Emmy knew she could do that. Already a new song of love pounded in her head. She couldn’t wait to sing to Bodine.

They were off Rourke land when something dawned on her. “Bodine, how can I marry you when I don’t even know your entire name?”

“I’ll tell you, sweetheart.”


“On our honeymoon.”

ISBN: 978-1-4268-0842-5


Copyright © 2007 by Charlene Swink

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BOOK: Charlene Sands
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