Charm School After Dark: Lesson 1 (13 page)

Read Charm School After Dark: Lesson 1 Online

Authors: Lynn Carmer

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction

BOOK: Charm School After Dark: Lesson 1
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I’m threatening you within an inch of your life; the least you can do is pay attention. And stop touching my Choos.” She snorted in laughter.
I’m so punny.
She placed an arm against her stomach; it actually hurt from laughing so hard.

Too bad no one else appreciated her sense of humor.

“You wear these? Out?” he asked in a gruff whisper, his eyebrows raised so high in disbelief they almost kissed his forehead.

“Well, yeah. I mean, not yet, but I will. I just got them. Just have to find the right occasion.” She flitted over to the clothing rack and leafed through a few outfits.

“Caelen. Look at me.”


“Will you—” He cleared his throat. “Will you wear these for me?”

“What?” When she met his eyes, the fierce gaze had her melting where she stood, with just one look.

“Before our four days are up. I want you to wear these for me. Just for me.” His voice was like silk over sandpaper, and the deep timbre made her shiver.

She cleared her throat, suddenly noticing her dry mouth. “Why?” Her words were softly spoken, and she couldn’t help running her eyes over his large hand cupping her dainty boots.

“Betty, if I was ever lucky enough to have you go down on me—in these boots,” he waved the boot in the air for emphasis, his eyes lit with passion, “then I know I could die and go to heaven a happy man.”

She placed a hand over her heart. “That’s so true!” How sweet. And did she mention, true? She was going to rock his world.

How come he was so much sweeter when he was shit-faced?

She walked—
—closer and reached out toward him. He stilled and looked as if he held his breath. Just before she touched his chest, she changed direction and scooped her boot from his large hand. “Maybe I will, one day. Depends what mood I’m in.” She batted her lashes at him and kissed her pretty shoe before gently placing it in its proper order on the floor.

He burst out laughing, and she joined him. He might be a pain in the ass, but she’d always felt comfortable showing him her goofy side. It had been that way since they were kids.

There was no need to impress your mortal enemy. So why was it easier to be herself around him than the man she thought she was going to marry?

Once that certain “man” got a divorce, of course. Which he had decided not to do. How depressing. Her fit of giggles ended on a big sigh. Time to shake things up before she let herself fall down the rabbit hole of disappointment and failed dreams. So she focused on her target instead.

Dare’s crotch.

And, oh, what a lovely, thick, and warm target it was.
And now reality has superseded expectation.
She imagined his silky strength stretching her mouth with its powerful width and length. “Okay, Bad Boy, enough stalling. It’s time for me to rock your world.”

She wondered if she should explain the fact that she hadn’t actually studied
of the “intimate instructions.” Not that she didn’t have a few tricks up her sleeve, but at this point she could only guess at the techniques from their names: Corn on the Cobb, Sucker and Pucker, The Round and Round…

She’d wing it.

He laughed again until he noticed where her gazed lay riveted. He gulped and froze. Slowly his eyes ran the length of her, but he didn’t say a word.

Her eyes jumped to his, and she hesitated. He wasn’t saying anything. Had he changed his mind? “Ready?”

“Hell yeah. Been waiting for this for years.”

Confidence restored.
“I think you mean
not years.”

He gave a noncommittal shrug in reply.

Men. Who understood them? “This is going to be
good. I just, hold on a sec… I need to get comfortable,” she said as she teetered on the too high, country booties she’d worn all night.

“Whatever you need. Where do you want me?”

He sounded so eager. She loved that. Towards the end, she’d felt as if she were molesting Victor. He was always too rushed or complaining about work.

Okay. Focus. A long, tall drink of water was right in front of her, and she was dying to take a lick! No, a sip. Wait.
Why is the room spinning? Who cares? Focus.
“Stand right where you are.” Hopping on one foot, she tried to unfasten one bootie, while making it across to the bed.
Got it.
Suddenly the spinning in her head increased, but her body was moving right along with it. With a jarring
she landed on the oversized armchair that was nowhere near the bed.

“Hey, are you okay?” Dare crouched down in front of her and grasped her bare foot in his hands.

The giggles took over again and she could hardly speak. When she caught her breath, she realized she’d been laughing alone. Dare stayed crouched in place with her foot just sitting in his large palms. He had such long, beautiful fingers. What would it feel like to have those warm hands on her body? He was staring at her bare legs and she had never seen a sexier sight.

His eyes were heavy-lidded and intense. A faint blush coated his high cheekbones. Disheveled brown hair fell forward against his forehead. He was so powerful and alive—and it was all concentrated on her. Dear God, how would she resist?

“Even your feet are sexy,” he breathed.

Then he started to move his hands.

Heaven. Bliss. Nirvana. She might have even passed out for a second. There were no words to describe his nimble fingers digging into the arch of her foot. Pleasure raced up her leg and pooled between her thighs. Caelen arched her back in reflex, and her flannel shirt stretched against her jutting breasts.

“Damn, baby. You’re so beautiful.” He leaned closer, her foot and knees wedged between their straining bodies.

He smelled so good and his rough hands felt so warm. His touch made her burn.

He was going to kiss her. If she let him get his lips on hers, she would melt and he’d take control of their whole encounter. She’d already let him get away with kissing her earlier.

Hell to the no.
There would be no breaking of the rules.

This was about
power, and no sexy man with magic hands was going to take it away from her. Just before his warm breath caressed her wet lips, she clamped her hand over his mouth and hissed, “No kissing.”

“Why not?” he mumbled.

“You filled your one kiss quota for the day.”

“I know,
I know.
Where’d you ever come up with that stupid rule, anyway?” he grumbled.

“Didn’t you ever watch
Pretty Woman?
Kissing is too personal.”

His chest rumbled with laughter, she felt the vibrations against her palm and it made her stomach clench. “So, I’m a billionaire in this scenario and you’re what—a prostitute? Cool.”

She spluttered and realized her tongue felt a little swollen, because it felt really hard to speak clearly. And form her thoughts.
. I’m not a prostitute.”

“I’m just using your example.” He was still speaking through her hand, but she pulled away once he sat back.

“I’m the Julia Roberts in the scenario. Maybe I should have thought it through a little bit more, hmmm… Anyway, you know I’m right. This is business.”

“Oh yeah. I’m sure businessmen deal in blowjob negotiations all the time.”

“Are you going to keep whining? ’Cuz I have to say you’re sounding like a real Debbie Downer.”

He looked annoyed. Finally. Score one for Caelen.

“Fine, but you will have your lips on some part of me, and it better be soon. My cock is so hard it’s about to burst out of my pants.”

That man!
Caelen blushed and put her hands on her warm cheeks. “You can’t keep
those things.”

“I can. I will. And guess what?” He braced his hands on either side of the chair, trapping her in. “You like it. Now, come on, I’m

She didn’t like it. She

He truly looked tortured and Caelen finally felt ready to get started. “Poor baby. I just need one more thing from you.”


“No, no. Don’t get mad again,” she said with a giggle. “Just switch places with me.”


“I want you sitting, and I want to kneel in front of you.”

Without a word he stood, scooped her in his arms, turned, and then fell backwards against the chair.

She yelped in delight and then bit back a moan when she felt his firm erection resting against her ass. The compulsion was too strong; she couldn’t fight the urge, and she undulated, just a tiny bit, against his bulging cock.

He groaned, his hips pistoning forward just once, until he caught himself.

She wondered what he thought about one of the techniques Caelen’d come across for future classes, back-door action. She nibbled on her bottom lip, only ready to take on one technique at a time
. Focus.

Reluctantly, she slid from his lap and knelt before him. The room took a steep twirl in protest. Didn’t matter, she was on a mission. To steady herself, she grasped his muscular thighs. “Ready?”

“Been ready.” His hands tightened as if to pull her back onto his lap, but then he let out a slow breath and rested his head against the back of the chair.


good, so damn good

Anticipation raced through him and he wiped sweaty palms against the armrests of the white chair. His head didn’t remain against the back of the chair for long; he was so charged up. How long had it been since Dare had imagined this moment? Years and years and years. He hadn’t misspoken earlier.

He’d been in lust with Caelen since he’d first laid eyes on her in the summer of eighth grade.

She was his.

Caelen kneeled and was examining him with a tilt of her head.

“You’re not getting cold feet on me, are you?” His voice was surprisingly gentle. He caught a silky strand of hair that had escaped her braids between his fingers. So soft. Just like everything else about her.

If she could see herself right now… She had one boot on, one off. Her dark hair was disheveled, half in and half out of her Pippi plaits, and her lips were bright red and swollen from her tugging on the delicate bow with her teeth.

And her beautiful green eyes glowed with anticipation. He’d never, in his life, seen a more beautiful sight.

She huffed. “Cold feet? How dare you, sir! I just want to get this right.” A huge yawn split her lips.


“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” She tugged at one of her braids as if to wake herself up. “I’m totally into this, I swear.” She licked her cherry lips.

“So good,” he repeated. The image of her soft pink tongue coasting over her pouty mouth almost made him come in his pants. He tilted his head back. Sensory overload.

He felt the small tug of his top button and zipper being released. His cock sprang free and it was torturous relief. He’d finally gotten
of his pants, but he still wanted
hers. Gripping the edge of the chair, he readied to rip the sides off if she didn’t get her mouth on him stat.

He heard her mumbling to herself and he caught things like, “Gonna use Corn on the Cob. No. Maybe… The Vacuum?”

Sweet Jesus. “Yes, baby. Do that one.

His eyes were shut tight when he felt her nuzzle his sack and say, “It tickles. Just like I remember.”

He groaned long and hard. She remembered; she
His thoughts became jumbled in a passion-filled haze.

A light gust of air feathered along his tip, making his cock jerk in anticipation. His head came flying up, his eyes popping wide. Her plump pink lips were puckered directly over his head, blowing softly.

“Put your mouth on me.” He’d promised to keep his hands to himself, but the temptation was intense, so he gently wrapped his hand around her delicate neck, kneading her neck in appreciation. Only a few seconds in, and he was already breaking the rules.

“Oh God! Feels so good.”

Her deep moan surprised him. She liked his touch.
She craved it.
His hand grew bolder, travelling along her shoulders, massaging the tight muscles.

Her face lay against his leg, her wet mouth open on a moan. In two seconds it would be wrapped around his throbbing dick. He closed his eyes, unable to look. He knew if he saw the moment she placed her pink tongue against him he might come, he was revved that high.

The anticipation was killing him.

He heard her repeat softly, “Feels so good.”

The weight of her cheek on his thigh shifted, and she nuzzled his length with her lips.
. “Yes, baby. Just like that. Let me feel that hot, little mouth.”

He waited a second, then two. The pressure in his balls intensifying, his shaft shifting in need. Not able to stand it any longer, he popped open one eye. “Holy hell!”

The woman of his dreams was finally just where he wanted her, kneeling before him, her head in his lap, her mouth centimeters from his dick, and she was…

Dead asleep.

Chapter 15

Three days and counting…

filled Caelen’s computer screen. Big ones, small ones, wide ones… Wait, was that one purple? Yikes! What she did in the name of research.

Scrolling down, she—


Caelen slammed the top of her laptop shut with a careless bang. A sporty teenager with oily skin and beautiful dove gray eyes stood in front of her. It took everything in her for Caelen
to start fanning her face with her hands. She reminded herself, as she plastered a huge and completely guilty smile on her face, that the young girl had no idea what she’d been looking at. She steadied herself on the desk as she stood. “Sorry about that. You gave me a scare. Hi. You must be Carly. I’m Caelen. Come on in.”

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