Read Charming: A Modern Day Sexy Cinderella Story Online

Authors: Jennifer Miller

Tags: #General Fiction

Charming: A Modern Day Sexy Cinderella Story (19 page)

BOOK: Charming: A Modern Day Sexy Cinderella Story
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“Totally too late for that,” I mumble still unable to look him in the face once more. He chuckles again and I simply shake my head not knowing what else to do. Somehow, and I have no idea how, I manage to change the subject, “I told you about my family. Please rescue me from my slow death from embarrassment and tell me more about yours.”

A look of pure love and devotion crosses his face and if he never said another thing I would already know exactly how he feels toward them. “My mom and I are really close. I mean, how could we not be? She raised my sister and I on her own after my dad bailed when we were kids.”

“Bailed? That’s awful.”

“It was, but my mom protected us from it as much as she could.” He takes a drink of his water and clears his throat. “I only ever saw her cry over him one time, and it was the day she finally told us that he wasn’t coming back. When I was walking to my room I heard a sound in hers. The door was ajar and I looked through the crack to find her sitting in a corner, knees pulled up against her chest and tears falling down her face.” He looks lost in the memory for a while, his eyes unfocused.

“He just left you all? Do you know where he went?”

“No idea. He told my mom he was going to get some cigarettes and beer at the store and never came back. When he first left we asked her where he had gone and she told us he went to go visit some family. A few days later, I think when it was clear to her he wasn’t returning, she sat us down and told us the truth. We never really talked about him after that and we haven’t seen him since. If my mom knows where he is or what happened to him, she isn’t saying, and I don’t care to know.”

“I don’t even know what to say, Asher, I’m so sorry that happened to you.”

“There’s nothing to say. It’s his loss, no use in being angry over it. Besides, my mom more than made up for my shitty father.”

“She must be amazing that you would say such a thing.”

“She is,” he smiles.

Horror washes over me, “Oh god, she must be so mad at you right now.”

His smile falls and I know immediately I’m correct. “There may have been a phone call with some yelling.”

“Oh no,” I whisper and stop myself from apologizing because it isn’t my fault. It isn’t his either. We both did this and it is what it is but I still feel bad. Though, I was the one who posted the wedding announcement on Facebook.

Before I can analyze it further he states fairly indignantly, “She’ll get over it.”

“And your sister? Did she yell at you too?”

He laughs and it surprises me. Our food is brought to the table and as soon as our waiter leaves he picks up where he left off, “Allie? No, not at all,” he laughs again. “She called me and thanked me for eloping because it saved her from having to deal with attending a long drawn out wedding with my nieces.”

“Did you tell them that it’s just for a week? Or would that make things worse?”

“No. I didn’t tell them that.”

“No doubt that would only upset them further.”

“I’m an adult and while I love them, my decisions are my own.”

Nodding my understanding I smile and ask, “How old are your nieces?”

“Isabella is three and Francesca is five. The other two bracelets I bought today? They’re for them.”

“Aw, beautiful names. I bet they love their uncle very much.”

“As long as I supply them with lollipops and ice cream they think I’m the best uncle ever, of course.” His grin makes me laugh because it’s pure cockiness.

“Of course,” I laugh agreeing. “And no doubt you supply them with plenty of both.”

“Absolutely. Especially since I get to give them back to my sister afterwards.” He laughs, takes another bite of his food and then asks me, “Do you like kids?”

“I do. I used to wish for a little brother or sister.”

“Do you want children of your own some day?”

“Definitely,” I reply immediately.

“Well that’s good to know, given our marriage. These are things I need to know,” he says with a lift of a brow. Neat trick – my brows can’t do that.

“Most people learn these things about each other
they get married,” I joke back.

“True. But I think I prefer our unconventional way of going about this.”

Rolling my eyes, I don’t respond and we continue to make idle conversation. He tells me stories about the trouble he and Allie got into as children, and I tell him some of my favorite memories about my parents. It’s a nice dinner and the food we eat is fresh and delicious.

When we leave the restaurant Asher takes my hand. He does that every time we walk somewhere, the gesture becoming familiar. When we walk back up to the lobby we pass a gift shop, but I stop and turn back, “Can we look for a minute? Do you mind?”

“No, not at all.”

We walk inside and I take my time looking through the merchandise. Given the shop is here at the resort they have all kinds of self-promotional items with the resort name on them like shirts and hats. They also have tons of swimsuits, towels, sunglasses, and even shoes. Of course there’s a ton of souvenir trinkets like magnets, key chains, and other kitschy things. What catches my eyes are the sarong wraps they have for women in many different colors and designs. Sorting through them, I select one that would look great over a few swimsuits I have. Walking over to where Asher’s checking out the sunglasses we try them on and make duck faces at each other and he even snaps a few photos with his phone. Walking up to the register to pay for my swimsuit wrap, Asher takes it from my hand and pays for it, and a couple pairs of sunglasses we tried on, which elicits a protest from me. “You don’t need to do that. I can pay for it myself.”

“I know you can, but you’re not going to.”

“Um, excuse me?”

“There’s nothing to excuse, princess.” He pays the clerk and thanks them with a large smile before turning to me and holding the bag out for me to take. Standing with my hands on my hips I glare at him making my annoyance clear. He leans toward me and kisses my head. “Don’t be mad. I wanted to buy it for you.”

“It’s not necessary. I don’t expect you to buy me anything.”

“That’s exactly why I did.”

With a soft sigh, I smile and give in, “Thank you.”

He leans forward and kisses me softly on the lips, “You’re welcome, princess.” He takes my hand once more and as if on cue the golf cart arrives to take us back to our building.

We walk slowly down the walkway toward our room, but no words are exchanged between us. The tension between us feels charged – thick and laced with lust and anticipation. I wonder if tonight is the night, will he make a move? Asher unlocks the door and holds it open for me, his hand on my lower back as he guides me inside. After taking a few steps, I stop and stand still, listening to the door close behind us. The room is silent, except for the rapid sound of our breathing, and my own heartbeat pounding in my ears.

Asher approaches me, the sound of his steps on the carpet give that away, but it’s the heat of his body behind me that I feel all the way to my bones. My breath hitches in anticipation, and I’m not sure what comes over me, maybe it’s pushing myself past the insecurities I feel about him not wanting me, maybe it’s not being able to take anymore of the sexual tension that’s been between us for hours. No scratch that, it’s been every second since I’ve met him, at the pool, at the fire pit, at the beach and since. Maybe it’s just that I simply want fiery sex and passion to take me away, make me feel nothing and everything at the same time.

Spinning around, I barely catch Asher’s lowered brows and a question of - concern? permission? - on his lips before I drop my purse and the bag from the store on the floor, and push Asher against the door we just walked through. It’s rougher than I intend and his head hits the door and his eyes widen. Before I can doubt myself I put my mouth on his. As soon as our lips meet it’s like kindle igniting. I feel the burn of his lips all the way to my toes. He stiffens and hesitates for a breath, maybe two, and then he’s kissing me back. Our mouths move together in a rhythm that’s solely ours and when his tongue touches mine, we both groan together, the sound music to my ears.

My hands latch themselves into his hair and I tug as I press my body forward touching it to his. His hands glide down from my waist and cup my bottom. Leaning down he lifts me up and my legs immediately wrap around his waist. Quickly he whirls around and now it’s my back against the door, my heels locked around his waist, his thickness pressed against my core. Voicing my pleasure, I’m almost embarrassed by the fact that I could orgasm from this alone. When his lips leave mine, I cry in protest, but release a shuddering breath when he buries his face in my neck then kisses and nibbles his way down to my collarbone.

“I want you,” I tell him.

Pulling back enough so that he can look into my eyes, he stares at me intently before turning without a word and taking us into the bedroom. Placing me gently on the bed, he removes my shoes, and then watches intently as I slide the zipper down at my side. “Wait,” he says and my heart stumbles in my chest.
Oh god, what if he doesn’t want this and I’ve just made a complete fool of myself.
“No, princess, get that look off of your face.” He leans down and cups my face in his hand. “I want you probably more than you want me, but tonight, this is about you. Only you.”

“What? Why? I want to be with you. I want us to be together.”

“I want that too, believe me, but not yet.”

I’m confused and start to zip my dress back up, but his hand stops me. His mouth meets mine again and he kisses me in a way that leaves no doubt to his words. He does want me too, so why is he waiting? I want this. He moves back enough to help me remove my dress over my head, and when his eyes burn intensely as his gaze rakes over my exposed skin I say a silent prayer of thanks for my appreciation of sexy bras and panties. The sheer and lace bra and panties that match look tantalizing against my golden skin, and from the breath he hisses out slowly, I know he appreciates the view.

He lowers his head and when his tongue licks across the line of my bra over my breast, I suck in a breath. He does the same to the other and with a noise of impatience yanks the cup of my bra down on one side exposing me and latches his mouth onto a nipple making me moan. He teases, sucks and bites gently, his tongue twirling around in whirls.

Pulling away, he quickly removes his clothes but keeps his black boxer briefs on. My eyes devour the sight and I appreciate the body he clearly works hard to have. He crawls on top of me like a tiger and I’m grinning in anticipation. “I like you in lace, princess,” Asher says. “But I like you even more naked.”

His hands move behind my back and he unsnaps my bra. Sliding it down one shoulder he presses kisses trailing the fabric’s retreat. When he pulls it away from my skin entirely, he murmurs a curse at the sight and then his lips are licking and sucking at my breasts once more and this time it’s me that hisses in response. My back arches off the bed, and my hands roam through his hair.

Pulling away, he moves to my panties next and slides them down my legs, tortuously slow, his eyes on mine the whole time. He throws them over his shoulder and a wicked smile graces his lips as he grabs hold of my legs and yanks me over to the edge of the bed making me cry out in surprise. Bending forward he places a soft kiss between my breasts. Then another at my navel before moving to my hips and placing one there. Dragging his lips across my skin, he moves to my other hip and kisses there as well. Grabbing my ankle, he begins kissing up the inside of my leg dangerously slow. Anticipation is burning in my core and I’m wet between my thighs, eager and desperate for him to take me. Instead, after he places a kiss on the crease where my leg meets my groin which leaves me breathless, he starts with my other leg. “Asher!” I admonish, but he just chuckles softly, “What, princess?”

“I…I want…I want you to kiss me.”

His eyes burn into mine, “Kiss you, where?”

I hesitate before answering and then press trembling fingers between my legs, “Here.”

Without removing his eyes from mine, he places his hands on my hips and pulls me a little closer to the edge of the bed before he lowers himself to his knees on the floor. His head moves toward my center, and I close my eyes in expectation, but nothing happens. Opening them once more, I find him still looking at me. He waits for a beat, his message clear, then lowers his lips to my slippery folds. At the first pass of his tongue, the sound that leaves me is almost animalistic. When he sucks, my hips buck sharply off the bed. When he nibbles, I lose any and all of my inhibitions, spreading my legs wider, silently begging him to give me more.

Asher moans and the vibration runs all the way through my body making my toes curl. My hands find his hair and I move my hips against his mouth desperately searching for release. Every stroke rockets through my body and I’m lost. I’m lost in a lust filled haze and this time when my eyes roll back in my head, Asher doesn’t quit his ministration.

I’m panting, keening, and mumbling words and curses without thought. “God, yes.” The feeling inside of me is building and each time I get close, Asher eases the intensity and starts all over again. My last groan of complaint makes him laugh wickedly against me and I curse at him in frustration. “Here you go, princess,” he says just before two fingers enter me and curve.

BOOK: Charming: A Modern Day Sexy Cinderella Story
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