Chase (22 page)

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Authors: Chantal Fernando,Dawn Martens

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Chase
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“What?” He whispers, shocked. He obviously did not see this one coming.

“It’s true. You think I was just going to sit around and wait for you? I have men lining up for a chance with me. Lilly isn’t yours. I always knew it.”

“All this time... I fucking mourned her, I still do.” Chase is at a loss for words, so I take over.

“You’re a fucking bitch! And the worst kind of woman, Aubrey!” I growl. I swear, if I wasn’t pregnant right now.

Chase is shaking. Shit, I gotta get him home. He looks like he wants to hit her. I know the feeling.

“Come on babe, she’s not worth it.” I turn to look at Aubrey, my eyes narrowed to slits. “Karma’s a bitch, Aubrey.” And before she spits any other venom out of her mouth, I drag a silent Chase home.


After Chase stayed quiet the entire ride home, staring out the window, I was starting to get worried.

“Chase, honey, talk to me,” I beg.

“What if she was lying?” he says.

That is a good question. I wouldn’t put it past her. But then again, she just gave up her only hold on Chase.

“Why don’t you still visit Lilly’s grave. We may never know the truth, but I think she is yours no matter what, because you loved her,” I tell him softly.

He considers it, and then nods. “I know you aren’t going to like this, but I need to talk to Aubrey, I want to know, no, I need to know, if I was her father.”

“I understand,” I tell him softly. He takes my hand in his, and I sigh in relief. He’s not shutting me out. We can get through this, together.


We are on our way to see Chase’s dad. I’m nervous, mainly because Chase is nervous. He is tapping his fingers on the steering wheel, and I can see different emotions play on his face. I’ve heard that Chase’s dad is a dick. From various sources, Chase included. There is some whole cheating whilst married fiasco. I’m pretty sure Chase’s mum didn’t know he was married at the time she was already pregnant with Chase. We pull up at a huge mansion. When I say huge, I mean HUGE. I blink.

“This is where your dad lives?” I repeat, for the third time, mouth still hanging open.

Chase glances over at me, “Yes, Layla, this is where he lives.” He gets out of the car while I sit here, still staring at the house. Chase opens my door and gently pulls me out, giving my lips a few soft kisses. I’m worried about coming here. Anyway, I’m pretty damn nervous right now. “Come on, baby, it will be fine, okay?” Chase assures me as he rubs his hand on my stomach in a protective gesture. I nod. I glance down at my outfit, and hope I’m wearing something appropriate. I went with a long black maxi dress and gold sandals. My hair is in a long fish braid, and I’m wearing neutral make up, browns on my eyes and a nude lip.

“You look like an angel, Layla; you’re perfect, so stop stressing,” he says softly.

“Okay, let’s do this,” I say more to myself than Chase.

After we are invited in and seated some kind of posh looking room, Chase’s dad walks in. I know it’s him instantly, because he looks a lot like Chase. Dark thick pepper and salt hair, he has similar features and blue eyes of a different shade. There is one difference though; his blue eyes don’t contain the warmth that Chase’s do. He looks mean. His posture is rigid, and I can tell he has kept himself in good shape over the years. Chase and I stand up to greet him.

“Son,” he acknowledges Chase, “It’s been a long time.” He walks up to him and puts his hand on his shoulder, than glances over at me. “And who is this beauty?” he asks in tone that doesn’t quite seem appropriate. Chase grabs my hand protectively and pulls me closer to him.

“This is my fiancé, Layla.” Chase beams at me as he says it, and I can see the pride in his eyes. I can’t help the tentative smile that spreads across my lips.

As soon as Chase said the word fiancé, the atmosphere immediately became tense. His dad, Chase told me his name was Dean, looks over at Chase with a sneer.

“Fiancé? What has gotten into you, Chase? I thought you were going to settle down with that lovely girl Aubrey?”

I grimace at her name.

“That’s enough father, me marrying a stripper would make you happy?. I love Layla, and I’m going to marry her. Aubrey is history, and good fucking riddance!” Chase hisses.

Dean glances over at Chase thoughtfully. “Why would you want to...” He breaks off and nods. “I see. You’ve knocked this girl up. That would have to be it.” He glances over at me and pins me with an evil look. I look over at Chase, just in time to see his eyes flash rage.

“You have some fucking nerve...” he starts walking towards this father ready for a confrontation. I grab his hand, my eyes pleading with his.

“Chase, can we just go please,” I ask him softly. I wanted to get out of here. I really didn’t deserve this.

“You don’t need to marry her Chase, I can write her a cheque,” his father says snidely. He actually starts to pull out his cheque book. “Aubrey’s father and I, have been waiting for the both of you to finally tie the knot. Our plans won’t be ruined because of some infatuation you have.”

This is a disaster. Chase sits me down on the chair, and stares directly into my eyes. “Stay here for one minute angel. Can you do that for me?” he asks in a tender voice. I nod. He kisses me on the forehead, and then glares at his father.

“Other room. Now,” he growls, his teeth clenched. They both walk out and Chase gently closes the door. A few moments later, I can hear a lot of yelling and Chase saying the word fuck a lot. Then I hear a crash. I feel horrible. I don’t want to cause and even bigger rift between them.

A few minutes later Chase walks back in and takes me by the hand. His knuckles are bleeding. I glance at him worriedly, “Chase, are you okay?”

“Let’s go home baby,” he tries to say gently, but I can hear the controlled rage laced underneath. I nod. I could not get out of here fast enough.


“I’m so sorry, Layla; you shouldn’t have had to listen to that. I fucked up.” Chase has been apologizing for the entire ride home. It’s not his fault, at all, but I still feel terrible. “I had no idea he would be that much of a bastard,” he grumbles miserably. I take his hand and entwine our fingers.

“It’s okay, Chase, but I don’t really want to go through that again,” I say bluntly. “It was awkward as hell, and I feel like shit now. I don’t want you to fight with your dad.” I take a deep breath. “Wait a minute; you’ve known Aubrey for a long time. I thought she was just a random girl you met and dated.”

Chase sighs. “Yeah, I’ve known her since we were kids. I never really had anything to do with her. I hadn’t seen her for years until I ran into her in Vegas, by then she was a popular showgirl. She followed me back home and asked for a job at Heat. We started seeing each other after that. Let’s not talk about her anymore,” he says, voice pleading. Aubrey is obviously still a sore subject. The car is silent for a few moments.

“I’m not taking you there ever a fucking gain, baby. I’m so sorry. You should never be treated like that, especially by someone I brought into your life. Fuck!,” Chase suddenly blurts out.

“Chase, stop. It’s not your fault okay,” I tell him again. I lean over and kiss him on his cheek, and his jaw. He sighs. Instead of going to the apartment we go to Kade and James’ place. Both boys are sitting on the deck, Kade is on his laptop and James is reading some huge business book.

“Hey you two, any idea where Nikki is?” I say as I take a seat next to Kade. Chase storms into the kitchen, probably to pour himself a drink. He needs it.

“Said something about a fucking date.” Kade says in an icy tone. Okay then.

“Hey Layla, how you feeling?” James asks.

“I’m okay,” I say, giving James an easy grin.

Kade looks at me knowingly. “Dickhead?”

“The biggest,” I mumble dryly. Chase walks over, two drinks in hand. He hands me an apple juice, and takes a seat.

“Well, don’t leave us in suspense,” Kade drawls.

I groan. I do not want to relive that conversation.

“It doesn’t matter,” Chase says in a hard voice.

“That bad, huh,” James mumbles.

“I don’t know why you even bothered,” Kade adds, earning a heated glare from Chase.

“I’m serious, Chase. She is pregnant; she doesn’t need added stress from our family bullshit.” I think Kade has a death wish.

I look into my apple juice, which has suddenly turned extremely interesting.

“You think I don’t fucking know that?” Chase barks, “He is my baby’s grandfather after all, I just wanted to give him a chance. He may be an ass, but he was a decent father to me growing up.”

“Yeah well you could have told him alone, not drag Layla into that awkward shit. You sprung that on him, of course he was going to react badly,” Kade spits in return.

“I fucked up, Kade, but you need to back the fuck off!”

“Both of you need to stop it!” I yell, standing up. “It was an ugly situation, I will admit, but it happened and it’s done. I’m not fragile, you are both over reacting! So stop fighting. Now,” I demand.

The brother’s all exchange glances.

“Is she bossy in bed?” Kade asks, lip twitching.

Chase slaps him on the back of the head.

James laughs.

I love these men.

Chapter Thirty Four


I walk up to Aubrey’s apartment, and knock on the door. When there is no answer, I put out my key and open it myself. I bought Aubrey this apartment when we were dating. Layla doesn’t know that, and I’m surprised Aubrey hasn’t thrown it in her face by now. The truth is, I kept Aubrey like a mistress. Placed in an apartment I provided, bought pretty things, and expected to give me what I needed, when I needed it. But I was also free to do as I please, and I never had to answer to her. As I walk towards her room, I hear the unmistakable sounds of people having sex. Well, fuck. I definitely came at a bad time. I leave my key on her kitchen table; I don’t even know why I still had it. I’m about to leave, when Aubrey walks out, naked, giggling. A man trails behind her, also naked.

“Fuck!” I exclaim when I see just who the bastard is. Aubrey can fuck whoever she wants, I couldn’t care less. But this, I have a huge fucking problem with.

“Why the fuck would you want me to marry her when you are obviously fucking her?” I spit at my father.

Aubrey screams when she finally sees me, and runs to the room. My father actually looks ashamed but I could care less. “We are done, father. Fuck you, don’t contact me, pretend you don’t even fucking know me anymore,” I yell, walking out before I hit my own father.

“It just happened Chase,” he says softly, like it makes it any better. “One thing led to another and...”

I keep walking towards the door. “Son!” he calls out.

“I am not your fucking son,” I retort.

I stop, and turn around, remembering the reason I was here. I walk back to Aubrey’s door and knock. She opens it, now wearing a robe, looking a mixture of smug and embarrassed. “I just need to know the fucking truth. Who was her father?” I demand, wanting to shake her. She frowns, her face slipping.

“It wasn’t you, Chase,” she says softly.

“If you are fucking lying to me, Aubrey, I will make your life a living fucking hell!” I hiss at her.

“I swear, it wasn’t. But Lilly would have looked like you, because...” She trails off looking behind her. I follow her gaze, straight onto my father’s guilty looking face.

“Lilly? You were her father?” I bark at my father, the violence in my voice causes him to take a step back. “You wanted me to marry Aubrey, why then? Because you were never going to marry her? This is so fucked up!”

“I’m sorry...” he says.

“Fuck your sorry,” I interrupt, the vehemence in my voice surprising even me. “I’m done; the both of you live a happy life, because you fucking deserve each other. Oh and Aubrey, get my dad to buy you a new house. This house is in my name, and I’ll give you a month to move out.”

With that I walk out, leaving both my ex, and my own father in the dust.

An hour later I walk into my house, where Layla is having a nap on our bed. “Hey Chase,” she says in a sleepy voice, as the rouses. Fuck but she’s sexy. And she is honest, and real. She is a breath of fresh air. “How did it go with Aubrey?” she asks in a soft voice, whilst tying her hair in a bun on the top of her head.

“Lilly wasn’t mine,” is all I tell her. No, she wasn’t mine, but she was my baby sister. I will always love Lilly.

“I’m sorry. Come here, I’ll take care of you,” she says, reaching for me.

I don’t tell Layla about my father and Aubrey. I’m not tarnishing her with that shit. She is now in my arms, and I feel a sense of peace.

Layla is all I need, to breathe, to live, to thrive.


Okay, so I’m a coward.

I decided to tell my mother on the phone about my pregnancy. I’ve picked up the phone about ten times in the last thirty minutes, only to chicken out at the very last minute. I exhale hard, and finally gather enough courage to dial the number.

Thirty minutes later, I’m still getting lectured. After a while though, she calms down.

“When is the wedding?” She demands.

“Mum, I want to get married after; I don’t want to get married whilst being pregnant!” I whine.

“You should have thought about that before, don’t you think?” she spits out. Ugh.

She puts my father on, and he actually seems happy to be a grandfather. I promise to come and visit them soon.

Chase called his mother, who was off in Italy somewhere. She was so happy for us, and I ended up chatting with her for over an hour. She said she will be here for the wedding and the birth of her first grandchild. Chase and I are both thrilled.

Everything was finally going right.



“You aren’t going to that fucking animal shelter. I’ve already called up and said you can’t volunteer anymore!” Chase explodes.

“You did what?” I gape.

“You are pregnant, those dogs could jump on you, or bite you for fuck sake, Layla!” he’s yelling now.

I sigh. Chase has been so over protective. “Okay, fine,” I concede. I guess it wouldn’t be safe, really. First he called my work and quit for me, and now this. But I know he’s just worried about the baby.

“Okay?” he asks, suspicious.

“Yes, okay,” I repeat softly.

He sighs in relief. I had to take time off from University too. My life is taking a different turn, but I’m not upset about it. My family comes first.

“Can we have make up sex now?” he asks frankly.

I roll my eyes.

“Get in the room Mr. Jackson!” I demand.

Chase grins, picks me up into his arms, and heads for the room.

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