Chase (9 page)

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Authors: Chantal Fernando,Dawn Martens

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Chase
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“Beautiful, I don’t think I will ever get enough of watching that.” His voice is so strained, so raw. I can tell his control is at an end.

Before I can wrap my head around it, he grabs a condom from the drawer, puts it on and slides into me with one push. There was something I meant to tell him...

‘Fuck!’ I scream.

Yes another ‘fuck’ moment. That seriously hurt. I can see the realization in Chase’s face, his eyebrows almost hitting his hairline. Still inside, me he stills, blue crystal eyes narrowing accusingly.

“Layla. Baby.. What the fuck? Why didn’t you tell me? ” He puts his head in the crook of my neck, breathing heavily.

“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” He mutters.

My thoughts exactly. He moves to pull out of me, but I wrap my legs around his hips to keep him in place.

“Don’t stop. Please.” I beg him softly.

His lips fuse to mine and he kisses me tenderly, whilst slowly pushing in and out. The pain turns to extreme pleasure. I’ve definitely been missing out. He grinds his hips into mine with smooth strokes, and I find myself lifting my hips to meet his.

“So fucking tight,” I hear him murmur, “So fucking beautiful Layla.”

His fingers find my sweet spot and after a minute or so, I can feel myself coming again. The release is consuming, mind numbing. This time Chase finishes with me, keeping his eyes on mine the whole time. The whole thing was intense and so freaking perfect. I couldn’t have imagined a more perfect first time. The reasons for my innocence are boring. I wasn’t saving myself for the one or anything like that. It was a combination of many things. I wasn’t ready when I was dating my ex, Kyle, and when he got sick of waiting, he found someone else to give it to him. I didn’t really date after that. Add work, school and my over protective cousin Ryder onto that, and I paint a pretty pathetic picture. I tend to keep to myself too, so I didn’t give many men the opening for a chance with me.

Lost in thought for those few seconds, Chase reclaims my attention when he kisses my damp forehead, then pulls out and goes into the bathroom, returning with a wet cloth to clean me up. He returns to the bathroom and I can hear him filling up the bath. He walks back over to me and kisses my lips softly.

“How are you feeling?”

I smile lazily and stretch my body, “Wonderful.”

His eyes follow my body, landing on my breasts, causing me to giggle. He raises his eyebrow at me. “Now that I’ve had a taste, I think I’m going to be addicted.”

With that, he picks me up and carries me to the bathroom, gently placing me in the bath, which he has filled with bubbles. Cute. He kisses the top of my head, and then leaves me alone to soak for a while. He comes back with a towel and lifts me out of the bath, dries me off and places me back onto his bed, which now has new sheets on it. I assume there was blood. He lays down next to me and pulls the black comforter over the both of us.

“Baby, you should have told me,” he whispers to me, “I would have been gentler. Fuck, I knew you were pretty innocent, but I didn’t think you were a virgin. I thought maybe you had one lover, or something. I can’t lie, the caveman in me loves that I’m your first.” He spoons me, and I fit perfectly against his body, his muscle against my softness.

“I was going to tell you but then I got distracted. And Chase, it was perfect how it was.”

He kisses the top of my head, and whispers “Thank you for giving that to me.” I fall asleep with a smile on my face.

Chapter Thirteen

I wake to find myself alone in bed, leaving me instantly disappointed. There is a note left on my pillow.

My beautiful girl,

I had to get up early and go to work. I will be home around seven. Let me take you out to dinner again. I brought you some breakfast it’s on the kitchen table. My numbers in your phone, call me when you get up. Last night was… amazing.


I lazily stay in bed for another hour before getting myself up and in the shower. I’m a little sore, but nothing too drastic. I make quick calls to my parents and Nikki, just checking in. I also email my sister Tenielle, who is off in Europe somewhere, feeding her wanderlust.

In the kitchen, Chase has brought me all kind of things from a bakery, ham and cheese croissants, quiches, mini pizzas and a muffin. I eat the croissant and leave the rest for Kade and James.

The doorbell rings and I open it to find two girls standing there. Maybe James and Kade invited girls over, Nikki did just tell me they weren’t seeing each other. The girls look me over and give me dirty looks. They are both wearing short dresses, high heels, and both have bleached blonde hair with long extensions. Bimbo number one addresses me before I can ask if I can help them.

“Who are you? Never mind. I’m here to see Chase.”

I was sure I heard her wrong. Because not only was she asking for my man. It’s been months since the last incident, and I thought this was finally done with. She was also talking in some fake baby voice which made my skin crawl. Did men find this attractive? Women who tried to sound like insolent toddlers? Apparently Chase likes it runs through my head. Oh hell. My own brain is turning against me. Before I could answer with some witty reply, Kade’s voice drifts from behind me.

“Hey girls. Come in.” I step back from the door and watch as they step into the house. Bimbo one gives me a smug look and Kade gives me an apologetic one. His blonde hair is tied at the base of his neck today and it looks pretty sexy.

“Where’s Chase?” Bimbo two asks.

“He’s not available, and he won’t be. He’s off the market.” He growls out, looking annoyed.

She sneers, “Chase is always available. He doesn’t do commitment.”

“He’s taken. Now shut up about it,” Kade growls, glancing at me.

The girls both stare daggers at me, obviously getting the idea that Chase is now with me.

“Girls, why don’t you go and give James a wakeup call he will appreciate.” Kade suggests.

Both girls giggle.

I slowly follow them to see both girls go into James’ room. Huh, I wonder why Kade didn’t take one of them. As soon as I hear suggestive noises, I know that it’s time to split.

I go to a café and order a large apple juice, since I don’t drink coffee. I don’t like milk, sue me. Although I do eat ice cream, just not yogurt, milk shakes or anything like that. Yes I’m a little different. I also get myself a ham and cheese croissant.

I hear Ed Sheeran sing as Chase’s name pops up on my phone.

“Hello?” I mumble around a bite of croissant.

“Layla, are you okay?” He sounds a little frantic.

“Yeah, why?”

“My brothers just rang me, they said..”

“What? That two girls came to the house asking for you? Your screw buddies. Both of them, I assume.” A few moments silence.

“Layla, I told you..”

“Yeah you did. But perhaps you should call your harem and let them know you are unavailable now. Or maybe you are available. If this is casual, that’s fine with me. Just let me know so I know the score and can avoid feeling stupid when I encounter situations like this. Which with you, seems like an everyday occurrence. I’m getting so sick of this Chase.” With that, I hang up. Take that Chase Jackson!

My phone rings a couple times then stops. I suppose he’s taking the hint that I’m avoiding him. I pull out my kindle and allow Kristen Ashley to improve my mood, which keeps me occupied for about an hour. I’m wondering how to get an in with a hot biker guy, when someone walks up to my table and clears their throat. It’s Candy, the girl from the restaurant. At least it’s not the baby voice one. Hey I’m a glass half full kinda girl. I raise my eyebrow at her when she sneers at me.

“So, you’re Chase’s flavor of the week?” she purrs. “Tell him to call me when he’s done with you. I know that will be soon. He’s, like, way too hot for you.”

“It’s been way longer than a week. Try a couple months,” I brag.

Candy looks momentarily surprised, but she recovers and scoffs, “Bullshit!”

“Believe what you want. I tell you what, why don’t you just ask him yourself next time you weirdly happen to be in the same place we are.” I’m so over this conversation.

She still stands there, looking stupid.

I sigh, and put down my kindle. “If I’m so unattractive why are you acting all threatened? Run along now.” I smile sweetly. Kill them with kindness I say. They never know what to think.

Chase rings again and I figure this is the perfect time to answer. “Hello Chase..”

“Layla, if you fucking hang up on me again…”

I cut off his rant. “Guess where I am right now?”

I guess his curiosity beats his anger. “What? Where are you? Are you okay?”

“I’m fine. Just having juice with your friend Candy.”


“Who the fuck is Candy?”

I crack up laughing.

“This is not fucking funny, Layla. Get your ass home now!”

“I can’t. Candy is telling me juicy information about you!”

I can hear him grind his teeth. I look up to talk to Candy, but she’s not even standing there anymore. That wasn’t very nice of her. I guess play time is over.

“Do you and your brothers just share girls?”

More silence. “Chase?”

“Hold on Layla, I’m just tracking your phone.” He mumbles distractedly.

“Tracking my… hell! Chase, I’m coming home now. Calm down.” Stalker much.

“Game over Layla.”

He hangs up on me. Hypocrite! Argh!

I drop by the grocery store on the way home and get groceries to cook dinner for everyone. I text Nikki.

L: Dinner at mine at 7!

I haven’t seen that much of Nikki, and I have my suspicions. I think she’s avoiding Kade. Because she’s terrible at making up excuses, and she’s always trying to get me to come to her house, instead of her coming to mine, because her ‘cat is sick’. She doesn’t even have a cat. I giggle, that girl is so crazy.

By the time I get home Chase isn’t even there. He was probably calling from work and wasn’t even home! Jerk! No one is home, so I get in the kitchen and start cooking.

An hour or so later, the table is set with a huge lasagne, two different salads, garlic bread, wine and beer. This is a simple meal for me; I’m pretty decent in the kitchen. By the time everyone gets home I’m showered and in my pajamas. These ones have large ice creams all over them. My sister and I have a thing for weird and fruity pajamas, we like to see who can find the most unusual ones. We are weird like that. I’m sitting at the dining table when he stomps in the house, scowl firmly in place. He sees me sitting there sipping on wine and his face softens, his scowl slipping.



“You. You’re adorable. I was coming in here expecting you to be pissed, and ready for battle. But instead you’re sitting here in your ridiculously cute pajamas, after cooking for all of us, sipping on wine. Fuck, it smells good too.” A smile traces my lips.

He walks over and takes the wine glass out of my hand, setting it down, then pulls me into his arms. I’m sitting in his lap while he whispers sweet nothings in my ear as Kade and James walk in.

“Fuck, something smells good!” James walks in beaming. They take in the meal that I set out.

Kade mutters a “Fuck yeah.”

They both sit down and start loading their plates. So much for waiting for Nikki. Kade takes a few mouths and moans.

“I remember when you said you couldn’t cook, Layla!” He growls with his mouth half full.

“She probably knew we would try to get her to slave away in the kitchen every day, I haven’t had home cooked meals since I moved out of Mum’s house.” James adds.

I can feel Chase’s body shake with laughter.

James narrows his eyes on me, then his lips twitch. “You all fucking owe me for finding her!”

We all laugh.

Chase is feeding me from his plate when Nikki walks in. “Honey, I’m home!” she yells out.

She walks in and takes in all of us. “Thanks for waiting for me!” She says in mock annoyance. “By the way your door is unlocked. Oh and look at you two!” she gestures to me and Chase. She serves herself, and then takes a seat next to James, not next to Kade. Kade narrows his eyes on her, and a muscle in his jaw clenches. Interesting.

The boys insist on cleaning up, while I chat with Nikki in the lounge room. She puts on ‘She’s the man’ and as usual, we are both laughing so hard. That movie never stops being freaking hilarious.

Chapter Fourteen

The next morning, I wake to find myself in Chase’s bed. I must have fallen asleep on the couch with Nikki. I glance over at him, sleeping on his back, looking sexy as hell. With a mischievous smile, I kiss my way down his taut abdomen, laving the ripples with my tongue as I descend. When I reach the indentation of his hips, I slowly pull his pants down and continue kissing my way to my destination.

“Layla..” he moans in his sexy sleepy voice.

I glance up at him and give him a sultry look before I continue my administrations. I’ve never done this before, but how hard can it be? I giggle. Pun intended. I lick him like a lollipop and apparently I had the right idea.

He gently tries to push my head away, mumbling “Baby I’m going to come..”

His eyes have been on me the entire time and the heat in them is seriously turning me on. I don’t pull away instead start sucking harder as he finishes.

“Good morning.” I mumble at him.

He laughs a choked sound.

“Best morning ever baby. Now come here because it’s about to get even better for you.” And it did. Best morning ever.

“We are going to have to get out of bed eventually, Layla.” Chase says through his laughter. Its 11am and we are still lying in bed, like two honeymooners. “Come on baby, let’s take a shower together.” Hmmm that does sound good. When I don’t move immediately, he jumps on me and starts tickling me.

“Okay, okay! I’m getting up!”

I love this playful side of him. We both get into his shower, which has plenty of room for two. Chase is washing my hair, massaging my scalp, causing me to sigh appreciatively. I sure could get used to this treatment.

I must have said that aloud, because Chase chuckles and says, “You will definitely get used to it.”

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