Chase the Moon: A Historical Romance (20 page)

BOOK: Chase the Moon: A Historical Romance
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Warren approached Sally holding his hat in his hand. “My horse is rested if you would like to ride with me.”

Sally hesitated as she turned to look at him. So much more was hidden in his simple offer. “Well I guess, I could join you, for the horse’s sake.”

She strode off with her head held high as Warren scampered behind her.

Thomas watched them with a frown. “Do you think she’ll be alright?”

“I think its Warren whom you should be worried about.” Jaelyn replied as she kissed her husband to be quickly before mounting her horse and taking the lead. Thomas mounted still not comfortable with riding and followed after her.

Warren helped Sally and her petticoats on the horse before he climbed on in front. Not trusting herself to lose her resolve if she touched him she instead clung to the saddle.

“Sally, I know you’re angry and I don’t blame you. However, you need to hang on so you do not fall off and break that pretty neck of yours.”

Sally still spiteful grabbed onto his belt strap instead of holding onto him. Warren sighed and put the horse in motion.

Amelia was not fairing so well. Sore from her early morning romp she squirmed in front of Chase with every jounce from the horse.

“You need to sit still.”

“I can’t.” She hissed back.

“What’s wrong?” He asked slowing Thor to a stop.

“It hurts.”

“What hurts?”

“I am not going to say it out loud!” She practically yelled and Chase was glad they had chosen to ride last. “Do you remember what we did?”


“Well it hurts.”

“Are you okay? Do you need Thomas…”


A bit panicky Chase lifted her and sat her sideways with her legs dangling over his thigh.

“Is that better?” He asked.

Amelia leaned sideways and snuggled into his chest. “Much.”

Chapter 24

oger awoke several hours later. Noticing the movement Sabrina put down her knitting and moved to his side.


“Shhhhh, don’t try to speak you might tear out the stitches. I have to get the doctor. I need you to sit still and you’ll be just fine.” Sabrina hurried next door and knocked lightly before opening it and shouting “He’s awake!”

Returning to Roger’s room, she was glad to find him still aware. “Dr. Reynold is coming; there was an accident at the corral yesterday. You ended up with a hunk of wood in your neck and the doctor saved you.”

Dr. Reynold entered looking fresh as ever. Sabrina stood up so he could exam Roger. After a physical exam he picked up his hand and directed him to squeeze to answer his questions. Once for yes, twice for no.

Anna and Jonathan appeared and were happy to see that his brain was fully functional as well. Dr. Reynold had been concerned he may have had some damage due to blood loss. It was getting awfully crowded in the room so Sabrina slipped out to look for Brock and give him the good news.

She found him conversing with Samuel at the corral. It was almost completely repaired; it was much harder to replace men than things. She reached out for Brock’s hand and grasped it excitedly.

“Roger’s awake!”

Samuel let out a whoop of joy as he went to spread the news to all the men. Brock pulled Sabrina into his arms. “I am glad. He still suffered a grievous injury.” He said cautiously, not wanting her to get her hopes up in case he did not recover.

“He will make it.”

“You need a break. We could have a picnic for lunch. Samuel showed me a pond not too far from here. I’ll hitch up the wagon.”

“I don’t know Brock, it doesn’t feel right going off and having a picnic when men are laying out dead in the house. Plus, I hate the wagon, I’d rather walk!”

“You have to eat. Doesn’t matter where you do it. Moreover, it is not my suggestion, Samuel suggested it. Alma told him you needed a break for a while.”

Not wanting to argue, Sabrina agreed and forced a smile as she headed to the kitchen to gather food. Brock sighed watching her walk off.

Samuel was waiting by the stables as Brock walked up. “How did it go?”

“Better than I expected. She wasn’t wild about riding in the wagon.”

“Why don’t you take the carriage?”

“What carriage?”

Samuel led him over to the barn. He motioned to pile of tarps in the corner. Pulling them off he revealed a beautiful two seat carriage in pristine condition. The hand stitched leathered had been carefully polished recently.

“Sabrina never mentioned a carriage.”

“It was her mothers. We’ve kept it stored and Warren had me clean it up for the wedding in case we needed it.”

Brock hesitated he was not sure how Sabrina would react.

“It’s a mite more comfortable than that clunky wagon. I’ll help you pull it out.” Samuel said grabbing it and pulling it out with ease. The carriage was a beautiful wood and metal structure complete with canopy. It sat on springs above large spindly wheels to help cushion the passengers from rough roads. Brock grabbed the other side and the men pulled it out of the barn.

Turning to the stable, they led the carriage horses out and harnessed them. Hooking them up to the draft pole Brock climbed into the seat and drove the team to the front of the house.

Alma and Sabrina were waiting on the porch; their arms laden with baskets of food and quilts. Upon seeing the carriage pull up the quilts dropped from her hands in shock. Alarmed Brock went to her side where she stood covering her mouth with her hands.

“I thought you said a wagon.”

“I’m sorry Sabrina; Samuel said the carriage would be more comfortable. We don’t have to…”

“No, it’s okay. I’ve just forgotten all about it.”

“It’s beautiful.”

“My father bought it for my mother. She was always very delicate.”

Sabrina was standing still trying to keep her emotions in check. She did not know how she had forgotten the carriage. It held such vibrant memories of her childhood. Good memories. She was starting to realize that in suppressing all the bad memories of her family’s death; she had suppressed all the good ones as well. It just hurt so much to think of them gone, she never thought of them at all.

She turned to Brock tears once again running down her face. “Thank you Brock, it’s perfect.”

Brock hugged her tightly before releasing her and helping her climb up into the seat.

Alma watched them with tears in her own eyes as she handed over the basket laden with food and quilts to load. She grabbed Brocks arm and kissed him on the cheek.

“Thank you for saving Sabrina.”

Brock shook his head. “I didn’t do anything. Samuel saved her life.”

“But you saved her soul.”

Brock nodded to the woman who was like a mother to Sabrina and climbed into his seat. He clicked his tongue and guided the horses down the long driveway. He felt Sabrina scoot closer to him wrapping her hands around his arm as she laid her head on his shoulder. He looked down happy to see her content.

“Is this better than the wagon?”

“Much better.”

The heat of the day was arriving but there was a nice breeze. They did not speak much during the journey, one of the things she loved about Brock. He could appreciate the silence of nature without spoiling it with idle chatter.

The carriage lumbered down the worn trail to the pond. Halting the carriage, he lifted Sabrina down and handed her the quilts while he tethered the horses where they could graze.

Bringing the basket with him, he joined her choosing to sit next to her instead of across. “You know what this reminds me of?” She asked with a twinkle in her eye.


“When I was showing you that shanty when we first met? And you stripped down naked in front of me to go skinny dipping.”

Brock raised an eyebrow. “That’s not quite how I remember it.”

“Oh I’m sure that’s the way it went. I remember that day very vividly.”

“What I remember is it being hot as Hades and being eaten alive by nats.”

“Yeah, that too.” Sabrina said smiling as Brock leaned over and kissed her mouth.

“You tortured me so.”

“I’m sorry.” Sabrina whispered as she kissed him back; all thoughts of food were forgotten.




Amelia was now riding with Jaelyn, and she was grateful for her silence. She had been closely watching Riley in concern as he hunched forward further and further in his saddle. She cried out as he started to slide sideways only to be caught by Chase’s powerful arm grabbing his and holding him upright.

Chase grabbed the reins stopping both of their horses. Warren rode up and jumped off to assist Riley down from the horse. Amelia slid down and ran to her brother. She was dismayed to see his pant leg gleaming wet with blood.

“Why is he still bleeding?” She cried in dismay as Warren lowered him to the ground as Thomas moved to assess him once again.

“His wound keeps opening; we need to elevate his leg. He needs to drink more to replenish the fluid he’s losing.”

Thomas sat quietly in thought. He was questioning his decision to bring him back home. He hadn’t consider how hard the trip would be on him.

“How much longer ‘til we reach Montgomery?”

“At this pace? About five hours.”

“I could take him on Thor and ride ahead.” Chase offered.

“With that amount of weight you’d have to stop frequently. It wouldn’t save that much time.” Warren added.

“Warren’s horse is strong.” Jaelyn spoke up. “What if we tied him to the saddle and Chase led him? He could cut that in half. What do you think Thomas?”

“Time is of the essence. They would move quicker without us greenhorns. We’re running out of options.”

Chase took the horses to get water while Riley rested. He reluctantly sipped at the water that Thomas offered. When Chase returned Amelia walked up to him and kissed him unabashedly.

“Ride swiftly.”

Chase winked at her, “I always do.”

Mounting Thor, he double-checked the bindings they used to secure Riley’s hands to the saddle. Chase grasped both reins and they were off. Amelia watched them until even the dust subsided.

A shadow passed over her and she turned to see Jaelyn next to her. “Riley is strong he will survive.”

“Thank you.”

“You are welcome my sister.”

Turning they went to regroup for the last leg of the journey.




Brock and Sabrina returned from lunch. Alma and Anna were on the porch knitting and she joined them as Brock returned the carriage to the barn.

“How was the picnic?”

“Wonderful.” Sabrina said with a wide smile.

“How was the food?”

“The food? Oh, the food was good too.”

Alma smiled but Anna was distracted. She squinted as she looked off into the distance. She stood up suddenly. “There’s two horse’s coming in fast.”

Alarmed Alma stood and rung the bell.

Samuel and several hands appeared fully armed.

Sabrina tried to decipher the figures as they came closer. It couldn’t be their family could it? Why were their only two? Cold fear gripped her heart as she recognized the lead horse.

“It’s Thor.”

Brock had jumped bareback onto one of the carriage horses and ran out to meet them. Chase pulled the tired horses to a stop as Brock and two other hands on horses greeted them.

“What happened to Riley?” Brock asked as they arrived.

“He was bit by a boar.”

Brock cut Riley’s hands free as they transferred him to a fresh horse. He ordered the hands to take him to the house.

Brock stayed with Chase who was exhausted and bleak. He slipped off Thor and walked the great horse to help cool him down. Brock walked next to him sending his own horse back to the stables with a pat on its rump.

“What happened to Riley? Where are the others?”

“A boar attacked him on the way down. We did not realize it was that bad. We tried to get him back home but he just kept getting sicker and sicker. The others are fine. They are slow so we split up. I rested Thor as much I could.”

Brock nodded grimly as he patted Thor’s sweaty neck. It was a risk that had to be taken. Warren’s horse seemed to be in worse shape. Its sides heaved and its muzzle was covered in foam. They needed to cool them down and get them back to the stable.


Chapter 25

he rest of the house was in frenzy. Sabrina gasped seeing the shape her cousin was in as they carried him up the porch steps. Tom directed them to carry him into his own room so he could access his wounds.

Before following, she looked back to the horizon hoping for a glimpse of the others. There was nothing. She saw Brock walking with Chase and the horses. Still worried for the rest the bunch, she turned to follow the procession into the house with a heavy heart.

Riley was laid on the bed and they stripped off his pants as Dr. Reynold moved to access his injuries. Sabrina leaned against the doorway using it for support as she said a prayer for Riley and the others.

Samuel went to check on Roger as Jonathan joined her. He placed a comforting hand on her shoulder and received a small smile.

“Do not fret. He’s in good hands.”

Sabrina only nodded not trusting herself to speak. She would not be continent until all of them returned home. Once again, basins of clean water were ordered and the curtains were thrown open wide to let in light.

Tom stooped as he cut away the cloth sopping with blood. His face was stoic as he reached for a clean cloth and cleansed the wound. He felt a hand on his shoulder and nodded to Sabrina who had taken hesitant steps forward to see to her cousin’s well being.

“What happened?” She asked horrified by the mangled flesh.

“Boar attack ma’am, on the way down.” One of the hands that carried him in responded.

Sabrina closed her eyes in disbelief, this so soon after the other tragedy. It was too awful to comprehend. Sitting at the head of the bed, she smoothed away Riley’s windblown hair from his face. His eyes opened at her touch and he winked at her.

“Biloxi was amazing.” He whispered.

She smacked his chest. “You stubborn fool! Why didn’t you all come straight back after you were hurt?”

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