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Authors: Lynn Burke

Chasing After Him (3 page)

BOOK: Chasing After Him
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I tightened my grip on the steering wheel.
Definitely not.

Inspiration struck like a bolt of lightning. I could be a kindly
neighbor and help her let go and relax. For a few hours anyway, keeping her
long-term goals safe and sound from too much distraction. “Got any plans for tonight?”




My heart skipped. Like literally stumbled in beating. “I’ll probably
end up pulling a double again because some lazy ass will say they can’t get to
work due to the snow. I should be free after two or so tomorrow.”

He nodded once and flashed his white teeth in a wide grin. “Perfect.”

A few seconds ticked past as my heart thumped in my ears. I couldn’t
stand waiting for an explanation. “Why?”

“I have a surprise for you.”

“Oh?” The coy smirk replaced his smile, and my breathing grew shallow.

“The opportunity to forget reality for a while, to live and just feel.”

I wet my lips with the tip of my tongue, my mind racing. “What exactly
did you have in mind?”

He met my gaze, his dark eyes as friendly as ever. “Trust me?”

“Yes.” I didn’t hesitate to answer.


I waited all of two minutes for him to explain before huffing and
angling toward him. “Well?”

“Well what?”

“What’s the surprise?”

“It won’t be a surprise if I tell you.”

“Fine.” Toes tapping and pulse
thrumming, I turned to peer out the windshield. My brain exploded with ideas,
as awash with the sunrise, Boston’s snow-covered skyline came into view.

A peek out the corner of my eye revealed a smiling Theo, relaxed and
carefree. What the hell did he have up his sleeve?

It sure doesn’t line up with
what’s in my mind,
I thought
as two snow plows rumbled past going northbound. Bummed, I focused forward
Damn it all to hell.


Work sucked as usual, but at least a cab got me home before eleven so I
could sleep in my bed. Theo’s house sat dark. I should have asked him where he
escaped to every weekend. After our conversation about his cousin finding a
girl, I figured he’d be home for a change. Not that I’d expected a repeat of
the night before, but the thought that might be his surprise had crossed my
mind more than once.

An envelope lay on the mud trapper mat inside my door. It was Sunday. I
shouldn’t have had anything dropped through the mail slot.

I tore it open and scanned down through the invitation to enjoy a day
at a local spa—hair, nails, wax, and massage. I flipped the card over.

Relax and forget about life’s
goals for a few hours. -Theo

A heavy sigh slipped past my lips. Reminding myself to be thankful for
his thoughtful gift, I trudged up to bed.

I’d dreamed of a date, or at least something involving both of us even
though he’d shown zero interest the night before. Hell, not a single sexual
innuendo had come out of his mouth in over three hours. Nothing to give me the
slightest thought he might be swayed if I chased after him like I wanted to.

I paused for a second at the top of the

Maybe he
to be chased.
Maybe he needed to hear what I dreamed about. My mind took hold of the idea and
calculated a plan as I readied for bed. I longed to fulfill the vivid fantasies
I had about him and ease my pent up sexual frustration so I could get my thoughts
back on what was important. Perhaps that’s exactly what I needed to regain my
focus and drive.

. I smiled as I collapsed onto my bed. Time
to get what I desired. No matter the embarrassment, no matter the effort or
cost. I wanted Theo Risso, and by God, I’d have him.

He’d be no different than any other goal I’d set for myself.
Accomplish, check it off, and be a much happier and satisfied woman afterward.


I’d never relaxed so much in my life. My massage ended, I lay face down
on the table, enjoying the languid state of my muscles.

The masseuse covered my nakedness with a sheet and kept the hypnotic,
low music playing and lights dimmed. “You’re welcome to take your time

I floated in nothingness as she left. Mindlessness. Sated except for
the sexual twinge I hoped Theo would relieve soon.

I’d thought about inviting him over for dinner, but nixed the idea
before it morphed, seeing as how I couldn’t even make a grilled cheese without
burning the damn bread. Instead, I’d invite him over to share a bottle of wine
in thanks for giving me one of the most relaxing days of my life.

Sexy clothes, hair down, makeup … and if he didn’t get the hint on his
own, I was more than capable of taking matters into my own hands. I looked forward
to it.

I rolled off the massage table, my smile set. Mission
get-Theo-into-my-bed a go.




I walked into one of my stores Monday morning and got slammed with my
manager and assistant manager throwing accusations at one another about deposit
discrepancies. After I poured over paperwork, straightened things out, and fired
the asshole stealing from my uncle’s pockets, it was after ten at night.

I’d wanted to find out if Charlene had taken advantage of my gift and
if it’d helped her unwind, but no lights shone in her windows.

As always, she was up before the sun and gone the next morning. She
must have pulled more than a double because I didn’t catch sight of her again
until Thursday afternoon.

In scrubs as usual, she unloaded groceries from her car.

“Need any help?” I rounded my Cherokee and enjoying an eyeful of her
lovely ass I’d never noticed as she bent over.

“Last ones, but thanks.” She slammed the door shut with her hip as I
drew near, a calculated gleam in her eyes setting me on edge.

“Take advantage of your spa day yet?” I asked.

“Sure did.” Her smile dazzled me, and I stared into blue depths fringed
by black lashes. “Best day of my life. So far.” The damn gleam returned. “I owe
you one.”

I grinned and fiddled with my keys while transferring my weight from
one foot to the other. “No you don’t. It’s the least I could do for my too-hard
working neighbor.”

“If I could cook, I’d insist you come over for dinner. Unfortunately,
the kitchen and I weren’t ever taught to play nice. How about we share a bottle
of wine instead?”

I peered at her, focused on finding signs of her intent. Held breath.
Pulse jumping in her neck.

I moved closer, so she had to tip her head
back to keep eye contact. Sure enough, her lips parted when I glanced down at
them. She touched the tip of her tongue to the top bow.

So, Charlene Tucker, friendly neighbor wanted me. I’d labeled her and
put her from my mind a year ago, writing her off as a kid. How had I not
noticed her attraction? Blinded by unconscious choice? My smile didn’t fade,
but I narrowed my gaze. “Red or white?”


“The wine,” I said, allowing a little interest to show in my own eyes.
“Red or white?”


“Now or later?”

“Oh.” Her cheeks flushed, and she backed up a step, glancing down at
her rumpled attire and the grocery bags in either hand. “Later.”


Unwavering crystal blue eyes met mine. “See you then.” Her breathless
voice twitched my cock.

I knew what she was up to, but it wouldn’t work. Didn’t mean I couldn’t
enjoy a glass or two of wine and some good conversation. The second I closed my
front door behind me, I adjusted the growing bulge in my pants. “Don’t get any
ideas, buddy. She doesn’t need us right now.”


At seven, I knocked on Charlene’s door. Sure enough, she answered in
come-get-me attire—tight jeans and an off the shoulder blouse. Unbound, her
hair fell in gentle waves around her bare shoulder and small breasts. Large erect
nipples drew my gaze, and my eyes lingered to enjoy the sight.

“Lookin’ good, kid,” I said with a grin, lifting my focus to her
flushed face.

“Come on in.”

Charlene stepped back, and I walked into the entry, breathing deep of
her peaches and cream scent. “Place looks great. Always this clean?”

Her light laughter had me wanting to hear more. “Always. I need
everything in its place, all the time.” She moved into the living room with its
dimmed lights.

“Wish I was like that,” I said, scanning down her backside. Although
petite, Charlene hid a nice rounded ass and hips to grasp beneath her tight

“You could be.” She perched on the edge of the couch and poured two
glasses of wine from the bottle on the coffee table. “It’s simply a choice.”

I chuckled and sat in the chair across from her—close enough to chat, safe
enough to not touch.

Her brow tightened into a quick frown as I stretched out my legs, but
she smiled again and leaned forward to hand me my wine.

“So how was the spa?” I asked, settling back.

She pushed her hair off her bare shoulder and curled one leg beneath
her. Creamy white skin drew my attention, and I imagined licking and nibbling
along her collar bone. Would she taste as good as she smelled? My cock took a
liking to the thought, and I focused on my wine, enjoying a nice long sip.

“Like I said, the spa was the best day of my life. I needed to get away
and relax. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” I air toasted and kept my gaze on her lips as she
took her first sip. Damn. I really, really wanted to touch.




Theo obviously liked how I looked. He’d enjoyed an eyeful of my bra-less
chest and he’d also taken a sudden interest in my lips. I licked the lingering
droplet of wine off the upper while lowering my glass. Time to get things
moving. “So.”

He lifted his gaze, brow quirked. “So.”

“Why’d you agree to come over tonight?”

Theo’s sexy smirk sent flutters through my stomach. “I enjoy making you
laugh. Helping you remember there’s life outside of your life’s goal.”

“Is that all?”

He nodded and tipped up his glass, not taking the time to savor the
dry, oaken flavor.

My entire body tingled with the thought success was in reach. “Why didn’t
you sit over here with me?”

Theo peered at me with his dark eyes. Fathomless and unreadable.
“Because you’re on a mission.”

For the second time since he’d arrived, laughter bubbled from me. “I

“And according to you, you always succeed.”

“I do.”

He studied the wine while swirling it in the glass. “I sat over here to
thwart your plans.”

I narrowed my eyes as I studied his face. “Why?”

“You don’t need any distractions right now.”

Spine stiffening, I lifted my chin. “Or perhaps that’s exactly what I
need right now.”

kind of distraction.”

His gaze latched onto me, and finally—
—heat I’d dreamed of simmered in his stare. I fought the strange
desire to lower my eyes. “I never back down. Ever.”

His coy smirk sent a rush of moisture straight south to slick my
panties. “You should.”

“Oh?” I allowed my smile to grow and rubbed a fingertip along my
shirt’s drooping neckline. His attention swung downward. “And why’s that?”

“You’re messing with fire.” He lifted his gaze and scorched me with the
lust in his black eyes.

Fire? Oh yeah. My body ignited, and burning need swelled between my
thighs and settled into my clit. I got up and set my wine glass on the coffee
table while moving around it—all without breaking eye contact. Focused on his face,
I peered down at him from between his legs. “I can handle a little heat.”

“I dish out more than mere flames, little lamb.”

Little lamb—as though he imagined leading me to the slaughter. Sweet
shivers caressed my skin, hardening my nipples as we stared at each other. A
flicker of unease twinged in my stomach as his word “sordid” from the weekend
before came to mind. Was he into the whips and hot wax thing? Not a fan of
pain, I hesitated a few seconds before remembering he sat in my home. We’d be
in my bed, therefore my rules.

I took the wine from his hand and set it on the table behind me without
turning away from him. A breath later, I straddled his powerful thighs and threaded
my fingers through his hair. “I want you, Theo Risso.”

His playful smirk didn’t diminish the lust in his eyes. “Change your

“No.” I claimed his lips, and he grabbed hold of my hips and dragged me
closer. His erection pressed against my throbbing pussy, bringing a moan
upward. One of his hands tangled in my hair and tugged my head to the side,
angling my mouth for him to take control.

My scalp stung where he pulled, but I ground against him, moaning against
his mouth.
Should have worn a damn skirt,
I thought while gyrating my hips. He’d had me on edge for so long…

I snaked a hand between us, grasped his hardness through the jeans, and
sucked on his tongue. Flutters lit in my stomach as he groaned and reached back
to squeeze my ass.

“Fuck,” he said against my lips the second I released my hold on his

“That’s the idea.”

He let out a loud exhale and sat back, his fingers untangling from my
hair and smoothing the mussed strands back from my face.

BOOK: Chasing After Him
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