Chasing Day Series: Chasing Day & Catching Day (34 page)

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“Hey! That was rude!” Day said indignantly as she wobbled on her heels.

“It was rude of you to lead him on like that,” Chase growled.

“Maybe I wasn’t leading him on. Did that ever cross your mind?” Day placed her hands on her hips.

“Bullshit! You did it to piss me off.” Chase’s voice rose.

“Keep it down!” Day hissed under her breath as she looked upstairs. “Whatever, Chase. I’m not getting any dick here, so I might as well start getting it from somewhere else.” She sneered crudely and then turned on her heels to sashay up the stairs.

“Where’s my sweet and shy girl?” Chase taunted.

“She grew up.” Day tossed back.

She had only made it up a few stairs before a hand shot out from behind her to wrap around her waist. Chase pressed his long muscular body against her back, his lips at her ear.

“Is this what you want?” Chase asked as he flipped up the back of her dress. “You wanna be fucked hard?” He asked as he shoved her panties down her thighs.

“God, yes!” Day moaned, not even attempting to deny it. Her pussy instantly flooding with wetness.

She could feel and hear Chase push his flannel pajama pants out of the way. A split second later, he slammed into her as he pressed her face down on the hardwood step. Day choked down a scream, not wanting to wake their child. It had been five long years, so she wasn’t fully ready for his length or girth.

“Fuck!” Chase growled under his breath. “Holy shit, you’re tight!”

“Baby…no sex…five years…” Day gasped disjointedly as he slid out to the tip. “No…birth…control,” she warned breathlessly.

“Good. Maybe this time I’ll give you a baby, so I can be there for it.” Chase grunted.

Chase buried his fingers in her tight curls and pulled her head back. He gradually slid back into her aching heat, both their thighs trembled from the sensation. He pulled out slowly once more, and then his large hand wrapped around her mouth as he slammed back in. Day screamed against his strategically placed hand while he pumped his cock brutally into her sopping pussy.

The erotic sound of skin smacking against each other filled the room. Chase pulled her head back further, still covering her mouth. The back of her head rested against his shoulder as he leaned forward and whispered dirty things in her ear.

“Do you like that? Do you like it when I beat up the pussy?” Chase breathed against her ear.

“Mmmhmm…” Day moaned against his hand.

“Ah fuck! Your tight pussy is greedy. I feel the trembles. I know you want to come.” Chase growled as his hips smacked against her ass.

Chase released her mouth and wrapped his hand around her throat. His other hand slipped down to her clit. He used her slick nectar to glide his finger over the hard nub. He swirled his finger around the little button in time to his punishing thrusts.

“Ahhh…gonna….come!” Day whined.

“Yes, come for me, Pretty Day.”

Day’s pussy contracted convulsively at hearing her favorite nickname. She gritted her teeth together and her cry of ecstasy scraped against her throat as she tried to hold it in. Her inner walls flexed around him and Chase released her neck and clit. He gripped her hips and pressed his forehead to her spine, between her shoulder blades. His speed increased frantically, his hips like pistons. Finally, Day felt him pulsate inside of her as his come jetted inside her womb.

“Fuck! Why do you have to feel so fucking good?” Chase asked against her damp skin, his breath fanning her sensitive flesh and she shivered in response.  “Even after all these years.”

Because this is right. We’re supposed to be together.
Day thought to herself. She didn’t dare say it out loud for fear he’d deny it.

Chase eased out of her tender cleft. Day peeled herself off of the stairs and pulled up her panties. They both walked up the rest of the steps on wobbly legs. Day peeked into Lyric’s bedroom to make sure they hadn’t woken her up and traumatized her. But she was a pretty hard sleeper, so she was still nestled deep within her blankets.

Day turned towards Chase. The look he gave her was unreadable. He bent down and kissed her forehead before walking to the door of the spare bedroom. Disappointment shot through Day’s heart and she felt the sting of rejection behind her eyes.

“Good night, Pretty Day.”

“Good night.” Day watched in confusion as Chase closed the door.

She took a shuddering breath and escaped to the sanctuary of her room. Once she closed the door, hot tears began to stream down her face. Day blindly stripped out of her dress, pulled on her pajamas, and collapsed in her bed. She sobbed into her pillow until she fell asleep.






Chapter 16




Chase felt like the biggest asshole after their encounter on the stairs. He felt like he treated his child’s mother like a dirty little secret, fucking her on the steps like a freaking caveman. After the passion had worn off, he felt ashamed. He may have been mad and hurt by things that happened in the past. But she deserved better than to have a deadbeat baby’s daddy that lived under her roof and fucked her whenever he felt like it, without a real commitment.

He needed to think about what he really wanted and start making some changes. So that next morning, he shocked Day by walking up to her in the kitchen and kissing her softly on the lips.

“Good morning, Pretty Day,” Chase smirked slyly. His classic boyish sideways smile spread across his lips.

“G-Good morning.” Day stuttered out as Lyric giggled in her seat, seeing them kiss for the first time.

“What’s up for today?” He asked as he poured himself a cup of coffee.

“Um…we need to get a Christmas tree to decorate. It’ll be Christmas in a few days.” Day answered.

“Then let’s do it!” Chase cheered and high-fived Lyric.

“Do you mind if I do some shopping first? Then we can go later in the evening?” Day asked, looking at Lyric and pointing her finger at her from behind her back.

Chase caught the hint that she wanted to Christmas shop for the little one. “Sure, Lyric and I can hang out. We need to record a new video for our fans anyway.” He grinned conspiratorially at his daughter.

“Yay! Can we do
Kiss the Girl
The Little Mermaid
?!” Lyric bounced in her chair.

“Heck, yeah!”


“Alright then, it’s settled.” Day smiled and went back to fixing breakfast.






They walked through the rows of tall potential Christmas trees later that evening at the tree nursery. As Day and Chase followed a giggling a skipping child, Chase reached for Day’s hand and entwined his fingers with hers. Day looked up at him peculiarly. He could tell that she was wondering what he was up to.

He knew that she thought that he’d brushed her aside the previous night, but was baffled ever since this morning. He’d been sweet and attentive all day. He had to admit that he enjoyed confounding her.

“Look! Mommy, it’s snowing!” Lyric called out excitedly.

“Oh, it is!” Day exclaimed.

Lyric ran over to her mother and Day lifted her up into her arms. They both looked up as the little ice crystals fell on their faces. Both their rosy cheeks became dewy as the flakes melted. Chase caught his breath. His heart stuttered and then raced full speed, pumping every inch of his body with more love than he could’ve ever imagined possible.

He’d thought that he’d felt all the love his body could possibly handle sixteen years ago when Day had caught snowflakes on her eyelashes New Year’s Eve. Or on an ice skating rink in New York. But nothing compared to this moment. He didn’t know that his heart could expand to love more though he was quickly learning.

Day looked over at him and blinked with shock at the look of love that must have been written all over his face. She eased Lyric back down to the ground, so she could continue searching for the perfect tree. Chase walked over to her and grasped her hand once more. He leaned down and kissed her lips softly.

Lyric stopped at a tall, full Douglas fir and jumped up and down, pulling their attention back to the matter at hand. Chase and one of the nursery staff, worked at chopping the tree down and then loaded it onto the roof of Day’s SUV.

Once they got home, together they worked at decorating the tree. When they were almost done, Chase got up on a small stepping stool and Day passed him a very excited little girl holding a pretty star. He lifted Lyric high up and she did the honors of placing the star on top of the tree as the finishing touch. When he stepped down with his favorite little cherub in his arms, he looked over at Day. The tree lights danced across her face and reflected in her tear-filled eyes as she looked at her daughter with her father.

Day mouthed two words.
I’m sorry.

Chase knew what she meant. He knew that she regretted not having this, their little family, since day one. Finally, all of his anger seemed to fall away for good. He pulled her into his side with his free arm. As he held both his girls in his arms, they stood for a moment admiring their tree. As a family.

Later, after they’d tucked Lyric in for the night, Chase walked Day to her bedroom door. He reached up to brush his thumb across her rosy cheek. He leaned in and kissed her lips softly like he’d been doing all day.

“Goodnight, Pretty Day,” he said after releasing her lush lips.

“Goodnight,” she frowned.

Then Chase walked to his bedroom, looked at her one more time and closed the door.






Day walked into the house the next evening after rehearsal to find her mother, Chase, and Lyric sitting in the living room watching TV. She frowned at the picture in front of her. It’s not that anything was particularly wrong with the three of them sitting watching television. It was just that Chase was dressed in a suit.

He grinned at her as he stood up. Day’s eyes followed him as he walked towards her. He leaned down and kissed her lips like he’d continued to do the last two days.

“Go change. I’m taking you to dinner. Mrs. D is gonna babysit.” Chase informed her.

“Uh…okay.” Day looked over at her mother, who just smiled at her happily. “Hey, mom. Hi, baby.”

“Hey, sweetie.”

“Hi, Mommy!”

Chase looked at her. “Go, or we’ll be late.”

Confused, Day made her way upstairs. She quickly washed up and put on a little black dress. When she was ready, she made her way back downstairs. All she had time to do was kiss Lyric and her mom hello and goodbye before Chase swept her out the door.

He opened the passenger door of her car and then walked around to the driver’s side. Once he was in, Day looked over at him curiously.

“What are you doing, Chase?” She finally asked.

“I’m getting to know my best friend again,” he said sincerely.







“So…you’re not mad at me anymore?” Day asked curiously as they sat across from each other at a five-star restaurant Chase had chosen.

“No. It still hurts a bit, but I’m not mad.” Chase admitted.

“What made you change your mind?”

Chase sighed, thinking for a moment. “As much as it sucks to have missed the first four years of Lyric’s life, you were right. Whitney would’ve made our lives hell. She already dragged out the divorce for nearly five years. If she had of known I’d slept with you and gotten you pregnant, which she knew I desperately wanted kids, I might add. She would’ve gone out of her way to hurt us. She never could stand us being together. And that wouldn’t have been fair to Lyric. It was better this way for the baby.” Chase explained.

“Yeah,” Day said sadly. “I have to admit that it took all I had not to call you every
day, once I realized I was pregnant. It was a rough five years keeping this secret from you.” Day looked down at her lap, ashamed.

“Don’t blame yourself, Pretty Day.” Chase reached across the table and squeezed her hand. “I have to apologize.”

“For what?” She asked, perplexed.

“It was my fault for all of this. I
how Whitney was. I knew that she was a spiteful and hateful person, yet I married her anyway. I rushed into it because I couldn’t stand to know you were marrying someone else.” Chase shook his head, obviously angry with himself. “I did do it to hurt you. And in the end, not only did I hurt you and Lyric. I hurt myself, too.” Chase confessed.

“If you think about it that way, then it could also be said that it started with me. If I hadn’t gotten married to Rhys, you wouldn’t have felt the need to marry Whitney. So on and so on,” Day said thoughtfully. “So let’s stop putting the blame on ourselves and each other. Life and timing have always been against us. There isn’t much we could do about it.”

“We can now,” Chase said, the sincerity written in his amber, green-flecked eyes, reminding her so much of Lyric.

“Yeah,” Day agreed as the waiter came with their food.

They ate for a while in silence. Then Chase brought up a subject they rarely talked about.

“So does your father know about you becoming the principal cellist in the Symphony?” He asked.

“Yes. I sent him a ticket, but he didn’t show.” Day shrugged. “I didn’t think he would. I never told you, but he has a whole other family now. A wife, kids, everything. It’s been just my mom and me for a while now, and I like it that way.” Day smiled sadly. “What about your dad? Have you spoke to him recently?”

“No, not recently.” Chase blew out a harsh breath. “As part of my healing process, when I was going to AA and trying to accept my mom’s death, I went to see him. He was still a mess, but I needed to forgive him, in order to get over what happened. And in forgiving him, I was able to forgive myself for not being there for my mom.”

Day’s eyes became glassy with emotions. “I’m so proud of you, Chase. You’ve come such a long way. It couldn’t have been easy.”

“Yeah, it was a rough couple of years. But I did it.” Chase leaned forward and slid his hands across the table. He grasped her hands and clutched them tightly. “Day, I want you to know that I will
be there for you and Lyric. Even if things don’t work out between us, I would never walk out of your lives. And I promise you that I’ll never put either of you through, what my father put my mom and me through. I’ll be who you need and who I want to be.” Chase said earnestly.

“I never had any doubt. And you already are.”






The next two weeks Chase courted Day like they were in their twenties again. He took her out every chance he got. They even had dates with Lyric. A couple of times after they had put Lyric to bed, they made out on the couch and dry humped as if they were teenagers though he never took it further than that. Every night he’d walk her to her bedroom door like it was the end of a date and kissed her goodnight before going to the spare bedroom. Day was about to explode with sexual frustration, but the sweetness of the daily romantic gestures were enough to hold her over.

Tonight was New Year’s Eve and they were staying in with Lyric. Her mother, their only babysitter, was out on a date with a handsome older man she’d met in the fresh produce section of the grocery store. Day was perfectly fine with staying in with her family. Who at the moment, were in Lyric’s bedroom cooking up some scheme that they wanted her to record. She shook her head at the thought of Chase and Lyric. The two had become thick as thieves and she loved every minute of it.

“You two better hurry up before you miss the countdown!” Day shouted up to them.

Suddenly from out of nowhere music started playing from unknown speakers and Day quickly pressed record on Chase’s phone. Lyric ran out of her room dressed in a pretty white dress that Day had never seen before. Behind her, Chase walked out in a tux. At the top of the stairs, they broke out into a choreographed dance to the song
I Think I Wanna Marry You

Day’s mouth dropped open as Chase dramatically dropped to one knee in front of Lyric and she just as dramatically covered her mouth with her hands in pretend shock, and then flung her arms around his neck. As they mimicked a proposal during the chorus. He then picked her up and they danced down the stairs in time to the music. Day rapidly blinked away her tears, trying to clear her vision so she could keep watching them.

At the bottom of the stairs, Chase placed Lyric back on her feet and they continued their adorable routine. They spun, twirled, and bopped comically. At the end, Chase lifted Lyric up once more and then ran and slid across the floor on his knees stopping in front of Day. Their arms spread wide. Then Chase reached into the interior pocket of his tuxedo jacket and pulled out a little black box.

Now it was Day’s turn to cover her mouth with her free hand in surprise. The phone started to shake in her hands, ruining her short-lived film career. Chase put Lyric down and she happily took the phone and started filming her parents. He brought up his right leg so that he was on one knee and looked Day directly in her eyes.

“Daylen Daniels, from the moment you looked up at me on that school bus twenty-five years ago, I somehow knew that you’d leave an indelible mark on my soul. Then you held my hand and gave me support during a difficult moment in my life and then I knew for sure that you’d always be my best friend. And at fifteen, I no longer saw you as just my best friend. I saw you as the most beautiful girl I’d ever seen. At nineteen, you consoled my wounded heart by giving me the most precious gift a man can get from a woman and in return, I gave you mine. And at twenty-two, you were there for me during the best/worst day of my life. I pushed you away after that and it was the biggest mistake of my life. But now that you’ve let me back into your world, I will be the best friend, the man, the lover, and now the father that you’ve always needed me to be. Not a day will go by without you hearing the words ‘I love you’ from your husband…if you’ll have me?” Chase finished earnestly.

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